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I just had to laugh at Lana's line in the new WZ


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Lana: "Purple Squad wins! You are to be commended. The rest of you failed for a reason. Find it."


I find this ironic... I know exactly what the reason is, the question is, does Bioware?


Purple team had a mix of Assassins/Shadows and Sage/Sorcs. They had three healers. They paired up into teams, one tank/dps, one healer, for each node. Unbeatable by almost any random PUG.


Matchmaking is completely broken... that you would form a group where one side has 3 healers and the other side has none, you either don't care or don't know what you're doing.

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This only proves what I've said a hundred times over, their queuing system SUCKS! It doesn't evenly distribute people out. It takes the first 8 people to queue and sticks them on a team, the next 8 people to queue and puts them on a team and then you've got a match that is pretty much unfair. Say the first 8 people to queue are 4 healers, 3 dps and a tank. That's an entire team with an unfair advantage and pretty much using that to their advantage to win warzones but you the opposing team are probably stuck with say 1 healer at the very least and a bunch of dps and possibly a tank or two, just depends on who queued up. It's disgusting. With this new warzone you'd have thought they'd have had some brains to make sure that it evenly distributes players from both fractions so each team has a fair advantage but nooooooooooooo, they still are making the same ******* mistake they've made before.


I mean all sorcerer/sages can heal themselves no problem and if their Force Barrier gets to 4 counts cause you're hitting them this increases their power (or it's suppose to I've yet to see it happen to me) but while healer sorcerers don't need static/force barrier to heal them, dps sorcerers (madness and lightning) can set it up where they heal themselves by their combat proficiencies, by having overload play two roles, heal and bind, as well as their force barrier and static barrier heal them (and if they double stack boy oh they aren't gonna die quick.) So pretty much they really need to fix their queuing system to evenly distribute players instead of the first 8 to queue or whatever since there are 4v4 ones. And if they did this it would also fix the slow queuing pop.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Oh I thought this thread was going to be about Lana going nuts and saying "xx team has the upper hand" 6-7 times in a row, she spams like crazy


Honestly I think it's funny when she says "Watch Gold Squad prevail." and it's Purple Squad winning. :confused: Is Lana color blind?!

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Lana: "Purple Squad wins! You are to be commended. The rest of you failed for a reason. Find it."


I find this ironic... I know exactly what the reason is, the question is, does Bioware?


Purple team had a mix of Assassins/Shadows and Sage/Sorcs. They had three healers. They paired up into teams, one tank/dps, one healer, for each node. Unbeatable by almost any random PUG.


Matchmaking is completely broken... that you would form a group where one side has 3 healers and the other side has none, you either don't care or don't know what you're doing.


Funny I've been on winning & losing teams with mixes you stated (I main a Sage.). Has nothing to do with them really as much as mechanics this WZ. Deathmatching won't work here. There are 3/4 nodes popping more often than not too. So your story is a but on the flawed side.

But nice job turning this into a "BW doesn't know anything about matchmaking/PvP" thread. :rolleyes:

Matchmaking only happens in ranked. They're not going to even try to do matchmaking in normal PvP because it would mean some never get queue pops. This has been stated before. Why are you whining about it again?


BTW, PvP section is over there. Not here.

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I remember the good ol' days when it was Op healers who were overpowered.


I was going to say something genius like those hots would never work against all the burst in the current meta, but assuming things scaled equally, they'd be more than enough. the burst in the 1.0-2.0 was pretty intense. the combat maras, anni maras, pyro PTs, MM snipes....


anyone remember when there was no internal cd on the rail proc for pyro? yeah. that was a thing. luls

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Okay, somebody school me here. I've played several MMO's extensively to include LotRO, ESO, Rift, GW2 and this one. Not a single one that I know of, unless they added it in after I left, had any kind of automatic group balancing system. is this totally a WoW thing? I've never played that one.
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Have you tried doing it better?


The reason most people lose APGs is because the idiots are running around the hallways instead of getting to the nodes...


Don't know what nodes will spawn?


Again, have you tried doing it better? In the first round it's one of 3, gun, mid, or south. 2nd round it's about the same thing, with a chance of it being ship or science.


If a node hasn't a appeared in 2 rounds its likely that node will come up. Predicting the nodes is a great way of getting there faster.


I always get the red buff or something useless.


Again have you tried doing it better?

The buffs go in color order. If you time it right you can choose what color you go on. It goes red, blue, yellow, green. Timing allows you to get the buffs you need.


A team of 2, tank healer combos baby sat the node, again have you tried doing it better?


Tank/Healer combos are attrition... with low damage. Simply send 2 to deny them the node, or just one of your tanks, or just a stealthy assassin with electro bindings... This game has counters and once you learn to do it better you can at least get closer.



Also... if you see there are lots of tanks/healers in que, try running a 1 tank 3 dps premade. It makes your life a lot easier because with 3 boss dps you can burn through guard in a lolzy fashion.


So again, I ask the question, have you tried doing it better?

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