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Carnage/Combat Marauder/Sentinel PvP Stats

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Hello folks,


I am an avid PvP Player, and I have been recently playing my Carnage Marauder a ton, I was wondering what is the best way to prioritize my stats so I may get the best out of the class.





I run 9% Alacrity. 40% Crit. Rest power.

Edited by BonnerFett
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Hello folks,


I am an avid PvP Player, and I have been recently playing my Carnage Marauder a ton, I was wondering what is the best way to prioritize my stats so I may get the best out of the class.




I believe it is dependent on play style. Before Slayeress left, he advocated all power augments with power/critical Enhancements. I enjoy that and have not really considered alternatives because it fits my style best.

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I believe it is dependent on play style. Before Slayeress left, he advocated all power augments with power/critical Enhancements. I enjoy that and have not really considered alternatives because it fits my style best.


I played with that build for a long time, and while it's nice seeing big crits it was a bit slow.

Once I started to stack some Alacrity I've never looked back.


I usually have it at 9/10%, Just above 1400 crit(69/70%), and dump the rest in power.

Edited by Ruhun
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Is it worth have any accuracy? I tried running with 0, but that put me at 101%. I am not 100% sure, but I felt like sometimes I would miss on my burst combo. Switch to 2 accuracy enhancements, which put me at 104.99%, and I "feel" like things are more smooth.


I am assuming I could test this on a PVP dummy, but could someone point me in a the direction of something that explains accuracy?

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Is it worth have any accuracy? I tried running with 0, but that put me at 101%. I am not 100% sure, but I felt like sometimes I would miss on my burst combo. Switch to 2 accuracy enhancements, which put me at 104.99%, and I "feel" like things are more smooth.


I am assuming I could test this on a PVP dummy, but could someone point me in a the direction of something that explains accuracy?


I don't bother with Accuracy in Carnage.

Get some Alacrity to get as much out of your Gore window as possible.


Massacre>Berserk>Gore>Ravage>Devastating Blast is possible with this set up and will absolutely **** anyone who can't interrupt you up.


I also like to sneak a choke somewhere in there since Sorcs/Sages will try to force speed as soon as you line up berserk or gore.

Also apply crippling slash constantly to slow the bastards down.

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Just make sure the bastards are not rage juggs :)


99% of my playstyle revolves around killing sorcs or at least sticking to them like a rabid dog.

I can adapt to any other class, but I see a sorc and I'm going straight for it in regs.

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I was told for PvP any spec that does majority white damage should have 2 pieces of accuracy, but everyone build here I see suggest no accuracy at all. Except for Clashing Blast, I taught all Carnage/Combat damage was white. Is it just not needed in ranked or was I just miss inform?
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