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Trash talker regulated | Nike vii vs Meathead


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This guy lost a 3v4 in ranked and started talking mad **** i would have got more footage but he refused to duel me after i beat him. I was a little bit under geared in the video, and i also asked him to duel me op vs op and he refused again. dude talked a lot of **** to me and some other players. Hope you like and enjoy




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Why duel an operative, the premier dueling class? That's what I don't understand. That's like having an acid challenge versus a sorc. The outcome is already pre-determined, unless the Operative isn't very good. Still probably should have been a closer fight than that, though.


If you play an operative, you really have no legitimate bragging rights beating anything but another operative in 1v1, nor should you call anybody a coward for not wanting to 1v1 you...

Edited by teclado
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Why duel an operative, the premier dueling class? That's what I don't understand. That's like having an acid challenge versus a sorc. The outcome is already pre-determined, unless the Operative isn't very good. Still probably should have been a closer fight than that, though.


If you play an operative, you really have no legitimate bragging rights beating anything but another operative in 1v1, nor should you call anybody a coward for not wanting to 1v1 you...


lol I am undergeared and he was the one who challenged me to the duel and when he lost he said that op > mara and sin which it does. So i asked him if he wanted to 1v1 me op vs op. and he refused too. Not once did i call him a coward for not wanting to duel me. plus the video isnt to see how good i am or whatever it was because he was trash talking me but he wasnt backing it up i guess. but you are right ops are top for dueling.

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Before everyone jumps down OP's throat, consider that OP put himself in a no-win scenario. If he loses "haha ur shtt you lost a duel as conc op" if he wins "lol who cares conc op beats all stop thinking ur good".


Also, this guy he dueled was being a typical obnoxious 12 yo pvper cussing out his teammates, spamming sht on fleet (u suck kid, uninstall kid, kill urs3elf kid, ur not good kid, etc, etc. very annoying (whats with kid always used as an insult?) He lost a 4v3 and got triggered. He got challenged to a 1v1 op v op then for some reaosn ended up dueling on his other toons and lost horribly. Probably for the reason that he would have an excuse for losing, unlike op v op.


Yes obviously conc should beat these specs but this guy deserves the shame, guys like that are the ones that kill ranked/give it a bad name


too bad this thread will be deleted

Edited by soo-low
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Before everyone jumps down OP's throat, consider that OP put himself in a no-win scenario. If he loses "haha ur shtt you lost a duel as conc op" if he wins "lol who cares conc op beats all stop thinking ur good".


Also, this guy he dueled was being a typical obnoxious 12 yo pvper cussing out his teammates, spamming sht on fleet (u suck kid, uninstall kid, kill urs3elf kid, ur not good kid, etc, etc. very annoying (whats with kid always used as an insult?) He lost a 4v3 and got triggered. He got challenged to a 1v1 op v op then for some reaosn ended up dueling on his other toons and lost horribly. Probably for the reason that he would have an excuse for losing, unlike op v op.


Yes obviously conc should beat these specs but this guy deserves the shame, guys like that are the ones that kill ranked/give it a bad name


too bad this thread will be deleted


Couldn't of said it better

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