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Returning player and seems I missed a few things.


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Been out for 1 1/2 years so I thought I might of missed a few things I would need a sub to get started, and I want to do a full play through again. But, holy Jabba farts, what gives with the XP? Some of these other nerfs I can live with but this XP is beyond insane. I can't even outlevel anything anymore? Half way through the 2nd planet , skipping all bonuses, I find myself at level 25? Also, are the NPCs all nerfed as well? I'm going in totally unmodded gear and they drop like bantha poodoo in front of me if I even bother to shoot cause my companion usually drops them before I even get a shot and that counts elites.


I don't understand, not all of us are 12 yr olds. I like to challenge myself at least a little but this is no challenge at all. What do I have to do, unsub to have any fun in leveling or have they nerfed F2P as well?


Anyways, sorry for the rant, had to vent, don't feel better though. I just don't get it at all.

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Been out for 1 1/2 years so I thought I might of missed a few things I would need a sub to get started, and I want to do a full play through again. But, holy Jabba farts, what gives with the XP? Some of these other nerfs I can live with but this XP is beyond insane. I can't even outlevel anything anymore? Half way through the 2nd planet , skipping all bonuses, I find myself at level 25? Also, are the NPCs all nerfed as well? I'm going in totally unmodded gear and they drop like bantha poodoo in front of me if I even bother to shoot cause my companion usually drops them before I even get a shot and that counts elites.


I don't understand, not all of us are 12 yr olds. I like to challenge myself at least a little but this is no challenge at all. What do I have to do, unsub to have any fun in leveling or have they nerfed F2P as well?


Anyways, sorry for the rant, had to vent, don't feel better though. I just don't get it at all.


Welcome back to the game and yes, things have become quite a lot easier. There's a whole thread here that touches pretty much on most things you just mentioned as well. :)

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Funny thing is, they've got a double XP event planned for the 4th of May celebrations.


Yeah that's gonna be something. I came back during the double XP thing in Dec/Jan without knowing we had double XP going and I genuinely was like "*** how am I going so super fast???". Makes me happy with level sync though otherwise it would become even more silly.

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Always good to restart a game by plying a hefty rant right up front. :p


Protip: level sync is by design... to keep a planets content relevant for xp and rewards, no matter what level you are. It's a positive change for the game, particularly for newer players (not so much veterans, or hardcore players).


I'm sure it will do wonders for your enjoyment of the game too.


You could always just blind fold yourself and play based on audio queues and hand spamming your keyboard. That should go a long way toward making it challenging for you. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Me being half leveled and don't even have my ship yet is only half my grief. What about the paper thin NPCs? Is it by design that I can play naked and elites fall at my feet in one shot? Maybe they should change the name to Star Wars the God Mode.
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Yes it's f**ked up to say the least, I suggest you put your comp on passive all the times, that should bring back some joy for you. At least, that's how I play.


And now I'm not gonna be popular:

The change is because of the spoiled little babies who don't want any challenge but want to faceroll everything (including group content in solo) as fast as they can. And that's the majority of the player base.

BW realized their mistake, that they over tuned companions far too much, they fixed it with a patch, and then many players started to rage at BW, because they weren't so op anymore. So BW rolled back their companion nerf, so that's how it is now, we gotta live with it.


The XP rate, much as I'd like it to be cut to half, isn't so bad because of the level sync.


And just for the record: Guess what happens, when solo content is reduced to this easy god invincible mode? You see players in flashpoints spamming basic attack. How fun.

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And just for the record: Guess what happens, when solo content is reduced to this easy god invincible mode? You see players in flashpoints spamming basic attack. How fun.


And people reporting "bugs" cause there was a bit of thought required to open a force-field.

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Welp, looks like there's only 1 thing I can do to try making this fun again. Spend the rest of this month grinding creds, buy whatever unlocks I don't already have, build up my collections a bit, buy some armor dyes and whatever else , then unsub.


I'm seeing people at level running around so I assume the game people didn't obliterate the F2P XP? What about this level syncing for F2P? I'm guessing the companions are still gods but i could at least make them just spam their basic attack.


Gotta say this is the only game I've tried where I have to take the free version to make it fun.

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The method that seems to have fit best for myself and others, with regard to the rate of leveling, is to just do the class quest-lines through to endgame, and save the planetary stuff for later where you can apply other strategies.


One other thing you can do is to put away your companion completely,... or change the roll of your companions to something besides healing. Not having a companion healing changes things quite a bit as their healing is quite OP.


But yeah, 'casual' and 'story' are the names of the game.


Hope that helps some

Edited by ChakraFive
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Funny thing is, they've got a double XP event planned for the 4th of May celebrations.


Lol I noticed that ... prime example of designers/decision makers who don't play their own game ... along with a multitude of other decisions in this game.

I don't always like to blame the devs as often they are just following orders, rolling their eyes then getting paid and laughing about the designer/decision maker's ineptitude amongst themselves.

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Been out for 1 1/2 years so I thought I might of missed a few things I would need a sub to get started, and I want to do a full play through again. But, holy Jabba farts, what gives with the XP? Some of these other nerfs I can live with but this XP is beyond insane. I can't even outlevel anything anymore? Half way through the 2nd planet , skipping all bonuses, I find myself at level 25? Also, are the NPCs all nerfed as well? I'm going in totally unmodded gear and they drop like bantha poodoo in front of me if I even bother to shoot cause my companion usually drops them before I even get a shot and that counts elites.


I don't understand, not all of us are 12 yr olds. I like to challenge myself at least a little but this is no challenge at all. What do I have to do, unsub to have any fun in leveling or have they nerfed F2P as well?


Anyways, sorry for the rant, had to vent, don't feel better though. I just don't get it at all.


This would be for the brain dead or super super super casual peeps who couldn't shoot the broad side of a barn with a bazooka. Welcome back to Star Wars: The mind-numbingly easy as hell game....


I'm still here cause aside from the roflstompingly easiness of this game...I still find it fun.

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And people reporting "bugs" cause there was a bit of thought required to open a force-field.


Don't get me started on this. All they had to do was explore the area. They didn't have to follow any powerlines or anything, just follow the yellow brick road. It's what I did. *sigh*

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Always good to restart a game by plying a hefty rant right up front. :p


Protip: level sync is by design... to keep a planets content relevant for xp and rewards, no matter what level you are. It's a positive change for the game, particularly for newer players (not so much veterans, or hardcore players).


I'm sure it will do wonders for your enjoyment of the game too.


You could always just blind fold yourself and play based on audio queues and hand spamming your keyboard. That should go a long way toward making it challenging for you. :p


I don't care what anyone says, I still detest level sync. It won't go away, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it. I find it useful for the special snowflakes. *shrug*


But ce la vie

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Just got my ship at level 33 so just for kicks I went to Balmora, you know that planet where I should be at 33 and jumped one of those bug champs. The thing nearly killed me, my companion was flat on its *** and I was cussing the heal cooldown.


So anyway, I'm about convinced this sync stuff, companion gods and paper NPCs might not be working as originally intended. If at level me and my companion have to work for a living but when grossly over we do the waltz like we're grossly overleveled then well yeah, the sync doesn't seem so synced at all.


Wonder what they will tell me if I send a ticket......

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