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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pvpers - spoiled, or unsatiable?


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OP, yes indeed, gamers are a demanding and very fickle and easily dissatisfied crowd. I say this as one who does almost nothing but PvP. It isn't just the PvP crowd, though. PvE'ers are the exact same way. Personally, I dig the new map. No complaints here.


You know, though, game developers with any time in the biz are used to gamer attitudes. They develop a thick skin eventually, or should, because complaints from gamers are non stop. Again, I'm content with the WZ, personally speaking.


By the way, If you've ever played one of those online games where you can make your own missions/ dungeons (which are able to be rated by other players) you learn very fast how hateful and impatient other players can be towards your creations.

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Except that Ranged don't have to step out. If I LoS them why would the chase me?

If the ranged is playing objectives and not chasing kills he will not get out of the node.

I have to get out to do damage, ranged can open on me from the node.


If you are attacking the node and ranged stays in the node, he will die. He has to kite in order to survive. Which means he will likely leave the node in a 1v1 situation. So if you are attacking a node and ranged is defending, you actually have an advantage there.


If you are defending the node, then step out. los. get back into the node to keep it. He will have to chase you or you wont die as long as you los. If you dont die and keep stepping back in to keep the node, you keep the node.


Basically attackers have the advantage in this map, whether they are ranged or melee, in one form or another.

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If you are attacking the node and ranged stays in the node, he will die. He has to kite in order to survive. Which means he will likely leave the node in a 1v1 situation. So if you are attacking a node and ranged is defending, you actually have an advantage there.


If you are defending the node, then step out. los. get back into the node to keep it. He will have to chase you or you wont die as long as you los. If you dont die and keep stepping back in to keep the node, you keep the node.


Basically attackers have the advantage in this map, whether they are ranged or melee, in one form or another.


Ranged open on me as I am approaching the node.

I've successfully taken Nodes against other melee players, but never against Sorcs or other ranged.


Either way I'm getting used to the map, it's growing on me.

I'm also enjoying Yolo queues, they\re popping pretty frequently.

Edited by Ruhun
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they are still wrapping their heads around it


I do not PVP too often because I feel unconfident in the skills I do have to fight alongside a Player that has over 100 Skill Levels, Oh I like sometimes helping another player whom wants to group with me and matching them when they are attempting to complete a mission is pretty good. I am level 40 going on 41. Am in a Rut with the Hoth Mission.....3 Droid Battlebots are forcing me and the good Doctor Professor of the Imperial Reclimation Service to do the Mission of opening the Tomb Of Naga Sadow Assassins again....again and again and it is frustrating. PC VS PCers are spoiled and unsatiable too. I have noticed this in Guilds keeping Territories and Marking Players to fight since they target me and then they toss Droids at me somehow on hard mode when I enter their territories where I have to get several levels up to survive in such territories.

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Sorcs tower above all.


I get the objectives, the map itself isn't that hard.

It's just difficult to coordinate now more than ever, so if I'm playing objectively like I usually do I'm going to be steamrolled by several ranged players camping at the node.

If I manage to get it, 1 or 2 ranged players can take me down or force me off the node.


People always assume I have two leaps, but as Carnage I have one and the Saber Ward immunity utility lasts around 4/5 seconds. So I'm out of that node pretty gosh darn quickly or dead.


On the other hand Solo Ranked has been popping near instantly, so there's that.

I don't know about GSF, but I am feeling that itch again.


Well Sorcerers are good I will give you that Ruhun but we are not immortal....we loose HP like everyone else; We also have to rely on Darkside Skills to give that extra Kick that allows us to Lightsaber that last Pirate or Seperatist Commando that simply does not want to die. Yep.....I upgrade my armor and my weapons every time I try to get to an rest spot there is an vendor around and buy parts and Modification chips. Ahhh your right even a Sorcerer has only one Jump Mode and that is pressing the Spacebar but that does not help much when an Droid Warrior Commando or Battle Droid is firing Rifle Grenades at me and my Companion! I am not sure people in a group realize how much HP is taken out of you when bombs explode around you......it gets worse when you have to fight 6-8 NPCers suddently in some modes when your expecting to battle only 2-4.

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Except that Ranged don't have to step out. If I LoS them why would the chase me?

If the ranged is playing objectives and not chasing kills he will not get out of the node.

I have to get out to do damage, ranged can open on me from the node.


Exactly right Ruhun, a Sorcerer or other Darkside Lightside Force User has to chase others around to get kills then they are not RPing the PC's right. You as a magic user have to hide of course sometimes then jump up on your enemies unexpectedly and zap them with your magic as jedi or sith.....either one has to do the same thing. A Magic Zapping gives most Sith or Jedi about a range of 4-6 squares much like a Blaster Pistol or Blaster Rifle etc. You let others chase you or come into range of your magic! A lightsaber has about range of 2 squares where it is effective same as a primative energystick that some native will use. Sandpeople are a prime example of this, since their staffs are not electrofied, however they are extreemly effective.

Edited by Eric_Skynwalker
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Well Sorcerers are good I will give you that Ruhun but we are not immortal....we loose HP like everyone else; We also have to rely on Darkside Skills to give that extra Kick that allows us to Lightsaber that last Pirate or Seperatist Commando that simply does not want to die. Yep.....I upgrade my armor and my weapons every time I try to get to an rest spot there is an vendor around and buy parts and Modification chips. Ahhh your right even a Sorcerer has only one Jump Mode and that is pressing the Spacebar but that does not help much when an Droid Warrior Commando or Battle Droid is firing Rifle Grenades at me and my Companion! I am not sure people in a group realize how much HP is taken out of you when bombs explode around you......it gets worse when you have to fight 6-8 NPCers suddently in some modes when your expecting to battle only 2-4.


I want what you're smoking. Please share.

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5 sorcs manage to kill you all over the largest map? That's impressive.


It's the dreaded DOT SPREAD! One click and the entire enemy team dies, across the entire warzone! [i learned that from this forum! ]

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