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Group PVP queueing BUG


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When you queue as a group you're not actually queued for pvp. The pvp icon doesn't blink indicating you're queued nor does it ever pop. Only way to leave the bugged queue is to re log.


Please fix.


Edit: Seems like it will pop occasionally but still cant leave the queue or re queue without re logging.

Edited by Meowling
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I encountered a glitch happening to some people including myself on the Bastion. It happens when the group queue for pvp button is selected with 1 or more players in a group. . There is no indication from the mini-map icon/button that we are in a pvp queue at all. And on the WARZONE window the option to queue as solo or as group goes away and cant be selected. it only says in the chat window that the group is queued for pvp. We tried to log out and log in but it keeps happening every time on multiple players. The only way to get into a warzone for me, is to log in without the glitch and only queue solo pvp.


We hope that it gets fixed asap.



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Same here on Vanjervalis Chain.

Also Odessen is still the only wz popping


Same here on Ebon Hawke also, and all i have had is 1 Civil War and 2 Nova Coast and the rest the new wz which is total garbage by the way :mad:

Edited by ukrob
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Same on Ebon Hawke.: Why is it after every patch they fix a few things but create worse bugs, whoever makes these patches for the game should be sacked for being incompetent, great customer service :mad: Edited by ukrob
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