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Our reunion with Vette had better be somewhat more... romantic/excited than many others, getting sick of the awkward "Where have you been for 5 years," blame. Some of them have to be overjoyed to see you not dead regardless of the circumstances. Edited by Raistalion
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You got that right...for 13 chapter s of KotFE...zero activity with any previous companions of Inquisitor has happened..even Lana who initiated some Romance in SOR has stopped cold in KotFE when she learned the Emperor had taken up residence in me...and used his power to keep her from getting killed! I'm getting tired of chapter after chapter of it. I even tried to get Senya interested...up to level 21...and NOTHING!! I'd even settle for Scorpio at this point.
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I hope they didn't make the encounter with Vette in the the future chapter generic. I didn't play a dark side sith and I treated Vette like a friend so I hope she doesn't hate me like my shipdroid which I also treated with respect.


I m at level 50 at level III DS and still Vette wanted to get married. I did it by racking up 4500 DS points big-time with Jaesa

..then when Vette goes with me I can afford a few good deeds for LS which makes her happy and then it's back to DS with Jaesa..of course she really got pissed when she insisted " we get rid of that Twilac" and I told her NO.

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State of the Galaxy

  • Chat and mail spam – We have seen quite a few reports as of late regarding chat and mail spam. We have many automated systems in place to help weed this out. The best thing you can do as a player is to always report this behavior.



Seems like your automated system needs tweaking, I've reported the same jerk sitting right outside the Nar Shadda Cantina staring at the corner on Ebon Hawk mail-spamming his Credit selling site for at least the last 4 days straight.

Edited by Stilgaard
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Thanks for the heads up on mail spam, the spam itself is quite annoying in fact, nice to know it is in your focus now.


Please note that at present deleting an RMT spam mail takes one click, while reporting it takes (suddenly) three. Also reporting a spam message counts towards open support tickets so if I vigilantly report spam it means I have a ton of these open tickets hanging in the support box. Some time ago I couldn't open a ticket about another issue because of that. Not sure if it is still the case atm but i ran into this problem and had to delete all my open spammer reports before filing a ticket about a game issue.


Also quite annoying is the fact that sometimes I continue to receive RMT spam from the same character a couple of days after I have reported him. Could mean that the name was re-used of course, but poor reaction time of support is more likely. This particular issue seems to be improving lately, though.


Possible solutions: (1) reporting spam both in mail and chat should be made one-click (ideally a special menu item called "report RMT spam" or "report credit seller") and (2) reporting spam should not count towards open tickets. Possibly there (3) should be a procedure of player auto-suspension upon receipt of a reliable amount of RMT reports, pending subsequent manual review by support staff.


What would "reliable" mean is up to the game procedure. of course

Edited by merera
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Possible solutions: (1) reporting spam both in mail and chat should be made one-click (ideally a special menu item called "report RMT spam" or "report credit seller")


You can right-click on the message and select "report spam" in the inbox; without opening the message

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Our reunion with Vette had better be somewhat more... romantic/excited than many others, getting sick of the awkward "Where have you been for 5 years," blame. Some of them have to be overjoyed to see you not dead regardless of the circumstances.


I agree. This is Vette. I don't know how she is/was with a male who married her, but my sith warrior is light side 5 and I considered her and Light Jaesa as her BFFs. I'm fully expecting something similar to a squeal-glomp when she sees us. I mean...it's VETTE. I think she's the only one in the entire game, aside from MAYBE Nadia, who would squeal-glomp her best friend who she thought was dead.

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My comment is on this statement:


"RP'ing is super important, right? As a Star Wars game, people being able to immerse themselves in that world is very, very important. But having an instance or a server type dedicated to that doesn't necessarily like enforce a ruleset of you having to RP there. So what we felt was more important was making sure that we can build toolsets for RP'ers, things like being able to make your own chat channels and work within those chat channels and things like that. So know that it's very important to us that RP'ers have the tools they need to roleplay but we didn't feel that actually separating an instance type just for it was necessarily the right solution. So you're not at all forgotten. We definitely want to make sure that RP'ers are accounted for in those changes that we made."






I can't say it enough. The RP server designation is what lets new players know where they can find RP communities. Player turnover in any game is significant and within RPers is no different. For the RP community to thrive, it needs a steady influx of new players to replace those who've moved on. If you spread newly arriving RPers between all servers, because they don't know on which servers to find the existing communities, many will likely abandon the search before finding anyone, if they're looking on the wrong server. Meanwhile, the existing RP communities will slowly shrink with the lack of new players.


I don't want an RP instance. That creates the same problem of spreading what is already a minority population too thin across all servers. I want the servers that were already established as RP servers, like Begeren Colony and Ebon Hawk, which have already established RP communities to be once again designated as RP servers.


RP servers need no specific ruleset, only the RP designation to let new players know where the existing RP communities can be found! I realise that RPers are a minority in this game. This means that our communities can sometimes be hard to find, drowned out by the number of players going through PvE and PvP only. All the more reason why we need certain servers to be designated for RP, so that new players at least have a place to start looking.


New tools for RPers sounds lovely, but are of no use if RPers can't find each other to RP with.


Please return an RP designation, in some form that will be clear to new players, to the already established RP servers.

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[*]Musco Marathon Stream


Please let us see how you are playing


... group pvp

To see the buggy invite latency, so the word marathon stream will become true.


... solo rated as marauder or juggernaut on the buggy rishi map

I want hear your comment when you die jumping to an enemy


... solo rated as mara/merc/sniper vs 2-4 sorcs/sages as usual.

I want hear your comments when you are trying to kill them with their roots, ports, heals over and over, bubbles and force barriers while you have your debuffrow full of dots.


Please show us that we all are wrong.

Edited by Opaknack
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Can you explain where Superdata got the figures from? Given how little is known about the number of players or revenue of SWTOR it would be nice to find out where they got this insider knowledge?


There are a few links on the site that tell you about the company. But the answer to where the data comes from is: It's proprietary. There are tons of industry-based information gathering agencies like this. I have seen them for the beverage industry, the auto industry, the restaurant industry and yes, for the gaming industry.


They're sort of like the Nielsen ratings. IF you want full access to their reports, you have to pay and it's really expensive, like thousands of dollars a year. Some of the information comes from pipelines from the companies themselves, some are gathered from various backdoor means (think datamining like a certain Twitter-famous potato), some are statistical estimates based on sales that can be tracked -- the point being there are many ways to surveil an industry. My experience with sources like this comes from my time getting my MBA, just btw.


Are they reliable? I would think they'd try to be, otherwise, they'd flame out pretty quickly because insiders can smell BS. They've been around since 2009, according to Bloomberg. They list their industry partners (including Paypal) on their website. All of this is easily discoverable, too. You don't need an overpriced MBA to figure it out, either.


tl;dr: They could tell you, but then they'd have to kill you.

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I just married Vette yesterday and I'm a level 50 Sith warrior level 3 Dark..I'll be REALLY disappointed..if I can't hook up with my Wife in May!!!!!!

You'll get to see her and maybe if you're lucky have one make out session with her at the end of the new chapter. Since that's usually what they do... I really want to just be able to talk to them anytime by right clicking them though. Random options to choose in the conversation and not the once in awhile conversation. I mean come on, it is your wife after all.


Bioware likes to tease and disappoint with the romance stuff though... Bastards

Edited by Noyjitat
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