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It blows my mind!


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It just blows my mind how people use the GTN here I will admit I take advantage of it. If I see I have the only item of a kind being sold on the GTN I'll hike up that price and then others get that item and follow my lead of posting a crystal at a million credits....then THAT ONE PERSON comes along and posts at 100k credits....DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYONE IN THESE FORUMS??? because I just buy that sucker and a day later I've made a 900k profit...
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It just blows my mind how people use the GTN here I will admit I take advantage of it. If I see I have the only item of a kind being sold on the GTN I'll hike up that price and then others get that item and follow my lead of posting a crystal at a million credits....then THAT ONE PERSON comes along and posts at 100k credits....DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYONE IN THESE FORUMS??? because I just buy that sucker and a day later I've made a 900k profit...


He got what he wanted. So did you. Where's the problem?

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It just blows my mind how people use the GTN here I will admit I take advantage of it. If I see I have the only item of a kind being sold on the GTN I'll hike up that price and then others get that item and follow my lead of posting a crystal at a million credits....then THAT ONE PERSON comes along and posts at 100k credits....DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYONE IN THESE FORUMS??? because I just buy that sucker and a day later I've made a 900k profit...


This is why I don't sell items anymore at the GTN. I keep everything for myself now.


This way, the profit is 100 % entirely mine.






By the way, you seem to be very narcistic that you have to brag about making profits this way ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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This happens anywhere there is an economy, both in game and out, and probably for thousands of years....... anywhere someone was selling produce, you can bet there was a middle man finding a way to buy them cheaply and hike the price to buyers. Every time there is any kind of asset bubble, there is a group of people flipping... be it houses, gold, whatever. To see it in action with hikes in the millions check out the Vancouver housing market. And have a look at the Dutch East India Company for an example of totally monopolising a market and shutting out all the other middle men. Not mankind's best moment.


The share market was originally a source of credit for industry, but then it became a trading house entirely for flipping. When that didn't make them enough money they invented High Frequency Trading so they could front run their own trades and skim even more profits out of the buy low, sell high concept.


In a game it's just easier to see and do with practically no logistics involved and we don't even have to kill anyone to have fun doing it. Mind blowing that it is here too? Ok......

Edited by Rantank
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It's all about demand and supply, sure there are always those who also prey on the foolish, like the folks that buy meat trees for 1 credit each and try to sell them for a few thousand credits then each. That is disgusting, but the game allows such behaviour and I guess there are people who fall for those market exploiters.
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=....then THAT ONE PERSON comes along and posts at 100k credits....DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYONE IN THESE FORUMS??? because I just buy that sucker and a day later I've made a 900k profit...


Someone wanted to make a quick buck. Don't rack your brains too much.

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It's all about demand and supply, sure there are always those who also prey on the foolish, like the folks that buy meat trees for 1 credit each and try to sell them for a few thousand credits then each. That is disgusting, but the game allows such behaviour and I guess there are people who fall for those market exploiters.


Disgusting is not a word I'd use for this, to be honest. Not that I think it's a nice thing to do. But I find disgusting too strong a word for it.

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No, I've sometimes put stuff on sale at very low prices to help beginners myself. But for items that are in demand I've stopped doing it as it was obvious my stuff would last nanoseconds before being sold back at very expensive price. That helps neither poor guy nor myself.


I still do it from time to time on real lowbie items no one pays attention to. Otherwise yeah I'm doing what the OP describes. It's actually funny how you set a trend for an item... "oh it costs that much? I had no idea".


I really started playing the GTN because of the nightmarish prices of flagships + their expansions, btw. :rolleyes:

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Disgusting is not a word I'd use for this, to be honest. Not that I think it's a nice thing to do. But I find disgusting too strong a word for it.


Disgusting is too weak imo. This game showers you with credits no matter what you do... pvp or pve. Resorting to THIS for making money is... well, as i said, disgusting is a pretty weak word.

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It just blows my mind how people use the GTN here I will admit I take advantage of it. If I see I have the only item of a kind being sold on the GTN I'll hike up that price and then others get that item and follow my lead of posting a crystal at a million credits....then THAT ONE PERSON comes along and posts at 100k credits....DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYONE IN THESE FORUMS??? because I just buy that sucker and a day later I've made a 900k profit...

Because my other option is to destroy the stuff I throw on the GTN.


Everything I sell there is stuff I don't need or don't want. Don't care how much money it makes me.

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What blows my mind is how bad people here are at reading.


You post that you are amazed that people would short sell themselves to this extent and suddenly you're complaining and a narcissist.


That's amazing to me, although it no longer surprises me as such.

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This is why I don't much use the GTN. I fully appreciate the "mini-game" that it is but just don't want to play very often. I think I've used it maybe 10 times in all the time I've played the game.


Seriously? The GTN is the equivalent of a water fountain on Tatooine. Kudos to you from never using it but from mats, companion gifts, mods, etc. you can't beat it. Especially now with all the purple armor crafters can make.

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Seriously? The GTN is the equivalent of a water fountain on Tatooine. Kudos to you from never using it but from mats, companion gifts, mods, etc. you can't beat it. Especially now with all the purple armor crafters can make.


Yup, seriously. I didn't (at least I don't think I did) say I never use it. I *rarely* use it. Usually for decorations. :o


I have one of each class (both sides) so I'm totally covered with respect to crafting. I do plenty of missions to get gifts and mods. So far, at least, I've not lacked for what I need. I enjoy being self-sufficient as much as possible.

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Sometimes i play the GTN game more than the rest of the game content, not gonna lie...


Had a friend who did that in WoW and it was amazing how well he did. It was his main focus. Don't know how he had the patience to do it but he did and was damned successful at it.

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There are a few reasons:


  1. Maybe they feel that your price is too high (question how frequently do you sell that item at 1 mil?). I sometimes fall into this category. For example: I have been selling blue quality top grade mods for years (grade 22 in 1.x, grade 28 in 2.x grade 36 in 3.x and now grade 40 in 4.x), and over the course of time the value of these items has not changed all that much; when they were "the best blues available" they were and are worth 15k to 30k each. When I see someone trying to sell them at 100k each, I have no qualms about posting them at the established max of 30k...maybe I will try for 35k. But I KNOW that the ultra high price will never sell, so why bother posting there.
  2. On the flip side of that, as already stated, they do not care as much about the price as you do; they are willing to be the "wholesaler.' I see this all the time as well. Same market as above, when I see posting at the default price, I scoop them up and repost. The most likely reason for a person doing this is that they crafted blues to RE to purple, got the purple schematic, have extra blues and so they just want to dump them.
  3. Related to #2 but not quite the same, is maybe the person is trying to undercut competition out of the market. By marking the value that low, they are probably still profiting but they are also making it harder for others to profit. In a few weeks or a month when you and others get frustrated enough, you drop out of that market and they start posting at 2 million each.
  4. Lastly as someone else pointed out, maybe they are just trying to help others. Some players price their wares so that ANYONE can purchase them. That means an absolute max of 350k because that's the F2P/Preferred credit cap.

I have been playing MMOs and their economies for a LONG time, and I have seen these events/tactics in all of them. I have tried to advise prospective crafting czars in this game with various guides on the Crafting Forums here (see my sig), and those that read them tend to take that advice to heart. But there are thousands of others who do not even come to these forums and therefore do not take advantage of others' advice...they have to learn the hard way and honestly some just never do learn.

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