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Everything posted by Dre_the_Brave

  1. I think instead, to actually change the dot spread to a 5m wide circle with a 10m range to ensure you spread dots fare more easily and then don't have to worry about not missing any enemies with a well deserved Dot. It is highly annoying when it isn't spread. I think my suggested way will work better and quicker.
  2. Thanks for the reply. It was fixed. It was the game, not my driver Read edit in original post Thanks for the effort though!!
  3. As the title says, Everything from grass and sand is all black is if it were the dead of night. For example my Yavin SH everything outside is dark, apart from the waterfalls. In side the cave and tmple are gloomy and low light, but they are supposed to be that. The specs should say I can run the game smoothly. The game does run smoothly. Just everything is so dark, as if the light is turned out., and it is not the gamma, bcause character screen is okay, and normal. I checked the drivers, and they are okay. I just don't know what to do or what the problem could be. Thanks in advance for the help EDIT: I did a re-install of the game to disable the straming launcher. This actually fixed it for me. I also later realized that I puyt this in the wrong section :/ Oops thanks for the reply though:)
  4. Well It is a fun spec to play until you need to spread your dots.. you have to position yourself so that all your targets are in the cone.. and EVEN then the dot isn't always spread to the rest, it makes the otherwise fun spec very annoying to play. What if it were still knives (Animation).. but a close range (10m) AoE circle on the ground of a 5m radius.. This would solve the problem completely. I don't have to position myself (of which I am guessing in pvp I don't have time for at all) And my DoTs safely gets spread.
  5. I do have a thing to say about hatred assassins. I think the spec can be way more fun, but Lacerate is a very ugly animation but does spread DOTs.. However it is the Deathfield that places deathmarks later on in the spec.. I would suggest (since it is a melee class) to just combine Deathfield and Lacerate in a new melee ability that places deathmarks and spreads DoTs. Right now to me.. the spec is a bit of a mess if you ask me, because of the above described reason
  6. I have written 3 tickets on this about to write a fourth when I thought I had better write it here so I can reply to a developer when they actually do. One of the replies was from someone having succesfully tanked it? It is in my ticket history, too bad I couldn't reply. This was a very weak argument since that person probably has very good gear compared to the preferred or free to play(ers) among us.Oh and actually having damage mitigation mechanisms which help eat the damage. I think the damage output needs to be tweaked down a little so it is playable for even 4 sorcerers in a flashpoint. And not to mention low level players. The same goes for the Depth of Manaan flashpoint I really hope this gets a look at Have a nice day Dre (I have written here a copy of the ticket I was supposed to write)
  7. UHm actually I went to play on a new server having to start over with all the legacy class buffs, but managed to get two (one being a lvl 60 token warrior) and a sorc i leveled to lvl 65 by means of flashpoints and a lot of heroics and started the chapters on, when reaching lvl 65. But now after the last update they took it out sadly :/ and I really just want the buffs, I don't care about the rest. But having to play the story over and over again, is what people get the instant 60s for so why not get the buff? I think it is fair
  8. I don't know if this was a post already, but I love playing my marauder, she has two Fibra blades that if she holsters the one goes on each shoulder for a second and thn the left one dissappears. (not if wearing two different blades you see two merged blades holstered on right shoulder) What I would love if the two blades would either cross holster on the back or at least on blade on the left shoulder, esthetic wise that would be very cool So again, don't know if this was posted yet, but I would love to see this happening Anyone agrees? Dre
  9. Why not holster them crossed on the back? It would make it really awesome, if that were possible of course..
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