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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I would like a list


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A full and complete list of all blocked names/words, an explanation why would be nice too but that might be going to far.


I have been trying to rename one character and make some new ones but not a single name I try will work. I have tried many names not just one with different spellings, they all do have the same last name so it is most likely that. I also get different messages when they get rejected, rename gets an unavailable where the same name in character creation gets invalid.


I have done what I can to see if any name I try is taken already and nothing ever is taken. Though I am not a fan of census apps it sure would be nice to be able to look up a list of all the player character names.

Edited by mudtech
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YES! I have been having the same problem. I've searched and written tickets. No where can I find the actual rules used to determine what characters and names are allowed or disallowed. Yes there's that bit in the user agreement, but it doesn't give specifics about format, vowels or consonants together, when you can use <space>, single quote, or a hyphen, or not. And especially about disallowed names. I've tried so many versions of "Jake<space><2ndname>" in both the rename and character generation, that all I can figure is the name "Jake" is somehow disallowed. Even though I've had the name in the past, but taken from me when force transferred, and also the name on my server is being held by a L5 Warrior, and has been for years.
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You do know that such a list would be large and constantly changing, right?


And frankly, if you read their naming rules attentively, you can actually figure out why most names are in fact blocked. Don't know the rules? ----> see the official rules of conduct you agree to in order to log in to the game http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct


Seriously, I don't want the studio spending time on something like this. It would be a nightmare to maintain since it constantly changes anyway, and it won't stop the complaining about a blocked name. And any explanation given would simply be endlessly argued and debated by someone who feels entitled to a particular name.


TL;DR nice idea, but waste of time and resources.

Edited by Andryah
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You do know that such a list would be large and constantly changing, right?


And frankly, if you read their naming rules attentively, you can actually figure out why most names are in fact blocked.


Seriously, I don't want the studio spending time on something like this. It would be a nightmare to maintain since it constantly changes anyway, and it won't stop the complaining about a blocked name. And any explanation given would simply be endlessly argued and debated by someone who feels entitled to a particular name.


TL;DR nice idea, but waste of time and resources.

Time was, EQ2wire.com let you search for a name on a given server for eq2, and you would know ahead of time if the name was taken, and the list was updated every half hour, sometimes faster, because it was a direct feed. You could do the same with guild names.

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Time was, EQ2wire.com let you search for a name on a given server for eq2, and you would know ahead of time if the name was taken, and the list was updated every half hour, sometimes faster, because it was a direct feed. You could do the same with guild names.


I could see some value to a list of taken guild names, by server. But do you really want the studio spending time and energy on this instead of other things? Naming is a one time event, so I don't see the ROI for this. Sure it could be a bit frustrating trying different names until you hit an open one, but again.. you do it one time, not every single day when you log in. :)

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but again.. you do it one time, not every single day when you log in. :)
You don't get to tell me how to play this game! :mad:


Seriously, I make new alts every time I return to SWTOR from my annual break (which I'm on right now btw). Even before the advent of spaces in names (obviously), I've never been unable to get a name (or close to it) I wanted. I learned most of the rules by trial and error long ago. For example, while Thoronmir is fine, Thor'onmir is not. In fact, it wouldn't let me make any name that started with Thor'. But Thoron'mir (or any other name with Thoron') is totally Kosher. So, like I said, it's an exercise in trial and error.


Ooh, maybe my next Old-Man-Jedi will be called Kosher.:D

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Time was, EQ2wire.com let you search for a name on a given server for eq2, and you would know ahead of time if the name was taken, and the list was updated every half hour, sometimes faster, because it was a direct feed. You could do the same with guild names.


Many MMOs have an API that allows you to pull data from the servers for stuff like this. WoW has this and it allows sites to use the data like this:




Character info too: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dark-iron/Sandrazzley/simple


On the other hand DCUO used to do this to display character data but they removed it because it taxed their servers too much.


swtor doesn't have any form of api to allow this. Folks have requested this on and off for ages. I doubt it will ever happen this late in the game

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You don't get to tell me how to play this game! :mad:


Seriously, I make new alts every time I return to SWTOR from my annual break (which I'm on right now btw). Even before the advent of spaces in names (obviously), I've never been unable to get a name (or close to it) I wanted. I learned most of the rules by trial and error long ago. For example, while Thoronmir is fine, Thor'onmir is not. In fact, it wouldn't let me make any name that started with Thor'. But Thoron'mir (or any other name with Thoron') is totally Kosher. So, like I said, it's an exercise in trial and error.


Ooh, maybe my next Old-Man-Jedi will be called Kosher.:D


Maybe be a little more creative in your name choice? Honestly I havent once since the beginning had a name turned down. But then I dont try to name my toons after star wars characters either. Sorry but I assume all versio s of kylo ren are used soooooo.....

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Maybe be a little more creative in your name choice? Honestly I havent once since the beginning had a name turned down. But then I dont try to name my toons after star wars characters either. Sorry but I assume all versio s of kylo ren are used soooooo.....
You missed the point of my post. I have all the names I ever tried to get. When I first played SWTOR (in Beta) and saw that we could add punctuation to names, I experimented a little (as outlined above). That was my advice to anyone who complains that they cannot get the name they want: exercise a little trial and error and find a name that works.


EDIT: As for naming characters after Star Wars characters, Thoronmir is a name I concocted for a D&D character in 1979 and have used in RPGs ever since (including several MMOs). While Sindarin in origin, the name is not associated with any character in any established IP.

Edited by Thoronmir
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Three letter words that are forbidden:






Four letter words that are forbidden:













+ about 50 others


5 Letter words that are forbidden:







up to 8- letter words..... including the day after Friday, and a town in North Lincolnshire, UK.


- The catch-22 is that we can't tell you what the naughty words are, coz we can't post them here. :rolleyes:

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On the other hand DCUO used to do this to display character data but they removed it because it taxed their servers too much.


Actually around two years ago DCUO started releasing data so that anybody could create what they call census apps. There are two successful apps WaveDox and DCUO Live.


These apps were a very polarizing issue there, some people even quit the game because of them. The issues stemmed from info that didn't need to be readily available to anyone. Some of the info was thankfully taken away do to many peoples concerns about stalker issues.



Oh and I don't think I put in originally that I always use common everyday names, generally European in origin, American style names. I prefer to use proper spellings and don't do any play on words, basically I'm rather boring with names. So getting seemingly blocked is very strange to me.

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Many MMOs have an API that allows you to pull data from the servers for stuff like this. WoW has this and it allows sites to use the data like this:


swtor doesn't have any form of api to allow this. Folks have requested this on and off for ages. I doubt it will ever happen this late in the game


I believe (and fairly sure it has been confirmed in one of the cantina or streams - confirmation, anyone?) that this is out of EA's hands, as it's LA's call regarding an API. They are protecting their IP. Sure, there are parts of it that maybe could be opened up and LA probably would be "happy" but :/


I don't know if it would help the person asking about Guild names, but didn't SWTORConquest have a historic list of the guilds that had appeared on the Conquest leaderboards... I know that's not really going to help THAT much, but maybe.

Edited by leehambly
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Well sadly all my naming issues stemmed from one blocked word, Blaze.


So one simple symbol placed in it and finally renaming and new characters can be done.




I did also find a curious blocked name, James. Cant see why that would be blocked, it's far to common/basic of a name.

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I did also find a curious blocked name, James. Cant see why that would be blocked, it's far to common/basic of a name.


It seems that many common names are considered invalid. Lucy was also not allowed and someone complained that Jake was invalid, too.

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I've found that a name can't include a space and a - or '. Hyphens and apostrophes can be mixed, though.


Jimmy Smitts ... OK

Jim'y-smitts ... OK

Jimm'y Smitts ... Invalid

Jim-my Smitts ... Invalid


You must have 3 letters before and 3 letters after the space in the name, I guess the - and ' don't count for that.

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