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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Arsenal Mercenary is completely overpowerd


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I have to think that this nonsense boils down to some butthurt sorc that got electronetted at the wrong time and, as a result of that vastly distorted view of the relative power of mercs/mandos, has decided to start screaming into the void that mercs and mandos are ultra-powerful. The reality is that they are undeniably the easiest class to kill in the game (by a long, long stretch), and having mediocre sustained damage and an electronet every 90 seconds does nothing to change that fact.


Quite unrelated to the thread, but:


1) electronet doesn't kill most sorcs - they save their break for it... Maybe you're right though.


2) mercs have decent sustained damage, but the point OP was making is that their BURST is incredibly strong. This is obectively true.


Anyway, I will no longer intrude here.

Edited by Greezt
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Quite unrelated to the thread, but:


1) electronet doesn't kill most sorcs - they save their break for it... Maybe you're right though.


2) mercs have decent sustained damage, but the point OP was amiing is that their BURST is incredibly strong. This is obectively true.


Anyway, I will no longer intrude here.


Electronet does not kill but it prevents barrier and sadly most of the sorc/sage doesn not know that since they are bad. Merc has great burst potential but it is by far easiest to shut down, you can easily kill an arsenal merc with any class, because they have worst survivability in this game and you know unlike mercs every class has working defensive cds unlike kolto overload which wont even activated while you are getting focused.

Carnage marauder has much better burst damage, AP PT still has better burst potential, and deception assassins has incredible burst with so many tools unlike mercs.

People cant uderstand one simple fact this is pvp this is not dummy parsing, every class has some advantages and some disadvantages, arsenal merc has great burst potential with a big downside of being squishy. You cant make rage jugg and arsenal merc burst same since rage jugg has incredible survivability and much better aoe damage.


This class has no escape ability it's push back ability does not even has root effect unlike all other classes just because retarded BW employee didnt know what is rocket punch and jet boost and it stayed that way since than.

Edited by omeru
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Carnage maras don't have that much better burst, and they are incredibly susceptible to kiting (melee + gore window). This also makes them probably the easiest spec to shut down. Sins' burst is great?? It's sub par at best. PTs have good burst on demand, that's true. However, I think most people agree that PTs are overtuned atm, in regards to burst + mobility.


I'm not saying mercs are OP. They're good in regs and hard to play in solo ranked. But keep the facts straight.

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Honestly, I don't see how anyone could call arsenal OP. Anyone with a lot of experience will tell ya arsenal burst is amazing but they are a glass cannon. Any other class who wants a merc dead just has to ride them until they fall over. There are no resets or " oh **** " buttons for the merc so they just eat damage and die. Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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I make same offer to you queue solo ranked as OP arsenal merc and destroy us with your incredible burst damage, and be last standing guy with your incredible survivability since this is FOTM you can easily do that since it is a known fact this spec is easy to play. So are you willing to take my offer, or just gonna be a keybord hero sorc/sage who is butthurt since he is getting globalled because of electronet? If this class is really FOTM you should kill us without any problem.


it depends on the comps tbh. I don't mind 2 sins tunneling me. I cannot handle 2 warriors tunneling me though. arsenal defenses are swiss cheese against carny and fury/rage warriors. and we simply cannot CC veng. and a good mara will always overcome our snares/punts/net (between camo, pred, leap + movement utilities).


however...I will usually outlive the other team's PT. I often outlive the sin. the problem with merc (and sniper) is that there are often games where you're just checkmated by the team AC compositions. I know I'm going to be tunneled pretty much no matter what. but I can make that work. what I can't make work is being tunneled by multiple wars or being held up by wars while snipers kill me. or the worst is when this annoying op opens on me and he doesn't really bother me himself, but he's ALWAYS there. so while I'm worried about the carny or sniper trying to tunnel me, the concealment just gets to run through a dummy roto on me. iunno. w/e

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Carnage maras don't have that much better burst, and they are incredibly susceptible to kiting (melee + gore window). This also makes them probably the easiest spec to shut down. Sins' burst is great?? It's sub par at best. PTs have good burst on demand, that's true. However, I think most people agree that PTs are overtuned atm, in regards to burst + mobility.


I'm not saying mercs are OP. They're good in regs and hard to play in solo ranked. But keep the facts straight.


carny makes their own gore window. it's very easy to make sure it's open on an arsenal merc. and since their dmg is all weapon, they cannot be nullified by merc's best dcd. and they cannot be stunned if they're spec'd right. so the whole "gore active? stun!" strat doesn't work anymore. a carny who knows how to close (and they DO have tools for it!) is the worst nightmare for arsenal.



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Honestly, I don't see how anyone could call arsenal OP. Anyone with a lot of experience will tell ya arsenal burst is amazing but they are a glass cannon. Any other class who wants a merc dead just has to ride them until they fall over. There are no resets or " oh **** " buttons for the merc so they just eat damage and die.



It is called being bad not knowing which gcd works which damage type, dont know how to counter e-net, and getting constant message of killed by a mercenary where actual damage done by dot sorcs but he only sees last big hit thinks he is getting globalled by that OP merc but merc did just last big hit. And did i mention about being bad?

Edited by omeru
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