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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

please remove Battle of Rishi from the Hard Mode selection


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Sooo a hardmode flashpoint should be removed because it's too hard? Maybe people should just get better or not queue for HARDmode flashpoints.


I laughed at that thread you linked ( 6 pages is pfft btw, not even a noticeable fraction of the forum playerbase let alone the games ) where someone basically said the other HM's were a "cakewalk" but was annoyed this one wasn't. Diddums.

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I'd caution against judging players based on hp. The one thing I could agree is that the bonus boss could get tuned down. I haven't tried mokan in 4.0 but in 3.0 I found that sucker to be a good challenge and far above regular pug groups level of skill. I think most people probably struggle with the adds on the final walker and sure they can be nerfed a little bit. It's a really simple fight though so I couldn't say either way what is best. Needing a nerf on it seems ok it's not a lose lose situation at all. If a nerf gets people to play it more I'd be for it. It's such a good instance overall that it's really a shame people aren't playing it.


im not judging their skill based on HP, but with the sheer amount of damage that gets tossed around on the final boss if you have HP on the lower end of the spectrum you are likely going to die if you make even one mistake.


and lets be real, it's ridiculous to expect your average pug not to make at least one mistake on that fight


Sooo a hardmode flashpoint should be removed because it's too hard? Maybe people should just get better or not queue for HARDmode flashpoints.


i dont feel like yelling at random people "dont queue for HMs unless you git gud" is going to to anything positive

Edited by blacksarevok
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Instead of nerfing and removing BOR from the checklist, why don't they make it worth you're while?


I believe hard mode flashpoints should sort of be on a tier system, the harder the tier, the more it counts for the weekly. I just find it incredibly annoying the essessles counts the same as blood hunt... easiest and hardest flashpoints in the game... yet the same reward. Blood hunt and BOR should count as three for the weekly, and easier ones like BT and esseeles is one, hopefully it will be worth slogging through more if they implement it.

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Sooo a hardmode flashpoint should be removed because it's too hard? Maybe people should just get better or not queue for HARDmode flashpoints.


I laughed at that thread you linked ( 6 pages is pfft btw, not even a noticeable fraction of the forum playerbase let alone the games ) where someone basically said the other HM's were a "cakewalk" but was annoyed this one wasn't. Diddums.


In one hand you have hammer station/black talon/foundry on HM


In the other you have blood hunt/manaan/lost island HM


I get it that there are nuances in difficulty always based on mechanics, but blood hunt HM should have its own category of HMs, because its way overtuned in comparison.

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So we have 1 HM FP that has an overly difficult last boss fight. Big Deal.


Let it be this way. It adds ''spice'' to the game. If everything was cookie cutter, things would be boring.

Edited by Kaedusz
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In one hand you have hammer station/black talon/foundry on HM


In the other you have blood hunt/manaan/lost island HM


I get it that there are nuances in difficulty always based on mechanics, but blood hunt HM should have its own category of HMs, because its way overtuned in comparison.


Agreed. Lost Island and Kaon had a seperate weekly in the times when LI was a mini-operation you just couldn't possibly pug :p

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So we have 1 HM FP that has an overly difficult last boss fight. Big Deal.


Let it be this way. It adds ''spice'' to the game. If everything was cookie cutter, things would be boring.


Problem is the rewards aren't worth it.


Yeah yeah... I know... the point of the adventure is the journey you took to arrive there, not were you are. However that only works if the journey is amazing... new.. different... exciting every time, and that doesn't quite go well with content that you have to repeat.


It's fine to have a new or interesting boss, but the reward needs just as much spice as the boss fight

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im completely okay with at least trying to do it, even despite the fact that the average pug has like 63k Hp


but it seems like people just dont even bother anymore


The final boss is brutal if it isn't a good group.


Rishi HM is a waste of time with people who are depending on bolster.

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i dont know if you are new here, but a good portion of balance changes in MMOs are based on player feedback. in fact, part of the reasons forums exist is to provide feedback. whining about people having opinions seems a bit childish, doesnt it?


at this point im not even sure what you're point is either, other than arguing for the sake of arguing


Pretty much he's a troller who enjoys people's misery. Put him on the ignore list and don't bother replying to him.


Now for my two sense: The problem with the Battle of Rishi or any other Flashpoint in hard mode that has nothing to do with KOTFE is the fact that they were once lower lvl flashpoints that were not correctly modified to make them hard but not like the problems a lot of them have because they were originally a lot lower lvled originally and the developers overpowered a lot of them in Hard Mode and wasn't think when they made it where players can now go as high as lvl 65. So this is why Battle of Rishi a lvl 60 flashpoint (Now lvl 62 in lvl sync on Tactical I think) is so difficult because it wasn't synced right for hard mode and lvl 65.


So should they fix their mistake? Yes they should.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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If you don't want the penalty for quitting don't quit. The last person can requeue right away. Happened to me last night on 3 different toons got Battle of Rishi. Twice everyone dropped as soon as they saw what it was. I entered, was removed from the group and was able to requeue right away while the others were stuck waiting. The 3rd time everyone stayed and we finished. Sure we wiped a couple times on the last boss but we finished. Although if they need to fix a FP it is red reaper on the first 2 rooms. Those are a major PITA with a group that does not know what they are doing. Edited by HelinCarnate
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I imagine you got your *** kicked a lot in life muffin boy.


Come on... I realize Bran isn't always the most constructive member but he does speak his mind on the subject. Going full out on a personal attack just makes you look worse and doesn't do anything constructive and only breeds negativity.

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If Bioware removed every flashpoint that people complained about we would have Mandolorian Raiders and Athiss left lol.


As stated on the first page simply de-select it or don't que, really isn't a point in doing random hm flashpoints anymore because of the skill level in the game non token gear other than for tanks is basically trash too.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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If Bioware removed every flashpoint that people complained about we would have Mandolorian Raiders and Athiss left lol.


As stated on the first page simply de-select it or don't que, really isn't a point in doing random hm flashpoints anymore because of the skill level in the game non token gear other than for tanks is basically trash too.


Mando raiders is one of the most notorious ones that are complained about between the hard strong akk dogs at the start, DPS not killing the dogs on the first boss, the idiotic tram, etc. etc.

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Mando raiders is one of the most notorious ones that are complained about between the hard strong akk dogs at the start, DPS not killing the dogs on the first boss, the idiotic tram, etc. etc.

The tram? Oh, yes, the tram makes it all so awful. Or are you being sarcastic?

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The tram? Oh, yes, the tram makes it all so awful. Or are you being sarcastic?


It's not to much of a problem in SM at times, but at hard mode three people can make it on the tram while one gets left behind, and some genius always engages or vice versa. Two or even three people miss the tram and one person makes it and engages the fight causing everyone else to run down the way usually leading to death. Then at times as soon as the fight is ended the numbskull who started the fight respawns causing you to wait even longer for that damn tram.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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It's not to much of a problem in SM at times, but at hard mode three people can make it on the tram while one gets left behind, and some genius always engages or vice versa. Two or even three people miss the tram and one person makes it and engages the fight causing everyone else to run down the way usually leading to death. Then at times as soon as the fight is ended the numbskull who started the fight respawns causing you to wait even longer for that damn tram.


If people are struggling on the tram ... they have absolutely no business queuing for HM FPs.


When will people learn that the word HARD in hardmode means not cakewalk easy?


To this whole topic I say every other flashpoint is bugged and should be made on par difficulty to rishi so we have true hardmodes. Give better rewards for the tacticals for the people who think facerolling content is actually game playing.

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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The tram isn't the main problem, but it multiplies the level of stupidity of you're group by 80.


No, if your group is stupid they are just stupid; the tram doesn't make them any more or less stupid.


Besides which you can skip the mob immediately after the tram anyway by hugging the wall (and you don't need to kill it even for bonus).

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If people are struggling on the tram ... they have absolutely no business queuing for HM FPs.


When will people learn that the word HARD in hardmode means not cakewalk easy?


To this whole topic I say every other flashpoint is bugged and should be made on par difficulty to rishi so we have true hardmodes. Give better rewards for the tacticals for the people who think facerolling content is actually game playing.


Yeah they dont need better rewards for tacticals. That is just rewarding bad behavior and the lack of any drive to accomplish something that is actually challenging.


I just have found that using your ignore when stuck with particularly bad players in a group, tends to just fix the issue, because then you dont have to worry about grouping with them in the future. That I think is the issue with Rishi, people just dont want to take a risk playing with some guy that is dps spec, and just change his stance to tank, or healers that want to dps etc etc.


I generally wont drop as soon as it pops, I will give the group a chance, but if things dont look good at first fight, I will try to give pointers, if no one pays attention, I leave. And considering most of the time I am tanking it, that generally means they will have a long long wait b4 a replacement comes.

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Yeah they dont need better rewards for tacticals. That is just rewarding bad behavior and the lack of any drive to accomplish something that is actually challenging.


I just have found that using your ignore when stuck with particularly bad players in a group, tends to just fix the issue, because then you dont have to worry about grouping with them in the future. That I think is the issue with Rishi, people just dont want to take a risk playing with some guy that is dps spec, and just change his stance to tank, or healers that want to dps etc etc.


I generally wont drop as soon as it pops, I will give the group a chance, but if things dont look good at first fight, I will try to give pointers, if no one pays attention, I leave. And considering most of the time I am tanking it, that generally means they will have a long long wait b4 a replacement comes.


To be fair sometimes all it takes is to take time to explain things to people clearly and if they are willing to listen to learn things can go much smoother.


I do of course acknowledge there is just no helping some people and some of us are going to be more patient helping people than others but we do have to expect inexperienced players in these things else we might never get pops.


I guess my point is as much as sometimes players who don't give a crap about learning and just queue for the hell of it and may not even know their role ( or queue as the correct role ) are a problem so are the "OMG how can you not know this fight! *quit*" players.

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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If people are struggling on the tram ... they have absolutely no business queuing for HM FPs.


When will people learn that the word HARD in hardmode means not cakewalk easy?


To this whole topic I say every other flashpoint is bugged and should be made on par difficulty to rishi so we have true hardmodes. Give better rewards for the tacticals for the people who think facerolling content is actually game playing.


With the queue times for HM flashpoints you get what you can now a days and try to work with it. Sometimes I been in a group that fumbled on the tram by accident and what do you know... we beat the bonus boss... others... uh... yeah didn't beat the group of four.

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I'm really tired of everyone leaving as soon as we get it and having to re-queue and wait another 30+ minutes


Sorry brah, that's me, I leave as soon as I see, I've done it once or twice, don't care to see the end again or even attempt, it's not worth the repair costs and frustration. It could use a small nerf, then it would be fun.

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