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Stop Harassment in Warzones


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I don't care what anyone says, stalking a player and killing them multiple times is harassment as stalking is a form of harassment and is an abuse of a game mechanic to harass a player. I don't care what anyone says the point of warzones is to do the objective, your kills mean nothing if you lose the warzone but people do not get that through their heads.



Defenders stop the opposing team by keeping them from reaching and downloading the datacore. The Attackers are to reach the datacore and download it then become the Defenders to stop the opposing team (who are now the Attackers) from stopping you from completing the transfer.



Players are to stop the opposing team from scoring. That means you are to stop the ball carrier and the team who is guarding them while some try to keep the ball area clear for their own team.


The Civil War:

Gain control of two turrets to take down the opposing teams ship.


Novare Coast:

Gain control of the battery turrets to destroy the opposing teams base


Ancient Hypergate:

Gain control of a pylone and gather orbs while keeping the opposing team from gathering orbs to score points.


In these OPS warzones no where is it stragetic or right of a player or players or a team to single out a player and attack just them. This is not doing the objective of these warzones at all, yes kill, but you are to kill in defense, that's it.


The only time it is appropriate to gang or stalk a player is in the two 4v4 warzones, that's it the rest is inappropriate and harassment and abuse of game mechanics as PVP areas are not exempt from the rules.


Bioware you need to get on the ball and stop this crap and stop allowing violations of terms of service. I mean you lapse on it bad. I know for a fact on my server alone that there is a guild that is using a copyright name from a certain book/film series and while I can overlook this violation of the terms (am using this as an example as it is clear in their Rules of Conduct that copyrighted names are not to be used in the game and is a very obvious violation) I will not turn a blind eye to harassment and down right bullying in the game.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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What people think is harassment and what really is harassment are 2 different things. Being told you suck if you suck and its the truth that you suck and completely blew the match for your team is not really harassment. If it was a continuing thing outside of the warzone or even after you attain a skill level that is considered decent and acceptable to be considered decent, then that would be harassment.


Too many qq over nothing though, or they qq over the truth. We do live in the age of everyone gets a trophy for participation, but those people that want participation trophies forget that there are people that want the 1st place/winner's trophy still in life because they work hard to earn it but are bogged down by lazy casuals that don't really care or have passion about anything. To have passion in life now days is to be considered a try-hard, which is really just a cover for the person using that saying to hide the fact they are terrible or know they are not good, but want to feel good. Sometimes the bare minimum just doesn't cut it in life.

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What people think is harassment and what really is harassment are 2 different things. Being told you suck if you suck and its the truth that you suck and completely blew the match for your team is not really harassment. If it was a continuing thing outside of the warzone or even after you attain a skill level that is considered decent and acceptable to be considered decent, then that would be harassment.


Where is this relevant? We're not talking about telling someone they suck, and regardless if a player or players did do that it's still a violation as well if you look at the rules as that can be taken as (and is) derogitory and directed specifically at a player.


I have built my character to where I know I can do my best in a warzone as I have ranked gear and augmented it as well as was suggested to me quite awhile ago. I have also looked at guides as well so I know my character can do its job but to down right single out a player whether you like it or not and stalk them is wrong.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Seriously... Probably the most ridiculous complaint I have read yet about PVP.



"Player vs Player"... You're supposed to kill the other team.

This is probably the most ridiculous reply I've read as you clearly did not see that we're not talking about killing a team we're talking about player(s) singling out 1 player and just stalking them in a warzone that's not killing a team or doing the objective of a warzone so don't call this a "ridiculous complaint" as your reply is irrelevant.


Also, I've had friends see this happen so its legit.

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This is probably the most ridiculous reply I've read as you clearly did not see that we're not talking about killing a team we're talking about player(s) singling out 1 player and just stalking them in a warzone.


Oh god forbid that the attackers are killing the defenders, or a healer/ top damage is being focused above all else because strategy.


I don't see how one player is going to get another play in a continuous 1 vs 1 situation all match...

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So. Your argument is, that focusing fire on one enemy player (in example, the enemy healer, who often needs to be killed before the enemy dps or enemy tanks in order to actually be able to capture an objective or plant a bomb) is harassment?
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Oh god forbid that the attackers are killing the defenders, or a healer/ top damage is being focused above all else because strategy.


I don't see how one player is going to get another play in a continuous 1 vs 1 situation all match...


So. Your argument is, that focusing fire on one enemy player (in example, the enemy healer, who often needs to be killed before the enemy dps or enemy tanks in order to actually be able to capture an objective or plant a bomb) is harassment?


Obviously no one seems to realize how the game works here as an assassin/shadows can just go into stealth mode while in battle and phase walk away and heal (I should know I have an assassin that I've done that on during pve, I don't pvp with it), same with imp agents/trooper? (i'm not sure the opposites of them), all sith sorcerers/jedi sages/bounty hunters/smuggler can heal themselves if their combat profiecenies are done right, sith warriors/jedi knights have a move that heals them as well (and if their alacrity is done right they can do it multiple times as cooldown is lowered), so yeah pretty much based on all logic there's no reason to single out a player and kill them as healers are becoming very irrelevant.


I will never play as a healer because of this nonsense right here. So logic is flawed if you want people to explore other types of classes and disciplines. Just saying.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Isnt it smart to track and kill the healers first? :confused:


Idk I usually see like 1 healer on my team, not like that makes much of a difference, a friend of mine who's a healer quit pvping because of this and created another toon and discipline, actually I don't think healers are very common, at least not on my server. He won't play his healer unless it's a flashpoint.

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Isnt it smart to track and kill the healers first? :confused:


It is and it doesn't matter if they have semi healing abilities of self healing... There's usually one or two healers that are keeping the rest of the team alive and NEED to die... It's is it strategy or in some people's mind "stalking"??.

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Obviously no one seems to realize how the game works here as an assassin/shadows can just go into stealth mode while in battle and phase walk away and heal (I should know I have an assassin that I've done that on during pve, I don't pvp with it), same with imp agents/trooper? (i'm not sure the opposites of them), all sith sorcerers/jedi sages/bounty hunters/smuggler can heal themselves if their combat profiecenies are done right, sith warriors/jedi knights have an ability that heals them as well, so yeah pretty much based on all logic there's no reason to single out a player and kill them.


I will never play as a healer because of this nonsense right here. So logic is flawed if you want people to explore other types of classes and disciplines. Just saying.


I care about my team winning the match, which goes better when the dedicated healers die. I don't care about people exploring classes...

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Obviously no one seems to realize how the game works here as an assassin/shadows can just go into stealth mode while in battle and phase walk away and heal (I should know I have an assassin that I've done that on during pve, I don't pvp with it), same with imp agents/trooper? (i'm not sure the opposites of them), all sith sorcerers/jedi sages/bounty hunters/smuggler can heal themselves if their combat profiecenies are done right, sith warriors/jedi knights have an ability that heals them as well, so yeah pretty much based on all logic there's no reason to single out a player and kill them.


I will never play as a healer because of this nonsense right here. So logic is flawed if you want people to explore other types of classes and disciplines. Just saying.


Yes, because the small passive ability to recover some health over time in cover while playing as a sniper or as a gunslinger is the same thing as having 5+ very effective healing abilities. And, believe me, my healing specced sorcerer is far better at healing than my dps specced sorcerer. And I'm pretty sure it's juggernauts and guardians that have that one ability that heals them and only them, not any teammate, not knights and warriors. Not to mention that focusing fire is the most effective way to kill anyone from the enemy team, not only the healers.

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Yes, because the small passive ability to recover some health over time in cover while playing as a sniper or as a gunslinger is the same thing as having 5+ very effective healing abilities. And, believe me, my healing specced sorcerer is far better at healing than my dps specced sorcerer. And I'm pretty sure it's juggernauts and guardians that have that one ability that heals them and only them, not any teammate, not knights and warriors. Not to mention that focusing fire is the most effective way to kill anyone from the enemy team, not only the healers.


Still doesn't give players the right to stalk/harass a player. As I've made it clear I don't play as a healer, never will, and even if I did I sure wouldn't warzone with one, whole point of why I don't, to not be singled out. I play straight DPS that's it. No point in any 1 player or players singling me and consistently killing me in a warzone whatsoever.

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Let me put it this way, bullying in warzone is getting to a bad point in this game, it doesn't matter the player's discipline wether they are a healer/dps/tank, there is no call for singling out a player and not doing the warzone obective period.


All these excuses are what bullies do in high school or whatever, I'm sorry but I'm not in high school anymore, I put away childish things like bullying (not that I ever bullied anyone, was more the one bullied.) It doesn't need to be in a game no matter what the reason. It needs to be do the objective by killing not just a healer but the other players as well, dps and tank and not singling out any player for any reason or focusing on just 1 player regardless of their spec or whatever. It does not give anyone a reason to be a bully and harass/stalk a player.

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Still doesn't give players the right to stalk/harass a player. As I've made it clear I don't play as a healer, never will, and even if I did I sure wouldn't warzone with one, whole point of why I don't, to not be singled out. I play straight DPS that's it. No point in any 1 player or players singling me and consistently killing me in a warzone whatsoever.


When it comes to dps, people tend to attack the ones that either are being a pain by i.e. stopping their caps, or are focusing on (or, as you call is, harassing) their team's healer. Though, since you don't even have enough knowledge of the game to know which advanced classes have stealth and which have not, I have a hard time believing you are actually targeted for any of these reasons. It might be you actually get attacked as much as other people in your team, but just die more easily due to being inexperienced in the game and/or pvp.

Edited by Seireeni
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When it comes to dps, people tend to attack the ones that either are being a pain by i.e. stopping their caps, or are focusing on (or, as you call is, harassing) their team's healer. Though, since you don't even have enough knowledge of the game to know which advanced classes have stealth and which have not, I have a hard time believing you are actually targeted for any of these reasons. It might be you actually get attacked as much as other people in your team, but just die more easily due to being inexperienced in the game and/or pvp.

LOL! You don't think I don't pay attention to who kills me and how many times they do it? I'm sorry but I know what I'm talking about, I think who doesn't know what they are talking about is you. I don't even care about the other classes, I don't get that deep into them. As I have an assassin and a Imp Agent I know they stealth, I also know who heals as I have a bounty hunter who has healing abilities but he can't stealth, same with my sorcerer. I don't have a healer for obvious reasons as there's no point in being one or warzoning with one if people are gonna be bullies.


I love the bullying excuses. It's funny. As I said you see LESS healers these days becaue of this flawed logic here.


You guys obiously don't care that people don't want to warzone as healers but the ones who should care is Bioware and they have the right to know why.


And I'm sorry to point this out but I'm not the only one who sees this and while I know I have some support while it may not appear here those who don't support me don't matter and your bullying excuses are gonna fall on death ears because I'm focused on turning the gam into what it should be not what people are making it.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I have serious doubts that bullying is what is going on here...


If you are dying many times to the same other player, then it stands to some amount of reason that they have found they have the skill / gear / class advantage over you. If they can remove you from the battlefield for most of the fight, that's one less person they have to deal with when it comes to the objectives.


I mean, it's really hard to say "stop harassment" when really, you've given us only your hunch that you've been stalked to go off of.

Edited by azudelphi
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You know its a bad thing when I of all people am supporting the pvpers in something. Keeping track of and killing healers helps you -win- because those healers are keeping your opponents -alive-.


Its not stalking, its not harassment. Its game mechanics. If your trying to kill someone blocking your objective, and you cant because a healer is keeping them alive, you kill the healer so they cant keep the others alive, letting you achieve your set objective.


In WoW our arena groups first rule was "Identify and kill the healers." Pretty sure the same rule is just as important here.


Common sense.


Or are you just mad you lost because the other team killed your healer causing you to die and thus lose so resort to calling your opponents harassers and stalkers. :rolleyes:




It also works if you identify a particular player as dishing out craptons of damage, you want to take that guy out asap as well.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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LOL! You don't think I don't pay attention to who kills me and how many times they do it? I'm sorry but I know what I'm talking about, I think who doesn't is you.


Do you pay attention on how many times those players kill the other members of your team? Or how many times they try, but fail? Have you checked the ending stats to see if that person who killed you 5 times has 25 killing blows? :)

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I highly doubt bullying is going on here...


If you are dying many times to the same other player, then it stands to some amount of reason that they have found they have the skill / gear / class advantage over you. If they can remove you from the battlefield for most of the fight, that's one less person they have to deal with when it comes to the objectives.


I mean, it's really hard to say "stop harassment" when really, you've given us only your hunch that you've been stalked to go off of.


Bullies excuse, no call or reason to do that and not focus on the objective. Again please read rules of conduct.

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You know its a bad thing when I of all people am supporting the pvpers in something. Keeping track of and killing healers helps you -win- because those healers are keeping your opponents -alive-.


Its not stalking, its not harassment. Its game mechanics. If your trying to kill someone blocking your objective, and you cant because a healer is keeping them alive, you kill the healer so they cant keep the others alive, letting you achieve your set objective.


In WoW our arena groups first rule was "Identify and kill the healers." Pretty sure the same rule is just as important here.


Common sense.


Or are you just mad you lost because the other team killed your healer causing you to die and thus lose so resort to calling your opponents harassers and stalkers. :rolleyes:




Again bullies excuse.

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Again bullies excuse.


Wow, just wow, if you dont want to be killed, why exactly are you PvPing? The activity thats express purpose is to kill other players?





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