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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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What I find particularly sad about your involvement in this thread, is that you started with a good message:


"Newer players would like to see the flashpoint stories and they should be allowed to do so"


And then started bringing in bigotry and politics, which has changed your message into "how bad Americans are".


Look at what they started saying, how selfish they were being, they couldn't give a crap about newer players and that IS showing a very poor(bad) character. They'd rather get their way and let the game shrink until it dies than to give an inch. They are so bored with the game but stay because they don't have anything else to do, but they ruin the fun and rightful enjoyment of the game by new/newer players. They'd rather the game DIE than to watch a movie INCLUDED in the game. That's selfish and bad for the game, bad for business, bad for relationships, this selfishness plays a part in a lot of the downsides of and in America. I don't understand how people can be so blind to it.

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Yes I am sure the Asian community is making up such a large portion of the game that without them we would fall into some sort of MMO dark ages right? Seriously if they did make up such a large chunk the Asian servers would still be around....


This isn't League of Legends pal... Revenue from APAC is pretty insignificant in this game


The APAC servers weren't dead, did many come here when they were forced? No, because that means this, a lot of interacting with people whom they already know to be jerks and anti-social rageheads. Any revenue this game gets, is good for EVERYONE playing the game, and for that, EVERYONE should be respected.

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Son, it its a democracy by default if you have the ability to cast a vote to get said person removed by the group.


If you want to watch the story and the party agrees to it, cool beans.


If they wanna rush it, run solo mode and take as long as you want running and enjoying it.


Just deal with it.


Deal with being anti-social, deal with running the newer playerbase off, deal with it, when the game is gone and you no longer get to enjoy what you have. Your attitude is the problem and the downfall of MMO's. The more good people leave, the more people like you are left and it goes downhill from there, a predictable pattern that's been repeated, the human beings with attitudes like yours are the problem. You'd rather the game die than to let new/newer players watch a movie INCLUDED in the fp and that's sad, pathetic, and childish. But I'm not at all surprised. #Murica.

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You still have a right to play it. The problem is, your rights end where my rights begin, and this seems to be your big issue. If it's discussed at the beginning, and 3 of 4 agree on one or the other, then that should be what's going on, and if it's not, a kick is logical, because your "rights" don't override my "rights". If it weren't for all your anti American rhetoric, I'd swear you were a US LIberal: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine.


If the people do not speak English and don't respond you what, kick them? Hell, I know some American players that only use a game pad to play that doesn't have all the letters because it's more comfortable for them. So you're willing to kick skilled and new players that are paying for the game rather than to watch a movie that is INCLUDED by DEFAULT in order for people TO WATCH THEM. If they were not meant to be there, they wouldn't be. Plain and simple.

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If the people do not speak English and don't respond you what, kick them? Hell, I know some American players that only use a game pad to play that doesn't have all the letters because it's more comfortable for them. So you're willing to kick skilled and new players that are paying for the game rather than to watch a movie that is INCLUDED by DEFAULT in order for people TO WATCH THEM. If they were not meant to be there, they wouldn't be. Plain and simple.


Yes. The option to kick them is also provided, and requires a majority vote. I wouldn't stack the deck, as it were, by always coming in with at least one other player, but if that's the general consensus, then yes, because again, their rights end where mine begin. You seem to be ignoring one critical detail here, I pay to play too. The ability to skip the cutscenes is also included in the FP. IF they are unable to understand that basic dialog about skipping, how are they understanding what's presented in the cutscenes, and, how are they going to understand any commands that may be needed in an Op?


I get it, you're all "Feel sorry for us, because we're underprivileged or something, but I won't sacrifice my fun, that I'm also paying for, for someone else's fun. There are operations in this game that require communication especially in hard mode, and if you're not able to communicate, your favorite excuse for "I don't space bar", you are a detriment to my fun. This brings us back to "your rights end where mine begin". Kicking you out of my group will not block you from running the content in another group, but you won't be in my group.


Since you want to run with this as being some sort of inalienable right, I have the right to have my fun too, and maybe I'm not looking for the smoothest run ever, but I'd sure like to finish the content, and someone that isn't capable of communicating with the group can make that interesting. You have no rights in this, or any game, or on this or any forum, that infringe upon my rights/privileges in same.

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I get it, you're all "Feel sorry for us, because we're underprivileged or something, but I won't sacrifice my fun, that I'm also paying for, for someone else's fun. There are operations in this game that require communication especially in hard mode, and if you're not able to communicate, your favorite excuse for "I don't space bar", you are a detriment to my fun. This brings us back to "your rights end where mine begin". Kicking you out of my group will not block you from running the content in another group, but you won't be in my group.


Since you want to run with this as being some sort of inalienable right, I have the right to have my fun too, and maybe I'm not looking for the smoothest run ever, but I'd sure like to finish the content, and someone that isn't capable of communicating with the group can make that interesting. You have no rights in this, or any game, or on this or any forum, that infringe upon my rights/privileges in same.


^ Again, quoted for truth...


I pay for the game as well, I have the right to play it as I wish, as do those who also pay for it.


If those wishes come into conflict, the game provides ways to resolve it. Vote kick or leave, on either party's side.

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^ Again, quoted for truth...


I pay for the game as well, I have the right to play it as I wish, as do those who also pay for it.


If those wishes come into conflict, the game provides ways to resolve it. Vote kick or leave, on either party's side.


Really going to rustle his jimmies again TX? Isn't one forum meltdown enough :D?

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The APAC servers weren't dead, did many come here when they were forced? No, because that means this, a lot of interacting with people whom they already know to be jerks and anti-social rageheads. Any revenue this game gets, is good for EVERYONE playing the game, and for that, EVERYONE should be respected.


And overall you have to follow the majority. The devs need to appeal to what majority of the play base will want.



Same with grouping 3-1, if 3 people want to skip and 1 person wants to watch the story than the group should be skipping and they should have the right to kick the other person out, nothing wrong with that.

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I am willing to wager that most of this APAC community that can't speak English like you say are likely f2p players anyways... I doubt they would pay for a continuous subscription of a heavy story based game they cannot understand. Most of the real APAC community can probably either speak good English or at least know the basics.
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Ah, yet another anti-social post by an American MMO player. NOT surprised.
anti-social? would you like to know what anti-social is? walking into a 4 person group and demanding that your preferences be held above the other 3. that's called being selfish, anti-spcial, and overall not very pleasant.


also, sorry to burst your biggoted tirade bubble but according to my passport i live in and was born in another country. not the usa. so sorry on striking out yet again with your prejudicial venom.


You couldn't care less about APAC players, THAT STATEMENT alone......THAT statement ALONE is all you had to say. Anyone with a brain could read and see that you're nothing but a "by America, for America" type of person. Your character is seriously lacking and you'd NEVER......NEVER have a business that is worth anything. Bioware marketed their game around the world(which, apparently you didn't know until now) includs countries that DO NOT speak "english".
my character is lacking?


you define character by not caring about APAC players on english, NA servers? sorry but there,s no participation trophy here. you have to own your decisions. if someone that doesnt speak english goes to a game and server that is english, then they assume the responsibility of those "consequences". this is the same thing i would say to an english speaker going to play some japanese rpg and not understanding the text. i don't care about him either.

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Can they just lock this thread already? It's been derailed enough bringing unnecessary politics into it with blatant name calling and no one's opinion seems to have changed, and no one seems to have moved the slightest from there position.


God yes. The Devs really need to just lock this thread already.

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God yes. The Devs really need to just lock this thread already.


Unlikely to get a lock so much as being corrected. Someone with power has definitely been through here and removed post. Peters post asking for a thread lock wasn't at the top of the page earlier, which means post were removed to push it higher. Which ones tho, not sure.

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Unlikely to get a lock so much as being corrected. Someone with power has definitely been through here and removed post. Peters post asking for a thread lock wasn't at the top of the page earlier, which means post were removed to push it higher. Which ones tho, not sure.


Only a few posts have been removed, still not enough imo.

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Can they just lock this thread already? It's been derailed enough bringing unnecessary politics into it with blatant name calling and no one's opinion seems to have changed, and no one seems to have moved the slightest from there position.


They wouldnt have to lock it if we all stopped feeding his delusional arguments. I know this is the last time I am replying to this thread. I mean it really is pointless, from trying to inform him of his misuse of the term antisocial, to his crazy argument about possible "what if" scenarios to try and justify the fact, that he just thinks his rights overrule everyone elses. When he saw that no one was siding with him, his next thing was to try and portray him the hero of the downtrodden non-english speaking community lol.


Lets just treat this thread like that crazy drunk on the street talking to himself....just look the other way and walk on by :D

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They wouldnt have to lock it if we all stopped feeding his delusional arguments. I know this is the last time I am replying to this thread. I mean it really is pointless, from trying to inform him of his misuse of the term antisocial, to his crazy argument about possible "what if" scenarios to try and justify the fact, that he just thinks his rights overrule everyone elses. When he saw that no one was siding with him, his next thing was to try and portray him the hero of the downtrodden non-english speaking community lol.


Lets just treat this thread like that crazy drunk on the street talking to himself....just look the other way and walk on by :D


Yup that's what I've been trying to do since my previous post in this thread. Reading his continued comments has made my fingers itch but I decided against responding any longer, it's an utter waste and I'd hate to get unpleasant.

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then just dont join




i SB and i hate waiting but i hate people more that complain over everything you bunch of self serving donkeys


Same-thing could be said about people who do not use the spacebar. I spacebar even if I haven't done it before, because I don't need to watch the cuts at that moment. Chances are, I'll have to run the thing again, and I will ask some guildies to tag along with me, and allow me to watch the cuts. This is why guilds and in-game friends are important in a game like this. I'm personally with the people who think you should skip. It isn't right to expect a random group to deal with you. That's abit self-centered.

Edited by cool-dude
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Yes. The option to kick them is also provided, and requires a majority vote. I wouldn't stack the deck, as it were, by always coming in with at least one other player, but if that's the general consensus, then yes, because again, their rights end where mine begin. You seem to be ignoring one critical detail here, I pay to play too. The ability to skip the cutscenes is also included in the FP. IF they are unable to understand that basic dialog about skipping, how are they understanding what's presented in the cutscenes, and, how are they going to understand any commands that may be needed in an Op?


I get it, you're all "Feel sorry for us, because we're underprivileged or something, but I won't sacrifice my fun, that I'm also paying for, for someone else's fun. There are operations in this game that require communication especially in hard mode, and if you're not able to communicate, your favorite excuse for "I don't space bar", you are a detriment to my fun. This brings us back to "your rights end where mine begin". Kicking you out of my group will not block you from running the content in another group, but you won't be in my group.


Since you want to run with this as being some sort of inalienable right, I have the right to have my fun too, and maybe I'm not looking for the smoothest run ever, but I'd sure like to finish the content, and someone that isn't capable of communicating with the group can make that interesting. You have no rights in this, or any game, or on this or any forum, that infringe upon my rights/privileges in same.


You're DEAD wrong when they are INCLUDED by default, they are there for PEOPLE TO WATCH. I recommend a non-story based MMO if you're so against there being a story included.

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And overall you have to follow the majority. The devs need to appeal to what majority of the play base will want.



Same with grouping 3-1, if 3 people want to skip and 1 person wants to watch the story than the group should be skipping and they should have the right to kick the other person out, nothing wrong with that.


That's NOT a legitimate use of the kick feature, and everyone here knows that, they just don't care if they run people away from the game, they could care less about the long-term viability because if they didn't, they wouldn't act as such. It's an abuse of the kick feature, plain and simple.

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That's NOT a legitimate use of the kick feature, and everyone here knows that, they just don't care if they run people away from the game, they could care less about the long-term viability because if they didn't, they wouldn't act as such. It's an abuse of the kick feature, plain and simple.


Actually it is the perfect use of the kick function. If 3 people in a HM FP are asking for 1 person to spacebar, then that 1 person is being Selfish, and shows Disrespect to the others 3 players by refusing to do so. They are wasting 3 other peoples time. That alone is worth a kick from group. Almost every single FP has a Solo mode to it now. Want to watch the cut scenes do solo mode. If that is unacceptable to you, ask 3 guildies to join you. Asking 3 random people in GF to sit there waiting while you watch a video is just wrong. With that being said, If the majority of the group wants to watch the cutscenes, then the rest should sit back and relax and let them watch.

Edited by Toraak
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You're DEAD wrong when they are INCLUDED by default, they are there for PEOPLE TO WATCH. I recommend a non-story based MMO if you're so against there being a story included.

What is your theory as to why Bioware allowed for players to skip them with the spacebar?


If they're INCLUDED by default, and they're there for PEOPLE TO WATCH, then the ABILITY TO SKIP them shouldn't exist.

Edited by Khevar
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You're DEAD wrong when they are INCLUDED by default, they are there for PEOPLE TO WATCH. I recommend a non-story based MMO if you're so against there being a story included.


The ability to skip them was also added. So are you saying that the only way to skip them is to hack the game? The fact is, I don't care one way or the other. However, if the group discusses it, and skipping is agreed upon, then that's what's going to happen. "I don't speak English" isn't any better than "I don't want to skip". The ability to do either is included in all conversations in the game, skipping or not, so utilizing them isn't wrong, by any stretch of the imagination. Well, except your imagination.

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What is your theory as to why Bioware allowed for players to skip them with the spacebar?


If they're INCLUDED by default, and they're there for PEOPLE TO WATCH, then the ABILITY TO SKIP them shouldn't exist.


The skip feature is there so if all want to skip, they can, but a paying customer has a RIGHT to see them, THAT'S why they are included, plain and simple. If they weren't meant to be available in all modes, for people to WATCH, they wouldn't be there, plain and simple.

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