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Petition to Stay in Parties After Warzones


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Hello all,


This is just a minor annoyance but an annoyance nonetheless; the inability to remain in your pre-PVP party once the Warzone is over. To add to that, the inability to override solo PVP queues with group queues after rejoining the group is another minor annoyance that I would like to see rectified.


Given the game's system of allowing for queuing from anywhere in the world, I feel that this really hampers those who prefer to quest and PVP with friends. It would really be nice not to have to re-invite, ask your party members to leave solo queue, then re-queue for group PVP every single time we exit a Warzone. I would also ask for an option to pop-up for group members to select whether or not they want to be apart of the group queue.


If anyone else agrees, please sign and support to the motion of something that, hopefully, should be an easy fix and will save time for those who enjoy to group up with others.




Lefty Supremacist

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Hi all,


While we do appreciate the intent behind petition threads, we don't allow them on the forums, as a bunch of /signed type responses is not as valuable as productive discussion or feedback about a topic or feature.


You can certainly have a discussion about a feature you would like to appear in the game, and encourage people to post threads where this is the intent.


We appreciate your feedback, but we will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your understanding.

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