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Legacy Planet Maps


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Exactly what the title says. If we've cleared the entire map on a planet, why not have it shared across the legacy. I'm running around with the Legacy title "Galactic Explorer", but have to clear the fog and discover taxis with every toon.

Um. You haven't had to discover taxis since 4.0 came out.

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Um. You haven't had to discover taxis since 4.0 came out.

You don't have to click on taxi travel points since 4.0 came out. You do have to discover them before you can quick travel to them. Also, you do have to click on those quick travel points that aren't taxis i.e, midpoint Highmount road on Hoth, Senate place on Coruscant, etc...

Edited by FlyingUsPoo
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You don't have to click on taxi travel points since 4.0 came out. You do have to discover them before you can quick travel to them. Also, you do have to click on those quick travel points that aren't taxis i.e, midpoint Highmount road on Hoth, Senate place on Coruscant, etc...

Before 4.0 you normally had to run to the *taxi* itself (except for a select few that were activated by quests, for example the ones on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa but also a few on e.g. Republic Taris).


To be honest, I thought that when you said "taxis" you meant, well, taxis, and not quick travel terminals. And since 4.0 came out, as soon as you enter a planet for the first time (when you click on a taxi droid for the first time? when you create the character? who knows?), all the taxi-travel destinations are activated. It makes Belsavis look a little strange when you try to take a taxi, though.

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