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Ranked BS


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I have been looking forward to ranked for the past few months as season 7 is my first true season of ranked. I practiced during the preseason to get better and now... everything seems pointless. I play in Harbinger, because that's where pops occur most often. Well, tonight alone (Friday night) I had 5 people leave in 5 different ranked matches, people are throwing matches, and over all, a large portion of people do not know *** they are doing. Now, I don't get mad easily, but this is just ********. My rank is dropping so fast and I can't do anything about it. I get paired with these people I just described and I want to leave, but I don't because it's not the right thing to do. BW needs to make it so you cannot leave during a ranked match or if you do, you are not allowed to queue on any toon account wide for 15-30min. I just felt like ranting a bit.
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I have been looking forward to ranked for the past few months as season 7 is my first true season of ranked. I practiced during the preseason to get better and now... everything seems pointless. I play in Harbinger, because that's where pops occur most often. Well, tonight alone (Friday night) I had 5 people leave in 5 different ranked matches, people are throwing matches, and over all, a large portion of people do not know *** they are doing. Now, I don't get mad easily, but this is just ********. My rank is dropping so fast and I can't do anything about it. I get paired with these people I just described and I want to leave, but I don't because it's not the right thing to do. BW needs to make it so you cannot leave during a ranked match or if you do, you are not allowed to queue on any toon account wide for 15-30min. I just felt like ranting a bit.


just leave bro, dead game anyways. Try Overwatch next month is good.

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Rank is a total waste of time. It's in the game for special snow flake pvpers that need a number to brag about. Unranked is miles more fun. I ran the 10 rank matches just to see where I would land but the 10 matches were exactly what I expected - elitist princess players that feel everyone sucks but them, naturally. I'll stick with unranked for the real fun, and run ranks just for sideshow lulz, cuz it is amusing sometimes to see princesses get pissy in pvp chat Edited by DenariusJay
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I have been looking forward to ranked for the past few months as season 7 is my first true season of ranked. I practiced during the preseason to get better and now... everything seems pointless. I play in Harbinger, because that's where pops occur most often. Well, tonight alone (Friday night) I had 5 people leave in 5 different ranked matches, people are throwing matches, and over all, a large portion of people do not know *** they are doing. Now, I don't get mad easily, but this is just ********. My rank is dropping so fast and I can't do anything about it. I get paired with these people I just described and I want to leave, but I don't because it's not the right thing to do. BW needs to make it so you cannot leave during a ranked match or if you do, you are not allowed to queue on any toon account wide for 15-30min. I just felt like ranting a bit.


90 cc xfer

I agree with the lockout idea tho

Edited by LeglessChair
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People get so upset and finger point in ranked sometimes, it's funny how serious some take it. The game overall really is getting worse though.

I find myself getting logged out of game while sitting on fleet because i'm busy reading news or watching something on my other monitor. The game just doesn't hold my attention. Only a few days left of my sub then i'm moving on.

Need to find a different game to kill time with. Most games don't interest me, i just like the actual play style of this one but the poor Development leaves too much to be desired.

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People get so upset and finger point in ranked sometimes, it's funny how serious some take it. The game overall really is getting worse though.

I find myself getting logged out of game while sitting on fleet because i'm busy reading news or watching something on my other monitor. The game just doesn't hold my attention. Only a few days left of my sub then i'm moving on.

Need to find a different game to kill time with. Most games don't interest me, i just like the actual play style of this one but the poor Development leaves too much to be desired.


I feel quite similar at times but this is the only game I know of where I get to experience so much jedi/sith fun in one place heh. The depth of the combat is intriguing to me with all the powers each character has. I like games like shooters for example, but they just don't grab my attention the same way due to the (admittedly perceived) simplicity.

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We're having great matches on Jung ma, I've only had one match out of over 50 where someone left. We get back to back pops when we organize solo ranked ques. Much fewer fotm classes in ranked as well.


We get it. You're advertising for a dead server, and it's all awesome over there. Now shoo.

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I have been looking forward to ranked for the past few months as season 7 is my first true season of ranked. I practiced during the preseason to get better and now... everything seems pointless. I play in Harbinger, because that's where pops occur most often. Well, tonight alone (Friday night) I had 5 people leave in 5 different ranked matches, people are throwing matches, and over all, a large portion of people do not know *** they are doing. Now, I don't get mad easily, but this is just ********. My rank is dropping so fast and I can't do anything about it. I get paired with these people I just described and I want to leave, but I don't because it's not the right thing to do. BW needs to make it so you cannot leave during a ranked match or if you do, you are not allowed to queue on any toon account wide for 15-30min. I just felt like ranting a bit.


Honestly rank doesn't even matter anymore at this point. With as quick as the pops are on Harb I would recommend not worrying about your number at all. It doesn't matter. If you just keep queing up and playing you will get the comms for the items your after anyway. That's the whole reason BW changed the system. Ranked on most servers wasn't popping at all. So like it or not casuals are needed for a healthy ranked system to work.


If the number itself is what your chasing you will drive yourself crazy. Just have fun with it and you will find ranked a lot less stressful. And I mean hell, your rank could be 5,000 and no one would know or care about it except you. Especially with the class balance issues this season.

Edited by AutoCocker
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If the number itself is what your chasing you will drive yourself crazy. Just have fun with it and you will find ranked a lot less stressful. And I mean hell, your rank could be 5,000 and no one would know or care about it except you. Especially with the class balance issues this season.


Yep, thats exactly what I do. I just que and learn and have fun the best I can. It's not a big deal to get some loses, and telling people off in chat in a fit of rage doesn't do any good at all - for you or for the other person. I mean I get the competitiveness but nothing is on the line except egos - which I gladly forfeit, since I find it makes you a better person.

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I have been looking forward to ranked for the past few months as season 7 is my first true season of ranked. I practiced during the preseason to get better and now... everything seems pointless. I play in Harbinger, because that's where pops occur most often. Well, tonight alone (Friday night) I had 5 people leave in 5 different ranked matches, people are throwing matches, and over all, a large portion of people do not know *** they are doing. Now, I don't get mad easily, but this is just ********. My rank is dropping so fast and I can't do anything about it. I get paired with these people I just described and I want to leave, but I don't because it's not the right thing to do. BW needs to make it so you cannot leave during a ranked match or if you do, you are not allowed to queue on any toon account wide for 15-30min. I just felt like ranting a bit.


Just do team ranked...


But if you really want to do solos, add all the really bad players to friend and when you see they are queuing. STOP. Also, don't queue on weekends, cause a lot more people queue on weekends, meaning more bads. If you play a sorc or any class that can off heal, be sure to bubble everyone (sorc only) and keep a off heal or two on someone getting focused. They may be bad, but if your heal lets them live 5 seconds longer, that may be the 5 seconds you needed to get a kill.

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