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Solution to negating premade advantage vs pugs.


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Of course you cant, thats completely true, but group or solo thats the case. Not every group have 4 great players, not all solos are bads.

I dont think you are wrong in many things I just took offense to the suggestion that just because someone is queuing solo they arent very good, i find that very untrue in most cases in fact as it takes far more ability to be competitive solo than it does in a group with guard, heals and backup.


so what you are saying is that there is a conection betwen grouping and skill level, just that the people who form groups are bad

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Do you want to solve your own problem or do you want to pretend you work at Bioware Austin and are implanting a fix to the senior staff managing the game?


If you want to solve your problem of being farmed by the same old premades again and again who have already unfairly identified you as a 'bad' and will never be allowed in the cool kids clubhouse then do this.....



Move the toons that you mostly PVP with to Harbinger. The premade vs pug is completely diluted to being almost non-existent on Harbinger. You will go match after match after match without ever seeing a familiar face or guild name. The increased ping performance issue has been mostly fixed. It's far better than it was a year ago due to Harbinger apparently getting the only major server upgrade out of all the swtor servers.


Do it soon because the land bridge is closing. The cheap 90 cc xfers are going away next week.

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1. People have a choice to make premades


2. People don't have any choice as to avoid fighting premades


3. Therefore, give people the choice to refuse fighting premades


= seperate the queues. Solos are always solos EXCLUSIVELY. Premades only fight oher premades, EXCLUSIVELY.


Problem solved. Everybody's happy.


Honestly, I basically agree. Ive been playing pvp on one server or another and as a solo pug since launch. Do "premades" have an advantage generally yes. Sometimes its nice when they are on your team but when they get that queue sync just right..it blows chunks.


In the end I play pvp because I enjoy it but I think it really has to suck to those who just start out. Enough with the baby stomping.


Put it this way, are you forced to only play one op or flashpoint, you get a awful lot of choices there in pve.

For the premades who want to pvp, why do you so vigorously defend your right to play pugs, In fact if you are always playing as a pvp team..why aren't you playing ranked?


You know why, its easy credits and easy kills and you know it. But its does one thing, its killed the pvp population in SWTOR. So Bioware has made the business decision to satisfy maybe 1000 players and lost how many 10,000s of subs. Good math.


separate the queues as a option. If nothing else try it...whats the worst that will happen? players might enjoy pvp and sub up? You might piss off a few epeen elitists who will find some other game to exploit. We've tried this setup for 4 years....ITS NOT WORKING!!! Give newbie pvpers a chance to get better before they get bantha raped, who knows it might actually be fun for them.

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The solution is to increase the player pool, as in to connect servers which has been done in plenty of other games. If and when this happens we can talk about the seperation of ques, allowing players to choose which map they want to play and maybe having cross-faction across the board.


Till then all you will get is to play on 1 server, and unless every1 wants to jump ship and settle on, lets say 2 servers for EU and US I will rather take faster ques over facing pugs when I solo que or premades when I join a match with guildies.


Even a matchmaking system that gets pugs in a premade but with balanced teams would be a step in the right direction, it would increase the time waiting for a match but I still believe ppl would qq with this setup.


Just press play, and dont bother anymore. It is not gonna change, no matter the amount of threads, post or walls of text.

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1. People have a choice to make premades


2. People don't have any choice as to avoid fighting premades


3. Therefore, give people the choice to refuse fighting premades


= seperate the queues. Solos are always solos EXCLUSIVELY. Premades only fight oher premades, EXCLUSIVELY.


Problem solved. Everybody's happy.


Agreed. That way we can still play warzones and the win/loss won't be a coin toss which team has more bads.

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