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Holy Sorcs Batman!!


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Sorcs... Sorcs everywhere!


I'm sorry to say that I do actually have a 53 sorc which I stopped playing over a year ago since they were too face roll even back then, but after coming back to the game last month its madness I say... madness!!


Does this class exists solely for people who lack skill?


Since other skilled players have also adopted playing their sorcs (for reasons I cannot understand and I'm sure they're slightly ashamed when they do) does this mean that I have to conform just to compete?


I logged my sorc in over the weekend, queued for a WZ, ran into a group of pubs and gave the keyboard to my 4 yr old who is learning how to type 'qwerty' and he somehow won a 3v1...


also on that note RIP scoundrel / commando heals

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Yeah ... I logged in today to do a reg or two. First game was an imp v imp Voidstar everybody was a sorc besides myself and 1 Marauder. Most were DPS but each team had 2 healers maybe 3. Don't think there is any stand out sorc dps left since Foxtrot quit would be nice to get some variety of classes in warzones though. Won't happen until Sorcs get nerfed for both dps and heals which will again never happen because the outrage would be unreal and all the mediocrity would go back to being exactly that on other classes.


It's a shame the devs are part of that mediocrity so nothing will ever change :rolleyes:

Edited by Dysfunxtional
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Also, if sorcs are a tool for the unskilled player, what about those skilled ones?


They're currently beating their heads against the wall in trying to find a way to make tk/lightning work. :D


Or so I've heard. Hehe.

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I ran into several sorc healers in midbies this weekend. It makes the game either unplayable (stalemate) or pointless (getting stomped or doing the stomping). Having only 1 team mate that understands how to focus and pressure the healer doesn't improve the situation...
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I ran into several sorc healers in midbies this weekend. It makes the game either unplayable (stalemate) or pointless (getting stomped or doing the stomping). Having only 1 team mate that understands how to focus and pressure the healer doesn't improve the situation...


sorc healers in mids are so powerful they overperform in 65s, but when they are 60-64 in mids, they are simply impossible to kill. I view mids pvp as the plague it's *********** awful.

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sorc healers in mids are so powerful they overperform in 65s, but when they are 60-64 in mids, they are simply impossible to kill. I view mids pvp as the plague it's *********** awful.


Only if you're an Imp.


For the Reps in all servers, its a fighting environment where people don't really bother to make premades. At least, you don't see the Imp premade hordes as often as you do in max lv. PvP -- hence, it actually makes up the "roughly equal win chance for both sides" situation, since both sides are predominantly solo-queue players, and you don't get the premade 4-man arsehats in maxed out gear slaughtering people one-sidedly.


There's a reason why some people consider lowbies and midbies way more fun than max lv.. It's the "no-premade environment" I always talk about.

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Begeren Colony is Sage/Sorc/Parade as well.Easy 3/6 per faction, per zone..Ido have 1 too.Easy mode pvp 1/3 mil dps every zone and I'm horrible with that class.THEY WONT EVER FIX IT SO MEH.3 years in same topic about OP toon class.Cheers:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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sorc healers in mids are so powerful they overperform in 65s, but when they are 60-64 in mids, they are simply impossible to kill. I view mids pvp as the plague it's *********** awful.


Yup, very bloody annoying.


This just happened: http://i.imgur.com/Y4M0WkH.jpg


Tootzie is level 60 and did 4.3K HPS despite spending 1 round guarding the pylon. And we were losing until someone else became guard. I mean really....

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Only if you're an Imp.


For the Reps in all servers, its a fighting environment where people don't really bother to make premades. At least, you don't see the Imp premade hordes as often as you do in max lv. PvP -- hence, it actually makes up the "roughly equal win chance for both sides" situation, since both sides are predominantly solo-queue players, and you don't get the premade 4-man arsehats in maxed out gear slaughtering people one-sidedly.


There's a reason why some people consider lowbies and midbies way more fun than max lv.. It's the "no-premade environment" I always talk about.


I wish that were true, but there are premade groups (on both factions) that steamroll in the midbie bracket (41-64) on the Harbinger. You just can't get away from the "premade issue" in this game. Hopefully cross faction queues will alleviate that to some extent -- but then again, it's only the one new warzone that is cross faction, so...

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I wish that were true, but there are premade groups (on both factions) that steamroll in the midbie bracket (41-64) on the Harbinger. You just can't get away from the "premade issue" in this game. Hopefully cross faction queues will alleviate that to some extent -- but then again, it's only the one new warzone that is cross faction, so...

yeah. I see just as many if not more midbies "pvp" guilds that run premades in mids too. And it's imps and pubs, not just imps. :rolleyes:

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I hate sorcerer.. I played one and I felt like a total troll. It's for people who lack skill.. I don't even take sorc players seriously as a PVP-ers. Juggernaut, SIn.. Mara ? Yeah.. those people need skill in order to do well.


On other hand sorcerer and sage have that bubble ability. They surround themselves and are impossible to kill. that needs to be nerfed ASAP. It's so damn annoying when you nearly kill a healer and they escape using that, furthermore they regain their health too.

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