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Blood Hunt (Tactical Flashpoint)

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Hello, I just wanted to address a few issues with the Flashpoint of "Blood Hunt." At least in my opinion anyway. I wanted to ask if it is possible to fix the difficulty of this Flashpoint because "Many" groups of players can't get passed the two Mandalorians. They feel very overpowered, with:


  • Punches that knock you so far out of the Arena and into the Lava for an instant kill.
  • Blade attacks that slow you down to the point where you can't move and must endure your health bar drop until your character dies.
  • Koltos being at the edge don't really bug me, but I hate being randomly targeted and punched out of the Arena trying to use a Kolto to help my group. I don't even hold any Aggro.
  • Glitches where I don't get knocked out, but still die because the game registers it as if I was knocked out of the Arena.


The Rest of the Flashpoint feels straight forward and simple, even the final Boss, but why did you make the second to last bosses so Difficult? ...On a Tactical. I've played with so many players who feel discouraged after losing over and over and over and just can't get passed them. If you want to keep that gameplay style on Hard Mode, I believe thats reasonable but C'mon, this is a Tactical, it shouldn't be this difficult/stressful to get through them. At least decrease the distance of how far we fly when getting punched (on a Tactical). I've only gotten through them a very small number of times, and thats mostly because There is a Tank in our group and sometimes an off-Healer. What about the next time I get a group of only DPS? (like the other hundred times) should I just leave immediately and look for another group doing another flashpoint? If you intend to leave it the same, at least give us a shield booster to protect ourselves from pushes/instant blade kills. I'm sure Im not the only one who has been stressed from this Flashpoint. (oh and I know I'm complaining when I say this, but I hate that you removed the option to revive ourselves during combat, though if you don't add it back, its not gonna kill me lol)

Edited by Raptor-Raide
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I tried to run it at 2 (me dps/healer and the other one was pure dps), with 2 companions. It's not doable because of bugs and mechanisms. First phase is easy, until the merry couple come both down. Then

- if a companion is tank and has aggro, the fight usually resets. Try again

- if companion are set to heal or dps, they need to be micromanaged to stand in the middle. That means they can't heal meanwhile but the damage is too big to stay without healers, specially when everyone is stacked.

- so I heal, but because of the aggro dump, i eventually get boss attention. Joss stuns lock me and I'm shot down in seconds without being able to do anything.

- because of the aggro dump, it's such a bother to know which player or companion will get it.


Additional mechanism such as being knocked off the ridge right after the AOE phase force players and companion to stack in the middle and take full damage.

Edited by Nkya
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Problem is this flashpoint simply isn't made for groups without trinity or lower leveled players.


I remember a long time ago I got a queue for everyone was 50+ and we even got trinity, I immediately thought "YES A HARD MODE!" accept, see blood hunt... and after some nightmare flashbacks... I quickly notice its the tactical style. Safe to say we got through the entire thing with only roughly one or two deaths, one because of a glitch on the Mandalorian couple and the first boss.


Yep... trinity and all leveled well... but how about a group of four DPS of varying levels? Took me two hours and countless cycling of other DPS players. I know the mechanics well and executed them correctly, I did at times get caught in the maul, but I actually found a use for that stupid propulsion round, but the problem was everyone kept dying to fast, and people who kept trying to get the kolto got punched out of the arena.


I even remember some poor sap new to the game who entered his very first flashpoint, blood hunt. Poor man... hardest FP in the game... and its very first day to the game. He surprisingly was extremely tolerant, perhaps to due to his adrenaline or excitement of his first group activity, but he stayed for 30 mins and called it quits, that he stated he was simply to new to do it. I felt bad and all but we had a lot of laughs and he said he enjoyed it. We cycled through various people until I was the only original member, it wasn't until we had two 65s, a level 60, and level 50 something to finally beat the boss.


They REALLY need to nerf this for a tactical, or at least level restrict it or something... maybe even increase the rewards for this. Why spend 30 to 45 to maybe two hours doing this when I can run Czerka in 15 minutes for the same reward?

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I have written 3 tickets on this about to write a fourth when I thought I had better write it here so I can reply to a developer when they actually do.


One of the replies was from someone having succesfully tanked it? It is in my ticket history, too bad I couldn't reply. This was a very weak argument since that person probably has very good gear compared to the preferred or free to play(ers) among us.Oh and actually having damage mitigation mechanisms which help eat the damage. I think the damage output needs to be tweaked down a little so it is playable for even 4 sorcerers in a flashpoint. And not to mention low level players. The same goes for the Depth of Manaan flashpoint


I really hope this gets a look at


Have a nice day




(I have written here a copy of the ticket I was supposed to write)

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First of all the flashpoint is doable with a strategy, i've done it recently with 4 DPS. I've also done it with the holy trinity composition of 2 DPS, 1 Healer, 1 Tank. Sad part is the kolto stations are too far out, but after a knockback you have some time to run out there without worrying about it and use them with 4 DPS composition it's easier to just have one guy out there doing it almost full time. I also want to say that the boss is easier in HM than Tactical which is stupid all on its own but again can be done with a strategy.
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First of all the flashpoint is doable with a strategy, i've done it recently with 4 DPS. I've also done it with the holy trinity composition of 2 DPS, 1 Healer, 1 Tank. Sad part is the kolto stations are too far out, but after a knockback you have some time to run out there without worrying about it and use them with 4 DPS composition it's easier to just have one guy out there doing it almost full time. I also want to say that the boss is easier in HM than Tactical which is stupid all on its own but again can be done with a strategy.


The problem is that if you mistime the knockback and/or end up even slightly out of position....you're dead; in other words, you MUST execute it PERFECTLY, and that is not what a TFP should be.

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I have successfully done this FP in Tactical mode every time I ran it. I have also completed it on toons of varying levels/classes, ranging between levels 30 and max. I have healed, DPS'd, and tanked it, and have completed it more times than I can count with each class. Yes, the husband/wife combo can be difficult, but it's all about timing. If you time your defensive CD's and the mechanics correctly (which really isn't that hard to do), and stick to the middle during the times when they do their knock backs, then you have plenty of time to reach the kolto stations and get back to the middle again. I understand that the level of difficulty is higher than some of the other tacticals, and can be hard for newer players, but personally I am thankful for it. It forces people to learn their specs. And don't give me the BS that you can't stay alive long enough. Every class has defensive abilities, and EVERY class has abilities that let them transverse a lot of ground relatively quickly. Also, there's this wonderful thing called Medpacs that can be used in oh-**** situations. Plus, in a group setting, so long as everyone targets the same boss (the husband is who I've always targeted first), then the increased damage during Phase 2 shouldn't really even last that long. That said, previous experience has shown that not many survive until the end of the fight. It still doesn't make it impossible to do. There have been many times where all but myself have died (and even I have died on a few occasions, with one or 2 stellar group members left up), and we were still able to down them. It all boils down to knowing the fight and knowing your class. Just because you find it difficult doesn't mean it's bugged. Honestly, I haven't noticed any difference in the fight mechanics since before 4.0 came out. The only difference I've noticed is in the degrading skill of players who can't seem to figure out simple mechanics/don't know how to properly play their class.


If you want a REAL version of this FP to complain about, try doing it in HM with a pug group. The DPS check on the first boss is insanely tight, and you have to have an experienced group who knows both the fight and how to play their classes in order to get past it. Healers are the most notorious for being daft, as they can't seem to use a simple cleanse.



Edited by Mokuyobi
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The problem is that if you mistime the knockback and/or end up even slightly out of position....you're dead; in other words, you MUST execute it PERFECTLY, and that is not what a TFP should be.


Whats this, you need to time things perfectly to wait for a knockback then click a kolto station?


That's nightmare level planning!

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  • 3 months later...
I seriously hope whoever designed this dungeon *********** dies, no I don't mean gets hurt or figuratively dies. I hope they ACTUALLY *********** die. I've tried this 8 different times with countless wipes and I cannot complete it. It does not matter how much gear the group has, what level we are, whether its preformed or not. Whether we have a dedicated healer and tank. This dungeon is *********** impossible and I hope its creator dies. I actually gave up healing because of this flashpoint and unless I can complete it sometime soon I'm done with the game.
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I seriously hope whoever designed this dungeon *********** dies, no I don't mean gets hurt or figuratively dies. I hope they ACTUALLY *********** die. I've tried this 8 different times with countless wipes and I cannot complete it. It does not matter how much gear the group has, what level we are, whether its preformed or not. Whether we have a dedicated healer and tank. This dungeon is *********** impossible and I hope its creator dies. I actually gave up healing because of this flashpoint and unless I can complete it sometime soon I'm done with the game.


I did it 3 times last week on HM. Twice as a tank and once as a healer. Then I did this once on tactical where i was a tank. Either your group is incompetent or you are. Have a nice day =))

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Main problem isn't knockback. It's immobilizing effect of Jos' blade attack. You need specific set of utilities to counter it.

Another issue is players who click koltos when everyone is at or near full hp. Luckily that doesn't happen often.


How many random people usually wait for you to change your utilities? It's rare even after politely asking them to wait.

Edited by Halinalle
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Main problem isn't knockback. It's immobilizing effect of Jos' blade attack. You need specific set of utilities to counter it.

Another issue is players who click koltos when everyone is at or near full hp. Luckily that doesn't happen often.


How many random people usually wait for you to change your utilities?


I didn't encounter any problems with that.

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