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Lost a legacy storage tab after server transfer


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So I decided to get off my server since it was overpriced and the community horrible and took advantage of the transfer offer. I read the FAQ and took all my items out of the legacy storage, since those don't get transferred.

But upon arrival on my new server and reactivating my Stronghold and renaming my legacy, I have noted that the second tab I had unlocked vanished.


So what's up with that? I contacted support, but no answer since roughly 24 hours from them.

Will I get it back and should I hold off on rebuying it or should I wait for an answer?

IIRC, I used CC to unlock it so I really would like it back.

I could be wrong though.

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Sad to say, nothing gets addressed by CS within 24 hours of submitting a report. Frequently, it takes as much as a week or longer.


One thing you can do is log into My Account here, and check your coin ledger. If you paid coins, you will have an "In Game Purchase" of 750 coins. Unfortunately, almost nothing you buy gets listed in an more detail than that, so it's possible you bought something else for that amount. But if you have no entries for that amount, then it's definite you didn't buy the unlock with coins.

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Hey, already got an answer from support.

They said that this unlock is server specific and not account wide.

Which is kind of weird since your legacy get's fully copied over except your tabs, but ok.

I bit the bullet and bought the tab again with Credits.

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Sounds to me like one of two things. 1) The CSR you got doesn't know the game, or care enough to provide proper. 2) You bought that unlock with credits.


I transferred several characters and while I had to mule the items over on the characters, I kept my unlock count.


Sadly, the former happens all too often. Numerous times in MMOs I've sent in a ticket with all kinds of info and details, only to get a response back asking for information I already provided. Skim the ticket, select a canned response, on to the next one.


I'd press the issue, personally, but best of luck with however you deal with it :B

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As I said, I already dealt with it by rebuying it, even though this rule does not make much sense.

Even if you buy it with credits your whole legacy get's copied over, so it seems kind of weird to leave that tab out.

Anyway, I am not gonna go into a fight with Customer Support over this and just let it go.

It is not worth the time.

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I just now checked on my second account, which doesn't have all the legacy storage bays unlocked, and if you look at the page that comes up when you click the little "buy more space" button on your legacy storage, the coin unlock is clearly labeled as being an account unlock. (The item in the Cartel Market, also priced at 750 coins, likewise says it applies to your entire account). Double-check your coin ledger. If you have an "In Game Purchase" of 750 coins, that's the cost of the legacy storage bay. That's more than a month's worth of "free" coins, or about $7 or $8 worth, if you bought one of the smaller coins bundles. Not a lot of money, no, but if you paid for it, you should get it. Edited by Adric_the_Red
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I can confirm that way back, nearly 2 years ago, when i transferred from JC to Harb, the only cargo hold panes that transferred were ones I unlocked with cartel coins. The one or two I unlocked with credits needed to be bought again.
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