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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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Very true, just shows that they queued up when they really didn't have time to, or are just a jerk.


Literally every time you respond to the argument in this discussion it can be completely turned around against you in certain circumstances.


No point in further arguing with you as with this subject you seem to be too one sided to think differently and weigh both sides of the argument.


You seem like a pretty nice poster honestly... but this subject seems to be sensitive :(.

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You're forgetting that the APAC servers closed and many non-english speakers came here. You can ask as politely as can be and they just have no clue what you are saying. I've had to point that out to people when in an fp bc they've ask why so and so never said anything, and I said "look at his name, that's not american, he's prob like my wife and doesn't speak english", and nearly everytime they're like "oh, didn't think of that", most americans don't, many don't realize the game used to have many more servers in many more places.


When I say "hello"/"hiya"/"greetings" at the start of an FP and everyone responds in kind...I think it is safe to assume everyone comprehends. This is 90% of my experience because I tend to play when APAC should be asleep :)


But you're right. I remember a time playing WoW when there was a surge in Central American population and there was a lot of Spanish and Portugese being chatted. That being said, even I - who barely passed high school spanish 25 years ago and only know enough portugese to know it is not spanish :) - could translate enough to get the gist of what they were saying.

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You clearly don't understand the definition of selfish one bit, others pay for the game and have a right to watch the movies that ARE INCLUDED with the flashpoint and associated queue. You just need to grow up and get over yourself.


I pay for the game and have the right to skip them.


If you want to watch them, go solo them. Or find a group that wants to watch them. The majority of groups do not.

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No, it doesn't work in reverse, you paid for the game but queue with randoms knowing that the movies are included and knowing that some people will want to watch them, that's your choice. It is not your choice to demand that others that pay for the game suit your need for a speed run instead of enjoying their money the way they chose. The flashpoints come with movies, get over it, get used to it, or attempt to have them removed.


:) Wanna bet?


It most certainly is my choice... Escape exists for a reason... It is VERY rare that I have used it, but if three people are asking for spacebar on something like Black Talon and one person wants to watch, that is easy enough to fix.


Escape out of the conversation, then restart it. Of course you might then reply, "well I'll SAY I'm spacebaring and really won't, you won't know who is doing it".


Sure I will, if all 4 people claim to be spacebaring and someone isn't, then someone is lying. I don't play with lairs. So escape and say "well, it seems to be bugged, since everyone says they are spacebaring, lets try again.


You'll either spacebar, or leave.

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You're forgetting that the APAC servers closed and many non-english speakers came here. You can ask as politely as can be and they just have no clue what you are saying.


If they don't understand English, then how are they playing the game?


Why watch cutscenes that you don't understand?

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"Common courtesy" is not what his post was about, he made factual statements that were opinion and not fact.


Everything you've posted is opinion, not fact, so there.


Majority doesn't rule when they are included by default and other people pay for the game just as much as you do.


:) Wanna bet? Majority does rule, vote kick and escape exist for a reason.

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When I say "hello"/"hiya"/"greetings" at the start of an FP and everyone responds in kind...I think it is safe to assume everyone comprehends.


Not really. Knowing the basic greetings of other languages is far from uncommon. I know when someone says kon'nichiwa, bonjour and hola that they are saying hello in Japanese, French and Spanish. Anything beyond that requiring understanding of sentence structure, particles & grammar and I'll be scratching my head. I assume the same is true regarding the reverse.

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Everything you've posted is opinion, not fact, so there.




:) Wanna bet? Majority does rule, vote kick and escape exist for a reason.


People aren't simply going to agree to kick because one person is impatient. Que time and Flashpoint difficulty going forward weigh heavily against kicking a person that refuses to skip through a few minute cinematic. They want to finish the flashpoint more than they want to wait for a replacement.

Edited by Aeristash
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I'm still fairly new if you don't count the 2 month sub I had back in 2013. I've only been here since December 2015 and I'm not a native English speaker. My first time in a TFP I had no idea what the guy spamming "SB SB SB" meant until another asked "Are we spacebarring?" .. oh, hey, they want to skip through the cut scenes. It was a brand new place for me and even though I was one of those new players, I didn't feel entitled to make the rest of my group wait just because I wanted to see everything in it's full glory. Whether you're old or new, English or German, you're making the conscious decision to engage in group content and even little kids learn that when you play with others it becomes a game of give and take where you don't always get what you alone want.


You're a non-native speaker, there are plenty that don't speak it at all or very little, so while you understood when they changed the wording to "Are we spacebarring", not a single person from my country that I know of would know what is even being said, they'd just assume ppl were saying hello or something to pass the time. APAC servers closed, they're not here and coming here.

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Literally every time you respond to the argument in this discussion it can be completely turned around against you in certain circumstances.


No point in further arguing with you as with this subject you seem to be too one sided to think differently and weigh both sides of the argument.


You seem like a pretty nice poster honestly... but this subject seems to be sensitive :(.


I personally spacebar because I've seen the stuff too many times, I've done over 1.2k fp's, I don't need to see it again. But I understand the flipside that others haven't, and I understand that because of the new content we have a lot of new players and I don't want anti-social people driving them away from the game, and I know that since the APAC servers have closed, there are people like my wife here who don't speak english and enjoy the movies what they can understand.

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People aren't simply going to agree to kick because one person is impatient. Que time and Flashpoint difficulty going forward weigh heavily against kicking a person that refuses to skip through a few minute cinematic. They want to finish the flashpoint more than they want to wait for a replacement.


9/10 times people who want to watch the moviesare dps players. They are replaced in a heartbeat. And it is not 1 player being impatient usually the majority want to space. And worse comes to worse a good number of people have comps that can dps, or even heal better then a real player.

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I'm still fairly new if you don't count the 2 month sub I had back in 2013. I've only been here since December 2015 and I'm not a native English speaker. My first time in a TFP I had no idea what the guy spamming "SB SB SB" meant until another asked "Are we spacebarring?" .. oh, hey, they want to skip through the cut scenes. It was a brand new place for me and even though I was one of those new players, I didn't feel entitled to make the rest of my group wait just because I wanted to see everything in it's full glory. Whether you're old or new, English or German, you're making the conscious decision to engage in group content and even little kids learn that when you play with others it becomes a game of give and take where you don't always get what you alone want.


Two points:


1. If someone simply says "hey, this is my first time here, mind if I watch the cutscenes?


My answer is almost always "no problem, enjoy, thanks for saying something".


2. If you're in hard mode, that isn't a reasonable request, that is what tactical model or solo mode is for.


I completely get that people may be doing them for the first time in story mode, but if you're in hard mode, you should have been there already and seen them. If you say "I'm new, first time here", and this is Blood Hunt Hard Mode, well, you probably aren't staying anyway. :)

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People aren't simply going to agree to kick because one person is impatient. Que time and Flashpoint difficulty going forward weigh heavily against kicking a person that refuses to skip through a few minute cinematic. They want to finish the flashpoint more than they want to wait for a replacement.


I should have pointed out that I only play hard mode flashpoints, and that I'm usually the tank.


I haven't done a tactical flashpoint in 4 months, and frankly probably never will again unless we get new ones. I'm at 100% achievements in all tactical flashpoints, I'm really sick of them. :)


Even in hard mode, if you ask nicely to watch, I'll almost always say "sure". I like people who communicate and I can be flexible. What I don't like are people who claim to be spacebarring and who are not.


Black Talon would be an exception, it has 10 min of cutscenes, I'm not watching them again. :)

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9/10 times people who want to watch the moviesare dps players. They are replaced in a heartbeat. And it is not 1 player being impatient usually the majority want to space. And worse comes to worse a good number of people have comps that can dps, or even heal better then a real player.


Usually for me, it's one hothead yelling space and the others are just going with the flow trying to get the instance taken care of. And comps are a horrible replacement, due to them not being able to think, maneuver or adhere to tactics like an actual person. Sure, they're great for solo content, but a companion should always be a last resort measure when dealing with fps due to gold mobs, bosses and damaging mechanics that they'll just mindlessly stand in the middle of. I personally wouldn't agree to handicap the group that way over a trivial bit of dialogue.

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I think you are focusing too much on one specific scenario. Does it happen? Yes. Are there misunderstandings because of it? YES! Is this the ONLY reason why players watch cut scenes and ignore requests for speed? NO!


I would think that the ratio of skippers to watchers would be roughly the same regardless of country of origin. There may be some "societal norms" that slightly skew the numbers one way or another, but not radically.

Edited by psandak
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I should have pointed out that I only play hard mode flashpoints, and that I'm usually the tank.


I haven't done a tactical flashpoint in 4 months, and frankly probably never will again unless we get new ones. I'm at 100% achievements in all tactical flashpoints, I'm really sick of them. :)


Even in hard mode, if you ask nicely to watch, I'll almost always say "sure". I like people who communicate and I can be flexible. What I don't like are people who claim to be spacebarring and who are not.


Black Talon would be an exception, it has 10 min of cutscenes, I'm not watching them again. :)


Au nvm then, I thought tactical fps was included. :p Yeah, it's no loss to kick someone from a hm fp since it's just cleaning up mob after mob.

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Two points:


1. If someone simply says "hey, this is my first time here, mind if I watch the cutscenes?


My answer is almost always "no problem, enjoy, thanks for saying something".


2. If you're in hard mode, that isn't a reasonable request, that is what tactical model or solo mode is for.


I completely get that people may be doing them for the first time in story mode, but if you're in hard mode, you should have been there already and seen them. If you say "I'm new, first time here", and this is Blood Hunt Hard Mode, well, you probably aren't staying anyway. :)


Okay... that's, good? I'm not seeing fully how it relates to what I had to say as I'm pretty much on-board with the notion of communication and consideration for others in the group. I was pointing out to the other dude that despite being a 'new' player, I don't presume to receive special privileges in group content. If they're cool with me watching the scenes, great. If the majority would rather I spacebar through it, fair enough.


And I've never set foot in HM nor will I as I don't really care.


Sorry, couldn't really figure out if you were disagreeing with my comment or supporting it in some way. :confused:

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I think you are focusing too much on one specific scenario. Does it happen? Yes. Are there misunderstandings because of it? YES! Is this the ONLY reason why players watch cut scenes and ignore requests for speed? NO!


I would think that the ratio of skippers to watchers would be roughly the same regardless of country of origin. There may be some "societal norms" that slightly skew the numbers one way or another, but not radically.


The only valid reasons I can see for someone not wanting to skip is because it's their first time in that instance on any toon, they were asked (or better yet told) to skip in a rude way or in the rare instance that they don't speak the native language fluently. Anyone who has seen the cutscene before and just wants to watch it again just because, should definitely be kicked without question if they can not be reasoned with.

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When I say "hello"/"hiya"/"greetings" at the start of an FP and everyone responds in kind...I think it is safe to assume everyone comprehends. This is 90% of my experience because I tend to play when APAC should be asleep :)


But you're right. I remember a time playing WoW when there was a surge in Central American population and there was a lot of Spanish and Portugese being chatted. That being said, even I - who barely passed high school spanish 25 years ago and only know enough portugese to know it is not spanish :) - could translate enough to get the gist of what they were saying.


Not really, think of the languages you can say or understand hello in, Konichi Wa ring a bell? Would you understand anything else in Japanese? Think of it that way. Spanish is pretty similar to english, they have the same alphabet, now try that with Asian languages. "Hello" is used in a lot of advertising, it's easily recognizable to much of the world. But other than that, if you have a diff alphabet, you might as well be trying to decipher binary.

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I pay for the game and have the right to skip them.


If you want to watch them, go solo them. Or find a group that wants to watch them. The majority of groups do not.


Way to drive the new players away man, that's NOT what the playerbase needs to be doing. You're part of the reason the playerbase shrinks, congrats.

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If they don't understand English, then how are they playing the game?


Why watch cutscenes that you don't understand?


/Sign, americans are so wrapped up in themselves that they can't see anything from the outside looking in. People listen to American music in my country and have no clue what they are saying. American musicians to world tours and most of the people dont' know what the words are or mean, they just enjoy the show and the sound. The same applies here.

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Usually for me, it's one hothead yelling space and the others are just going with the flow trying to get the instance taken care of. And comps are a horrible replacement, due to them not being able to think, maneuver or adhere to tactics like an actual person. Sure, they're great for solo content, but a companion should always be a last resort measure when dealing with fps due to gold mobs, bosses and damaging mechanics that they'll just mindlessly stand in the middle of. I personally wouldn't agree to handicap the group that way over a trivial bit of dialogue.


Actually if you know how to control your comp, they are very capable in HM FPs. Myself and a guildy 2 man the HM FPs when bored, me tank, him healer and 2 dps comps. It takes longer but it is a fun challenge.


But if everyone starts the FP (HM) usually everyone says hi, and I ask if it is ok if we space. 9 out of 10 times people are cool with it, but if someone wants to just prove a point and not space, then basically I say something in chat about us agreeing to space, after that if it continues, then I give the group a choice, kick the person watching, or I can take off and they can find a new tank (and good luck with that in GF lol).


That is LITERALLY why they made solo versions of FPs which I myself do every once in a while when I feel like watching them.

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I should have pointed out that I only play hard mode flashpoints, and that I'm usually the tank.


I haven't done a tactical flashpoint in 4 months, and frankly probably never will again unless we get new ones. I'm at 100% achievements in all tactical flashpoints, I'm really sick of them. :)


Even in hard mode, if you ask nicely to watch, I'll almost always say "sure". I like people who communicate and I can be flexible. What I don't like are people who claim to be spacebarring and who are not.


Black Talon would be an exception, it has 10 min of cutscenes, I'm not watching them again. :)


You're ignoring the fact that all the APAC players that don't speak english came here, how are they to tell you they want to see them at the beginning, they help pay for the game to continue as well. Again, congrats on running off the player base, you're part of the problem of why people leave the game.

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/Sign, americans are so wrapped up in themselves that they can't see anything from the outside looking in. People listen to American music in my country and have no clue what they are saying. American musicians to world tours and most of the people dont' know what the words are or mean, they just enjoy the show and the sound. The same applies here.


That's going a bit far IMO. You're now attacking an entire nationality based on a difference of opinion and approach with a few.

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