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TRE is the promissed land, I had Ranked queues till 4 am and regular WZ till 6 IN THE MORNING OH MY GOD


TRE is such an amazing server even at 1000 cartel coins it's a bargain to transfer since there is 300 ppl on fleet all the time...the community is live and everyone is rustling and bustling....in short... IT'S AMAZING please come here, we at the Jeezee Galaxy Ranked Police always accept more friendly faces.:D

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while we all discuss the viability of transfer or not and personal rights and view we all missing the point. we are their customers to which we pay for a service. our focus should be aimed at them. its not our fault nor should it be our concern. ours is simply to insist that they FIX THIS **** ASAP. after all 2 years ago i was paying exact monthly subs as today for maybe a 5 minute que for wz pop- this week its been 4 days,, yes 4 *********** days bioware, to get 1 pop for low lvl. maybe you should adjust my sub accordingly- or JUST TAKE YOUR FINGER OUT YOUR *** AND EFFECT AN IMMEDIATE MERGE
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Last week during the Revenge of the Revanites conquest I personally didn't notice any significant difference on the server, however today it's a total different story.


  • 40 people on imperial fleet at 18:00BST | Meanwhile 2 full instances for both factions on TRE.

  • 20-30 min queue fro Normal WZ(!) at afternoon.

  • Not 1 pug operation whatsoever - nor anyone asking for it on fleet. (late afternoon/early evening)


I don't know if people are hungover from last week or simply waiting on weekly reset but this is bad. Simply stating facts that there seems to be a significant difference in players.


Highly doubt that they have the resources to make a server merge of any kind before summer or even this year, so please bring back either free server transfers or at least make them cheap again. At least then guilds have time to prepare and organize mass transfers during the summer. Since I think even those whom advocated for staying are probably gonna realize in the next few weeks that they made a mistake. (in my opinion)


Yes I should have moved while I had the chance, but my guild convinced me. How foolish of me. Now I'm gonna sit here and whine for something to happen :D

Edited by Simpanx
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First. Big respect to UlaVii for pouring in all the effort. I really appreciated your posts and the work the Wookies did on TOFN.


Yet it is 21:15 now and the imperial fleet holds ~15 people. You hear the chilly wind in the empty halls...

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Few minutes ago rep fleet - 14 players, imps -44. What a point to be at dead server? I recommend you to find 1000CC to transfer ur main char at least if u decided to playing this game. Edited by helpmewin
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Now when we all know this failed, could I get a small explanation on how you guys reasoned when you wanted to activate the server after most of the bigger guilds like honour, outbreak, force unleashed and many others already had left the server?


Looking forward to you guys coming over to TRE! ´:)

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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BW will lower the transfer cost for a limited time.

I recomend you to think again and take this last train.

I've been in SMW as social casual for a year, I can say only good things about this wonderful guild.


The state of server will hurt a lot the remaining guilds and players, all the effort that you are puting in TOFN will be x5 times more profitable on a populated server.


You have tried. Nobody can say other thing.

Now... You deserve to play, have fun and continue to grow without breaking your head vs the BW wall.


Sorry if my English is crap... Wrote with best intention.

Come to RE. All the good, bad, silly or awesome players are here... 😅

Edited by Hyara
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BW will lower the transfer cost for a limited time.

I recomend you to think again and take this last train.

I've been in SMW as social casual for a year, I can say only good things about this wonderful guild.


The state of server will hurt a lot the remaining guilds and players, all the effort that you are puting in TOFN will be x5 times more profitable on a populated server.


You have tried. Nobody can say other thing.

Now... You deserve to play, have fun and continue to grow without breaking your head vs the BW wall.


Sorry if my English is crap... Wrote with best intention.

Come to RE. All the good, bad, silly or awesome players are here... 😅


May I ask when will they reduce the cost of transfer? :/ I really don't want to transfer, since ToFN was like my second home, but the server is dead. I cannot queue for WZ-s anymore. :/

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Do yourself a favor Ulavi and get you and the rest of the guild on TRE as soon as BW lower the price again. i would say this to everyone. this last train they're offering is a way forward and the way i see it is, jump on it and be able to play orbe left for dead.
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May I ask when will they reduce the cost of transfer? :/ I really don't want to transfer, since ToFN was like my second home, but the server is dead. I cannot queue for WZ-s anymore. :/



Developers had mentioned it. They are going to do. Didn't say when. Or at least I didn't found the text. You have the post in developers forum thread.

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on ToFN i has 69 guilds almost all of them was bank for gold farmers.I love ToFN it BEST it CARAMEL. i spent 12 billions to buy some armor on TRE and transfered just on ToFN to sell for cheap PRICE. Server small. I played on BATTLE MEDITATION 2 years it was the same 70 players at evening 30 at night but warzones still pop! ToFN is was the BEST PvP server EUROPE and ALWAYS WILL BE!Small Ping+ NO lags pv works awesome. On TRE i found terrible lags terrrible warzones only with pvers where you can lose in row 5-10 wz with same not geared players. and who play with team np. on ToFN you never need team. ToFN 100% Alive and Caramel as Long as Nice players here who playing Warzones :) FOR THE TOFN




Edited by Aspekarditos
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I post this on behalf of our guild, Dark Syndicate. We are staying on Tomb of Freedon Nadd as well, instead of leaving this server and in that way making the situation worse, we want to focus on making this server a better place! We are a new guild and we aren't that big yet, but we do our best to recruit members and make sure that our guild is a good place to be. We hope more guilds will stay so that new players will stick around on this server!:)
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Pretty sure Stroke my Wookiee are transfering to TRE when prices drop on the 25th.


It was stupid to choose to stay last time, and it would be even more foolish to choose to remain now. Tofn is dead and discounts on transfers will most likely not happen again for some time, and even then probably not with the same discount.

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My idea was all dead servers like Darth Nihilus, Jar'Kai Sword, The Progenitor, Vanjervalis Chain, Battle Meditation, Mantle of the Force transfer here in Tomb of Freedon Nadd and whit this we will have full working server but BW dont like this.
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Hi, sorry thought I'd replied back here already. So much going on lately I lost track of what was posted where.


I have to admit the irony of what I'm writing in this thread does put a big Cheshire Cat grin on my face. It is true, my guild is moving to TRE and I am the one that created the petition thread which pushed for the transfer discounts return.


I'm not going to try and convince you to leave but I will explain the factors that led to my decision to move.

It will be ok when all those people come back after summer to check out the last story chapter

What will those people will be returning to? Unless something drastic happens to the server between now and then, why would they stay? These people you're banking things on are currently unsubbed/inactive because the game already didn't hold their attention. I've been seeing lots of talk over the last 2-3 weeks about things you could do to make the server more appealing but talk is just talk.

I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!

After my previous post there's not much more I can say about my guilds attempts to improve/help the server over the last couple of years. In all that time I have yet to see a single ToFN server event run by somebody else or of any guild making a push to help. Despite hundreds of people attending our events, nobody volunteered to help us run them or do any open multi-guild activities. Most people like to have fun and enjoy doing things that are organised for them, they don't want the responsibility. I'm not saying that is a bad thing and I'm glad people have enjoyed themselves, I'm just pointing out the facts. Stop talking and do something! :)


It's great to see people rallying now. I wish you had been like this a year ago when the doom-sayers first appeared on our server. The sudden price increase was the final straw, the server lost too many people and with the summer holidays coming it is only going to get worse. Those last few nights before the price increase saw fleet chat just full of people ranting at anybody that wanted to discuss leaving. It was not encouragement to stay, it was abuse which did nothing except drive them away. Even tonight I saw someone ask something like "Just returned to the game, it looks really quiet here, is this server dead?" and then 3 people straight away "if you don't like it then **** off to TRE". I understand people are frustrated but making that level of hostility the norm for general chat is never going to encourage people to stay.


I saw some of you in fleet chat last night saying that despite Bioware claiming they have no plans for server merges you still think they will do them in late July/August. In-game time that is absolutely ages and the reasoning I saw being used was along the lines of "the server will be in such a bad state by then that they will have no choice but to merge us". You really want to stay here not enjoying the game to its full potential all that time?


The server I was on at launch was Hex Droid. If you were around for the first set of merges in June 2012 then chances are you know what a truly dead server is. The last few months we had a maximum of 10 people on the entire server. Some nights there were less than 5 of us. I have lived the life of being the lone wanderer on a dead server and it wasn't fun. Bioware left us there in that state for months. :confused:


Currently my guild is still self sufficient for most things. We have several HM/NM progress raid teams and enough skilled casual raiders that team recruitment/training has not been a problem. There's usually enough of us online that we can make our own Flashpoint and GF groups and we always have plenty of people at our weekly special events. The things we just can't cover on our own are the GTN, Starfighter and PvP. It's unacceptable that you can be in the Starfighter queue for 9 hours over most days of the week including weekends and 20-30 minute PvP queue pops may not sound like long but it does add up. For my guild members that solely play GSF/PvP these pop frequencies are intolerable.


It is frustrating that we have to leave our fully unlocked guild ship, 6 guild bank vaults and each of our strongholds behind but it comes down to "do we cling onto the past at the expense of the future?". Our guild ship has trophies from every boss fight in both HM and NM. We have tons of rare decorations and we've spent a very long time setting it all up. The fact is that the wall raid trophies can be re-donated straight away and the ones that came as drops can be gotten again just by raiding which is fun to do. The same with unlocking all the rooms again, instead of being all negative about it my guild has embraced the opportunity to roam the galaxy slaying Jedi Commanders :hope_02:


The fact is that it's not mine, my guilds or your job to spend all our time on saving the server. I would much prefer to spend the time organising fun events that make people happy. Due to the prep work myself and some awesome officers have done I expect my guild to be 100% setup and back to business as normal by the end of the discount transfer week and then after that we don't have to think about server population problems again for a long long time.


If you do want to stay and wait out the summer then I wish you good luck. For those that are considering leaving I have created a transfer guide that should answer most of your questions.

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