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Average of 20 FPS on a high-end computer


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Erm, you do realise that it's not just about the CPU and that if a game is coded poorly on a shaky foundation (engine) it most definitely will have an effect on how well the game runs?

I wasn't going to reply to this because I don't want to feed the troll, but...


As I said, it doesn't matter how poorly the game is coded - which, btw, is only your opinion - the discussion is about what sort of performance you should get on specific hardware. It wouldn't matter if the game was coded on a iPhone and transcoded on the fly as you play - it's still a matter of what it takes to run it.

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I wasn't going to reply to this because I don't want to feed the troll, but...


As I said, it doesn't matter how poorly the game is coded - which, btw, is only your opinion - the discussion is about what sort of performance you should get on specific hardware. It wouldn't matter if the game was coded on a iPhone and transcoded on the fly as you play - it's still a matter of what it takes to run it.


I guess you didn't see the question mark. What, according to you, does it take? What causes something to need framerates? You say it has nothing to do with how the game is built. I'm not asking you what it isn't...I'm asking what it IS that causes a game to run on higher or lower frame rates?


I ask this because I've seen many examples of people who run different games with similar settings and getting different results per game. So it can't be just about your machine. There has to be something about the game that also makes it run at lower frame rates than other games....or are all these people who've posted here complaining about fps compared to other games just a bunch of liars?


I am not an expert but logically either lots of people have been lying about this or you're not making sense. So I am asking you why you think that the way the game is built has nothing to do with fps...so far you said it doesn't but not why which makes your point equally an opinion at this stage.

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having "hardware" doesnt guarantee specific performance. your operating system, running processes, drivers...and the icing on top is hardware consistency and compatibility.


in a perfect world, similar systems perform similarly.


in swtor's case, there are pages of people complaining about erratic performance regardless of video cards/cpu and performance in other games.

could this be a result of the individuals system configs? absolutely!

could this be a result of poor game engine/optimization? absolutely!

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could this be a result of the individuals system configs? absolutely!

could this be a result of poor game engine/optimization? absolutely!


well our friend Jediquaker here seems to disagree on the second point. Still waiting for an actual explanation about that, but I will say that if he can make a good case for it I will be open minded enough to accept his explanation. If he doesn't have one or it doesn't make any sense then I will still be with you on this.

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Check CPU and GPU temperatures.


Then check every power, integrated graphics, and graphics card setting.


Also check for programs running in the background (antivirus for example, realtime scanning is a frequent offender), for Win 10 update settings (if set to use peer-to-peer it can use 95% or more of disk read/write capacity for DAYS if you have a traditional HD), and for anything else in task manager that's hogging memory or disk resources.


Also search the forums for performance issues, low FPS, and similar topics.


You should be getting probably 35-50 fps at least, based on your CPU. In low stress areas you should probably be limited by your screen refresh rate. Your GPU is massive overkill for SWTOR.


The thing about SWTOR is that it's sort of like an IT monitoring tool, it will find every performance bottleneck on your computer and force you to solve every single one in order to get good framerates.


Get everything in order though, and it should be fine even at fairly high graphics settings.


Did a clean out on my computer and changed the coolant paste. The FPS problem is all gone now. It seems that I was chocking up my computer :o

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Okay, this is strange, I did get my game back up to 100 fps, but today, it is back down to low fps... This is getting more and more strange.


See my post here in regards to the Hot fix driver (Link)


One of the fixes was for low fps that an ALT Tab or changing resolution restored FPS

Edited by OwenBrooks
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not sure if serious


vsync's purpose is to limit fps to your refresh rate to prevent tearing.


so unless you're suggesting his monitor is 20hz?


Not quiet sure you know how vsync works. It not only syncs the fps to the refreshrate but it also halfs it to stop tearing, so if refreshrate is 60hz then vsync will cut the fps to 30 in some cases or even lower. As OP wrote, turning it off got him back to 100fps.

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. What, according to you, does it take?

basically, a recent generation i5 is what it takes to run SWTOR smoothly.

What causes something to need framerates? You say it has nothing to do with how the game is built.

Are you thick? I never said anything even close to that. Yes, of course, it has to do with how the game is built, but the current discussion is about what sort of equipment it takes to run it, regardless of how it's built.


I ask this because I've seen many examples of people who run different games with similar settings and getting different results per game.
Like, duh.


So I am asking you why you think that the way the game is built has nothing to do with fps...so far you said it doesn't but not why which makes your point equally an opinion at this stage.

Again, I never said that. Yes, how the game is built affects the fps - that's obvious. Whining and complaining about it is not going to help the OP improve his performance.


So let me ask you this. In what way does discussing how well the game is coded, actually help the OP get the game to run better on their machine?


Anyway, as I said before, I'm pretty sure you must be trolling, or just dense. Either way there's no reason to respond (to you) any more. Hopefully, anyone reading this thread can see that you are adding nothing to help solve the OP's problem. :)

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basically, a recent generation i5 is what it takes to run SWTOR smoothly.


Are you thick? I never said anything even close to that. Yes, of course, it has to do with how the game is built, but the current discussion is about what sort of equipment it takes to run it, regardless of how it's built.


Like, duh.



Again, I never said that. Yes, how the game is built affects the fps - that's obvious. Whining and complaining about it is not going to help the OP improve his performance.


So let me ask you this. In what way does discussing how well the game is coded, actually help the OP get the game to run better on their machine?


Anyway, as I said before, I'm pretty sure you must be trolling, or just dense. Either way there's no reason to respond (to you) any more. Hopefully, anyone reading this thread can see that you are adding nothing to help solve the OP's problem. :)


What you are doing is assuming that I am trolling and therefore you feel justified to call me thick and dense. The reality as usual is that there is a misunderstanding. So you are the one with the bad attitude here, not me.


First of all the op simply mentioned his specs and said he has fps issues. He is looking for reasons why his fps is not as high as he expects. One of the reasons is in fact that the game is poorly coded and you seemed to go against that. You also decided yourself that his question was about his processor. The op didn't specify that, that's entirely your idea so don't tell me that the cpu is what the question was about. The question was more general.


More importantly, this is a general forum of a game. Not a tech specialist forum where only certain people can voice their opinion.


If you would simply refrain from making assumptions and just realise that people don't all read the same things the same you might get that sometimes it's not needed to throw pejoratives around but simply seek to find the cause of the misunderstanding.


Let's be honest, how does your bad attitude towards me help improve the situation? If I was a troll I'd just pick a fight with you and see how far I can take it, but really you're the one throwing names around out of your own choice. That's the troll behavior.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm having the same issue! I played last night in an op at 100 FPS, now I'm capped at 20 FPS. The only thing that I've changed since then was an windows update.


The full screen with V-sync off works but I've been running full screen windowed for a while without issues. It is weird that it random occurred out of nowhere today.

Edited by Lucedis
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First of all please these specs are not of a high end computer.

Second do what he says + overclock your cpu and it should run better


Find it difficult to believe you can't do better than 20fps at any setting.


Graphics -> Advanced


Shader Complexity = Very Low

Shadow Quality = Off

Anti Aliasing = Off


The rest is irrelevant


If you're still screwed then check you're not doing something horrible like permanently forcing Anti-Aliasing through your graphics card settings by resetting it to default settings.

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necro'ed do people even read dates anymore


People are doing searches.....then responding. Even though necroing is not very good forum etiquette, there is no rule against it here and no enforcement against it either.


On the other hand, people would generally complain if folks didnt do a search before posting and making a new thread on an old subject. I agree that bumping a thread this old is extreme....but no rule has been broken here.

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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