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Nerf Madness Sorc


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For the sake of 4 dps solo ranked games and the fact the new Rishi arena heavily favors dps Sorcs plz nerf them.


Tone down the their dmg (mostly their dots) and remove Phasewalk thanks.


oh and *********** nerf their stupid asf op offhealing abilities ***.

Edited by Dysfunxtional
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They do seem a little too strong in ranked right now not damage wise, but the amount of mobility combined with off-healing and utility kinda makes them a little ridiculous. If the damage was nerfed they would be under-performing in PVE that's for sure.


The worst part is really just the fact so many people play Sorc's right now, and when the other team has 3 madness sorcs, and a healer its almost impossible to kill one because they can just off-heal with no real penalty since their resource management is so forgiving.


Sorc is a squishy class, it does need a substantial amount of self heals to survive, however, I think when a sorc is pulling over 1500 hps and 2500 dps something needs to be toned down. Operatives literally have to stop and waste global's to self heal, sorcs have a huge self heal off the GCD, and their spammable dark heal which can also heal for a large amount. Mercs are kinda in the same boat as ops in terms of self healing, especially in IO.


Sorcs definitely need to lose something, they just have it all right now. But their damage is definitely not OP, and its not under-performing by any means. It would be hard to balance sorc without destroying it. Reducing the amount of heals they gain from their dots, and force leach would be a good place to start imo.

Edited by alienwareguy
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They do seem a little too strong in ranked right now not damage wise, but the amount of mobility combined with off-healing and utility kinda makes them a little ridiculous. If the damage was nerfed they would be under-performing in PVE that's for sure.


The worst part is really just the fact so many people play Sorc's right now, and when the other team has 3 madness sorcs, and a healer its almost impossible to kill one because they can just off-heal with no real penalty since their resource management is so forgiving.


Sorc is a squishy class, it does need a substantial amount of self heals to survive, however, I think when a sorc is pulling over 1500 hps and 2500 dps something needs to be toned down. Operatives literally have to stop and waste global's to self heal, sorcs have a huge self heal off the GCD, and their spammable dark heal which can also heal for a large amount. Mercs are kinda in the same boat as ops in terms of self healing, especially in IO.


Sorcs definitely need to lose something, they just have it all right now. But their damage is definitely not OP, and its not under-performing by any means. It would be hard to balance sorc without destroying it. Reducing the amount of heals they gain from their dots, and force leach would be a good place to start imo.


Their damage is insane. The dots are incredibly strong force leach is critting geared players onwards of 12-14k (I've seen it from the scoreboards @ the end of solo ranked arenas) The fact sorcs have huge off healing abilities, I've gone into a solo ranked game and just off healed and done 3700 hps. 3700 HPS as a dps off healing lol.


It's quite easy to balance Sorc DPS. Nerf their dmg by 5%, remove Phasewalk (Not a single clue why the hell they got Phasewalk totally unnecessary buff) Nerf Dark Heal exactly the same way the nerfed the Merc/Commando healing abilities for DPS specs add a buff to it in the healing tree. There is absolutely no reason why a DPS spec should have a spammable 8k critting heal along with 15k self heal. 4-5k at most is more than enough like Mercs have. To even further lower the spam of it being used to spam off heal the force cost should be increased a fair amount and once again the healing tree should have a talent tied into it to lower the cost back down to the current cost.


That would be more than enough healing for DPS sorcs especially since all of them take the bubble heal from barrier. The class currently is an absolute joke in solo ranked and needs to be adjusted.


Let's not forget TK/Lightning needs some love!


Yes of course lightning needs to be buffed :p Do it Bioware


Do it.

Edited by Dysfunxtional
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there's no point to ask to nerf sorcs, it is not happening. We have counless threads about that, none of them had an answer from devs.

Just roll operative or sin to counter sorcs, or your own sorc - only way to solve this at this point.


Unless of course devs working in secrent and one day kaboom - they will release totally overhoaled class balance with new abilities and cooldowns and damage model, like they did with season 7 start.

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Dot's are just really great softeners. At some point the burst dps will have a choice of two or more targets to burst down. If the tank is slow, the target doesnt have/use DCDs and/or the healer is at the wrong point in his rotation or CCd, then the kill is likely.


In burst games a decent tank with the addition of tank-class-dps taunts can effectively lull the power plays as often as they happen.


As a healer when I'm up against double dots (sorc, sin, snipe), it's simply a matter of time before someone dies... usually about the 4 minute mark I'll start to run out of force. The only thing I can do is try my best to work in some force conversion GCDs along the way, but that can be very dangerous as my HPS will likely drop below 6k if I'm not hard at it 100%.

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yeap solo 4s are pretty much who has the most sorcs wins and offheals are so OP that when u get 3 dps + 1 tank game,if one team has a sorc and the other doesn't its pretty much rip.



Played some games on my mando, operative, powertech and sorc.

Mando: Lol, gl bursting (or merely living to kite) someone before you die with sorcs offhealing on this new godawful map that pops all the time.

Oper: I guess you can stun stuff?

PT: I guess you can do the usual ring around the arena with HTL?

Sorc: lmao lemme just dot everyone, heal everyone and not die. Oops, and if I die, top dmg and top heals for me brah.


It's time for sorcs to be nerfed, commandos' defensives/über focus survival to be buffed, and opers and PTs are fine atm.

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For the sake of 4 dps solo ranked games and the fact the new Rishi arena heavily favors dps Sorcs plz nerf them.


Tone down the their dmg (mostly their dots) and remove Phasewalk thanks.


oh and *********** nerf their stupid asf op offhealing abilities ***.


Working as intended.


Sorcs are supposed to have offheals, they are supposed to have phasewalk, and they are supposed to be heavily favored in PVP.


Sorcerers and Sages are the master class... duh.

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Working as intended.


Sorcs are supposed to have offheals, they are supposed to have phasewalk, and they are supposed to be heavily favored in PVP.


Sorcerers and Sages are the master class... duh.


Don't forget God Bubble and H2F while their DOTS Melt your face.

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Bumping this thread for justice. Where you at Bioware.







They. Don't. Care.


1 million threads created crying about sorcs in the PVP section of the forums... This thread is no different.


Either you play a sorc, you learn how to counter them, OR you quit playing PVP if you can't handle the fact that they are the master class.


Devs don't read forums btw. They stopped reading them and responding to them years ago.

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Played some games on my mando, operative, powertech and sorc.

Mando: Lol, gl bursting (or merely living to kite) someone before you die with sorcs offhealing on this new godawful map that pops all the time.

Oper: I guess you can stun stuff?

PT: I guess you can do the usual ring around the arena with HTL?

Sorc: lmao lemme just dot everyone, heal everyone and not die. Oops, and if I die, top dmg and top heals for me brah.


It's time for sorcs to be nerfed, commandos' defensives/über focus survival to be buffed, and opers and PTs are fine atm.


here's what I really notice about sorcs: any other healer is almost a guaranteed loss in yolo. TEH had a good variety of dps classes though. mostly warriors/JKs from what I've seen. they aren't a big problem as dps yet. as a mando/merc, I find all the wars and sins and ops that cannot be cc'd or dps'd more frustrating.

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How do you counter 3 Madness sorcs and a DPS Powertech in solo ranked. (Which was my last game prior to posting this)


Anyone wanna tell me how to counter that, when they can phasewalk, barrier, polarityshift and heal2full. Well I was (according to the leaderboards) #1 Merc until 3 games in a row vs dps sorc stacked teams in 4 dps games, now lost 40~ rating. Time to l2p. obv.

Edited by Dysfunxtional
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Here's how you fix madness


Off healing debuff for speccing DPS

Force Barrier CD doubled, duration reduced. However, keep orginal CD and keep original duration if specced heals


Make Sorcs choose between Bubble flash stun or knockback roots, keep phase walk.

Put bigger emphasis on their Health leeching abilities for self-healing. Make it so that they HAVE to kill things in order to heal. That may not justify a buff however, but instead encourage them to spend more time killing the enemy than healing allies.

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Here's how you fix madness


Off healing debuff for speccing DPS

Force Barrier CD doubled, duration reduced. However, keep orginal CD and keep original duration if specced heals


Make Sorcs choose between Bubble flash stun or knockback roots, keep phase walk.

Put bigger emphasis on their Health leeching abilities for self-healing. Make it so that they HAVE to kill things in order to heal. That may not justify a buff however, but instead encourage them to spend more time killing the enemy than healing allies.


The issue is that sorcs have been designed to rely on aoe pressure to such an extent that single target dps is usually a waste of time, you're simply better off healing/peeling for someone else who has more lethal damage once you've spread you're aids.


Frankly I would love to see a buff to lightning, a nerf to madness aoe damage (dot spread in general tbh), and a slight nerf to off healing (debuff on dark heal for any one other than yourself).


People can ***** about phase walk all day long, but given the insane amount of mobility buffs that other classes have phasewalk isn't truly op, it's just OP given how madness works since it allows you to dot spread and then run away.


For the record I mainly play mara, but if lightning was buffed to point that I no longer felt like a gimped arsenal merc I would actually enjoy playing my sorc again.

Edited by alexsamma
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A million threads about PvP imbalance over the years. What does Bioware do? Separate the PvE/PvP community because some bads can't understand how flag mechanics work. They're PvE biased, and its sickening. Their PvP population will leave. Releasing an hour of content every 3 months isn't going to keep the PvE community interested either. They're nailing their own coffin at this point.
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The issue is that sorcs have been designed to rely on aoe pressure to such an extent that single target dps is usually a waste of time, you're simply better off healing/peeling for someone else who has more lethal damage once you've spread you're aids.


Frankly I would love to see a buff to lightning, a nerf to madness aoe damage (dot spread in general tbh), and a slight nerf to off healing (debuff on dark heal for any one other than yourself).


People can ***** about phase walk all day long, but given the insane amount of mobility buffs that other classes have phasewalk isn't truly op, it's just OP given how madness works since it allows you to dot spread and then run away.


For the record I mainly play mara, but if lightning was buffed to point that I no longer felt like a gimped arsenal merc I would actually enjoy playing my sorc again.


I burst harder with single target as madness than Lightning. You just have to know how to time your procs/heavy hitters to go off in succession. I always laugh at madness sorcs that spam Force Lightning as i rip their face apart before they can react.

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I burst harder with single target as madness than Lightning. You just have to know how to time your procs/heavy hitters to go off in succession. I always laugh at madness sorcs that spam Force Lightning as i rip their face apart before they can react.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, just because you can beat a sorc in a one vs one if he is stupid enough to spam aoe's while you single target is irrelevant, that's like me saying that I beat you on my mm sniper if we stand in the open and take pot shots at each other... that's basically saying you can out play idiots.

Edited by alexsamma
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I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, just because you can beat a sorc in a one vs one if he is stupid enough to spam aoe's while you single target is irrelevant, that's like me saying that I beat you on my mm sniper if we stand in the open and take pot shots at each other... that's basically saying you can out play idiots.


doesn't look like he was arguing with you. more like he supports your point that madness is better single target than lighting. so it's best of both worlds (dot and single target).

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