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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are people still mad about no new raids?


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It's not nerf or dumbing down, but not asking for a group.


Or they should design/rescale the content into single player/2men content so players could do stuff whenever possible, or nerf the trinity to make it much easier to form a group.


Try harder. Or go play Battlefront.

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W....which battlefront.... if you mean EA... then you mind as well say hell.


I dunno, that stuff that was released last year and was star warsy. My friend told me that it is exactly like if you have 1-2 hours to do nothing, you just login, do stuff and carry on when you're finished. So yeah Slow should play something else.... :o

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I dunno, that stuff that was released last year and was star warsy. My friend told me that it is exactly like if you have 1-2 hours to do nothing, you just login, do stuff and carry on when you're finished. So yeah Slow should play something else.... :o


Star wars battlefront may look like star wars, but it ends there in terms of being a good game. It feels like your actually in star wars, and sounds like it, but the gameplay in that thing is truly terrible. Its a unbalanced mess with no correlation to work together as a team, and only caters to that COD fan base of those who want nothing to do with the team and only play for their selves. Not to mention the grenade spam in that game and the amount of indirect gadgets to kill people leads to a incredibly low skill ceiling so lower players can kill higher skilled players with cheap tactics rather than getting better. Not to mention the obesence lack of content in that game... 8 maps.... 4 different planets.... 4 modes? Don't get me started on that knockoff on heroes and villains.


SWTOR may be in a rough state right now, but its nothing like battlefront.

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The problem is for an Operation to be tuned so you don't need tanks or healers, would make the operations so completely easy that it wouldn't be worth it for a lot of players. There would be absolutely zero challenge to it. (oh wait, just like SM Operations are now). However if your including actual challenging content like HM or NiM Ops as well from removing the trinity, nobody would do them ever. There would be zero challenge.


As I stated before. Trinity isn't broken. you just need to make friends with tanks/healers.


Pretty much agree with you here. If people are whinging about a lack of tanks/healers then go make a tank/healer and learn the role yourself ... become part of the solution or don't whinge about the problem if you choose not to.

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Come on slow poking... you literally hijacked this thread after discussing a subject that went for actually 500 pages. You tried man.... im glad your persistent but this subject has been beaten to death, and if you really want to continue it bump your old thread.


Everyone really needs to stop replying to the guy ... I know I am.

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Do you think Operations in that form will ever come back?


If they don't I think this games days are seriously numbered. There concept of content in addition to KoTFE chapters so far is EC and I'm not sure if you've done that but it's seriously lacking in any sort of replay ability ... arguably a waste of development resources for the ROI it will most likely see.


They may very well have something to replace that form of operations but it's going to need to be designed in a way that keeps people playing and paying for months on end because more and more people are happy to give up sub and come back every few months to get the story content for the one price ( or even at the end of it all - expect a big spike in user for a month after the final chapter ).


I don't have any faith in the current team to be able to design this 'new' content to replace operations.

Between what they have shown so far ( E.g. EC ) and letter's like Ben's I just don't think they have the foresight to pull it off with something new.

What to do then? Revert back to the old design of operations that we know worked and kept people playing, sure give it less resources but if they could pull in 1 operation every 6 months I think that would go a long way to appeasing players and more importantly keeping them playing and paying.


Give it a spin if they need ... make 1-2 monthly 2 boss operations that link together storywise. That would be super popular and always give players something to look forward to, make it more accessible for the time constrained and easier on development but the idea is still lies in the old way of how operations were designed ( DPs, Tank, Healer and group ).

If they do anything new and take a "tactical" path they're just going to keep the same player base they have now which will continue to dwindle ... this model is a self fulfilling prophecy destined for doom ... you can't only cater to one audience and hope to succeed even if that audience is the solo story crowd ... sooner or later things will die off.







Entry level group content formatted to require trinity teams is no longer the direction the designers are going. "Mechanical challenge" content is some of the hardest to produce and balance for fun/difficulty; look at the delays in producing the Eternal Championship. Going forward, if they put that amount of effort into any particular section of the game, they're going to open it to the widest possible audience...

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I have 34 toons, and 15 are 65, yes I've done all 8 class stories MULTIPLE times on MULTIPLE servers.


Planetary quest, yes. Been here in the beginning when leveling was slower and you only had rested experience. Did all the planetary quests on all planets.


Every heroic. Yes, I have Galactic Hero title.


Every bonus quest? Yup, including the planetary bonus lines. (I hate Hoth's level 47 one when it was a thing)


Yup, every datacron in game. I have the title, the stronghold decoration and my legacy datacron thing is maxed out.


Side quest? Yup, part of the planetary quest chain waaaaaaay back in 1.0-2.0 days.


Did every flashpoint when it was group related. All solo modes. And all the tacticals.


Did every operation out there too.


All reputations are maxxed out.


I've tried space combat, GSF, talking to all my companions, I've got 11 of 12 originals I got back to rank 50. Did chapters 1-12 of KotFE on 11 toons. Um...events, did Rakghoul (before Kaon Under Siege and after (the newer one)), Chevin Event, Macro binocular, Seeker Droid quest. Um, Summer Nar Shaddaa gambling event. Bounty Brokers, Gree. All maxed.


Alliances Specialists, all four of them, to rank 20 on 8 people. Hmmm. Now all I need is to get all planets to 100% achievement complete.


Um...still here, did it all and then some.


You are the exception, not the rule. If you were we wouldn't have had letters like Ben's and the response it got.

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Star wars battlefront may look like star wars, but it ends there in terms of being a good game. It feels like your actually in star wars, and sounds like it, but the gameplay in that thing is truly terrible. Its a unbalanced mess with no correlation to work together as a team, and only caters to that COD fan base of those who want nothing to do with the team and only play for their selves. Not to mention the grenade spam in that game and the amount of indirect gadgets to kill people leads to a incredibly low skill ceiling so lower players can kill higher skilled players with cheap tactics rather than getting better. Not to mention the obesence lack of content in that game... 8 maps.... 4 different planets.... 4 modes? Don't get me started on that knockoff on heroes and villains.


SWTOR may be in a rough state right now, but its nothing like battlefront.


Based on most of your comments there I am guessing you never took the time to actually get good at BF ... grenade spam lol ... if that was one of your major concerns you certainly weren't one of the "higher skilled" players.


Get gud then you can diss the game. ;)

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Pretty much agree with you here. If people are whinging about a lack of tanks/healers then go make a tank/healer and learn the role yourself ... become part of the solution or don't whinge about the problem if you choose not to.


So it's simply forcing people to play what they don't want to play.


Why there are so few tanks and healers? Because people don't want to play them compare to DPS, simple.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Some people are still trying to defend the "forced-group" and "forced trinity" here. Sure it worked years ago when MMO was on its peak, but not anymore, players today no longer want such strict group requirement, they just want to play whenever they want to play rather than waste so much effort to form a group and roll out for hours to the end.


Either ops format needs to change, or there will be no more new ops, simple. Bioware didn't give up the ops for no reason, there are too few people trying them compare to its cost.

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Just look at the current state of games. Even WOW is losing subs badly and Blizzard had switched their focus to MOB. What does it say? Players are losing interest on typical themed park MMO, especially large group content. I don't think current route of SWTOR was right, but the problem is that the story could not be replayed and there is only 1 storyline now. But keeping on the route of raid doesn't work either. It's not like Bioware never tried to focus on raid. Wildstar is another example. Edited by Slowpokeking
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It's a good game, have you actually played it or yet another "jump on the comment section bandwagon because it's not old school BF" crowd?


No... although one of the reasons I dislike the battlefront games is because it doesn't simply hold a candle to the old one.


The old battlefront had 16 maps on release each featuring a new planet, meanwhile we get 8 maps in battlefront EA, and only 4 planets. If you enjoy playing walker assault then your probably going to be stuck in 4 maps.


The spawns in that game are literally some of the worst spawns in my life, and I played COD, were if you stationed each of your teammates properly you could literally watch them spawn and pick them off. In this game they spawn in such a predictable spot, let alone in close quarters, were you can just hunker down or go in as Darth Vadar mowing down half the team at once.


Which also leads me to the heroes and villains.... I realize battlefront 2 didn't have the best combat, but its significantly better than what we have now. Good luck trying to fight back if you get slammed into a wall, as your instantly going to get hit another 5 times. Not to mention that they made the hero drop a pickup, so instead of trying to play the objective, people would rather spend time looking to be a hero than trying to win the game for their team, and it only serves to help those who wish to play for themselves only. A better system would of been whoever helps the team most, through capturing objectives, kills, spots, and assists, not whoever gets lucky by RNG.


Speaking of teamwork... their is none. It plays just like COD with a bunch of chickens running around with their head cut off running rampantly around trying to get kills rather than a controlled manner of a certain front being needed to defend to hold the area.


Battlefield had problems with this as well, boundaries, but its the opposite problem in battlefront. In battlefield the boundaries were way to strict which at times, especially in rush, which forced people to push a certain route and wouldn't allow flanking at times, however in battlefront the boundaries are so open, you can be sniping people across the map or on top of a mountain. The boundaries need to be more restricted to prevent snipers from being out of reach, however not like battlefield were its at times to funneled and doesn't allow for dynamic gameplay.


Now the gun balance.... jeez... look no further than the DL-44, a gun with amazing damage, and a decent rate of fire to outgun pretty much anything in close range. On top of that its the last gun to unlock, and hey... if you bought the delux version you get it at the very start! That's not a p2w scenario or anything... Then we get to the gadgets, which is the real deal breaker for the game balance. Come on.... a homing rocket... for INFANRY? which is, for the most part, completely unavoidable unless under very extreme circumstances. Then we get to the grenade spam.... its bad in battlefield 4, but the TTK in battlefront is significantly lower, leading to a lower skill gap to kill people. Throw that in with a bunch of indirect fire weapons and it becomes even less of a skilled base ceiling. Theirs not really any recoil... or spread... or bullet drop, hits travel almost instantly leading to a further decreased skill gap. In another words, compared to battlefield, the skill ceiling is much lower allowing for lower skilled players to get kills easier instead of them adapting to mechanics to make them better, instead they resort to easy tricks to sway the battle in their favor.



I... ill stop here...who knows maybe ill come back and edit later.


EDIT- notice how besides the first few flaws I stated its more than simply "ZOMG ITS NOT BATTLEFRONT2!!!"

Edited by peter_plankskull
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No... although one of the reasons I dislike the battlefront games is because it doesn't simply hold a candle to the old one.


The old battlefront had 16 maps on release each featuring a new planet, meanwhile we get 8 maps in battlefront EA, and only 4 planets. If you enjoy playing walker assault then your probably going to be stuck in 4 maps.


The spawns in that game are literally some of the worst spawns in my life, and I played COD, were if you stationed each of your teammates properly you could literally watch them spawn and pick them off. In this game they spawn in such a predictable spot, let alone in close quarters, were you can just hunker down or go in as Darth Vadar mowing down half the team at once.


Which also leads me to the heroes and villains.... I realize battlefront 2 didn't have the best combat, but its significantly better than what we have now. Good luck trying to fight back if you get slammed into a wall, as your instantly going to get hit another 5 times. Not to mention that they made the hero drop a pickup, so instead of trying to play the objective, people would rather spend time being a hero than trying to win the game for their team, and it only serves to help those who wish to play for themselves only. A better system would of been whoever helps the team most, through capturing objectives, kills, spots, and assists, not whoever gets lucky by RNG.


Speaking of teamwork... their is none. It plays just like COD with a bunch of chickens running around with their head cut off running rampantly around trying to get kills rather than a controlled manner of a certain front being needed to defend to hold the area.


Battlefield had problems with this as well, boundaries, but its the opposite problem in battlefront. In battlefield the boundaries were way to strict which at times, especially in rushed, forced people to push a certain route and wouldn't allow flanking, however in battlefront their so open you can be sniping people across the map or on top of a mountain. The boundaries need to be more restricted to prevent snipers from being out of reach, however not like battlefield were its at times to funneled.


Now the gun balance.... jeez... look no further than the DL-44, a gun with amazing damage, and a decent rate of fire to outgun pretty much anything in close range. On top of that its the last gun to lock, and hey... if you bought the delux version you get it at the very start! That's not a p2w scenario or anything... Then we get to the gadgets, which is the real deal breaker for the game balance. Come on.... a homing rocket... for INFANRY? which is, for the most part, completely unavoidable unless under very extreme circumstances. Then we get to the grenade spam.... its bad in battlefield 4, but the TTK in battlefront is significantly lower, leading to a lower skill gap to kill people. Throw that in with a bunch of indirect fire weapons and it becomes even less of a skilled base ceiling. Theirs not really any recoil... or spread... or bullet drop, hits travel instantly leading to a further decreased skill gap. In another words, compared to battlefield, the skill ceiling is much lower allowing for better players to get kills easier instead of them adapting to mechanics to make them better, they resort to easy tricks to sway the battle in their favor.



I... ill stop here...who knows maybe ill come back and edit later.


EDIT- notice how besides the first few flaws I stated its more than simply "ZOMG ITS NOT BATTLEFRONT2!!!"

I don't think it's related to the topic.

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Is not battlefront ... I know many people like to make out that it is but it's not.


Why when talking about battlefront would you post battlefield stats?


To be fair you strictly stated bf... its kind of hard to tell the difference :D. Not to mention you should be able to get a better idea to see how well I play or do not play either way.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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No... although one of the reasons I dislike the battlefront games is because it doesn't simply hold a candle to the old one.


No you haven't played it or no you aren't one of those crowd?


The old battlefront had 16 maps on release each featuring a new planet, meanwhile we get 8 maps in battlefront EA, and only 4 planets. If you enjoy playing walker assault then your probably going to be stuck in 4 maps.


It's not the old battlefront ... if you don't think it's value for money that's fine but that has nothing to do with your insinuations around it being noob friendly to unskilled players vs skilled players ... when I started out I got slaughtered as a new player ... lucky if I could manage a few kills even with attempted grenade spam ( can't really spam it on the cooldown it has ) or homing rocket before it got nerfed, I now get less slaughtered after some perserverance ( granted if I had time to play it more between all the other games I like to play I could probably get a lot better but it is what it is ) but the skilled players still dominate and are just that ... skilled and their in game stats dictate it.


I got it for free also with my PS4 and read a lot like you seemed to have about it basically being a noob friendly fest and thought "sweet this should be easy enough to get into then" and boy was I wrong which is why I laugh when I read comments like that and can almost pick that the player has barely spent or very much time in the game at all.



The spawns in that game are literally some of the worst spawns in my life, and I played COD, were if you stationed each of your teammates properly you could literally watch them spawn and pick them off. In this game they spawn in such a predictable spot, let alone in close quarters, were you can just hunker down or go in as Darth Vadar mowing down half the team at once.


Most modes you can't just "go in as darth vader" ... even in the bigger modes like surpremacy and turning point where you can always camp the pickups you're got to get slaughtered very quickly if you endeavour to just camp the respawn points.

Perhaps be a bit more specific about which modes you're talking here because I tend to play the larger ones and I can't think of an instance where spawn point camping is a good idea unless you are one of the players who don't care about teamwork and objectives which you sounded like you were annoyed by earlier on?



Which also leads me to the heroes and villains.... I realize battlefront 2 didn't have the best combat, but its significantly better than what we have now. Good luck trying to fight back if you get slammed into a wall, as your instantly going to get hit another 5 times. Not to mention that they made the hero drop a pickup, so instead of trying to play the objective, people would rather spend time being a hero than trying to win the game for their team, and it only serves to help those who wish to play for themselves only. A better system would of been whoever helps the team most, through capturing objectives, kills, spots, and assists, not whoever gets lucky by RNG.


*shrug* maybe it would have been better but honestly I don't encounter many people camping the hero pickups. Those that do tend to be pretty skilled with them and are a serious benefit to the team in encountering objectives or defense. You get the odd idiot who runs around trying to kill anything moving anywhere on the map but you get those idiots in all games.


Speaking of teamwork... their is none. It plays just like COD with a bunch of chickens running around with their head cut off running rampantly around trying to get kills rather than a controlled manner of a certain front being needed to defend to hold the area.


Like every pug game ever ... have you tried PVP in this game? Far worse. I'm not sure if there is organised play in BF ( like guilds etc. ) ... not looked into it but you're not pointing out anything new to any game ever that had objectives but was based on pug teams ... including the old battlefronts, they were equally as notorious ... capture the "nah this is deathmatch yo!"


Battlefield had problems with this as well, boundaries, but its the opposite problem in battlefront. In battlefield the boundaries were way to strict which at times, especially in rushed, forced people to push a certain route and wouldn't allow flanking, however in battlefront their so open you can be sniping people across the map or on top of a mountain. The boundaries need to be more restricted to prevent snipers from being out of reach, however not like battlefield were its at times to funneled.


I've actually found sniper camping to be less of a problem in BF mostly due to no decent sniper rifle ( think they recently added one with the expansion or there is one coming, haven't logged in in a couple of weeks ) except that secondary one that works off a cool down for which time you're a sitting duck if the enemy knows where you're at.

Homing missile spam used to be annoying but the increased lock on time made this next to redundant.



Now the gun balance.... jeez... look no further than the DL-44, a gun with amazing damage, and a decent rate of fire to outgun pretty much anything in close range.


Agreed that gun was pretty op and especially in close quarters but in long distance maps it showed its weakness and it's a lot more balanced now.


Then we get to the gadgets, which is the real deal breaker for the game balance. Come on.... a homing rocket... for INFANRY? which is, for the most part, completely unavoidable unless under very extreme circumstances.


Super hard to lock now, cool down and easily avoided with cover unless you're blatantly out in the open ... like I said if you get more skilled these are easy things to counter and I'm far from pro.


Then we get to the grenade spam.... its bad in battlefield 4, but the TTK in battlefront is significantly lower, leading to a lower skill gap to kill people.


The thermal detonator is easily avoided and takes some time to actually prime and throw ... in close quarter you should have no trouble dealing with someone taking the time to drop their aim then prime and throw this - also you can kind of hear it ... beep beep doesn't mean run directly at it.

Impact grenade suffers the same issue of priming and requires aim ... also these all have cooldowns to can't effectively be spammed - usually it's throw a grenade and get gunned gun down for your troubles until you actually get more skilled.


Throw that in with a bunch of indirect fire weapons


Add quite a nice strategic edge to the game - again things you can easily hear and take care of if you are on top of your game


Theirs not really any recoil... or spread... or bullet drop, hits travel instantly leading to a further decreased skill gap


instantly? Since when? Some of the major gripes from ex. BFX players was the slower bullet travel time.


In another words, compared to battlefield, the skill ceiling is much lower allowing for better players to get kills easier instead of them adapting to mechanics to make them better, they resort to easy tricks to sway the battle in their favor.


Skilled players are always going to be better than bad players. Most of your tricks are easily countered and I think you've just bought into the anti BF hype and not actually given it a go to realise it's not half what you and the other inexperienced vocal minority think it is. They would have people believe it was doomed from the start and couldn't possibly succeed yet there it is beating it's sales goals so some people must be enjoying it. :)




EDIT- notice how besides the first few flaws I stated its more than simply "ZOMG ITS NOT BATTLEFRONT2!!!"


If you flaws were valid sure ... they sound more like you actually need to get in and play and realise you might just be wrong. ;)

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To be fair you strictly stated bf... its kind of hard to tell the difference :D. Not to mention you should be able to get a better idea to see how well I play or do not play either way.


We were discussing battlefront so obvious I thought ...


Yes you might be good at that game and you might be able to pick up B'Front and be good at it too but the fact is what you're saying doesn't make sense to someone that actually has done so or they would realise it's nowhere near as noob friendly as they think ... take it from a noob, it took perseverance for me to get owned so much ( which can be disheartening ) just go get good enough to start raking in a few kills in some modes and good scores in other. ;)


I funnily enough thought the same way as you did from reviews, comments etc. but when I got it for free ... wow I was wrong.

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It's not the old battlefront ... if you don't think it's value for money that's fine but that has nothing to do with your insinuations around it being noob friendly to unskilled players vs skilled players ... when I started out I got slaughtered as a new player ... lucky if I could manage a few kills even with attempted grenade spam ( can't really spam it on the cooldown it has ) or homing rocket before it got nerfed, I now get less slaughtered after some perserverance ( granted if I had time to play it more between all the other games I like to play I could probably get a lot better but it is what it is ) but the skilled players still dominate and are just that ... skilled and their in game stats dictate it.


I got it for free also with my PS4 and read a lot like you seemed to have about it basically being a noob friendly fest and thought "sweet this should be easy enough to get into then" and boy was I wrong which is why I laugh when I read comments like that and can almost pick that the player has barely spent or very much time in the game at all.


My point here isn't about that it has to be like old battlefront or not, or that's its easy to farm people, its just that it has a severe lack of content. It has no campaign or telling story, no galactic conquest, and extremely limited eras of the game, and on top of that very few maps. I'm not complaining that it isn't exactly like the old games, but it hasn't brought anything new to the table or worthwhile for the price its charging and lacks content to keep it interesting.


I realize battlefield 4 had like over 100 primary guns, and a lot of the guns get overshadowed, but battlefront only has a staggering 12 at launch, on top of which had a clear definitive guns of which are good or not. To many guns lead to oversaturation in battlefield, however to few guns isn't usually bad, if their balanced correctly, but they weren't. DL-44 for days.


Yeah its not the easiest to spam homing rockets or grenades, but surely better than a one off in battlefield and then you had to sit on a ammo crate in a stationary spot for a long time, which they fixed a few patches ago making it take even longer for a grenade to resupply. In battlefront you can move around freely without being subjected to a stationary position and spam as many grenades as you want.


I'm glad you however enjoy the game and continue to get better at it, but I haven't seen a real reason to come back to a game released last year when I been playing battlefield for two and a half.


Most modes you can't just "go in as darth vader" ... even in the bigger modes like surpremacy and turning point where you can always camp the pickups you're got to get slaughtered very quickly if you endeavour to just camp the respawn points.

Perhaps be a bit more specific about which modes you're talking here because I tend to play the larger ones and I can't think of an instance where spawn point camping is a good idea unless you are one of the players who don't care about teamwork and objectives which you sounded like you were annoyed by earlier on?


Probably should of specified walker assault, especially on Hoth with those tight knit quarters of the rebels spawn. Back then the imperials could literally just camp behind the rebels spawning spots and yet the rebels had no way to defend themselves, and on top of that, the rebels can't even get into the imperials spawn.


*shrug* maybe it would have been better but honestly I don't encounter many people camping the hero pickups. Those that do tend to be pretty skilled with them and are a serious benefit to the team in encountering objectives or defense. You get the odd idiot who runs around trying to kill anything moving anywhere on the map but you get those idiots in all games.


I just still would of preferred like it should of been in the old games, whoever scores 10 points first gets to be the hero. In this case they could of raised the cap a more bit and it would still reward players who play the objectives. Either way skilled player or not, their still taking valuable time away from playing the game only to run around as a hero. Becoming a hero should be a side affect of playing the objectives wisely in a match, not because the off chance someone ran around looking for it.


Like every pug game ever ... have you tried PVP in this game? Far worse. I'm not sure if there is organised play in BF ( like guilds etc. ) ... not looked into it but you're not pointing out anything new to any game ever that had objectives but was based on pug teams ... including the old battlefronts, they were equally as notorious ... capture the "nah this is deathmatch yo!"




The difference is games like battlefield actually reward players for helping their team out and actually allows for teamwork. The most you can do unless playing heros and villians is simply do call outs and that's about it. In battlefield you can spot, laze targets, give health, give ammo, revive, repair a friendlies tank, drop people off with objectives with the support chopper, even turn it into a fortress with a stinger and javelin user pre nerf. Maybe its just me, but their is actually quite a few people who do help the team every now and then in battlefield, although not at the level I would like it to.


I've actually found sniper camping to be less of a problem in BF mostly due to no decent sniper rifle ( think they recently added one with the expansion or there is one coming, haven't logged in in a couple of weeks ) except that secondary one that works off a cool down for which time you're a sitting duck if the enemy knows where you're at.

Homing missile spam used to be annoying but the increased lock on time made this next to redundant.


Their may not be as many bush wookies in battlefront, but for the most part its still a wee bit to accessible even for normal travel. It makes holding a flanking increasingly harder knowing some lone dude can go around a certain path behind all your defenses. While the maps shouldn't be a 64 man locker matches, they need some kind of format to keep the game in check.


Nerfed or not, something like a lock on to infantry weapon is the worst invention ever in video games as it requires no skill and need to be denied by the fan base. First Titanfall and now battlefront....


Super hard to lock now, cool down and easily avoided with cover unless you're blatantly out in the open ... like I said if you get more skilled these are easy things to counter and I'm far from pro.


May seem easy to avoid in a 1v1 scenario but think of this when in a full scale warfare. You got AT-STs coming, AT-ATs, tie fighters, and on top of that a entire squad of storm troopers right next to you. To many factors are being input here and while you may escape the homing rocket your going to jump into something worse at times.


The thermal detonator is easily avoided and takes some time to actually prime and throw ... in close quarter you should have no trouble dealing with someone taking the time to drop their aim then prime and throw this - also you can kind of hear it ... beep beep doesn't mean run directly at it.

Impact grenade suffers the same issue of priming and requires aim ... also these all have cooldowns to can't effectively be spammed - usually it's throw a grenade and get gunned gun down for your troubles until you actually get more skilled.


Again... in a 1v1 scenario dodging something as simple a one thermal detonator is easy, but when you got three thrown at you and 7 storm troopers in front of you, theirs only so much you can do to manipulate the factors into your hand to come out alive or to retreat. It isn't as bad as in battlefield because for the most part its a one off and people want to conserve and save that, however in battlefront it has a lower cool down and your free to move wherever and throw as many as you want.


Add quite a nice strategic edge to the game - again things you can easily hear and take care of if you are on top of your game


Noooooo.... that explosive shot is the least skillful thing I have ever seen in existence, besides USAS-12 frag rounds pre nerf maybe. Again, in a 1v1 scenario, easy to dodge, throw in a bunch of other random factors and it becomes to much.


I'm not complaining because im getting killed all the time, but rather that my death is unavoidable. For the most part, when I die in battlefield I can see because of a fatal flaw, I didn't aim fast enough, got surrounded by the enemy team, got spotted, etc. etc. To many factors are being put were they tip the balance to much were the point your going to run into lots of unavoidable deaths. Theirs not a lot of room for tactics but rather the right time and right place. When I die, I want to know what I could of done better, what to avoid, not just go "nope... couldn't of done anything, my death was completely unavoidable." I get that a lot when playing COD as I do enjoy it a little every now and then...


instantly? Since when? Some of the major gripes from ex. BFX players was the slower bullet travel time.

Not instantly per say, but the rounds travel pretty fast for the most part. Throw in fast moving rounds with guns with unlimited ammo, little to no recoil, no bullet spread depending on movement, and it leads to a less skillful environment. It leads more into a twitch shooter of whoever can spray more rounds in the general direction than tactfully placing those rounds at a certain person. The more factors their are to manipulate, the more skill it takes to master, so the higher skilled players will be able to improve, like in battlefield.


Skilled players are always going to be better than bad players. Most of your tricks are easily countered and I think you've just bought into the anti BF hype and not actually given it a go to realize it's not half what you and the other inexperienced vocal minority think it is. They would have people believe it was doomed from the start and couldn't possibly succeed yet there it is beating it's sales goals so some people must be enjoying it. :)

I would of given it harder of a go if it had things like a campaign, as their was plenty of chance to, since the old battlefront 2 left off at Hoth. They could of even gone as far as making a storyline between episode 6-7, but instead they choose to only focus on the multiplayer putting gameplay on a second level.


Ill give credit were its due... the graphics.... the sound.... its really top notch and some of the best I heard, and they feel right on par with that star wars universe feel. While the maps themselves could use some better balancing, they actually do look their from the movies, I recall they actually did a technique or something to do this. However making it look like star wars means their more interested in selling it to people rather than giving a good satisfying game with good gameplay and map balance.


Their goes half hour of my life...


EDIT- I apologize if I made it seem like battlefront caters to the casual audience and isn't for anyone else, I instead of focused more on why it isn't as good as the previous installments of the series and instead got into if its casual or not argument :(.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Valid enough reasons not to get the game and not related to your initial comment around it basically being noob friendly.



Yeah its not the easiest to spam homing rockets or grenades


In battlefront you can move around freely without being subjected to a stationary position and spam as many grenades as you want.


You seem to contradict yourself there somewhat ... I don't think spam means what you think it means.



Probably should of specified walker assault, especially on Hoth with those tight knit quarters of the rebels spawn. Back then the imperials could literally just camp behind the rebels spawning spots and yet the rebels had no way to defend themselves, and on top of that, the rebels can't even get into the imperials spawn.


A rather frustrating mode I find personally and don't play much due to the tougher nature of playing rebel side.


I just still would of preferred like it should of been in the old games, whoever scores 10 points first gets to be the hero. In this case they could of raised the cap a more bit and it would still reward players who play the objectives. Either way skilled player or not, their still taking valuable time away from playing the game only to run around as a hero. Becoming a hero should be a side affect of playing the objectives wisely in a match, not because the off chance someone ran around looking for it.


It would favor experienced players too much ... I mean already they can easily get the pickup but once they die it's there for someone else to get if they so choose before the player who died can reach the spawn again.

I personally would have favored totally random spawn drops for the pickup so it can't be camped.


They need to still make it attractive to casuals and new players in that they do get a chance to get a vehicle or be the hero even if they suck else you end up with the mess that is this games style PVP where gear is everything and casuals can't be assed bothering to try gear up thus don't bother with PVP.



The difference is games like battlefield actually reward players for helping their team out and actually allows for teamwork. The most you can do unless playing heros and villians is simply do call outs and that's about it. In battlefield you can spot, laze targets, give health, give ammo, revive, repair a friendlies tank, drop people off with objectives with the support chopper, even turn it into a fortress with a stinger and javelin user pre nerf. Maybe its just me, but their is actually quite a few people who do help the team every now and then in battlefield, although not at the level I would like it to.


Again battlefront != Battlefield. Whilst you make good points on good features to have, not having them hasn't made it super noob friendly. Objectives still earn great point in Battlefront and will level you up faster overall.



Their may not be as many bush wookies in battlefront, but for the most part its still a wee bit to accessible even for normal travel. It makes holding a flanking increasingly harder knowing some lone dude can go around a certain path behind all your defenses. While the maps shouldn't be a 64 man locker matches, they need some kind of format to keep the game in check.


Yup they can ... in a way it's more realistic in that regard. I personally always felt restricted maps to be somwhat cheesy in terms of realism.



Nerfed or not, something like a lock on to infantry weapon is the worst invention ever in video games as it requires no skill and need to be denied by the fan base. First Titanfall and now battlefront....


Don't like it don't use it ... like I said it's a hinderance more than a benefit now. Yes you can get the odd kill but the amount of times I've died trying to use it vs actually killing someone made me give up even using it in my load out.


May seem easy to avoid in a 1v1 scenario but think of this when in a full scale warfare. You got AT-STs coming, AT-ATs, tie fighters, and on top of that a entire squad of storm troopers right next to you. To many factors are being input here and while you may escape the homing rocket your going to jump into something worse at times.


I don't need to think of it, turning point and surpremacy are my favourite modes and it's just as simple to avoid the rocket in those. Yes it gets chaotic ... welcome to war. If you need it all scripted out for you and simple to grasp then you can't dislike battlefront because it's too simple ... you are sounding like you don't like it because it's too hard.



Again... in a 1v1 scenario dodging something as simple a one thermal detonator is easy, but when you got three thrown at you and 7 storm troopers in front of you, theirs only so much you can do to manipulate the factors into your hand to come out alive or to retreat. It isn't as bad as in battlefield because for the most part its a one off and people want to conserve and save that, however in battlefront it has a lower cool down and your free to move wherever and throw as many as you want.


If you have 7 in front of you then you've put yourself into a situation you should die in for the most part ... if you don't awesome you're super skilled but that's an exception not a rule.


Again you sound like you find this game too difficult and are expecting something simpler ... then yes it's not the game for you.



I'm not complaining because im getting killed all the time, but rather that my death is unavoidable.


It is avoidable, stop thinking you are playing another game and running in gung ho ... battlefront isn't battlefield as I said. You do so then yes you die and deservedly so.



For the most part, when I die in battlefield I can see because of a fatal flaw, I didn't aim fast enough, got surrounded by the enemy team, got spotted, etc. etc. To many factors are being put were they tip the balance to much were the point your going to run into lots of unavoidable deaths. Theirs not a lot of room for tactics but rather the right time and right place. When I die, I want to know what I could of done better, what to avoid, not just go "nope... couldn't of done anything, my death was completely unavoidable." I get that a lot when playing COD as I do enjoy it a little every now and then...


Yet good players get kills top of the leaderboard kills and single digit deaths ... seems you're doing something wrong.



Not instantly per say, but the rounds travel pretty fast for the most part.


Slower than battlefield ... not sure what you're on about here.


I would of given it harder of a go if it had things like a campaign, as their was plenty of chance to, since the old battlefront 2 left off at Hoth. They could of even gone as far as making a storyline between episode 6-7, but instead they choose to only focus on the multiplayer putting gameplay on a second level.


Yes, a campaign would have been nice.


However making it look like star wars means their more interested in selling it to people rather than giving a good satisfying game with good gameplay and map balance.


They actually went too far with keeping the game canon imo which is where the balance issues come from hence why often empire is op compared to rebels.

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