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Why is there no trade/sell forum?


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I've already mentioned the buyers, I said they were idiots for paying that much. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was you that was complaining about me insulting them. I don't need an explanation, I'm saying it only works that way because sellers are greedy and want it to/buyers are desperate and allow it to. There's no reason it HAS to work this way.


The only way around this is to put an MSRP type price on every item in the game and not allow players to change the price. That would really mess up the economy, you know.


The next time your boss tries to give you a raise, you should decline because you are obviously already working for the fair and accepted rate of pay.


People can and should try to get as much as they can for goods and services offered. This isn't a charity.

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Trolling usually implies intent and purposely being an ignorant butt to rile people up. For the OP this seems to come naturally which is far more concerning.

It's why in one of my earlier posts, I wondered whether the issue here was economics or Trollonomics.


Part of me wishes his logic was sound. I don't like the Baltimore Ravens, ergo, they do not exist. Rather, the Baltimore Ravens are just some made-up excuse when the NFL's "rip-off artists" want to deprive my team of a win. But, since the Ravens don't really exist as an influence on the market ... er ... the games, I look forward to that win-by-forfeit this season. Go team!


Although I know I'm feeding the troll, it's hard to resist a good game of "Rhetoric T-Ball" ... especially when the OP tees it up so perfectly:


If we accept his premise that "supply and demand" is a myth rather than a market force, thus requiring those poor California almond growers to sell their crop for the same price even in a drought, then we must also accept that the price of almonds cannot drop during a glut. I.e., the price of almonds must always remain fixed, regardless of market factors. The OP advocates price-fixing by regulation. Hence, the OP supports government mandates fixing all prices and wages (prices and wages are linked in such a rigid economy). The OP is anti-free market and believes that SWTOR should cap our earnings. Taken to its logical end, the OP wants to see credit limits imposed on all players. The OP would inflict Marxism on SWTOR: "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need." ... which is just fancy-talk for wealth redistribution. He would see your hard-earned credits doled out to Free-to-Players who only log in once a year ... some of whom might actually be Gold Sellers! Don't let the OP force you to fund Gold Sellers.


Vote NO! to the OP.


My name is Thoronmir and I approve this message.


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It's why in one of my earlier posts, I wondered whether the issue here was economics or Trollonomics.


Part of me wishes his logic was sound. I don't like the Baltimore Ravens, ergo, they do not exist. Rather, the Baltimore Ravens are just some made-up excuse when the NFL's "rip-off artists" want to deprive my team of a win. But, since the Ravens don't really exist as an influence on the market ... er ... the games, I look forward to that win-by-forfeit this season. Go team!


Although I know I'm feeding the troll, it's hard to resist a good game of "Rhetoric T-Ball" ... especially when the OP tees it up so perfectly:


If we accept his premise that "supply and demand" is a myth rather than a market force, thus requiring those poor California almond growers to sell their crop for the same price even in a drought, then we must also accept that the price of almonds cannot drop during a glut. I.e., the price of almonds must always remain fixed, regardless of market factors. The OP advocates price-fixing by regulation. Hence, the OP supports government mandates fixing all prices and wages (prices and wages are linked in such a rigid economy). The OP is anti-free market and believes that SWTOR should cap our earnings. Taken to its logical end, the OP wants to see credit limits imposed on all players. The OP would inflict Marxism on SWTOR: "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need." ... which is just fancy-talk for wealth redistribution. He would see your hard-earned credits doled out to Free-to-Players who only log in once a year ... some of whom might actually be Gold Sellers! Don't let the OP force you to fund Gold Sellers.


Vote NO! to the OP.


My name is Thoronmir and I approve this message.


I feel obliged to post

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The OP advocates price-fixing by regulation. Hence, the OP supports government mandates fixing all prices and wages (prices and wages are linked in such a rigid economy).


No, the OP doesn't support price-fixing by the government (or devs); he/she supports price-fixing by THEM. The take-away is that the OP is the arbiter of what something should cost, not the market/buyers. Of course, they never explain exactly what the Unstable saber should cost and how they arrived at that calculation. I suspect they think it should cost 350k...since they sound like a poor, entitled F2Per.

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No, the OP doesn't support price-fixing by the government (or devs); he/she supports price-fixing by THEM. The take-away is that the OP is the arbiter of what something should cost, not the market/buyers. Of course, they never explain exactly what the Unstable saber should cost and how they arrived at that calculation. I suspect they think it should cost 350k...since they sound like a poor, entitled F2Per.

Well, yeah. The OP wants to decide the price and wants SWTOR to enforce it. Hence, regulated price-fixing. The OP can set the price as he sees fit. But he can only enforce that price if EA/BW (a) decides to set prices and (b) agrees with his price. Without official sanction, OP is just that proverbial tree falling in the forest when no one is around.

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No, the OP doesn't support price-fixing by the government (or devs); he/she supports price-fixing by THEM. The take-away is that the OP is the arbiter of what something should cost, not the market/buyers. Of course, they never explain exactly what the Unstable saber should cost and how they arrived at that calculation. I suspect they think it should cost 350k...since they sound like a poor, entitled F2Per.


if OP were f2p, they wouldn't be able to post here.


however... if OP thinks they could find an item cheaper on the trade forums than on GTN they are very VERY naive. people who are involved enough in a game to actualy go online to the forums are a lot more aware of what general prices for items are and are NOT going to low ball it. he is more likely to find a less expensive option on GTN where someone would either accidentally put one less zero than they meant to or just wants to "stick it to the man" or some such.


the light-saber is going for the price that it does becasue its still rare while being highly in demand. be happy OP that it dropped as low as it has. I sold mine for 50 mil when I got it in a first pack. sold it within a single listing period too.

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Op wants desperately to be the pricing arbiter for the Arbiter Sabers. :p


Of course it does not work that way, and he's hurt about it.


He is wasting his time and everyone's time with this ongoing nonsense. He wants what he wants, and he refuses to listen to anyone... so I really don't know why he started a discussion thread on something he does not want to actually discuss in a mature and non-emo manner.

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Op wants desperately to be the pricing arbiter for the Arbiter Sabers. :p


Of course it does not work that way, and he's hurt about it.


He is wasting his time and everyone's time with this ongoing nonsense. He wants what he wants, and he refuses to listen to anyone... so I really don't know why he started a discussion thread on something he does not want to actually discuss in a mature and non-emo manner.

I enjoy watching the OP try to make his case ... it's like watching a six-year-old drive a car. And that's always funny. So, since I only visit these forums for entertainment, I don't feel that my time has been wasted with this ongoing nonsense.


OP has a history of starting threads without any intention to actually discuss the issues raised. Rather than thoughtful and considered, his approach seems more "stream of consciousness" ... which is fine as a jumping off point. The entertainment comes when he clings to his whimsical notions in the face of such meager retorts as facts and common sense.


The history of gaming forums is written with the blood of flawed premises. On good days, the OPs see the light. On bad days, the exchange in a thread based on a player's stream of consciousness goes as follows:


Player 1: Wouldn't it be cool if SWTOR had Unicorn mounts?

Player 2: That doesn't really fit the genre.

Player 3: We have enough options now.

Player 4: This belongs in the Suggestion forum.

Player 1P: Your all stoopid! SWTOR must have unicorn mounts now!


This message should not be construed as either condemnation or support for Unicorn mounts in SWTOR.


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I enjoy watching the OP try to make his case ... it's like watching a six-year-old drive a car. And that's always funny. So, since I only visit these forums for entertainment, I don't feel that my time has been wasted with this ongoing nonsense.


Hehe.. OK.. I freely concede your point on entertainment value. :D

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The only way around this is to put an MSRP type price on every item in the game and not allow players to change the price. That would really mess up the economy, you know.


This "economy" is already messed up. If players can't be trusted to be reasonable with their prices, then the devs need to limit how much people can sell items for. Nothing over 10 million because that's beyond ridiculous and silly. 10 million is bad enough. This isn't just about me. Nobody in their right mind wants to sit around and play the same missions over and over all day for weeks just to get one Melee weapon.

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This "economy" is already messed up. If players can't be trusted to be reasonable with their prices, then the devs need to limit how much people can sell items for. Nothing over 10 million because that's beyond ridiculous and silly. 10 million is bad enough. This isn't just about me. Nobody in their right mind wants to sit around and play the same missions over and over all day for weeks just to get one Melee weapon.

First, to those who doubted, I warned you all that he wants EA/BW to implement price-fixing regulation in SWTOR.


Second, I think calling every player who paid the GTN price for the saber not "in their right mind" is poor etiquette. Bad form, indeed.

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This "economy" is already messed up. If players can't be trusted to be reasonable with their prices, then the devs need to limit how much people can sell items for. Nothing over 10 million because that's beyond ridiculous and silly. 10 million is bad enough. This isn't just about me. Nobody in their right mind wants to sit around and play the same missions over and over all day for weeks just to get one Melee weapon.


10 million? I can make that in a couple of days from 2 characters just doing the Heroics. By that logic, a Ferrarri shouldn't cost more than what I could make in a week of part-time work. So, about $500? Sweet. I wanna live in your deranged world.

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I enjoy watching the OP try to make his case ... it's like watching a six-year-old drive a car. And that's always funny. So, since I only visit these forums for entertainment, I don't feel that my time has been wasted with this ongoing nonsense.


OP has a history of starting threads without any intention to actually discuss the issues raised. Rather than thoughtful and considered, his approach seems more "stream of consciousness" ... which is fine as a jumping off point. The entertainment comes when he clings to his whimsical notions in the face of such meager retorts as facts and common sense.


The history of gaming forums is written with the blood of flawed premises. On good days, the OPs see the light. On bad days, the exchange in a thread based on a player's stream of consciousness goes as follows:


Player 1: Wouldn't it be cool if SWTOR had Unicorn mounts?

Player 2: That doesn't really fit the genre.

Player 3: We have enough options now.

Player 4: This belongs in the Suggestion forum.

Player 1P: Your all stoopid! SWTOR must have unicorn mounts now!


This message should not be construed as either condemnation or support for Unicorn mounts in SWTOR.


You obviously don't know what a discussion is, because that's exactly what this. When did I ever condemn anyone in this thread specifically? It's the other way around. I've been saying I don't like the way this is and you've all been insulting me. I don't have to accept what you're saying for it to be a discussion, I didn't open this thread for your advice. This argument only started because some guy didn't like that I was calling people rip off artists for being rip off artists. There's absolutely nothing necessary about video game supply and demand and it's almost never necessary in the real world. It's just an excuse to be greedy.

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You still haven't answered my question: How many times have you purchased an item at a bargain price and mailed the seller (or gave the cashier) extra to reflect a more reasonable market price? For instance, if you bought a 500k item off the GTN for only 300k, did you mail the seller 200k? What percentage of the time do you do this?
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It's why in one of my earlier posts, I wondered whether the issue here was economics or Trollonomics.


Part of me wishes his logic was sound. I don't like the Baltimore Ravens, ergo, they do not exist. Rather, the Baltimore Ravens are just some made-up excuse when the NFL's "rip-off artists" want to deprive my team of a win. But, since the Ravens don't really exist as an influence on the market ... er ... the games, I look forward to that win-by-forfeit this season. Go team!


My name is Thoronmir and I approve this message.

Wait.. the Ravens exist?

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10 million? I can make that in a couple of days from 2 characters just doing the Heroics. By that logic, a Ferrarri shouldn't cost more than what I could make in a week of part-time work. So, about $500? Sweet. I wanna live in your deranged world.


What kind of logic is that? A Ferrari costs thousands of dollars to make. The arbiter saber is a virtual item, it has no tangible value. A couple of days for ONE Melee weapon is fine.

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You obviously don't know what a discussion is, because that's exactly what this. When did I ever condemn anyone in this thread specifically? It's the other way around. I've been saying I don't like the way this is and you've all been insulting me. I don't have to accept what you're saying for it to be a discussion, I didn't open this thread for your advice. This argument only started because some guy didn't like that I was calling people rip off artists for being rip off artists. There's absolutely nothing necessary about video game supply and demand and it's almost never necessary in the real world. It's just an excuse to be greedy.


This is the post that removes all doubt and swings him definitely into the Troll camp.

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You still haven't answered my question: How many times have you purchased an item at a bargain price and mailed the seller (or gave the cashier) extra to reflect a more reasonable market price? For instance, if you bought a 500k item off the GTN for only 300k, did you mail the seller 200k? What percentage of the time do you do this?


Oh I think we all know the answer to this question

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You still haven't answered my question: How many times have you purchased an item at a bargain price and mailed the seller (or gave the cashier) extra to reflect a more reasonable market price? For instance, if you bought a 500k item off the GTN for only 300k, did you mail the seller 200k? What percentage of the time do you do this?


Never, what is your point? Why in the world would I do that?

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I don't have to accept what you're saying for it to be a discussion, I didn't open this thread for your advice. This argument only started because some guy didn't like that I was calling people rip off artists for being rip off artists. There's absolutely nothing necessary about video game supply and demand and it's almost never necessary in the real world. It's just an excuse to be greedy.


Actually...you did open this thread for advice the moment you posted it. :rolleyes:


It's ironic that you argue, "There's absolutely nothing necessary about video game supply and demand and it's almost never necessary in the real world", when there's nothing necessary about buying a stupid cosmetic lightsaber in a video game either.

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