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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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I completely agree with this in terms of ops and hard mode flashpoints. Those are clear instances where a new players has no business and will only bring down the group & activity enjoyment. However in regards to story and tactical flashpoints, if a vet is just doing speed runs, that's not enjoyment, that's a chore they're trying to finish. Asking someone to speed run their first time in an instance so you can get your daily quota done is a douche move on the moral low road. One should make an effort to let the new person enjoy the flashpoint at least once that they themselves have done dozens of times over. They enjoyed it at one point in time with a group that didn't rush them, so why not give someone else that same liberty?




While I completely agree that a new player should be mindful of and show respect to their seniors, I don't believe that gives said seniors a free pass to make snide, belittling and outright disrespectful comments to new players on the grounds of that seniority. While I'm sure no one expects a Jedi master to bow their head low in respect of a greenhorn padawan just learning the ropes, there is an expected level of cordial respect to be given to anyone that has not yet caused you offense. Calling someone a noob or belittling them just because they're ignorant of a subject you were once ignorant of yourself is immature and shows a lacking intellect that they can't comprehend why the question is being asked to begin with. As if we're born into the world with first hand knowledge of how all various game mechanics operate. To the guy who said "Everybody knows that, dude.", I would've responded "Well obviously everybody doesn't, seeing as I as a member of your egregious generalization am still knowledge on the matter".







I suppose it's relatively different for everyone but I for one enjoy the social aspect of showing struggling players the ropes and helping them understand the ins & outs of the game and building stronger ties as I do. With conquest, ops & fps I never get bored running them with my new & old guildies in game and planning our next excursions. For me, the more people, the bigger the social circle, the more enjoyable the game.




It was advertised to be this way before launch and this is how it should be. The thing with forced group content outside of tacticals, ops, wz, ect is that you're relegated to put up with the attitude of anyone who deigns to help you. Those hotheads yelling space and prodding people like cattle to get moving? They're the reason story content is 100% soloable. Nobody wants to put up with their egotistical self-important attitudes. Here's to hoping you find your raison d'être again soon.


BEST post of the entire thread. You communicated the right of both sides with respect and let those that were wrong know where they were wrong. Feel free to do the same to me :-)

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When your native language doesn't use the same alphabet, then maybe you'd understand. You can't even imagine using a COMPLETELY different alphabet, you're used to latin derived langs that use pretty much the same 26 letter alphabet. Imagine having 32 consonants and 26 vowels, not one looking ANYTHING like Latin. I respect what your opinion, but is COMPLETELY wrong. It is NOT easy at all for Asian speakers to learn the english language, just like it is very hard for english speakers to learn a Tonal Language. MANY try, but most fail and give up. MY WIFE is studying English, is 3rd YEAR, NEVER failed and still cannot understand what people are saying in gen chat or in chat in an fp. Why? bc we say things like "sb plz" etc that no non native speaker is going to understand. She, like our other Thai friends that play the game WANT to learn english, but when english speakers themselves JACK IT UP so much, how are they to learn anything meaningful? I cannot count the number of times ppl in gen chat do not know you're from your yet she knows it perfectly. If you say something like sb plz or zomg sb she will have no clue. So I'm sorry, respectfully, but you do not know what you're talking about when it comes to APAC players or their level of understanding or desire to understand or what level of help is acceptable to us.


How about you sit down with your clan of APACs and teach them the following;


"I would like to watch the cut scenes please, is that okay? Yes or no answer only please."




Send them into any TFP with JUST THAT and any situation can be sorted. They won't even have to understand the entire language or the use of those words individually as long as they can type out, or copy and paste, that very simple sentence into chat the moment they enter a TFP and understand the difference between yes and no. Solved.


Does the gaming client come in Asian? I never thought it did. How do these people then understand their quests, understand the answers they're providing in dialogues, understand what any of the NPCs or their companions are saying and expecting them to do? Do they just mindlessly mash buttons and go "oooh pretty" without actually understanding much of anything?

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Why does it matter if the English server is located in Europe or US? Apart from having a better ping, that person who only speaks in example Russian in European English server is facing the same language barrier as an APAC player who only speaks in example Chinese in North American English server. Exactly. The. Same. Language. Barrier.

And exactly which agenda am I driving here? It just annoys me when people throw ad hominems based on something others do, while doing the same thing themselves.



"Why does it matter if the English server is located in Europe or US? " Let's see, if you're LOCATED in SE Asia, WHY would you play on a European Server when US West is MUCH closer/better ping time.....REALLY DUDE??? REALLY??? You think we're that dumb? Really??? Ummm, idk WHERE you get your info from, but Russia is much like Germany, they teach English from grade school up, yet another symptom of Americans not knowing what ACTUALLY goes on outside their country. Ever lived in Germany? Or Russia? Have you ever even TRAVELED there? NO....exactly. That explains your lack of understanding quite well. As someone who grew up in Europe and then lived in the "United" States I can tell you that learning German or English for Russians is quite simple, while the Cyrillic alphabet is different, the sounds are not much different and once you know the alphabet, it's quite easy to decipher. Asians langs are TONAL.....let me say that again, TONAL....our alphabet is very different from yours. You have 26 letters total, many of our langs have 32 consonants and 26+ vowels. So for you to say "it's the same language barrier" REALLY shows your ignorance about the world around you. It really shows that you don't even KNOW, let alone UNDERSTAND the world around you. Harsh? Yes!, but also factual. You speak about things you don't even know 10% about.

As for your agenda, it's clear, you want what you want based on your view of the game, by americans for americans and anyone else that wants to play the game should abide by "our standards of play" regardless of whether or not they pay for the game or whether or not they even understand your language.

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BEST post of the entire thread. You communicated the right of both sides with respect and let those that were wrong know where they were wrong. Feel free to do the same to me :-)


Thanks. :) I believe that's how everything should be looked at, with neutral objective.

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"Why does it matter if the English server is located in Europe or US? " Let's see, if you're LOCATED in SE Asia, WHY would you play on a European Server when US West is MUCH closer/better ping time.....REALLY DUDE??? REALLY??? You think we're that dumb? Really??? Ummm, idk WHERE you get your info from, but Russia is much like Germany, they teach English from grade school up, yet another symptom of Americans not knowing what ACTUALLY goes on outside their country. Ever lived in Germany? Or Russia? Have you ever even TRAVELED there? NO....exactly. That explains your lack of understanding quite well. As someone who grew up in Europe and then lived in the "United" States I can tell you that learning German or English for Russians is quite simple, while the Cyrillic alphabet is different, the sounds are not much different and once you know the alphabet, it's quite easy to decipher. Asians langs are TONAL.....let me say that again, TONAL....our alphabet is very different from yours. You have 26 letters total, many of our langs have 32 consonants and 26+ vowels. So for you to say "it's the same language barrier" REALLY shows your ignorance about the world around you. It really shows that you don't even KNOW, let alone UNDERSTAND the world around you. Harsh? Yes!, but also factual. You speak about things you don't even know 10% about.

As for your agenda, it's clear, you want what you want based on your view of the game, by americans for americans and anyone else that wants to play the game should abide by "our standards of play" regardless of whether or not they pay for the game or whether or not they even understand your language.


At this point this he is either trolling or needs some time in the barn to rethink his actions as he keeps dragging political issues into things.


When they said "It's the same language barrier" they didn't mean it in difficulty of trying to learn another language, but that its equally hard for that other person to communicate.

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Judging by your other posts in which you describe your past living situation and where you live now, I also believe this debate is absolutely futile no matter what any of us say. You're on this "Poor APAC players" crusade while casting judgment over Americans in general, even the ones offering sensible and considerate comments so there's really no point.


We can agree on one point. The likely-hood of someone changing their point of view by reading any comments posted anywhere, is little to nil, and while that is sad in and of itself, it's really the personality traits and the culture that produces such that is to blame and that....is the worst part about it.

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How about you sit down with your clan of APACs and teach them the following;


"I would like to watch the cut scenes please, is that okay? Yes or no answer only please."




Send them into any TFP with JUST THAT and any situation can be sorted. They won't even have to understand the entire language or the use of those words individually as long as they can type out, or copy and paste, that very simple sentence into chat the moment they enter a TFP and understand the difference between yes and no. Solved.


Does the gaming client come in Asian? I never thought it did. How do these people then understand their quests, understand the answers they're providing in dialogues, understand what any of the NPCs or their companions are saying and expecting them to do? Do they just mindlessly mash buttons and go "oooh pretty" without actually understanding much of anything?


It used to come in Asian, back during launch when there were Asian servers. However that was so many years, expansions and updates ago, I'm curious myself if the translations and voice overs are still being produced.

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"Why does it matter if the English server is located in Europe or US? " Let's see, if you're LOCATED in SE Asia, WHY would you play on a European Server when US West is MUCH closer/better ping time.....REALLY DUDE??? REALLY??? You think we're that dumb? Really???

At no point have I told you to play on the European servers. I have only told you that it's just as difficult to play in the English European servers when you don't speak English as it is playing on the English US servers when you don't speak English.


Ummm, idk WHERE you get your info from, but Russia is much like Germany, they teach English from grade school up, yet another symptom of Americans not knowing what ACTUALLY goes on outside their country.

I am not American, and have met meny people in Red Eclipse who are Russian based on their guild, and don't seem to understand a single word I tell them. (I have actually also been extra healer on a guild ops run of hungarian people and half of the ops group apparently didn't speak English. One person had to translate in TS when someone else spoke in english in ops chat.)


Ever lived in Germany? Or Russia? Have you ever even TRAVELED there? NO....exactly. That explains your lack of understanding quite well.

I haven't lived in Germany or Russia, but I live next to Russia, and have traveled to Russia AND Germany.


As someone who grew up in Europe and then lived in the "United" States I can tell you that learning German or English for Russians is quite simple, while the Cyrillic alphabet is different, the sounds are not much different and once you know the alphabet, it's quite easy to decipher. Asians langs are TONAL.....let me say that again, TONAL....our alphabet is very different from yours. You have 26 letters total, many of our langs have 32 consonants and 26+ vowels.

As someone who was born in Europe, grow up in Europe, has lived her whole life in Europe and is writing this from Europe, yes, I also find German and Russian somewhat easy to learn. Want a challenge? Try Finnish. According to this, it's just as hard to learn as Thai.

Ps. We have 29 letters. åäö :)


So for you to say "it's the same language barrier" REALLY shows your ignorance about the world around you. It really shows that you don't even KNOW, let alone UNDERSTAND the world around you. Harsh? Yes!, but also factual. You speak about things you don't even know 10% about.

If you can't understand more than two words of a language, what does it matter how hard it is to learn it? And nice of you to mention speaking of things you don't know about. Appaently I'm American and have not been in Russia or Germany, hmm?


As for your agenda, it's clear, you want what you want based on your view of the game, by americans for americans and anyone else that wants to play the game should abide by "our standards of play" regardless of whether or not they pay for the game or whether or not they even understand your language.

As I have stated already, I think majority of the group should decide, but if one person wants to watch the cutscenes and another wants to skip for no other reason than they have seen them already, I always support the one who wants to watch them. And I'm willing to bet at least 98% of the players of SWTOR don't understand my first language.

Edited by Seireeni
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TX rustled his jimmies real bad. One of the worst forum meltdowns I have ever seen, and I visit the battle log forums.






Never mind you're hypocritical statements I quoted and simply cherry pick whatever suits you agenda or anything.


Blaming the actions for the few or the majority then, is simply wrong. Nationality has no matter in how a person acts, thinks, or communicates, it involves a bunch of other psychological stuff of how they were raised.


It's honestly like saying All Germans were evil in world war two when it was the acts of others to ruin there reputation. I would go in more depth, but you are seriously derailing the thread and bringing in political issues with you snide remarks to countries which will probably resort in nothing constructive or a thread locking.


While Nationality may not be a differentiating factor in a great deal of things, you can almost ALWAYS count on Americans posting to not at all or in any way shape or form consider the right or feeling of others PAYING and playing the game that they consider "theirs".

You're right in the fact that not all Germans were guilty, but that didn't stop the genocide that happened in Dresden did it? Or in the countryside of Germany were American pilots were giving the "right" to fire at will at any target. The Americans couldn't stand their "passive support" via paying taxes etc of what was going on so they were deemed rightful targets.

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I'm American and I'm very empathetic to the needs & short comings of non native speakers in my native environment, just as most have been when I'm in theirs. Going on a disrespectful whole scale nationalistic tangent about an entire culture because you came across some bad apples is neither nice nor appropriate. No nation works under a hive mind personality, there are good & bad everywhere in the world. You say Americans are less empathetic, but you're not being very empathetic to that fact yourself.


While YOU are, the comments here clearly suggest that that is NOT the norm by any way of measuring as such. I hope you can see that. One only has to look/read gen chat to know the other side of this coin your are presenting. Gen chat is on a regular basis extremely racist, nationalistic, bigoted etc etc etc on a DAILY basis. It's NOT just a few bad apples unfortunately. Is it nice/appropriate to point that out? I'd hope so, unless people acknowledge the factual state of things, nothing will change. -With respect.....

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How about you sit down with your clan of APACs and teach them the following;


"I would like to watch the cut scenes please, is that okay? Yes or no answer only please."




Send them into any TFP with JUST THAT and any situation can be sorted. They won't even have to understand the entire language or the use of those words individually as long as they can type out, or copy and paste, that very simple sentence into chat the moment they enter a TFP and understand the difference between yes and no. Solved.


Does the gaming client come in Asian? I never thought it did. How do these people then understand their quests, understand the answers they're providing in dialogues, understand what any of the NPCs or their companions are saying and expecting them to do? Do they just mindlessly mash buttons and go "oooh pretty" without actually understanding much of anything?


It's not "my clan" nor to I suppose to represent them as a whole or any of them for that matter. We as a playerbase should be realizing these thing and acting accordingly to keep the player base that we have and HOPEFULLY grow it. If we do not, there's only one direction we're going, a total shutdown of yet another star wars themed game.

TFP?? No, the client is not in Asian, but when you see points on a map, if you have a brain, you can figure it out most of the time, and if you care to do internet searches, there are plenty of asian sites dedicated to this game, even youtube videos of how to do this or that or the main videos with Asians subtitles. As a rule of thumb if I don't understand something I press 1 and that seems to be the rule of thumb, it always seems to work out okay.

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While Nationality may not be a differentiating factor in a great deal of things, you can almost ALWAYS count on Americans posting to not at all or in any way shape or form consider the right or feeling of others PAYING and playing the game that they consider "theirs".

You're right in the fact that not all Germans were guilty, but that didn't stop the genocide that happened in Dresden did it? Or in the countryside of Germany were American pilots were giving the "right" to fire at will at any target. The Americans couldn't stand their "passive support" via paying taxes etc of what was going on so they were deemed rightful targets.


Isn't that first statement a bit hypocritical.... :rak_02:.


his isn't a discussion about poltics or history, or the misdeeds of the few of what can't be done now. Their are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like their good till proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt.


Enough of the politics already as it only derails and creates unnecessary tension.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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You see, that's what you selfish people don't understand, it's not YOUR TIME, the FP queue when queuing random INCLUDES THE MOVIES. Do what you want to change that or grow up and get over it. When other PAY to play the game, the movies may or may not be part of it for them, you do NOT get to decide that for them. You do NOT get to decide what they queue for, nor their actions inside the FP unless they are undergeared or underskilled.


I'm not surprised that you "dont' have a problem kicking someone" that's a very typical american anti-social personality thing to do, a very basement-disorder thing to do. It's your way or the highway. Nevermind that others are paying to help keep your game going, it's ALL about YOU and your enjoyment. Please just leave, many people have lvl 50 comps that can EASILY replace your whether you're tank or heals a lvl 50 comp can replace you no problem.


Majority rules right? 3 people want to skip, 1 person is being stubborn. Let's kick the person being stubborn...

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"Yeah, those players that have spent far more % of their income on their account than you have have no right to continue to play the game just because their servers were shut down"......just wow.


What point does amount of income have to do with anything? Bioware still gets the same amount of money from each person due to currency exchange.


I bought the game for $60 when it first came out and been a sub for most of the time since. It's also not like those servers where shut down without reason... They where always "light" 24/7. Either way you shouldn't be joining any type of content that may require communication if you can't communicate with the players. That's just as "anti-social" as the stuff you're talking about. Actually just seems kind of rude to ignore the people that are trying to communicate/ help you but of course said person can't understand the language of the others on the server....

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At no point have I told you to play on the European servers. I have only told you that it's just as difficult to play in the English European servers when you don't speak English as it is playing on the English US servers when you don't speak English.



I am not American, and have met meny people in Red Eclipse who are Russian based on their guild, and don't seem to understand a single word I tell them. (I have actually also been extra healer on a guild ops run of hungarian people and half of the ops group apparently didn't speak English. One person had to translate in TS when someone else spoke in english in ops chat.)



I haven't lived in Germany or Russia, but I live next to Russia, and have traveled to Russia AND Germany.



As someone who was born in Europe, grow up in Europe, has lived her whole life in Europe and is writing this from Europe, yes, I also find German and Russian somewhat easy to learn. Want a challenge? Try Finnish. According to this, it's just as hard to learn as Thai.

Ps. We have 29 letters. åäö :)



If you can't understand more than two words of a language, what does it matter how hard it is to learn it? And nice of you to mention speaking of things you don't know about. Appaently I'm American and have not been in Russia or Germany, hmm?



As I have stated already, I think majority of the group should decide, but if one person wants to watch the cutscenes and another wants to skip for no other reason than they have seen them already, I always support the one who wants to watch them. And I'm willing to bet at least 98% of the players of SWTOR don't understand my first language.


I have to state first off and most importantly that more than once I've tried to reply to one person in a new window and it's instead replied to another, so if that is the case I'll first apologize. Let's move on.


Going by ping time alone, I'd say yes, it's much more advantageous for Asian players to use US west servers. I can only guess that Americans that don't thinks as such either don't know the world map very well or don't know the undersea Internet cables very well, either one, or both more likely.


As for your next paragraph, could you please tell me which server "Red Eclipse" is on?


So you've traveled to Germany and Russia, but didn't live in either, so you don't speak the langs nor understand the culture, that was the point, if you can't understand cultures that are somewhat similar to yours, how can you expect to understand cultures that are COMPLETELY different than yours? Unless of course, you've adapted your interpretation to include complete acceptance of others and their choices, i.e. many "eastern" religions are based on Taoism, your life, your rights. I'm trying to leave space for leeway here if you can't tell, I don't presume to know all and based on your posts you've been respectful so I will do the same.

As for languages, All Latin and vulgar latin derived languages have 26-30 letters, we have more than that just in consonants, not including 26+ vowels, and no including tones......To compare them is fallacious, one who does only shows his level of ignorance. Again, no offense meant, and if I exposed as such, I apologize it def wasn't meant as such in this post.

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Isn't that first statement a bit hypocritical.... :rak_02:.


his isn't a discussion about poltics or history, or the misdeeds of the few of what can't be done now. Their are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like their good till proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt.


Enough of the politics already as it only derails and creates unnecessary tension.


You're quite ignorant to "American Exceptionalism" and how it's used around the world aren't you??? Well guess what, you're not HATED around the world for no reason, you're hated in the ME, you're hated in NA, so as educated ones say, you're hated in all of MENA. You're hated in much of Eastern Europe, you hated in much of Asia, you're DEFINITELY hated in much of SE Asia(what right do you have to choose our govt or economics) so yeah, your nationality is quite the problem in much of the world, which is why many Americans traveling overseas pretend to be Canadians or wrap their passport in something other than American.. What's that? You don't know this? I'm not at ALL surprised.


Oh, and just to help you out, "Their are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like their good till proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt."


should read "There**** are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like they're***** good until*** proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt.


Agreed, given that the corrections by a non-native speaker are correct. Very sad that I see so many very similar mistakes in gen chat every day and I really cant understand why.....Kadashians and sports, i.e. "Bread and Circus" would be my guess. Keep the people entertained and fed, yet extremely stupid and the empire will do well. Same ol, Same ol'.

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Dude you lost this fight when you started making generalized statements about Americans and brought up bombings. I mean really? A German descendant judging an entire nation for the actions of their political leaders and their predecessors? That's bloody rich.


And before you start generalizing again about narrow mindedness and "boo Americans", I'm not. I'm Dutch and I've lived in the Netherlands all my life, I still do right now. I've been lucky enough to visit the States twice so far and I'll be going back for a 3rd time in August, it's become my second home. Everyone I've met there whether socially or just in passing at the stores has been quite great and welcoming actually, far warmer and kinder than what I'm used to in my own country. My possession of the English language isn't perfect either and it's mostly self taught. English classes in school were average and textbook English doesn't translate all that well in the real world. I've picked up many things just by watching TV and engaging in online social interactions and I'm still learning today. I play on a US server in every MMO I touch and trust me, if I didn't already know English I'd be doing my damn best to learn.


Now back on topic; In any group situation, including TFPs (Tactical Flashpoints) consideration for the GROUP or majority of the group should ideally always come before the needs of just one person. That includes any possible language barriers. You cannot jump up and start screaming about the poor Asian speaker who's 1 out of 4 or 5 in a group when doing so means that you yourself are being equally ignorant towards THREE other people at least. Now if the group in question somehow, despite the obvious language barrier, manages to understand this person is foreign and wishes to see all the cut scenes and they agree, great, best of luck. However, just as your APAC people may not understand "Spacebar please?" or "SB?", the English speakers likely won't understand whichever Asian lettering is suddenly flying across their screen nor what it means. Yet, they're somehow selfish in your eyes and at fault while APAC players are victims. That's extremely skewered.

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Majority rules right? 3 people want to skip, 1 person is being stubborn. Let's kick the person being stubborn...


No, it's NOT a democracy, we all pay for this, it's more like a republic, PAYING for it gives your rights, just as it does in a republic, democracy is stupid, it's two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. That's not what the US is, it's a constitutional republic. Wake up, get educated, come back later after you have.

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I have to state first off and most importantly that more than once I've tried to reply to one person in a new window and it's instead replied to another, so if that is the case I'll first apologize. Let's move on.


Going by ping time alone, I'd say yes, it's much more advantageous for Asian players to use US west servers. I can only guess that Americans that don't thinks as such either don't know the world map very well or don't know the undersea Internet cables very well, either one, or both more likely.


As for your next paragraph, could you please tell me which server "Red Eclipse" is on?


So you've traveled to Germany and Russia, but didn't live in either, so you don't speak the langs nor understand the culture, that was the point, if you can't understand cultures that are somewhat similar to yours, how can you expect to understand cultures that are COMPLETELY different than yours? Unless of course, you've adapted your interpretation to include complete acceptance of others and their choices, i.e. many "eastern" religions are based on Taoism, your life, your rights. I'm trying to leave space for leeway here if you can't tell, I don't presume to know all and based on your posts you've been respectful so I will do the same.

As for languages, All Latin and vulgar latin derived languages have 26-30 letters, we have more than that just in consonants, not including 26+ vowels, and no including tones......To compare them is fallacious, one who does only shows his level of ignorance. Again, no offense meant, and if I exposed as such, I apologize it def wasn't meant as such in this post.


There are three European servers that use English as their language: The Progenitor (used to be RP-PVE), The Red Eclipse (used to be PVE) and Tomb of Freedon Nadd (used to be PVP). Red Eclipse is the biggest one, and my main server where I have played the longest.


I don't assume I know everything there is to know about Russian or German culture, but I don't think it's relevant to the argument at hand. I stated that there are players in European servers who do not speak English and face exactly the same difficulties as these APAC players you keep talking about. I used Russian players as an example, as I have experienced first hand that there seem to be Russian players who do not understand english, and live in a town that is pretty popular among Russian tourists and can say that many, many of them don't seem to speak anything but Russian (and sign language :p).


And I'm afraid it's you who started comparing Thai to other languages, I just pointed out that there are languages much harder to learn than German or Russian. And, just a small correction: many European countries don't use latin or vulgar latin derived languages. Some countries use slavic languages and uralic languages, and a quick google search told me that not even English is latin language but, in fact, a germanic language.

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You're quite ignorant to "American Exceptionalism" and how it's used around the world aren't you??? Well guess what, you're not HATED around the world for no reason, you're hated in the ME, you're hated in NA, so as educated ones say, you're hated in all of MENA. You're hated in much of Eastern Europe, you hated in much of Asia, you're DEFINITELY hated in much of SE Asia(what right do you have to choose our govt or economics) so yeah, your nationality is quite the problem in much of the world, which is why many Americans traveling overseas pretend to be Canadians or wrap their passport in something other than American.. What's that? You don't know this? I'm not at ALL surprised.


Oh, and just to help you out, "Their are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like their good till proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt."


should read "There**** are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like they're***** good until*** proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt.


Agreed, given that the corrections by a non-native speaker are correct. Very sad that I see so many very similar mistakes in gen chat every day and I really cant understand why.....Kadashians and sports, i.e. "Bread and Circus" would be my guess. Keep the people entertained and fed, yet extremely stupid and the empire will do well. Same ol, Same ol'.


Wow, if you had any credibility left and if I had any respect left for you, it's sure as hell gone now.


The States tend to receive a lot of flack in the media yes. Decisions made by their political leaders do cause the rest of the world to go "Oh em gee!". The ignorant spewing of some of those who enjoy the media spotlight do paint a bad image but NONE of that excuses any form of hatred towards an entire nation. What the bleeding heck is wrong with you, seriously? You don't think that those actually born and bred in the States are equally appalled by some of the things their own leaders are responsible for? There is plenty to say about Asia and their leadership, not to mention those in the Middle East. Do you see me blame YOU for anything said or done by any Asian leaders? Do I judge you for living in Asia and for being German? No. All I judge you for now are the words you've spoken over the past couple of pages which all testify to your own level of ignorance and hatred.

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You're quite ignorant to "American Exceptionalism" and how it's used around the world aren't you??? Well guess what, you're not HATED around the world for no reason, you're hated in the ME, you're hated in NA, so as educated ones say, you're hated in all of MENA. You're hated in much of Eastern Europe, you hated in much of Asia, you're DEFINITELY hated in much of SE Asia(what right do you have to choose our govt or economics) so yeah, your nationality is quite the problem in much of the world, which is why many Americans traveling overseas pretend to be Canadians or wrap their passport in something other than American.. What's that? You don't know this? I'm not at ALL surprised.


Oh, and just to help you out, "Their are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like their good till proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt."


should read "There**** are good people everywhere, and it doesn't even matter about nationality, its best to treat them like they're***** good until*** proven wrong, or at the very least, don't treat them like dirt.


Agreed, given that the corrections by a non-native speaker are correct. Very sad that I see so many very similar mistakes in gen chat every day and I really cant understand why.....Kadashians and sports, i.e. "Bread and Circus" would be my guess. Keep the people entertained and fed, yet extremely stupid and the empire will do well. Same ol, Same ol'.


Ill admit my grammar isn't the best... and is quite poor at times... but I stopped giving it my all when responding to you when you constantly kept bringing in politics and have such a narrowly, and at times very offensive view, and refuse to budge the slightest from it.


Also I don't like contractions :D.



Wow, if you had any credibility left and if I had any respect left for you, it's sure as hell gone now.


The States tend to receive a lot of flack in the media yes. Decisions made by their political leaders do cause the rest of the world to go "Oh em gee!". The ignorant spewing of some of those who enjoy the media spotlight do paint a bad image but NONE of that excuses any form of hatred towards an entire nation. What the bleeding heck is wrong with you, seriously? You don't think that those actually born and bred in the States are equally appalled by some of the things their own leaders are responsible for? There is plenty to say about Asia and their leadership, not to mention those in the Middle East. Do you see me blame YOU for anything said or done by any Asian leaders? Do I judge you for living in Asia and for being German? No. All I judge you for now are the words you've spoken over the past couple of pages which all testify to your own level of ignorance and hatred.


As usual Jenny explains it better than anyone and still manages, for the most part at least, to keep a level headed tone. Props to you Jenny.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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If the person doesn't speak English, they're not being anti-social, they're just enjoying a game they paid for and oblivious to what you're saying etc. That is the whole point of this is to get ppl to realize 2 things, there are new ppl that haven't seen theses videos and giving that we need new ppl, stop being a jerk about it and 2, APAC servers closed, there are, and there are more coming that do not speak english other than hello.


Wow are you sure you understand the conversation? You PERSONALLY being corrected about the misuse of the term antisocial, and somehow in your brain, you project that on non english speaking players. Man you really really needto gst a better grasp on reading comprehension, or take some meds or something....

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