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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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I have a Dutch friend I met online and over the course of 10 years of being on the Internet he is now able to read and type English quite fluently... It cannot be that hard to learn the basics of the majority language on a server.


Again, same or VERY similar alphabet, you really willing to run off those players???? congrats on ending the game sooner rather than later.

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Y'know, this is something that BioWare could fix. But of course they're swamped with trying to fix the bugs that they introduce with every content patch. (Oh, not to mention taking away features like the RP server tag.)


Anyway, a check box for those who want to skip cinematics in flashpoints, like the one they have for regular cinematics.


But it won't ever happen. So many things about this game pit player against player that can be fixed with game mechanics, and it's really horrible. I think it's why I can't really stay with this game for a long period of time -- hell is truly other people here.

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You're quite ignorant to "American Exceptionalism" and how it's used around the world aren't you??? Well guess what, you're not HATED around the world for no reason, you're hated in the ME, you're hated in NA, so as educated ones say, you're hated in all of MENA. You're hated in much of Eastern Europe, you hated in much of Asia, you're DEFINITELY hated in much of SE Asia(what right do you have to choose our govt or economics) so yeah, your nationality is quite the problem in much of the world, which is why many Americans traveling overseas pretend to be Canadians or wrap their passport in something other than American.. What's that? You don't know this? I'm not at ALL surprised.

Tell you something interesting.


During the time I traveled around France, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine, Japan and Hong Kong, I had to good fortune to meet with a number of friendly people that never once expressed any sort of prejudice or criticism of my being an American. My experiences were good, the people were nice, and I never once felt like I had to "pretend I was a Canadian"


So I think that it's more that YOU have a hatred for Americans, and are trying to pretend it is so widespread that your own personal bigotry is justified.

Edited by Khevar
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TX rustled his jimmies real bad. One of the worst forum meltdowns I have ever seen, and I visit the battle log forums.


lol this guy is melting down for sure.


it's hard for me to chime in since I only have done HM in the past. can't anymore obviously because biofail refuses to add content, but I digress. there's no reason not to SB in hm and if they haven't seen the story then they shouldn't be in hm anyway.


as for APAC players, I couldn't care less. you are not a snowflake because you are choosing to play on a North American English server. sorry but that was your choice not mine and I really couldn't care less if you quit.


as for spacebarring in general, saying that the story is there by default is pointless givne the fact the ability to skip it is also there by default. so sorry that argument is sunk.


this doesn't have to be an issue. I can't force you to spacebar but I can votekick you at my leisure. just because I joined a queue, that doesn't mean I'm married to you. I can ask nicely for you to conform to that majority bit if not, let the system decide if the group wants you and you're time wasting silliness.

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Dude you lost this fight when you started making generalized statements about Americans and brought up bombings. I mean really? A German descendant judging an entire nation for the actions of their political leaders and their predecessors? That's bloody rich.


And before you start generalizing again about narrow mindedness and "boo Americans", I'm not. I'm Dutch and I've lived in the Netherlands all my life, I still do right now. I've been lucky enough to visit the States twice so far and I'll be going back for a 3rd time in August, it's become my second home. Everyone I've met there whether socially or just in passing at the stores has been quite great and welcoming actually, far warmer and kinder than what I'm used to in my own country. My possession of the English language isn't perfect either and it's mostly self taught. English classes in school were average and textbook English doesn't translate all that well in the real world. I've picked up many things just by watching TV and engaging in online social interactions and I'm still learning today. I play on a US server in every MMO I touch and trust me, if I didn't already know English I'd be doing my damn best to learn.


Now back on topic; In any group situation, including TFPs (Tactical Flashpoints) consideration for the GROUP or majority of the group should ideally always come before the needs of just one person. That includes any possible language barriers. You cannot jump up and start screaming about the poor Asian speaker who's 1 out of 4 or 5 in a group when doing so means that you yourself are being equally ignorant towards THREE other people at least. Now if the group in question somehow, despite the obvious language barrier, manages to understand this person is foreign and wishes to see all the cut scenes and they agree, great, best of luck. However, just as your APAC people may not understand "Spacebar please?" or "SB?", the English speakers likely won't understand whichever Asian lettering is suddenly flying across their screen nor what it means. Yet, they're somehow selfish in your eyes and at fault while APAC players are victims. That's extremely skewered.


Again, learning a language with the same alphabet is pretty easy, you'd have to be a moron imo to not be able to do it(imo). As for your trips to "America", they've been to mostly big cities, you haven't live or worked there and that says a lot, especially given that many "Americas" KNOW that their international reputation is on the line. That's part of capitalism is it not??? Even those that do their best do speak/learn english are NOT going to understand "sb plz", it's NOT something that is taught, nor required, deal with is or run off yet more of the PAYING player base.

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Again, learning a language with the same alphabet is pretty easy, you'd have to be a moron imo to not be able to do it(imo). As for your trips to "America", they've been to mostly big cities, you haven't live or worked there and that says a lot, especially given that many "Americas" KNOW that their international reputation is on the line. That's part of capitalism is it not??? Even those that do their best do speak/learn english are NOT going to understand "sb plz", it's NOT something that is taught, nor required, deal with is or run off yet more of the PAYING player base.


And again you prove you're just full of it. I said I visited the States--I did NOT say where I went nor what the circumstances for my visits were. You assume and use your own assumption to back up your asinine judgment. Bravo.

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No, it's NOT a democracy, we all pay for this, it's more like a republic, PAYING for it gives your rights, just as it does in a republic, democracy is stupid, it's two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. That's not what the US is, it's a constitutional republic. Wake up, get educated, come back later after you have.

sorry but the ability to votekick is there; and I'll use it how I like. if that's a problem go back to your safespace.

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There are three European servers that use English as their language: The Progenitor (used to be RP-PVE), The Red Eclipse (used to be PVE) and Tomb of Freedon Nadd (used to be PVP). Red Eclipse is the biggest one, and my main server where I have played the longest.


I don't assume I know everything there is to know about Russian or German culture, but I don't think it's relevant to the argument at hand. I stated that there are players in European servers who do not speak English and face exactly the same difficulties as these APAC players you keep talking about. I used Russian players as an example, as I have experienced first hand that there seem to be Russian players who do not understand english, and live in a town that is pretty popular among Russian tourists and can say that many, many of them don't seem to speak anything but Russian (and sign language :p).


And I'm afraid it's you who started comparing Thai to other languages, I just pointed out that there are languages much harder to learn than German or Russian. And, just a small correction: many European countries don't use latin or vulgar latin derived languages. Some countries use slavic languages and uralic languages, and a quick google search told me that not even English is latin language but, in fact, a germanic language.


Oh, so "Red Ellipse" is a server not a guild, what a bummer. As for culture you COMPLETELY missed the point. It's completely understandable that you would have words etc in common, you're all derived from the same lang.

AGAIN, they do NOT, in anyway face the same challenges and you're only showing your ignorance by insisting that they do. MOST of you share the same Latin alphabet, others Cyrillic(Russia and it's Caucuses) . They have their differences but they are minor to compare them to a tonal language just shows your ignorance. Most European langs use the Latin alphabet, so to say they are different is like saying a tomato is something completely different from a cherry tomato. The ignorant may buy it, but not everyone else.

"Much harder to learn but but have the same alphabet", is that where you send your slow kinds???

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Wow, if you had any credibility left and if I had any respect left for you, it's sure as hell gone now.


The States tend to receive a lot of flack in the media yes. Decisions made by their political leaders do cause the rest of the world to go "Oh em gee!". The ignorant spewing of some of those who enjoy the media spotlight do paint a bad image but NONE of that excuses any form of hatred towards an entire nation. What the bleeding heck is wrong with you, seriously? You don't think that those actually born and bred in the States are equally appalled by some of the things their own leaders are responsible for? There is plenty to say about Asia and their leadership, not to mention those in the Middle East. Do you see me blame YOU for anything said or done by any Asian leaders? Do I judge you for living in Asia and for being German? No. All I judge you for now are the words you've spoken over the past couple of pages which all testify to your own level of ignorance and hatred.


Now you see, THERE'S a worthy comment. Attack the content, NOT the person. Thank you. I was overly critical hoping that someone would understand the difference, and you did, I'm guessing you're not American....if you are, congrats. I'm guessing you're not only educated, but that you've actually traveled overseas, which would explain your objectivity that many lack. We cannot forget however, that many Americans have what is called "loyalty" one of the 5 tenets of American conservatism and a major downfall of the country. I am sad to say however as a political observer that the dems are falling to this this seemingly benign but outright dangerous "tenet". If you're unfamiliar with the terms, Seymour Hersh(I hate him btw) explains them quite well. There's nothing wrong with me, there something wrong with the nation, and I will take every single instance to point it out, and I feel I must do to the apathy, ignorance and outright laziness that is rampant within the American electorate. Why do I feel this way? Oh, again, how many countries have you bombed in the last decade....yeah, clearly something is wrong. And not JUST with the psychopaths that run for office.....they do get elected. Do I respect your comment? Completely, Do I ask for more? Of course. Am I asking too much, probably, but hey, we can wish for me can't we?

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Ill admit my grammar isn't the best... and is quite poor at times... but I stopped giving it my all when responding to you when you constantly kept bringing in politics and have such a narrowly, and at times very offensive view, and refuse to budge the slightest from it.


Also I don't like contractions :D.





As usual Jenny explains it better than anyone and still manages, for the most part at least, to keep a level headed tone. Props to you Jenny.


Yes, it's why I tell everyone that men are NOT at all, in any way, fit to rule. There's over 1000 reasons why. I'll list if I must.

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Now you see, THERE'S a worthy comment. Attack the content, NOT the person.

I was overly critical hoping that someone would understand the difference, and you did, I'm guessing you're not American....if you are, congrats. I'm guessing you're not only educated, but that you've actually traveled overseas, which would explain your objectivity that many lack. We cannot forget however, that many Americans have what is called "loyalty" one of the 5 tenets of American conservatism and a major downfall of the country


Meh instead of /5char I guess ill just point out the irony in red.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Wow are you sure you understand the conversation? You PERSONALLY being corrected about the misuse of the term antisocial, and somehow in your brain, you project that on non english speaking players. Man you really really needto gst a better grasp on reading comprehension, or take some meds or something....


Yes, someone made a failed attempt to define anti-social as something it isn't, but it wasn't in any way factual.. There IS.. again, there IS a factual definition of the term and refusing to partake in a portion of an activity that is INCLUDED when you queue, IS being anti-social, whether you accept it or not.

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Y'know, this is something that BioWare could fix. But of course they're swamped with trying to fix the bugs that they introduce with every content patch. (Oh, not to mention taking away features like the RP server tag.)


Anyway, a check box for those who want to skip cinematics in flashpoints, like the one they have for regular cinematics.


But it won't ever happen. So many things about this game pit player against player that can be fixed with game mechanics, and it's really horrible. I think it's why I can't really stay with this game for a long period of time -- hell is truly other people here.


You are right on ALL account, #1 They could fix this, by removing movies from HP FP's or telling ppl to get over it which by NOT stating it they are passively telling ppl to get over it by including them by default. \


And you're right that hell is dealing with the so many anti-social personality disorders(aka basement personality disorder) people that are here, it's truly sad.

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Yes, someone made a failed attempt to define anti-social as something it isn't, but it wasn't in any way factual.. There IS.. again, there IS a factual definition of the term and refusing to partake in a portion of an activity that is INCLUDED when you queue, IS being anti-social, whether you accept it or not.


Lol yeah I guess you would know more about a definition then websters...but ok. Regardless your constant rants, and bs bore me.

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Tell you something interesting.


During the time I traveled around France, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine, Japan and Hong Kong, I had to good fortune to meet with a number of friendly people that never once expressed any sort of prejudice or criticism of my being an American. My experiences were good, the people were nice, and I never once felt like I had to "pretend I was a Canadian"


So I think that it's more that YOU have a hatred for Americans, and are trying to pretend it is so widespread that your own personal bigotry is justified.


You seem honest, I'd never call you a liar, but visiting somewhere, and living there are very different. And don't forget that people that live in tourist areas know where the money comes in and that plays a part in their attitude and actions.

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Oh, so "Red Ellipse" is a server not a guild, what a bummer. As for culture you COMPLETELY missed the point. It's completely understandable that you would have words etc in common, you're all derived from the same lang.

AGAIN, they do NOT, in anyway face the same challenges and you're only showing your ignorance by insisting that they do. MOST of you share the same Latin alphabet, others Cyrillic(Russia and it's Caucuses) . They have their differences but they are minor to compare them to a tonal language just shows your ignorance. Most European langs use the Latin alphabet, so to say they are different is like saying a tomato is something completely different from a cherry tomato. The ignorant may buy it, but not everyone else.

"Much harder to learn but but have the same alphabet", is that where you send your slow kinds???


I doubt many words that are relevant to SWTOR are too similiar in all European languages. And no, not all European languages are derived from the same language, as I already pointed out. Germanic languages are derived from different languages than uralic languages and neither of them have derived from latin. Maybe you should educate yourself on this subject before talking about it? Not to mention there is more to learning languages than learning the alphabets or I'd be fluent in every language that uses latin or cyrillic alphabets.


However, even that is beside the point, as it does not matter how easy it is to learn another language, if you do not speak it and have no real intention of learning it. Language barrier is something between two people who do not speak the same language. European players are not some special snowflakes that just understand that, in example, "grass" means "ruoho" because of some European language magic that the latin alphabets provide us.

Edited by Seireeni
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You seem honest, I'd never call you a liar, but visiting somewhere, and living there are very different. And don't forget that people that live in tourist areas know where the money comes in and that plays a part in their attitude and actions.

What I find particularly sad about your involvement in this thread, is that you started with a good message:


"Newer players would like to see the flashpoint stories and they should be allowed to do so"


And then started bringing in bigotry and politics, which has changed your message into "how bad Americans are".

Edited by Khevar
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Again, same or VERY similar alphabet, you really willing to run off those players???? congrats on ending the game sooner rather than later.


Yes I am sure the Asian community is making up such a large portion of the game that without them we would fall into some sort of MMO dark ages right? Seriously if they did make up such a large chunk the Asian servers would still be around....


This isn't League of Legends pal... Revenue from APAC is pretty insignificant in this game

Edited by Newyankalt
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No, it's NOT a democracy, we all pay for this, it's more like a republic, PAYING for it gives your rights, just as it does in a republic, democracy is stupid, it's two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. That's not what the US is, it's a constitutional republic. Wake up, get educated, come back later after you have.


Son, it its a democracy by default if you have the ability to cast a vote to get said person removed by the group.


If you want to watch the story and the party agrees to it, cool beans.


If they wanna rush it, run solo mode and take as long as you want running and enjoying it.


Just deal with it.

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No, it's NOT a democracy, we all pay for this, it's more like a republic, PAYING for it gives your rights, just as it does in a republic, democracy is stupid, it's two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. That's not what the US is, it's a constitutional republic. Wake up, get educated, come back later after you have.


You still have a right to play it. The problem is, your rights end where my rights begin, and this seems to be your big issue. If it's discussed at the beginning, and 3 of 4 agree on one or the other, then that should be what's going on, and if it's not, a kick is logical, because your "rights" don't override my "rights". If it weren't for all your anti American rhetoric, I'd swear you were a US LIberal: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine.

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You still have a right to play it. The problem is, your rights end where my rights begin, and this seems to be your big issue. If it's discussed at the beginning, and 3 of 4 agree on one or the other, then that should be what's going on, and if it's not, a kick is logical, because your "rights" don't override my "rights". If it weren't for all your anti American rhetoric, I'd swear you were a US LIberal: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine.


^ Quoted for truth...

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lol this guy is melting down for sure.


it's hard for me to chime in since I only have done HM in the past. can't anymore obviously because biofail refuses to add content, but I digress. there's no reason not to SB in hm and if they haven't seen the story then they shouldn't be in hm anyway.


as for APAC players, I couldn't care less. you are not a snowflake because you are choosing to play on a North American English server. sorry but that was your choice not mine and I really couldn't care less if you quit.


as for spacebarring in general, saying that the story is there by default is pointless givne the fact the ability to skip it is also there by default. so sorry that argument is sunk.


this doesn't have to be an issue. I can't force you to spacebar but I can votekick you at my leisure. just because I joined a queue, that doesn't mean I'm married to you. I can ask nicely for you to conform to that majority bit if not, let the system decide if the group wants you and you're time wasting silliness.


Ah, yet another anti-social post by an American MMO player. NOT surprised.


You couldn't care less about APAC players, THAT STATEMENT alone......THAT statement ALONE is all you had to say. Anyone with a brain could read and see that you're nothing but a "by America, for America" type of person. Your character is seriously lacking and you'd NEVER......NEVER have a business that is worth anything. Bioware marketed their game around the world(which, apparently you didn't know until now) includs countries that DO NOT speak "english".

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