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Why doesn't the Consular just shield himself from the Emperor?

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When Terrak Morrhage was giving Vivicar power and in turn influencing his decisions, the shielding technique removed Morrhage's soul from him. Is there any reason besides "The Emperor's almighty power is too powerful for the shielding technique"? They could even get the Inquisitor to devour Vitiate's soul.
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Story block?


The Emperor is not controlling you the way it was done in either story. In fact, we have more than one NPC pointing this out:


Lana in the swamp, if you share your "visions", and HK when it's revealed. The fact is, we don't understand what is going on, exactly, and for all we know at this point, Vitiate may not even be dead. We see a "force apparition", but it's entirely possible that it's closer to astral projection. We don't know, at this point. This is a being, after all, that existed in more than 1 body simultaneously. He was the Emperor, he was Valkorian, and he was the Voice, just off the top of my head. He survived the JK story, despite what we "see" happening there. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that he survived this too. The only time he "assumes control" is when you grant it, or grant it a couple of times, thus "opening a door", or more accurately, a window of opportunity, in which case no, you can't shield it, because you allowed it to happen. The fact that you can turn down his offers of power demonstrates that it's not the same thing as what went on in the Consular's story, and if he's not truly dead, then the Inquisitor can't devour him, or else that would be the only attack you need from the point where you learn the Force Walking technique.

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The only time he "assumes control" is when you grant it, or grant it a couple of times, thus "opening a door", or more accurately, a window of opportunity, in which case no, you can't shield it, because you allowed it to happen. The fact that you can turn down his offers of power demonstrates that it's not the same thing as what went on in the Consular's story, and if he's not truly dead, then the Inquisitor can't devour him, or else that would be the only attack you need from the point where you learn the Force Walking technique.



He takes control if you are deep dark on asylum even if you choose not to grant him control.


Edited by Zasszz
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Why do so many people seem to assume their character is so powerful they must obviously have the ability to defeat, consume, block out or resist a planet eater?


Why is there a "gosh darn" planet eater that should have died at the end of the JK's story in the game?


So sick of Vitiate Sue.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Why do so many people seem to assume their character is so powerful they must obviously have the ability to defeat, consume, block out or resist a planet eater?




For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little planet Cybertron. But now, you shall witness... its DISMEMBERMENT

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Why is there a "gosh darn" planet eater that should have died at the end of the JK's story in the game?


So sick of Vitiate Sue.

Because Bioware willed it.

He's not really a sue. He has the elements of one, but not really enough to call him one

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First the Barsen'thor's shielding technique is good against Darth Morrhage's Plague, which is probably a whole different story than a planet eater (loved that lol) cheating death itself and parking in a part of you soul/brain. You're still yourself, you make your decisions, you don't suddenly start murdering people if that's not what you did, and you're not in "the darknesss is comingggg" mode.


Second, I've read Vitiate's bio on wookiepedia. A thousand years before SWTOR, half of the first Dark Council decided to rise against him and they gathered on the steps of the citadel to end him. There was ONE flash of light. After which they were all dead. He proceeded to execute all family members of all council members - even those that didn't betray him, and themselves of course.


So, yeah. Planet eater.



As for the JK story until Ziost and KOTFE I thought there was a chance the Hand was lying to the Wrath in their message where they say it was just a Voice that was killed. Now we know it was one of the weakest Voices, as he was still reeling from his earlier Voice being killed on Voss, at his own request, by the Wrath.


Edited by BenduKundalini
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Other posters have stated why the shielding technique would likely fail better than I could.


As far as the Inquisitor, it is a ritual specifically crafted to consume force ghosts, and even then only under specific circumstances. We can assume a few things:


It doesn't work in combat, or else Dread Council would be a lot easier when the Inquisitor just eats Brontes and Styrak, and (potentially) Hateful and Dreadful Entities/Ancient Threat.


It doesn't work on exceptionally powerful entities, even when not in combat. That's why you can bind low to mid-tier ghosts like Horak-Mul, but not Tulak Hord, Exar Kun, Vitiate's Master, etc on Yavin 4. They're just floating around, but you can neither bind them nor deal with them,


Now clearly Valk/Vitiate falls in number 2, but there's also the possibility that he's not even a traditional ghost in the sense that we think of them. Its possible he truly has transcended life and death, light and dark. If he's not truly a ghost, a ritual designed to work against ghosts would fail.

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Why do so many people seem to assume their character is so powerful they must obviously have the ability to defeat, consume, block out or resist a planet eater?


your problem is that you are(just like every character) assuming that valkorian is vitiate

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A flash of light and the Dark Council's dead? This sounds like a 12 year old's fanfic OC. There's no reason for the Emperor to be this ridiculousIy overpowered. How are they possibly going to explain any character defeating him when the time comes if he's this powerful? It'll be some garbage excuse. Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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Isn't he more like the Wizard of Oz, behind a curtain fidgeting with levers and switches and such?



In the end, I think his will have a similar epitaph


Buck Murdock: Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap, will ya? We've all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker. I mean, down here there are literally hundreds and thousands of blinking, beeping, and flashing lights, blinking and beeping and flashing - they're *flashing* and they're *beeping*. I can't stand it anymore! They're *blinking* and *beeping* and *flashing*! Why doesn't somebody pull the plug!

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your problem is that you are(just like every character) assuming that valkorian is vitiate


There's not much reason to believe otherwise, everything points to him being Vitiate. You even get dark side points for taking his power. I'll actually be really annoyed if he ends up not being Vitiate. This crap with the Emperor needs to end now, in KOTFE.

Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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A flash of light and the Dark Council's dead? This sounds like a 12 year old's fanfic OC. There's no reason for the Emperor to be this ridiculousIy overpowered. How are they possibly going to explain any character defeating him when the time comes if he's this powerful? It'll be some garbage excuse.


After 1400 years of being alive... I assume you learn a few "tricks"...




I have a feeling the Emperors power has been fading for some time though, he is trying to sustain himself but it is only delaying the inevitable. He is trying to prolong his life through various methods, sapping Revans strength while he was in stasis, killing all life on Ziost and now using our character as his vessel.


Between the power play by Baras and the events in the JK story I'd say the Emperor is getting weaker than were led to believe.

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Firstly, the attachment event was a bit of a surprise, shielding is a fairly slow process compared to how quickly Valkorian made his jump.


At this point though, Valkorian is essentially a very unwelcome P.O.W. in the character's head (assuming they're reliably hostile/uncooperative to Valkorian). You wouldn't want to expel him until you were sure of having a way to permanently destroy or banish him.


On the other hand, inventing a force power called, " gag force entity," would be very desirable. Valkorian is both annoying and inclined to blather on at length.


In character my consular would love for a conversation with Valkorian to go like this:


Valkorian: "Surely now you can see the superi[ force gag inserted ] -mmmph. Mmmph! Mmmph mmmrr mmm mmph!"

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Can the consular shield himself? or does someone else have to be the one to shield him, the consular only has Sith (or Senya) around him, would you really teach a Sith a rare Jedi technique.


Valkorian, while annoying to the consular has not yet proven to be threatening to them so he could bide his time to teach the technique to a Jedi when he comes across one. But when we do get a Jedi back it would probably be a case of insufficient power to shield the consular I don't think any of the companions are powerful enough to do it.

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