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I returned after 2 years of absence and have an issue


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On multiple characters, some hotbar slots are blocked. They appear to be empty, but when I try to put an ability there, it won't let me. I can click on it with the ability, but it remains attached to my mouse.


Anyone who knows a solution?

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Did you start Kotfe and didn't disabael the tutorial?


Not sure what you are saying. I didn't start any quests. I was more sorting inventory, because of the whole mess with the Equipement for companions and had to sort out everything.


there's a lock symbol in the left bottom of your main quickbar


That's not it.

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When you create a new level 60 character, most of the abilities you normally would have trained in levels 1-60 are hidden. They are still there, but just not visible. You start KotFE chapter 1 with only few abilities and to give the player a little bit time to familiarize themselves with all of them and as you progress slowly through KotFE chapter 1 the others start slowly appearing one by one into your quick bars.

This normally happens just to characters created at 60, but in some circumstances you can go through with this even with old characters that were leveled up normally from level 1.

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