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So how powerful are the Dread Masters compare to other top Jedi/Sith?


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In the game they have vast knowledge of the Force, alchemy and technology, they could mind crush/dominate entire fleet when they are together. Each one of them are very powerful Sith. From all these plot there is no way to put them below the top Jedi/Sith like Satele, Marr, Malgus or Thanaton. But how come a lone Jedi knight was able to not just beat, but capture all of them alive? Edited by Slowpokeking
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Jaric Kaedan captured the Dread Masters, but (according to Wookieepedia) he had an elite team of Republic special forces with him. I get the impression that the Dread Masters were less powerful (and less crazy) at that time. Their powers may have developed further while they were imprisoned, possibly because of the way they were mentally linked together.


I think the Dread Masters are not super-powerful in general but just specialised. They're really good at their own variety of Battle Meditation and the use of fear. Being in a face-to-face fight against enemies familiar with their tricks probably puts them at a disadvantage.

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Jaric Kaedan captured the Dread Masters, but (according to Wookieepedia) he had an elite team of Republic special forces with him. I get the impression that the Dread Masters were less powerful (and less crazy) at that time. Their powers may have developed further while they were imprisoned, possibly because of the way they were mentally linked together.


I think the Dread Masters are not super-powerful in general but just specialised. They're really good at their own variety of Battle Meditation and the use of fear. Being in a face-to-face fight against enemies familiar with their tricks probably puts them at a disadvantage.


It depends on which one we are speaking of I guess, Bestia was a powerful fighter even before she became a Dread Master.

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In comparison to the average Jedi or Sith, any one of the dread masters was significantly more powerful, and combined, they were an unstoppable force. Story wise, they considered the Emperor to be the only SINGLE force user worthy of their loyalty because he was stronger than them combined, however Revan also briefly mentions that he resisted them. That being said all together they weren't a match for people like Revan or the Emperor, however Kaedan was able to stop him with a specialized team. That was primarily because he understood their weakness. The Dread Masters, while ultra powerful in their own right, focus on using fear as a tool and utilizing it against their enemies. If faced against an opponent who doesn't poses fear, or rather, doesn't let it control them, their power over that person is drastically reduced, and forcing them to fight on different terms that they're not as comfortable with. Someone else mentioned that the Dread Masters are more like "specialized" Sith, and that's a very good description. They know how to use fear to give them an edge but if that aspect is removed then they're at a disadvantage.
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Jaric Kaedan is also supposed to be one of the best warriors among the Jedi (and he had help), so his defeating the Dread Masters doesn't necessarily diminish them.


With SWTOR you also have to take gameplay and story segregation into account. Kaedan is easy to beat by the PC, but that's an issue with gameplay not meshing well with the story. From a story perspective he's a dangerous opponent.

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Jaric Kaedan is also supposed to be one of the best warriors among the Jedi (and he had help), so his defeating the Dread Masters doesn't necessarily diminish them.


With SWTOR you also have to take gameplay and story segregation into account. Kaedan is easy to beat by the PC, but that's an issue with gameplay not meshing well with the story. From a story perspective he's a dangerous opponent.


It can also be argued that Kaedan was not as skilled a warrior as he was in his youth, and whenever the PC fights the Dread Masters it's on their turf.

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Jaric Kaedan is also supposed to be one of the best warriors among the Jedi (and he had help), so his defeating the Dread Masters doesn't necessarily diminish them.


With SWTOR you also have to take gameplay and story segregation into account. Kaedan is easy to beat by the PC, but that's an issue with gameplay not meshing well with the story. From a story perspective he's a dangerous opponent.

But the Dread Masters were also top Sith even before they became the Dread Masters. They weren't just defeated, but captured alive.

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It can also be argued that Kaedan was not as skilled a warrior as he was in his youth, and whenever the PC fights the Dread Masters it's on their turf.


Also, didn't the Dread Masters themselves admit to the Force-User PCs that they were slowly losing grip on their minds and power due to the isolated death of Styrak? That they need all of themselves to function? Which is why they offer Sith PC the chance to become a Dread Master.

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Also, didn't the Dread Masters themselves admit to the Force-User PCs that they were slowly losing grip on their minds and power due to the isolated death of Styrak? That they need all of themselves to function? Which is why they offer Sith PC the chance to become a Dread Master.


Minds yes, power, I don't believe so. After the death of Styrak, if I remember the narration correctly, his power sort of went back to the remaining Dread Masters, but they couldn't handle the power/member ratio which is why they wanted a sixth. Apparently they went over their force cap and it made them insane.

Edited by DeltaBos
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Also, didn't the Dread Masters themselves admit to the Force-User PCs that they were slowly losing grip on their minds and power due to the isolated death of Styrak? That they need all of themselves to function? Which is why they offer Sith PC the chance to become a Dread Master.


"Once we desired an Empire. Now with the death of Lord Styrak, we are going mad."-Brontes


"Our union requires a sixth, or there will only be chaos."-Calphayus


Imperial player character: "If I were to say yes, if I were accept to a part in your union, how would we begin?"

Brontes: "You must first be degraded...stripped of all but fear."


Agents and Hunters are also offered a chance to join the Dread Masters, although in a role more like Kephess.

And yes, they couldn't handle the power imbalance so they went insane.

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