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Which Companion Romance was your favorite?


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The poll results have shifted a bit since I first checked, and some of the front-runners are surprising. I can't help suspect there are some obsessive people padding the results :eek: (and it wasn't me voting multiple times for Quinn! I swear it!)


My favorite 2 are Quinn and Vette. As much as I like Doc, I am pretty sure I'm in the minority and right now he's ranked at # 2 just under Vette. While Kira doesn't surprise me, I'll never understand it. It was a boring romance that did her character no favors. It's been a long time since I did her romance, but I got left with the impression it went something like this: "Hey, you are cute, lets snog and giggle about it behind the council's back!"

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"Hey, you are cute, lets snog and giggle about it behind the council's back!"


I kinda felt that way about Jorgan, of what I remember about it. "Hey, you're cute, I'm lonely and well, who else is there to snog?" I like Jorgan a lot but it never felt particularly heartfelt. In fact I can't even remember if he and my trooper are married.. (do they get married?)

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In fact I can't even remember if he and my trooper are married.. (do they get married?)


It's been so long since I did the 1-50 Jorgan romance that I can't remember exactly (anyone else remember?) but in KOTFE I know that you say to him, "I'm your wife, not your CO." so I guess they must have been officially married at some point.


I remember the Iresso romance about him wanting some giant ceremony on Tython :cool:

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It's been so long since I did the 1-50 Jorgan romance that I can't remember exactly (anyone else remember?) but in KOTFE I know that you say to him, "I'm your wife, not your CO." so I guess they must have been officially married at some point.


I remember the Iresso romance about him wanting some giant ceremony on Tython :cool:

There are three characters who you can get married to in-game on screen that I know of: Doc, Corso, and Torian. Doc proposes to the JK, and if she accepts he immediately calls out a ceremony droid who marries you on the spot. It's actually very sweet. If you agree to marry Corso, you can "officiate" your own wedding ceremony with him and exchange vows together right then and there (although I sincerely doubt that their 'marriage' would be legal in a court of law). And Torian is Mandelorian. In Mandelorian culture, all the couple has to do is recite some vows to each other of their own free will (witnesses optional), and BAM, they're married.


I don't know what happens with the female romances except for Vette and Mako. Vette flat out refuses to sleep with you until you're married, so when you actually do "get it on", you're married at some point before that. And Mako just hacks into the Republic and Imperial databases and creates a marriage certificate for both governments, so in the eyes of the law, Mako and the BH are in fact married, regardless of the lack of ceremonies.


For all the other romances, the game treats it like you got married. If you really wanted to be technical about it, they probably hopped off the ship on the nearest planet and signed a marriage certificate. There probably wasn't a ceremony or anything, since at that point in the game all the classes are having some pretty serious issues, but I guess if you wanted to headcanon it they could have had one.

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Of course, all that said, both my Agent and my Smuggler have left their spouses for Theron Shan. Only Malavai Quinn has a faithful spouse waiting for him, which I find ironic. (Yes, I've only brought 3 characters into the new content.)

How can you cheat on Vector after that letter he sends you??



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The best thing about Corso is torturing him while you sleep around with everyone except him. :D

Yeah I did that to my first Corso.. :o


I kinda felt that way about Jorgan, of what I remember about it. "Hey, you're cute, I'm lonely and well, who else is there to snog?" I like Jorgan a lot but it never felt particularly heartfelt. In fact I can't even remember if he and my trooper are married.. (do they get married?)

I actually thought the Aric romance was one of the most genuine ones in game. The build up to it is very slow, he won't just be with you for the hell of it and once you do finally get with him he's real serious about it. Life long commitment being a big deal in the Cathar culture and stuff. I think Aric is the only LI I actually "fell" for because I didn't like him when I started my Trooper at all but overtime he grew on me and when the flirts etc. finally really started and went somewhere I was thrilled.

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It's funny that the same story can be interpreted so differently :) In a way, Jorgan's romance was the most realistic to me. Maybe that's why it didn't stand out as being one of the better ones, lol. I'm pragmatic about real life relationships, and that's how Jorgan's romance came across to me.


Didn't help that his letter (finally started kotfe on my trooper late last night) said something like "we" need you, as in Havoc Squad needs the trooper, instead of "I" need you, as in Jorgan personally needs her. I suppose it would have been out of character for him to say something mushy. :rolleyes:


Still, I'm damn excited to reach the chapter where we get him back. All that said I'm still really fond of Jorgan.

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I think he does say something mushy but it's minor and in a way, exactly what you'd expect from a man like Jorgan.



Might not be so bad if I just had my wife here with me like I'm used to.



The reunion with him though.. definitely the best one so far. I never dated Kaliyo or Vette so can't say much to theirs other than what I've seen of Kaliyo on YouTube but yeah, reuniting with Aric really moved me. :o

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Might not be so bad if I just had my wife here with me like I'm used to.


Yup, sounds a little too much like me and my husband being romantic with each other. "I find you tolerable!.. Should we get some beer?" :p


That letter was interesting, because it specified it was written two months after the trooper disappears. They hadn't given up looking for her yet. Tanno Vik says they searched for a year. Kinda sad when I think about it, there had to have been a moment when he gave up and/or Havoc fell apart.


The reunion with him though.. definitely the best one so far. I never dated Kaliyo or Vette so can't say much to theirs other than what I've seen of Kaliyo on YouTube but yeah, reuniting with Aric really moved me. :o


I'm on chapter 10, almost there! Now, I read somewhere that in chapter 12, I'm supposed to send Kaliyo out right? Then I get a special line from Aric?

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Yup, sounds a little too much like me and my husband being romantic with each other. "I find you tolerable!.. Should we get some beer?" :p


That letter was interesting, because it specified it was written two months after the trooper disappears. They hadn't given up looking for her yet. Tanno Vik says they searched for a year. Kinda sad when I think about it, there had to have been a moment when he gave up and/or Havoc fell apart.




I'm on chapter 10, almost there! Now, I read somewhere that in chapter 12, I'm supposed to send Kaliyo out right? Then I get a special line from Aric?


Yep if you send Kaliyo out first you get some nice extra line/s with Aric afterwards.


And just wait for Chapter 11, Aric will tell you how things went after you disappeared.. it's somewhat heart wrenching lol. ;)

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Yep if you send Kaliyo out first you get some nice extra line/s with Aric afterwards.


And just wait for Chapter 11, Aric will tell you how things went after you disappeared.. it's somewhat heart wrenching lol. ;)

They did SUCH a good job with Aric's reunion and how well he handles everything afterwards. He goes from disbelief, to wanting answers, to wanting to continue the relationship very quickly, but it fits him so well, though. Once he became interested in the vanilla story, he has no reservations or hesitations. He's just like that in KOTFE, too. As soon as he has the answers he wants and needed, he immediately starts making up for lost time. And I do mean immediately. Not that my trooper is complaining at all. ;)

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As soon as he has the answers he wants and needed, he immediately starts making up for lost time. And I do mean immediately. Not that my trooper is complaining at all. ;)


Finally got to it, oh man that was so fun. GJ bioware, thanks for doing right by Jorgan and the femtrooper. (Would have been better if my grandmother didn't call for a chat smack in the middle but hey, that's what escape is for.)


Gives me confidence that the rest of the reunions are going to be really good too. Can't wait.

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Thank goodness for youtube videos or I would be creating femtroopers 'til the cows come home just to go through chapter XI all over again.


What I also found interesting is that I used my insta 60 token to create an IA specifically to romance Lana and at the end of chapter X, there was an option to lock in a romance with Kaliyo or break it off. Has me wondering if the romance/ marriage flags are set to on for insta 60's and if I will get the same when I meet Temple again.


I am also hoping that future reunions will be as poignant as the one with Jorgan. Seems I will get my chance to find out in chapter 14 with Torian. Never had a sw to romance Vette, so it will be interesting to see that next month on youtube.

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Thank goodness for youtube videos or I would be creating femtroopers 'til the cows come home just to go through chapter XI all over again.


I know right? And I got to do the break up scene with Theron, which was also sublime. Love how he shoves you if you say the first flirty sounding option. :D


Gee I sure hope Jorgan never finds out I fooled around with Theron while he was gone.... bwaha who am I kidding, of course I hope he finds out someday.

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I know right? And I got to do the break up scene with Theron, which was also sublime. Love how he shoves you if you say the first flirty sounding option. :D

I've NEVER found a video of someone breaking up with Theron! Does ANYONE have a link to a video that shows that?!

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Yeah, I'm just not capable of cheating on anyone in this game, I hate hurting imaginary feelings.


Yeah I'm going to have a hard time on one of my characters. I RP'd one of my JK's as being emotionally drained and defeated by the time Lana pulls her out of carbonite (the events of SoR/Ziost are still raw to her as is Darth Marr's death and the realization she's yet again failed to kill the Emperor who now plagues her mind, which leaves her to think he's still not dead and gone). She feels disconnected from the world that's changed so much over those 5 years and the dream vision stuff Valkorion showed her haunts her. Despite Doc's love letter she believes they'll never reunite due to the circumstances they're all in.. then once she sees Theron again, she kind of seeks out the wrong kind of comfort from him. Sooo yeah.. gonna be interesting once Doc returns. :o

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Yeah I'm going to have a hard time on one of my characters. I RP'd one of my JK's as being emotionally drained and defeated by the time Lana pulls her out of carbonite (the events of SoR/Ziost are still raw to her as is Darth Marr's death and the realization she's yet again failed to kill the Emperor who now plagues her mind, which leaves her to think he's still not dead and gone). She feels disconnected from the world that's changed so much over those 5 years and the dream vision stuff Valkorion showed her haunts her. Despite Doc's love letter she believes they'll never reunite due to the circumstances they're all in.. then once she sees Theron again, she kind of seeks out the wrong kind of comfort from him. Sooo yeah.. gonna be interesting once Doc returns. :o

So can you romance Theron even if you didn't romance him in SoR? I wouldn't have thought that you could, but I don't know for certain.


Also, I would wait for Doc. You can romance Theron with any character, but you only get Doc with your JK. Plus... it's Doc. I love Doc. His reunion is going to be beautiful.

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So can you romance Theron even if you didn't romance him in SoR? I wouldn't have thought that you could, but I don't know for certain.


Also, I would wait for Doc. You can romance Theron with any character, but you only get Doc with your JK. Plus... it's Doc. I love Doc. His reunion is going to be beautiful.


Yep you can. Even my boosted was able to hook up with him in Chapter 9 and boosts can't SoR.


I'm still waiting for Doc.. I hope they give us something fitting and right like with Aric but I'll still be in trouble. and if my Scourge wishes ever come true.. shoot me. :o

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What I also found interesting is that I used my insta 60 token to create an IA specifically to romance Lana and at the end of chapter X, there was an option to lock in a romance with Kaliyo or break it off. Has me wondering if the romance/ marriage flags are set to on for insta 60's and if I will get the same when I meet Temple again..


This seems to be a bug or perhaps as some people are suggesting that insta 60's toons are being assumed they romanced certain companions. Link to the bug thread about it below.



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Yeah, I'm just not capable of cheating on anyone in this game, I hate hurting imaginary feelings.


Wow, that was difficult to watch. I'm with you on the whole hate to hurt imaginary feelings thing.


Thanks JennyFlynn for the link!

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