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Smuggler Chapter 3 completion broken.


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I completed the smuggler through Chapter 3 and got credit for the story being completed in my legacy tracer (said 6/8 stories complete)


I logged in the next day and smuggler was grayed out again and it now says 5/8 complete. there are no more class quests around that I can find anywhere.


I see this was broken back in earlier versions.. looks like it was never fixed?


No I cannot move forward with Smuggler or Sith Inquisitor because of class bugs.


Why am I paying you money?:mad:

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My JK shows as completed. However I've completed Chapter 3 for the Smuggler and Trooper over the last couple of days, and neither is unlocking in the legacy global unlocks for republic classes.


Needs to be fixed asap.

Edited by agincourt
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All the above might correlate to a bug. See the quote below from Eric in another thread.


Hey folks,


We have discovered what is causing the problem. There is a trigger that happens behind the scenes which grants Legendary Status. Some characters are missing this indicator, which is preventing you from having Legendary Status. We are working on addressing the issue, but unfortunately we can't resolve it until 4.4. In the meantime, you do not need to submit a ticket to CS as they will be unable to correct this issue. For those that qualify, your status will be corrected once the fix is in place.


Thank you for your patience.



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