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Yay Lord Scourge is back :D


Now, I just wonder how this is going to go...if he moves into her house and they don't get back together, and only stay friends...and with Theron still in the picture...


At least they had an honest enough conversation so that's something.


Poor Charlie though, I don't expect that she's had an easy time of it. Good thing Eliza was able to get that favour from Lana.


I wonder though, if Lana can see through the lies...even though Eliza says she holds no grudge over Rishi, I don't see that as being the case...but I suppose it's a step towards sorting things out.


Looking forward to the next one. :)

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Eliza seems to be like a pendulum that swings to extremes, partly I blame on the Jedi, to be honest. I can understand her thoughts on being 'used' even if it is just perceived. She has found freedom but it does come with a price, sometimes a terrible price.


Scourge is back, but it may not be to the benefit of either, at least there is honesty between them. Theron is still in the mix and right now, family aside, he is the only one who has not set expectations or hurt her. That will play out as it must, I guess.


Charlie is probably not having a good day, and is lucky that Eliza has feelings for Theron, because, right now, that is the only thing that is going to save her bacon. And, like Luna, I am still not sure that Eliza has forgiven Lana for Rishi, the girl does not like to let go of old grievances, which can be good and bad.



Looking forward to see where this goes. :)

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Sorry to be so late with a comment, but I had to think about things a bit hehe. Ever since Eliza took such joy in the way she killed Rusk, I haven't felt too much kindness towards her. Frankly, it was horrible and it shocked me that she did it. I would hope that at some point she will back away at least a little from the dark side......where she is now seems just plain evil. Yes, some Sith are like that, but they don't all have to be.



I am glad that Scourge is back, and I enjoyed their conversation very much. Looking forward to seeing what happens next:)

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Yay Lord Scourge is back :D


Now, I just wonder how this is going to go...if he moves into her house and they don't get back together, and only stay friends...and with Theron still in the picture...


At least they had an honest enough conversation so that's something.


Poor Charlie though, I don't expect that she's had an easy time of it. Good thing Eliza was able to get that favour from Lana.


I wonder though, if Lana can see through the lies...even though Eliza says she holds no grudge over Rishi, I don't see that as being the case...but I suppose it's a step towards sorting things out.


Looking forward to the next one. :)

Yush, Scourge-alicious is back. ♥ And naturally if Eliza hooks up with Theron then Theron will move in too and he and Scourge will be like the bestest buds ever so much so that Eliza will start getting huffy because Scourge constantly drags Theron away to go watch Huttball matches leaving her high and dry and needy and... no. Lol. I mean that could be fun in a weird rom-com kinda way but no, we'll have to see how things actually play out.


Yeah, poor Charlie's in hot waters but she has people who care about her so she may be okay. Lana... she could see through the lies, she should but, I also always see Lana as a bit of an approval-seeker and she may be blinded by the 'forgiveness' Eliza's offering whether she means it or not.


As always, thanks for responding Luna! ♥


Eliza seems to be like a pendulum that swings to extremes, partly I blame on the Jedi, to be honest. I can understand her thoughts on being 'used' even if it is just perceived. She has found freedom but it does come with a price, sometimes a terrible price.


Scourge is back, but it may not be to the benefit of either, at least there is honesty between them. Theron is still in the mix and right now, family aside, he is the only one who has not set expectations or hurt her. That will play out as it must, I guess.


Charlie is probably not having a good day, and is lucky that Eliza has feelings for Theron, because, right now, that is the only thing that is going to save her bacon. And, like Luna, I am still not sure that Eliza has forgiven Lana for Rishi, the girl does not like to let go of old grievances, which can be good and bad.



Looking forward to see where this goes. :)

She does go through extremes. Part of it is just who she is, she's fierce and passionate about most things which can take a person pretty far in every direction of the emotional spectrum, and part of it is having lived most her life suppressing everything as a Jedi.


And you're right, Charlie is lucky that Eliza feels for Theron the way she does although I'd like to think Eliza would have tried to help her regardless had she found out about Charlie's situation through other means.


Lana... no she's not yet fully forgiven and you're right that Eliza isn't much of a 'bygones' person, not when it comes to people hurting her or those she cares about.


Thanks for reading and responding. :)


Sorry to be so late with a comment, but I had to think about things a bit hehe. Ever since Eliza took such joy in the way she killed Rusk, I haven't felt too much kindness towards her. Frankly, it was horrible and it shocked me that she did it. I would hope that at some point she will back away at least a little from the dark side......where she is now seems just plain evil. Yes, some Sith are like that, but they don't all have to be.



I am glad that Scourge is back, and I enjoyed their conversation very much. Looking forward to seeing what happens next:)

Lol, I wasn't sure how to take this initially but, it got a reaction out of you and I guess I'm going to take that as a good thing even if Eliza's letting you down right now or acting a bit too evil for your liking.


She's a complicated human being with her own set of issues. Highly emotional, a thing that's further amplified by having kept her emotions down for so long as Jedi and like I said to Misha, she does experience extremes. The balance she wants, or needs, isn't always there yet. She's been through a lot and still dealing with some growing pains so to speak, until she lands in calmer waters and truly finds herself which she's slowly doing but not without the occasional downfall or lashing out. And I think at times the dark side can be a little treacherous, encouraging a person's bad or dark tendencies rather than letting their common sense guide the way.


Yesh, Scourge is back finally and the conversation they had... well they were things that needed to be said. :)


Thank you for the feedback Fox! :)

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Quote: Lol, I wasn't sure how to take this initially but, it got a reaction out of you and I guess I'm going to take that as a good thing even if Eliza's letting you down right now or acting a bit too evil for your liking.


Oh this definitely wasn't meant to be derogatory towards you in any way! And yes you did get a reaction out of me, and that IS a good thing:)

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69: A Rendezvous.



“What do you mean prisoner 86739 isn’t in her cell? She was signed over to me earlier today by Minister Beniko herself.” Eliza narrowed her eyes on jailer Vann.


“I’m sorry my Lord. She was taken to interrogation room five, hours ago, for…” the young Imperial woman checked her records “Lord Cyrus’ trials.”


Eliza scoffed and shook her head “Did they request her specifically or was she picked out at random?”


“At random my Lord. I am so sorry, I had no idea the prisoner belonged to Intelligence, it doesn’t say on her records.”


“Fix it, now! And have a medic sent to the interrogation room immediately!”


Furiously, Eliza stormed off down the hallways headed for interrogations and with a simple wave of her hand she blew the doors open before barging in. A young Sith stood channeling Force lightning into Charlie who was dressed in prison rags and strapped to the table, while another jailer stood by with a smirk of pure enjoyment lingering on his face.


“Excuse me,” the jailer looked Eliza’s way and prepared to argue her presence until he recognized her and immediately his smirk disappeared “oh Darth Seraphine. My Lord. What can I do for you?”


“That’s my prisoner!” she called out while she grabbed the young Sith by his arm and pulled him away from Charlie “Who the hell are you?”


“Lyceus my Lord, I’m Lord Cyrus’ apprentice.” the kid gave a wide eyed stammer, sensing her anger.


“And who does he work for?”


“Darth Ravage my Lord.”


“Of course.” Eliza sighed miserably and rolled her eyes “I’ll deal with him. Leave, now.”


“You can’t do that my Lord,” the jailer began to protest as the young Sith left “he needs to finish his—”


His words were cut off and he reached for his throat, suddenly feeling the air choked out of him but before he could protest any further Eliza had thrown him into the nearest wall and he dropped dead to the ground. She approached Charlie and cupped the woman’s face in her hands only to be met with a pained smile and then she released her restraints before catching her in her arms.


“Hey…” Charlie managed weakly and clung onto her.


“Shh don’t talk, don’t say anything” Eliza whispered “I’m here to get you out, just follow my lead.”


Blood dripped from Charlie’s mouth and across her cheek sat a large cut. Her eyes were swollen and bruised while there were clear injuries across her arms and stomach as well and Eliza carefully escorted her over to sit down on a chair.


“Are you really… helping me?” she croaked stubbornly.


“Obviously. Now shh.”


Eliza began dabbing the blood off Charlie’s face while they waited for the medic she’d sent for and began plotting out her next moves in her mind. She had every intention of getting Charlie out of Kaas City and back to the Republic, despite the obvious betrayal but she wasn’t quite sure yet how she’d pull it off.


One of the nurses working the detention floors appeared carrying a medkit and began cleaning out Charlie’s wounds, applying kolto where she could while Eliza left instructions on where to take Charlie next and then excused herself. She hurried to her own chambers upstairs and let the guards know she didn’t wish to be disturbed unless it was the nurse with Charlie and then took out her com device to contact Theron.


“Hey just quickly, I’ve found her. She’s alive, little banged up but she’ll be okay and I’m toying with some ideas as to how I’ll get her out of here.”


“Thank the stars.” Theron sighed with relief and in the background Eliza could hear someone else cheer and shout.


She stifled a chuckle “Tell Jonas to calm down, she’s not out of harm’s way yet but soon I hope. I’ll let you know when I’ve got more.”


Eliza terminated the connection and sank back in her chair as she mulled over her options and then got to work on her datapad. By the time she’d finished making arrangements, Charlie was escorted into her chambers by two guards and Eliza sat her down before dismissing the men.


She knew Charlie to be tough but right now the sandy blonde looked frail, pale and judging by the report she’d read today hadn’t been the first time this week that the Cipher had suffered through ruthless interrogation. Eliza poured her a glass of water and pulled up a chair next to her.


“Thank you…”


“Charlie how did this happen?”


“Lana she, called me in and I figured I’d best show my face to avoid suspicion and an arrest warrant. That was stupid.”


“She knew everything, the entire history of my work for Intelligence and somehow she also discovered that I’m working for the SIS now instead. Or at least that’s what she suspects and when I couldn’t convince her otherwise she threw me in lock up.” Charlie sighed and guzzled the water down.


“Then of course that jailer stopped by earlier with the kid, told him to pick out the prettiest one for his Sith trials and well, the rest is history as they say.”


A knock sounded at the door and Eliza held up a hand to Charlie to gesture for her silence before she went to answer it.


“My Lord.” a young Imperial bowed to her “Here are the personal effects you asked for.”




Eliza shut the door again and handed Charlie the clothes and personal items she’d had with her when she was arrested.


“Did uh, Theron reach out to you, is that how you found me?”


“He did, and I’m going to do what I can to get you out of here.”


Charlie clutched her personal belongings to her chest and nodded slowly “How? And, don’t think me ungrateful but why are you helping me? Lana—”


“I’ll deal with Lana. It’s going to take a few more lies and a little bit of your cooperation but I will get you home Charlie.” Eliza assured her.


“Now as for the why… you took a risk for Theron and myself a couple of months ago by coming here to bring me his message and, what was I supposed to do? Tell him no and leave you to rot? You don’t deserve that. Besides, the guy you once referred to as just a ‘mutual friend’, he’s kinda freaking out about you having gone missing.”


Charlie gave a small chuckle while a hint of color returned to her cheeks.


“Now, here’s the deal.” Eliza began to explain.


“From now on, officially, you work for me. You’re my eyes and ears in the Republic keeping track of Saresh’s and the SIS’ movements and Charlie, it’s only a cover but for my own sake and the sake of your cover I’d appreciate it if you could drop me a line should they plan a move against me or find a lead on the Emperor.”


“Suppose that’s the least I could do yeah…” Charlie muttered as she changed from her rags into her own clean clothes “And unofficially?”


“Unofficially, you’re free. Go home, be with your guy and might I suggest you lay low for a while? And keep away from Imperial space or at least the Dromund system because I’m giving you a new cover but I’d rather not risk it blowing up in either of our faces.”


“Sounds reasonable enough.”


“Yeah I’d think so. I mean, I am kind of betraying my own right now.”


Charlie looked up at Eliza “I know you are and I’m so grate—”


“Don’t. Don’t thank me until we actually get you out of here and as I said, I kinda owe you.”


Eliza took Charlie’s datapad and transferred a few files “I’ve got you new clearance codes and access to the spaceport but I hope you’ll understand that you’ve no longer got access to the Imperial database. Helping you escape is one thing but I won’t sell everyone out.”


“I get it, that’s fine I just… I wanna get home, to Jonas.” Charlie looked down at her hands and blew out a deep breath.


“You know I always told myself he was just a fling, someone decent enough to sleep with and hang with but nothing more? Until I thought I was going to die in here and now he’s… he’s all I can think about. Crap. I might actually love him.” she admitted with a small chuckle.


“Is that so bad?” Eliza smiled back at her.


“No actually, I thought it would be but, it’s not.”


“Well speaking of which…” Eliza called Theron and handed her com device over to Charlie “Let him know you’re safe while I finish up the paperwork on getting you out of here.” she winked and retreated into the adjacent room to give Charlie some privacy.


She waited and cussed to herself when she couldn’t get Charlie’s personal ship released from holding but by the time Charlie called her back inside, she’d made another change of plans—one with a potential multipurpose.


“Theron’s asking for you.” Charlie said.


“Good, I need to talk to him too.” Eliza took her coms back “Theron?”


“You did it…”


“Yeah.” she smiled “Listen, I’m going to fly Charlie to Nar Shaddaa myself. I can’t get her ship back for her and honestly, it’s probably best I make sure she actually gets out of here without any further hiccups. Can either of you meet us there?”


“How about both of us?”


“What? I’ll finally get to meet the infamous Jonas, the one man crazy enough to be your friend?” Eliza sassed and laughed.


“Scary thought right?” Theron laughed as well “Be safe though, when should we expect you?”


“I’ll let you know once I take off.”


A deep sigh escaped her as she disconnected the line and just for a moment asked herself if she was really going to go through with this. She’d hoped flying Charlie to safety might earn her another meeting with Theron but now that it was certain, she had to consider if it was wise at all. There wouldn’t be the distraction of prying eyes this time or a planet in chaos—they could have a genuine moment together for once and though the prospect left her giddy, it frightened her too.


“Scourge?” she asked as she called home next “I’m going to be out for a couple of days. There’s some personal matters I need to take care of, nothing dangerous just… a few things. I’ll explain more when I get back.”


“That’s incredibly vague, where are you going?” he protested and she could sense him trying to reach her mind somehow.


“Trust me, please? It’s important.”






“Fine.” Lord Scourge resigned with reluctance “But check in regularly, this is not a good time to disappear.”


“I know. I’ll keep in touch.”






A tender smile rested on Eliza’s face as she watched Charlie and Jonas reunite, surrendering to feelings neither of them had expressed before but fueled now by almost having lost each other. It warmed her heart, even more so when Theron drew up at her side and wrapped his arms around her.


“I saw Ziost destroyed as my shuttle reached orbit… how many more times will I have to feel like I’ve lost you?” he sighed in a whisper.


She rested her chin down upon his shoulder and nuzzled his neck “Hopefully never, but dark times are ahead…”


“Don’t you start with that as well, you sound just like Sat—”


“Woa hey, okay sorry” Eliza cut in realizing he was about to compare her to his mother and she laughed “rainbows and sparkling tauntauns are ahead.”


“Now there’s a scary image.” Jonas commented and took her hand “But you, you’re more beautiful than I remember.”


“Uh…” Eliza glanced Charlie’s way.


The blonde shrugged “It’s okay for him to say that, I don’t do jealousy and drama.”


“Fair enough.” Eliza chuckled “I vaguely do remember you…” she told Jonas next “Kira brought you back to the ship once, and the next morning you bust into my quarters half naked looking for the refresher… right?”


Jonas scratched the back of his head and pulled a face “Yeah… that, Pureblood. He kept directing me to everyone else’s quarters instead of just pointing out where the refresher was. I should have caught onto his little game based on the fact he appeared to be helpful at all.”


“Ah you got off easy.” Eliza recalled the shenanigans the rest of her old team used to pull on Kira and Doc’s one-night visitors.


“Yeah well, thank you Eliza, for helping Charlie escape and bringing her back to me.” Jonas kissed the back of her hand “Really.”


“It’s fine.”


“You didn’t get into any trouble for it did you?” Theron asked with concern as the four of them sat down on a set of dusty sofas within an old SIS safehouse on Nar Shaddaa.


“Not yet. Had to lie through my teeth to Lana though which… I shouldn’t care but it still bothers me and I’m gonna be fielding questions from my family and Scourge when I get back. And possibly Ravage… but for now I’m good.”


Theron nodded “What did you tell him, Scourge? Does he know you’re here with me now?”


“No, just that I had to take care of some personal stuff but, Ill tell him everything when I get back. I don’t… I hate secrets.” Eliza swallowed hard “Speaking of which, there’s some things you and I need to talk about.”


“We will.”


Jonas eyed the two of them and got up to retrieve something from one of the cupboards “Later you two. First I’d like to celebrate getting my girl back and properly meeting the only woman ever to give my best friend the warm and fuzzies. No pressure.” he grinned and pulled open a bottle of wine.


“Thanks.” Theron rolled his eyes and laughed.


A fluster crept upon Eliza’s cheeks but she leaned into Theron as he slipped an arm around her shoulder and though many things still confused her, tore at her conscience and heart, she decided to just enjoy the moment and let it take her where it may.


“He seems nice.” she said quietly to Theron as Jonas poured out their drinks.


“He’s like a brother.”


“I can see that.”


“So, Eliza. What did it take for you to get her out of there?” Jonas asked when he sat back down.


“Oh I just killed everyone who got in my way.”


Charlie snorted while both Theron and Jonas gave her a wide eyed look “Kidding. Sort of. I killed one guy but in my defense he was the one who strapped her to the torture table and he was rude.”


“She’s right, he was rude.” Charlie nodded with a grin.


“Well, I won’t judge.” Jonas stated “I’m just glad to have you back.” he looked at Charlie and kissed her feverishly.


“Why did you do it though?” he then asked Eliza “I mean, you’re Sith now right? Anyone else would have left her there...”


“I… owed her.” she shrugged “And…” Eliza looked Theron’s way “well I couldn’t stand it if something had happened to her and you’d never forgive me.”


He gently squeezed her hand in response and though Jonas had asked to sit down and celebrate, he desperately wanted time alone with her. Some privacy to discuss all the many things they hadn’t said yet so he finished off his glass of wine and pulled Eliza up to her feet.


“If you two don’t mind, I’m going to take this one out of here to my place.”


“Fine, alright.” Jonas agreed easily “I’d rather have my girl all to myself anyways.”


Eliza laughed and said her goodbyes to the both of them, hugging Charlie in the process and then she and Theron made their way back onto the Promenade. They split up with Theron giving Eliza the address to his place, deciding it was best they weren’t openly seen together and she gave it fifteen minutes before she headed for his apartment where he caught her in an embrace once more.


“How is it possible you’re here with me right now?” he sighed, happily “Won’t you get in trouble with… I mean, I’d never want to lead you to cheating on someone, not even on him, though obviously—”


“Theron, shh.” Eliza smiled and put a finger to his lips “That’s one of those things I need to talk to you about.”


She walked further inside the apartment and looked around, frowning slightly at how bare and messy it was. An unmade bed, a desk full of paperwork and empty cups of caf. A corner sofa, a coffee table with even more half empty plates and cups and raggedy curtains to cover darkened out windows which barely allowed for a ray of sunshine to sneak inside the place.


“Wow.” Eliza laughed as she took it all in “You’re a slob.”


“This is my home away from home, I only crash here when I have business here but Jonas and I actually have a place together on Coruscant which I promise looks a lot cleaner.” Theron flustered slightly and gathered some dirty laundry off the sofa “Please, sit.”


“You have two homes? How much does the SIS pay you?”


“Very little. This used to be another safehouse but no one ever uses it anymore so I got it at a bargain price. I used to have quite a bit of dealings going on here on Nar Shaddaa.”


He quickly rushed around the apartment picking up dishes and laundry before he pulled open the fridge and grabbed them both a can of soda.


“I don’t have any clean glasses…” he frowned and gave her an apologetic smile.


“It’s fine. Sit with me?” Eliza took his hand and beamed up at him “So uhm, there’s something I need to tell you and I’m kinda hoping you won’t get too mad at me.”


“That’s… not exactly encouraging to hear but okay, go on?”


“I half lied to you on Ziost.” Eliza started “Or rather, withheld a certain truth… when you asked about Scourge. He and I broke up, almost two months ago now which is why I’m not really cheating on anyone by being here and why I decided to come with Charlie.”


She took a deep breath and began explaining everything that had happened between her and Lord Scourge, why they’d broken up and why she hadn’t told Theron the truth sooner.


“He came back last week and, we had a good talk but he asked me a question and I realized that despite everything, I still didn’t know the answer to it.”


Theron nodded slowly while he tried to digest everything she was telling him “What did he want to know?”


“Who I’d choose, if you were both equally available… if this, being on opposite sides thing didn’t stand between you and me.”


Unwanted nerves settled within Eliza and she looked away “I don’t have the answer to that… I still don’t fully understand what it is I feel for you, why I’m drawn to you. If I simply love one of my closest friends but his kiss and confession swept me up and left me confused or if I’m genuinely in love with two men.”


“And perhaps this is selfish and stupid but I’d thought now, without the stress of fighting Revanites, of a jealous fiance or a planet on the brink of death while the Emperor lurks… maybe you and I could spend some time together and figure things out… if that’s something you’re okay with?”


Words stayed out and instead, Theron leaned in closer and once again claimed her mouth with his own. His kiss wanting and loving, tender but passionate as well and this time there were no interruptions—no compelling sense or reason to make either of them pull away and finally they were both free to surrender fully to the feelings and emotions that drove them.




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Lovely chapter! Very exciting and action packed, I enjoyed seeing the lengths that Eliza went through to get Charlie out. I imagine Ravage will be impressed lol.


Also, it was nice getting to see Theron again, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things will go between them. I'm also happy that Charlie got reunited with Jonas.


I can't see Scourge being very happy with such vague information for long, and I doubt that he won't figure out why.


Looking forward to the next part. :)

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Nicely done. I doubt that Ravage will be happy, but, well, is he ever happy? Great details for the jail break and just in time it would seem, I doubt Charlie would have survived much more.


It was nice that this gave Eliza a chance to go to Nar Shaddaa to take Charlie back to Jonas, (Ah, Jonas, luv) and to make up the story about the double agent stuff and working for her.


And now Eliza and Theron are finally together to explore their feelings, it will be interesting to see where this goes given their circumstances. But I doubt Scourge will be fooled for long, if he was fooled at all, and a non answer is bound to pique his curiosity. Not quite sure what he is going to do when a bad case of the suspicions hits him.


Very nice read, waiting for more.

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Oh Theron Shan, you get around don't you? Sweet chapter, and I'm glad too see all your ladies get their long overdue reunions. Looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

Everybody loves Theron, it's unavoidable!! Lol. Thank you! :)


Lovely chapter! Very exciting and action packed, I enjoyed seeing the lengths that Eliza went through to get Charlie out. I imagine Ravage will be impressed lol.


Also, it was nice getting to see Theron again, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things will go between them. I'm also happy that Charlie got reunited with Jonas.


I can't see Scourge being very happy with such vague information for long, and I doubt that he won't figure out why.


Looking forward to the next part. :)

Oh I'm sure Ravage won't mind. Give him a cookie and pat on the head and all will be right as rain... right? :D


Yep, finally some decent quiet time to spend with Theron and everything the both of them have been feeling, hopefully. It's about time to move forward with all of that and you're right, Scourge wasn't born yesterday and he knows her like the back of his hand so. :)


Thanks for the feedback!


Nicely done. I doubt that Ravage will be happy, but, well, is he ever happy? Great details for the jail break and just in time it would seem, I doubt Charlie would have survived much more.


It was nice that this gave Eliza a chance to go to Nar Shaddaa to take Charlie back to Jonas, (Ah, Jonas, luv) and to make up the story about the double agent stuff and working for her.


And now Eliza and Theron are finally together to explore their feelings, it will be interesting to see where this goes given their circumstances. But I doubt Scourge will be fooled for long, if he was fooled at all, and a non answer is bound to pique his curiosity. Not quite sure what he is going to do when a bad case of the suspicions hits him.


Very nice read, waiting for more.

Ravage is rarely happy, kinda just wanna cuddle him until he smiles. Not that he'd be likely to appreciate that, I think...:confused: I'm pleased people enjoyed the jailbreak though and the thought put into Charlie's new cover of getting her out of there.


Yeah. Theron and Eliza are free of distractions now and can finally just explore how they both feel and go wherever that might take them though it'll likely remain complicated no matter the outcome and Scourge... as I said to Luna, he's no fool and he knows Eliza well, in some ways better than she knows herself.


Thank you for reading!


Very enjoyable chapter, as always. I'm glad Charlie is safe and sound and back with Jonus now, and glad that Eliza will finally get the chance to explore her feelings for Theron. I am very much looking forward to the next chapter:)

Thank you Fox! The next chapter is a bit of a struggle, and still in the works because of that but hopefully it'll be worth the read in the end. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey. Just stopping by to let people who may or may not have been expecting a new chapter by now that; I'm struggling a little with various aspects concerning the writing. A new chapter is coming, I'm not letting this story 'die out' but I can't say when it'll be updated either. I'm hoping within the next few days. Thanks.
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Hey. Just stopping by to let people who may or may not have been expecting a new chapter by now that; I'm struggling a little with various aspects concerning the writing. A new chapter is coming, I'm not letting this story 'die out' but I can't say when it'll be updated either. I'm hoping within the next few days. Thanks.


Take your time, Jen. I need a break myself before I continue, since I'm going on vacation in a few weeks! So take your time.

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A/N; Back, I think... though having a minor issue where I cannot use the smiley or formatting buttons somehow?! So all formatting was done by hand, fingers crossed... ack.




70: Finding Answers.



A pleasant and longing thrill coursed its way through Eliza as she lay back in Theron’s arms, exchanging continued kisses and affection as they had been for the past thirty minutes. Completely lost in each other and savoring every second they had together without taking it too far though the urge grew stronger and finally, resentfully, Eliza tore her lips away from his and sighed.


“Is this real right now?”


“It could be,” Theron stared down into her eyes while his fingers caressed her cheek “if you wanted it to be.”


“And you’re sure you want to figure this out with me? Even if…”


“I’m in, all the way Eliza, wherever it may take us.” he left a tender kiss lingering on her lips “I love you.”


“I love you too.” she beamed up at him while warmth settled in her heart “I’m just… afraid.”




“Finding out just how much I love you only to have you ripped from my arms because there’s no place for us in this galaxy right now. Or discovering what I feel for you is not… still just, not enough and then I’ll lose you all over again. Hurt you all over again.”


“Well…” Theron thought for a moment and then laced his fingers with hers “How about we promise each other that no matter what happens, what the future holds, we will always remain friends at least?”


She said nothing and drew his lips onto her own, their kiss being the only response he needed but then she nodded as well.


Being like this with him filled a certain emptiness she’d felt aching inside of her ever since her relationship with Lord Scourge had ended. It felt good, although realizing that did nothing to help her decide which of the two men meant more to her.


“Why don’t you stay the night? Give us both some time, if you can manage it? And if this place is too messy for your liking we can rent a room instead.” he asked.


“I think I’d like that yeah and Theron… I couldn’t care less about the mess as long as you’re here.”


“I just want things to be right. I’ll even order us dinner so you don’t have to put up with my cooking.”


Eliza chuckled and shook her head “I don’t care about any of that. Just you.”


“Mmm good.” Theron folded her into his arms as they lay spooned on the sofa “So tell me then, what have you been up to since Yavin? You said a lot had changed and you’re on the Dark Council now?”


“Yeah…” she began telling him of most things she’d gone through since joining the Empire.


She told him of Darth Aruk, his failed assassination attempt and the manner in which she’d dealt with him during their duel. Eliza shared stories of meeting her grandparents, having weekly lunches with them. All the details surrounding her break up with Lord Scourge though she left her time with Vowrawn out of it, not seeing the point in sharing any of that.


“You should see Meg now. She’s starting to grow a little bump, it’s adorable.” Eliza beamed with joy and reached for her datapad to pull up some pictures “They are so happy together.”


“They look happy.” Theron agreed while he caressed a hand up and down her arm “And this is their first kid right?”


“It is. You know, I think Quinn’s going to make an amazing father. I remember the first time I saw him on Manaan… I thought he was so strange and, stiff perhaps? But he’s wonderful. And I’m going to be some kind of cousin technically but they’ve also asked me to be the baby’s hold-mother.”


“That’s going to be one blessed kid, having two parents and you as a hold-mother.”


“Yeah…” Eliza rolled over to look him in the eyes “Luckier than either of us were anyways.”


“I’d say we turned out alright.” Theron tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and smiled.


As he leaned in and kissed her cheek, a dimple was created there by her smile “Stars I love your dimples”, he murmured kissing her welcoming lips.


She felt the tips of his fingers play subtly underneath her shirt, circling around her belly button though he made no attempt to push any further and Eliza felt grateful for it—she wasn’t ready or willing to go there, not yet.


Giving into lust, passions, would be so easy right now but sex wasn’t the reason for her visit and while the idea was plenty enticing she feared what it might do to the both of them. It would be so easy, but it could both ruin her friendship with Theron forever and make her current dilemma that much harder.


A longing sigh escaped her when their lips finally parted and she found herself staring up into Theron’s eyes. Gorgeous, kind, honey-brown eyes filled with the adoration he held for her and in a way it was as though she only just now truly saw him. No longer just her friend Theron, but the man who loved her as she longed to be loved, had missed being loved and whom she loved in return though it terrified her.


“What’s going through that wonderful mind of yours?” he asked in a gentle whisper.


‘You’re perfect.’ it was her first thought but not one she was ready to share.


“Why me?” Eliza wondered instead giving voice to her own building insecurities now that she lay here in his arms “Out of all women who’ve no doubt shown you an interest, why would you choose me?”


With Lord Scourge she’d known why—she’d felt it through their connection in the Force and the magnetizing sense of fate which had drawn them together, woven their destinies together over the past centuries. Theron however was different. He’d quietly and secretly embedded himself within her heart, caught her unawares with his kiss, his confession and she couldn’t understand why or what he saw in her.


“Because you’re beautiful, and I don’t mean just physically Eliza.” he held her in his arms, lovingly and protectively as he nipped at her bottom lip.


“It’s your strength, your courage. Your heart. The care and fierce devotion you show those who matter to you in life, your tireless efforts to fight for what’s right. To do the right thing even in the most difficult of situations.”


A smile spread across his face, genuine and it was clear he meant every word but Eliza only vaguely mirrored his expression. The words he spoke sounded so satisfying but she felt he gave her far too much credit. In an instant her mind flashed back to the ways in which she’d tortured and killed Sergeant Rusk. She knew beyond a doubt if Theron ever became aware of that incident, he’d take back everything he’d just said.


‘You don’t really know me, not anymore…’ the thought teased at the back of her mind and it stung in her heart. It caused her to avert her gaze and her body tensed up.


“Is that not…” Theron noticed the change in her and thought his words may have caused offense though he couldn’t see how “What’s wrong?”


She gave him half a shrug, uncertain as to how she’d express the thoughts in her mind or convince him of their truth “I’m no longer the woman you once knew Theron, so much in my life has changed and it’s changed me.”


“I know you have, and you’ve been through a lot but you’re still the woman I love. Who only just recently once more showed her heart and compassion when she allowed me to bring Master Surro back to the Jedi. When she risked herself and her reputation to free Charlie from Imperial imprisonment.”


“No,” Eliza rejected his words and while she’d been enjoying his embrace, she now turned herself away from him and sat up “there are things I’ve done that you don’t know about, that are inexcusable.”


“What things Eliza?” he sat up as well and tried to reach out for her hand but she pulled back.


Minutes ago he’d felt so happy and blessed. After all the obstacles they’d gone through she was finally right here with him and yet now it felt as though she was about to slip away from him all over again. Dread mixed with confusion settled within his heart and mind.


“You can tell me anything, you know that, right?”


Eliza nodded and she knew. She knew she could always tell him whatever was on her mind but she was also painfully aware that this time, the thing she was about to share would leave them forever changed. That it might just push him to a point where he’d no longer be capable of loving her, or even being her friend.


“Do you remember Sergeant Rusk, the Chagrian who was part of my crew back when you and I first met?”


“I do, yes. He’s the one who asked for reassignment shortly after you re-claimed the Jedi Temple, right?”




Nerves settled within her and Eliza stood up, hoping to shake them while she began pacing in front of the length of the sofa “What you don’t know is the fight he and I had, the true reason he asked to be reassigned. We didn’t part on the best of terms. In fact, I came rather close to… harming, him in a fit of anger but Scourge saved me from myself.”


“This was before I knew of my true heritage or the darkness I have within me. It was trying to push its way to the surface and I struggled for control over both my own emotions and the power.” she added, answering the frown which had formed on Theron’s face.


It was only an illusion, but it suddenly felt as though the room grew colder, darker while Eliza began a full recount of her recent and unwanted reunion with the Sergeant. She was reluctant, fearing Theron’s reaction. As she detailed the torture she’d subjugated Rusk to aloud, a part of her felt ill and a sense of disgust clawed at her mind. To her own horror, she saw that same disgust reflected in Theron’s eyes when she dared herself to look at him again.


A deafening silence fell the second she finished telling him everything. The smile, the hope and joy, the love she’d seen written all over his face before was gone now replaced with a pale ghost filled with despair, confusion and disbelief.


“You…” Theron tried to speak but his voice failed him.


All he could see were vivid depictions of the woman he loved cruelly and eagerly torturing a man who hadn’t deserved it. He imagined her laughing, delighting in the kill and he felt sick.


“Eliza… why? You say he’d already told you everything there was to know so why torture him? Was it for…” his voice trailed off again and a part of him didn’t dare ask out of fear for the answer he may get “for, your own amusement?”


She lowered her eyes and averted her gaze once more. Her words stayed out but her physical response held all the answers he’d dreaded and Theron let out a deep, disheartened sigh.


“As I said, we didn’t part on the best of terms and seeing him again… everything just resurfaced. Back then he’d implied that I’d become some disgusting person who’d sacrifice everything just to get into Scourge’s bed. It cut me deep, made me feel cheap and nasty somehow. I still struggled so much with my feelings then, with my desire for Scourge, the growing darkness in me while trying to be the Jedi I was supposed to be and it pushed me over the edge. It did back then and, reliving it all with his added and renewed insults while interrogating him…”


It was no excuse and she knew it. She wasn’t trying to explain it away but it had been the driving motivator behind her actions and Eliza felt if Theron was about to judge her for her actions then he needed to know the full story.


“You lost it.” he concluded.


“I did.”


The long silence that fell once again served only to create a greater divide between the both of them while Theron struggled to find clarity amidst the many thoughts that raced through his mind. He thought back of the night where he’d first seen her, all the wonderful moments they’d shared. The hardships she’d gone through and how much he admired her and he tried to grasp onto those thoughts in order to drive out the gruesome mental images she’d left him with now.


Time passed ever so slowly and Eliza tried to give him the space he needed to either come to terms with her actions or condemn them. The sun which had broken through the window treatments earlier had now withdrawn making way for a darkness that far better suited their current situation. Eliza had sat back down on a chair in the far corner of Theron’s apartment, a shadowy spot where she tried to make herself disappear while deep inside she struggled too.


If there was ever a time where she’d believed perhaps they could overcome the obstacles life had thrown their way, she was fairly disillusioned now. It wasn’t just a matter of being on opposite sides any longer. She’d changed and he hadn’t and in part she began to worry now that if they’d try and stay together despite these differences, she would wind up dragging him down with her sooner or later.


“I am not okay with what you did Eliza,” Theron started at last with a somber look on his face “no matter his crimes, no one deserves to go out like that.”


“I know.” she nodded dejectedly and got up, preparing to leave as she was certain he was about to send her away but then he spoke unexpected words too.


“However, I love you and this is what friendship is, what a relationship is. You take the good with the bad and what kind of person would I be if I turned my back on you the second you do something I don’t like?”


Eliza froze on the spot, her eyes staring into his with disbelief “I… what? Theron… you did fully hear and understand me, right?”


“I did and don’t get me wrong, I do not condone what you’ve done but I’m hardly flawless myself. I’ve seen and done things in my line of work too that—”


“It doesn’t compare Theron. Whatever you may have done in the past was out of duty, because you had to but as we’ve established already I did not have to torture and kill Rusk. I simply wanted to.”


“Do you regret it?” he got up and approached her slowly.


“Yes and no. There’s a part of me that knows I went too far, which regrets the way I let my emotions drive me. There’s also a part of me that feels pleased, certain he deserved what he got.”


Theron stopped in his tracks, just an inch away from her and a small sigh escaped his lips. There was a definite hint of remorse in her tone of voice but somehow it wasn’t enough and he’d hoped for more. It caused him worry and he was left to wonder what else she may be capable of now.


“Would you… do you feel the same way about others who’ve wronged you? Saresh? Satele…?”


“No of course not. Never Satele. She’s your mother Theron.” Eliza dashed forward and took his hands in her own “I know she’s hurt us both but I couldn’t.”


“Saresh though… I’ve asked Charlie to keep an eye on her but if she makes one more attempt on my life or goes anywhere near me, I won’t stand for it. I’m not vindictively chasing after those who’ve wronged me but if they decide to take matters in their own hands and seek me out, yeah I’ll hit back with everything I’ve got.”


Now it was his turn to pull away and Theron took several steps back while Eliza watched him struggle with his own conflicted thoughts. It was a painful thing to see and it prompted her to make a decision for the both of them, realizing that if they were together he’d constantly face these types of struggles. He’d always feel tempted to compromise his own beliefs in order to accept her and her actions.


“Theron…” she took a deep breath “This isn’t going to work. You and I we—”


“No don’t.” he immediately turned back to her knowing what she was about to say “We can work through this, it’s not the end of the galaxy, of us.”


“But it is. You and I are on such opposites and I don’t just mean the Empire and Republic. Besides…”


Eliza paused for a moment while she cursed herself for the lie she was about to tell him. The lie that would force him to let go, the one thing he wouldn’t be able to argue or excuse.


“As much as I’m enjoying my time here with you it’s, not enough. I don’t love you enough to stay.”


A small lump formed in her throat and she could almost hear the blow she’d just delivered to his heart and her own but Eliza pushed it down. She needed to stand her ground now. The more they’d talked, the more she’d realized he deserved far better than her but she also knew he’d never accept it if she told him that. He’d continue to fight. For her and for the both of them and she couldn’t let him.




Theron tried but his emotions got in the way. It was all becoming far too much for him. First the confession she’d made detailing her atrocious act and now she rejected him for a second time while he’d been so certain of her love for him. He’d seen it in her eyes, felt it on her lips and in her touch.


“I’m sorry. I know we’d both hoped for more but this is it. This is all. You’re wonderful and one day you will make some woman extremely happy but it won’t be me Theron. It cannot be. My place is with the Empire and at Scourge’s side, I see that now and I love him. I always have and will.”


“But when you got here…” he remembered how happy she’d been. How happy they’d both been and how scared she was of losing him, of their feelings not being enough.


“I know and I told you I needed answers. Now, I’ve found them and I can’t ignore that.”


It wasn’t a complete lie either. No matter how much she’d enjoyed his sweet and loving touch, a part of her had continued to think of Lord Scourge waiting for her at home and not out of guilt but rather because she missed him. Because even Theron’s presence couldn’t fully drown out everything she felt for him.


“I see.” the man before her finally regained his voice though he looked devastated.


Eliza watched his face change from the misery he felt to determination. He looked into her eyes and she could see him fading from her, protecting himself, “I think perhaps it’s best you leave now…”


He couldn’t breathe. Not while she stood there, her mind made up having decided he’d never be enough for her. He wanted to keep his promise, to remain friends but in this very moment he simply couldn’t bear it.


She nodded and gathered her cloak though she turned back around one last time when she reached the door “I really am sorry Theron and I do hope one day you’ll find happiness of your own.”


When he said nothing in return, Eliza took her leave of him and it wasn’t until she stepped inside the elevators that she finally allowed for her own tears to wash down her face. Everything inside of her hurt and the darkness that dwelled appeared to delight in her misery. Gleeful and eager as it fed on her pain though she refused to let it take control.


Instead, she dug into her pocket blindly and retrieved her com links “Scourge?” she spoke quietly and tried hard to hide any evidence of her upset.


He would find out soon enough, she had no intention of keeping any of this a secret from him. Later, though, she decided when she felt less like falling to pieces “I’m coming home.”

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First of all welcome back!:) And thank you this chapter we've all been waiting for.....I hope you had a good break, and that your problems with the writing have resolved themselves. From reading this chapter I'd say they have:)



I have to say this chapter just totally broke my heart right along with Theron's. It is extremely well done though. I had thought before that Eliza really would be better off with Scourge due to some of the things she had done, especially to Rusk. But when it came down to the reality of it, it was still hard. This part is what really got me:


"Eliza paused for a moment while she cursed herself for the lie she was about to tell him. The lie that would force him to let go, the one thing he wouldn’t be able to argue or excuse.


“As much as I’m enjoying my time here with you it’s, not enough. I don’t love you enough to stay.”


A small lump formed in her throat and she could almost hear the blow she’d just delivered to his heart and her own but Eliza pushed it down. She needed to stand her ground now. The more they’d talked, the more she’d realized he deserved far better than her but she also knew he’d never accept it if she told him that. He’d continue to fight. For her and for the both of them and she couldn’t let him.


She lied. Because she felt she was no longer good enough for him. Even if it's true, it's hard to accept just because it IS a lie. I have to wonder if Theron will realize that after he has thought everything through again.


Now for the conversation with Scourge.....I am really looking forward to that one and finding out where it will lead. I just can't help feeling that Theron isn't completely out of the picture yet ....or maybe that's the wishful thinking of a hopeless Theron fan:)


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Yay! You're back to it. ^^



Poor Theron, my heart broke for the poor guy. That was so sad, and yet I think it had to be done. I'm not sure he would ever be able to accept what Sith sometimes have to do.


I think it was actually worse because at the start it was like they were going to start a relationship and it all seemed very loving and sincere and then she let him have it with the lie. I think testing the potential and seeing what might be would make it more painful, probably for both of them, but I'm willing to bet it will hurt Theron more, he has no one to fall back on.


The chapter was well constructed and well written and I enjoyed it, even if it was sad and made my heart hurt for Theron. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of reaction will come from Scourge. Somehow I don't see this being rectified easily. It'll be interesting to see what will come of it all. I also found the term 'hold-mother' interesting, I've never heard that before, I assume it means something like a 'godmother'.


Love the chapter, and I am happy to see that you're back in the saddle again. :)


Edited by Lunafox
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Happy to see you back. :D



That had to be very rough for Eliza as well as Theron. To start so happy, even loving, and then end the relationship before it really had a chance to start. But, I have to give Eliza a lot of credit for being honest with him. She could have kept quiet about that side of her, but, I think, deep down she knows that at some point, the darkness would rear its head and Theron would be forced to see the truth about her anyway. As heart breaking as it was, it would have been worse later on, perhaps even more devastating. I almost see this as a wake up call for her to finally come to grips with what her life is now, although, I am not sure Theron is quite out of the picture yet.


And Scourge, she still loves him, he still came to mind even when she was with Theron. It would be a hard thing to divide herself between the two, and her home coming should be interesting. I can't wait for that conversation. :)


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Scourge will be happy. At the same time ...



*Crimsèn comforts Theron*, "it'll be okay dear, it'll be okay..."

Lol I am certain there'll be plenty people lining up to comfort Theron yeah.


First of all welcome back!:) And thank you this chapter we've all been waiting for.....I hope you had a good break, and that your problems with the writing have resolved themselves. From reading this chapter I'd say they have:)



I have to say this chapter just totally broke my heart right along with Theron's. It is extremely well done though. I had thought before that Eliza really would be better off with Scourge due to some of the things she had done, especially to Rusk. But when it came down to the reality of it, it was still hard. This part is what really got me:


"Eliza paused for a moment while she cursed herself for the lie she was about to tell him. The lie that would force him to let go, the one thing he wouldn’t be able to argue or excuse.


“As much as I’m enjoying my time here with you it’s, not enough. I don’t love you enough to stay.”


A small lump formed in her throat and she could almost hear the blow she’d just delivered to his heart and her own but Eliza pushed it down. She needed to stand her ground now. The more they’d talked, the more she’d realized he deserved far better than her but she also knew he’d never accept it if she told him that. He’d continue to fight. For her and for the both of them and she couldn’t let him.


She lied. Because she felt she was no longer good enough for him. Even if it's true, it's hard to accept just because it IS a lie. I have to wonder if Theron will realize that after he has thought everything through again.


Now for the conversation with Scourge.....I am really looking forward to that one and finding out where it will lead. I just can't help feeling that Theron isn't completely out of the picture yet ....or maybe that's the wishful thinking of a hopeless Theron fan:)

Thank you! :) It was a hard chapter to write as well. Originally I hadn't even planned for there to be anything between her and Theron and then it just, seeped in somehow and I liked the angle but... getting her to make a decision of any kind was difficult. I absolutely adore Theron and in some ways he's the opposite of Scourge. Both have an appeal but I did feel that at this point in her life, and his, there's just little room for them to actually work no matter how much they might want to. And she does feel like she actually doesn't deserve someone so good as Theron is, not with her recent choices at least.


Yay! You're back to it. ^^



Poor Theron, my heart broke for the poor guy. That was so sad, and yet I think it had to be done. I'm not sure he would ever be able to accept what Sith sometimes have to do.


I think it was actually worse because at the start it was like they were going to start a relationship and it all seemed very loving and sincere and then she let him have it with the lie. I think testing the potential and seeing what might be would make it more painful, probably for both of them, but I'm willing to bet it will hurt Theron more, he has no one to fall back on.


The chapter was well constructed and well written and I enjoyed it, even if it was sad and made my heart hurt for Theron. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of reaction will come from Scourge. Somehow I don't see this being rectified easily. It'll be interesting to see what will come of it all. I also found the term 'hold-mother' interesting, I've never heard that before, I assume it means something like a 'godmother'.


Love the chapter, and I am happy to see that you're back in the saddle again. :)

Thank you Luna. :D Them starting out good and happy... it was perhaps a little mean but I wanted readers to kind of, 'feel it' I suppose so figured they'd start out loving and happy before reality sort of comes knocking to say "This cannot be.". I think I pulled it off? :)


Scourge... You're right. There's still work to be done there. She may have walked away from Theron more for his good than her own and Scourge does mean more to her than she's capable of explaining but that doesn't mean everything's right as rain just like that.


Oh and hold mother... I actually found that on one of my "Star Wars equivalents" pages and yes, it's the Star Wars world version of godmother. :) Nice that you noticed!


Happy to see you back. :D



That had to be very rough for Eliza as well as Theron. To start so happy, even loving, and then end the relationship before it really had a chance to start. But, I have to give Eliza a lot of credit for being honest with him. She could have kept quiet about that side of her, but, I think, deep down she knows that at some point, the darkness would rear its head and Theron would be forced to see the truth about her anyway. As heart breaking as it was, it would have been worse later on, perhaps even more devastating. I almost see this as a wake up call for her to finally come to grips with what her life is now, although, I am not sure Theron is quite out of the picture yet.


And Scourge, she still loves him, he still came to mind even when she was with Theron. It would be a hard thing to divide herself between the two, and her home coming should be interesting. I can't wait for that conversation. :)

Thank you Misha! Yeah, I don't imagine this was easy on either of them and it took me a long time to decide on how to handle it. I'd considered letting him dump her upon finding out about Rusk but in a way that felt like a bit of a cop out, like forcing Theron to make the choice so that Eliza didn't have to. (And I cannot picture Theron as being that judgmental, that black and white.) I also couldn't justify her saying "Ehh I don't love you that much after all", I felt there was too much build up for that to be in any way believable so I think this was the best way to go about it, rough as it was.


I have some plans for her reunion with Scourge and I hope it won't disappoint. :)



- Thank you everyone for still reading this, for your kind and encouraging words and your support! ♥

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  • 2 weeks later...

71: Clean Slates & New Threats.



‘Home again…’ Eliza thought wistfully while the Citadel looming over Kaas City came into view.


She’d traveled all through the night and most of the day. The Imperial freighter Darth Marr had lend her weeks ago wasn’t the fastest vessel in the galaxy, but this time Eliza hadn’t minded the long journey. She’d made use of the time to face her heartbreak—to deal with overwhelming emotions and accept that no matter how much she loved him, Theron could never be hers.


The loss still weighed heavy on her heart by the time she arrived at the Citadel’s entrance, but Eliza vowed to herself that she wouldn’t let it cripple her. She would move on, move forward with her head held high even while she had no idea what the future might hold.


Eliza straightened out her long, black skirt, wrapped her cloak securely around her shoulders and ran a hand through her loose wavy hair before she approached the Citadel’s entrance. From afar she’d already spotted Lord Scourge standing there waiting, and she almost dared herself to smile but then another person came into view and caused her to stop in her tracks.


Darth Eran, the young woman in charge of the Sphere of Biotic Science, stood smiling as she engaged Lord Scourge in conversation. Her hand touched his arm and she giggled. Her body leaned towards his in open invitation and to Eliza’s own horror, she actually caught Lord Scourge smiling as well.


Was he enjoying her obvious flirtatious behavior? The mere thought bothered Eliza more than she liked and for a moment it left her to wonder. She herself had never really flirted with him, and now she wasn’t certain if perhaps she should have, if it was something he would have appreciated.


Cheerful giggling reached Eliza’s ears and once more she watched Darth Eran inching even closer to Lord Scourge, her hand slowly caressing his upper arm. The woman brought her other hand up, her fingers touching to her lips as though she was trying to hide her smile and the obvious ploy to call attention to her mouth left Eliza vexed.


‘Serves me right I suppose.’ she thought bitterly while she approached the two.


“Ah Darth Seraphine, you’re back.” Darth Eran greeted her in an overly familiar fashion before she turned her attention back to Lord Scourge “Consider my offer Wrath, you know where to find me.” the petite raven-haired beauty winked and took her leave.


Eliza’s eyes followed her, even long after she’d gone “What did she want?” she inquired while trying to keep her voice even.


“Satisfaction to her curiosity.” Lord Scourge spoke nonchalantly as they headed inside the Citadel “She appears greatly intrigued by my former immortality and any changes my physiology has undergone since I was cured.”


“Doubt that’s the only satisfaction she seeks.” the snide remark escaped Eliza all too easily.


“What?” Lord Scourge frowned.




Eliza marched down the long winding corridors while muttering to herself “‘Oooh you’re such a novelty Wrath and my, your biceps! They’re so big and firm. Is that a lasting side effect of your immortality or do you just work out a lot?’” she mimicked imagining the conversation Darth Eran and Lord Scourge might have had and she let out a mocking, girlish giggle “Bah, bi.tch!”


An amused grin inched up at the corner of Lord Scourge’s mouth as he overheard most of her small rant. He’d never known her to be jealous before and he couldn’t help but feel entertained. Pleased to find that clearly, despite all they’d gone through, he still mattered to her enough to provoke such sentiments. He would correct her false assumption, later.


“You don’t like Darth Eran?” Lord Scourge asked calmly as he held the doors leading into Eliza’s chambers open for her “She seemed, interesting.”


“Interesting?” she scoffed “Sure, let’s go with that.”


A deep exhale escaped Eliza while she sat down behind her desk “Has there been any news from Marr?”


“None. He checked in this morning but so far there are no leads on the Emperor.”


A faint nod was all he got in response while she began sorting through various messages left for her in her absence and Lord Scourge pulled up a chair opposite her. He let the minutes crawl by while Eliza glossed over the various notes but then she peered up at him from under her eyelashes and gave a tender smile.


“I suppose we should discuss my trip first.”


“You saw Theron.” it wasn’t a question but a statement. He already knew because he knew her, perhaps even more than she realized.


“I… yes, I did. How—”


“You would have given me the details of your trip, a location, if it concerned anything else Eliza.”


She leaned back in her seat and observed him curiously—she’d expected some anger but he seemed calm “That doesn’t bother you?”


“I spent weeks traveling through space in the company of three extremely dull scientists. I had a lot of time to think. Time to deal with my anger, with emotions I wasn’t used to feeling again and I know you needed answers still.”


He paused, shifting in his seat as his eyes narrowed on her “Do you have those now?” he asked.


He needed to know too and he had sensed the sorrow within her when she first arrived at the Citadel. He just couldn’t be certain whether that sorrow was for him or Theron.


“I do.”


A deep sigh escaped Eliza and she began to explain “Theron and I will never work. Our lives are too different and I’ve changed…” she admitted first and then smiled wryly “Besides I… the entire time I was there…”


She got up and circled her desk to lean against the front as she stood before Lord Scourge “I couldn’t get you off my mind either. I was showing him holographs of Meg, Quinn, telling him about the baby and it made me think of my own future, and possibly having a family.”


Eliza felt a certain warmth as she looked at him “I still see you there, by my side as you always have been…”


“But,” she added quickly “I know a lot has happened between us and I’m not certain you still want this. I’m not saying we should get back together immediately, if that’s at all—”


Lord Scourge got off his seat and interrupted her “How about we go on an actual date first?”


“Really?” she frowned.




Relief settled within Lord Scourge as he stared down into her eyes. He still loved her, even through their struggles of late and now that she’d chosen him he was determined to do things right this time around. To take her out, take things slowly. To woo her and truly win her heart back.


The first time they’d gone too fast. Their friendship had been upgraded to a relationship through an act of passion in the engine room aboard her old ship and that had been it. They’d both known of their feelings towards each other but they’d never really discussed it together. Now that would change and Lord Scourge wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice. He would get it right this time.


“And Darth Eran…?” Eliza questioned cautiously.


A snicker escaped him and finally he drew her into his arms “You don’t have to worry about her Eliza. You’re still the only woman I’m interested in and you always will be. Though, I did delight in your jealousy.”


“I suppose I deserved that at least.” she rested her head against his chest and her arms snaked around his middle “So, a real date?”


“Mm. Tonight,” his cheek lay atop her head as he held her “I’ll come pick you up and may I suggest you wear that emerald green gown you have hanging in your closet?”


“I can do that. Where are we going?”


“That’s a surprise.” Lord Scourge smirked “Now, would you care to tell me what lead to your meeting with Shan?”


Reluctantly, knowing her actions had been slightly unsavory, Eliza began to explain Charlie’s situation to him and this time she didn’t hold back. She told him exactly who Charlie was, how they’d met and why she’d helped the woman. If they were going to start fresh, she wanted to be honest, no matter the consequences.


Naturally Lord Scourge wasn’t entirely thrilled with her actions and he voiced concern that she might suffer repercussions should the Dark Council discover her role in Charlie’s escape, should they disbelieve her cover story. He promised to support her as well and when all was said and done, he left her to finish up any business she needed to take care of.


More than an hour had passed when Lana Beniko appeared seeking an audience with Eliza and wanting answers as well.


“I’m no fool Eliza. You knew I’d been trying to make amends for my betrayal on Rishi and you took advantage of it.” Lana shook her head bitterly after Eliza gave her the cover story rather than the truth concerning Charlie.


“The only reason I let you is because I do actually trust you so please, tell me the truth. Why did you want her freed, who is she to you?”


Eliza took a deep breath and though Lana was clearly on to her, she smiled as well “I’m oddly pleased that you weren’t fooled… and I do apologize for lying.”


“Thing is, Cipher Nine’s loyalties became somewhat muddled when Intelligence originally fell, as you suspected and in that time she became close friends with our mutual friend, Theron. He, feared for her life and contacted me when she went missing.”


“Of course…” Lana sighed “That explains all the calls he made to my personal frequency…”


“Mmhm. I decided to help him, and her. She’d done me a personal favor in the past and I wanted to repay it so yes, I freed her but I also made sure she won’t be able to harm our operations ever again and in return for her freedom she agreed to act as my personal spy where Saresh is concerned.”


“That’s an awfully big risk to take Eliza and you essentially freed a guilty, traitorous Agent.”


“I worked out a mutually beneficial compromise with her. She’s got her freedom now and won’t be returning to Imperial space and I’ve got my own eyes and ears on Saresh. It’s not entirely by the books but it’s practical.”


“A calculated move. And you trust her?”




Lana shook her head slowly and sighed “The Dark Council would not approve.”


“I know, which is why I’m hoping I can trust you this time Lana and that you’ll keep this between us.”


“This time?” she repeated “Eliza for how much longer will you be holding the Rishi incident over my head?”


Eliza gave her a small shrug “I’m not trying to, not deliberately but Lana… I liked you and trusted you and you betrayed that. You put someone I love dearly at risk and though I understand your reasons and can even see the strategic benefit in what you did, it angers me too.”


“Not to mention that we were supposed to be a team, all of us and you went rogue. You made a decision and executed a plan without involving any of us and sure I can see why you didn’t tell Theron, he had to sell it but… you could have told me. You could have told Meg and we could have had a rescue plan in place long before he was ever taken.”


Casually, Eliza leaned back and for the first time since the incident gave Lana the honesty she deserved “I’m not intentionally being a bi.tch to you, I just don’t deal well with betrayal and backstabbing, not from people I actually trust and like. I know, I’m in the Empire now and betrayal comes as natural as the air we breathe but I thought you were different.”


“Time was of the essence.”


The two women looked at each other and a moment of tension fell as they both realized they’d never see eye to eye on the matter but then Eliza gave up and pushed herself past her resentment.


“Alright let’s just, agree to disagree and not talk of it again. And hopefully it won’t happen again, yes?”


“Yes, that works for me.” Lana nodded and she moved to get up “Keep me informed though if you can, especially if this somehow gets out and causes problems for you.”


They said their goodbyes, both ready to start anew in their acquaintanceship and Eliza had only just sat back down when once more someone sought to interrupt her.


“My Lord?” one of her guards poked his head around the door “Forgive the intrusion but—”


“I can announce myself, move.” she could hear Ravage bark and Eliza rolled her eyes as he stormed inside her chambers.


“Hello Ravage. Please, come in Ravage. Have a seat and what can I do for you?” she snapped waspishly as he quickly towered over her desk.


“Save the attitude!” Ravage snarled “What were you thinking interfering with Lord Cyrus’ apprentice’s trials?!”


Eliza shrugged “I was thinking he was using my prisoner and I wasn’t okay with that?”


Your prisoner?”


“Yes. And why do you care? The kid could use anyone for his little torture 101 lesson so just have him pick another.” she commented nonchalantly while she leaned back in her chair and flashed him a smile.


“Damn you!” Ravage slammed his hand down on her desk and growled “You are so infuriating!”


“Thank you.”


“That wasn’t a compliment!” he scolded “What did you need that specific prisoner for? A former Cipher?”


“That’s for me to know and for you to, dot dot dot.” she waved her hand about and laid out metaphorical dots in the air.


Already she could feel herself walking on dangerous grounds. Ravage had a temper and everybody knew it and yet all it did was entice her to wind him up further every single time. To walk that very thin line and see how far she could push him.


Surprisingly enough though as she got up to show him out, he followed and cornered her against the door. The smirk on his face grew more menacing and his eyes darkened. He placed his hands up to the door, on either side of her.


“Oh I already know Seraphine, I was merely giving you the chance to tell me yourself.” Ravage gloated while he peered down into her clear blues “I promised I’d keep my eye on you and I have.”


He tipped her chin up with his index finger “I’ve had you followed from the moment you were introduced to the Dark Council. I know about the SIS Agent, about the secret between you and Marr. I know where you were these past few days… does Lord Scourge, I wonder?”


A threat lurked within his words, in his tone of voice and Eliza’s heartbeat quickened though she refused to let it show “He does actually.” she managed nonchalantly.


“Hmm well.” if Ravage was disappointed with her response, he didn’t let on “The Dark Council would not approve of such close relations with someone from the Republic…”


He leaned in closer and she could feel his breath on her face “And before you get any ideas I’ve made sure that all of your secrets, including the ones you don’t think I could possibly know about, will be exposed should anything happen to me.”


“I own you now.” he continued his threat and clasped her jaw in his hand, forcing her to look up at him.


The line had been crossed, Eliza realized and a lump formed in her throat. She’d pushed him too far this time, underestimated him and she’d even become careless in his presence. Now she paid the price but even as his words and actions instilled a certain fear, she would not give him the satisfaction of showing it.


Instead, she decided to call his bluff “Fine, out me then. Spill my secrets.” Eliza kept a straight face.


Ravage slid his hand down from her jaw to her throat and tightened his grip “Don’t think I won’t, Seraphine. This isn’t some game.”


“Oh I know it’s not, you’ve made that abundantly clear.” Eliza retorted and maintained her calm, making no effort to get away from his grasp. If she struggled, fought to defend herself and escape his hold on her, he’d win and she wouldn’t let him “There’s just one or two problems with your plan.”


“My association with Agent Shan is already mostly public knowledge. Everyone knows we worked together before and after I defected to the Empire and that he’s been a source of information to me in the past.”


A low growl escaped Ravage’s throat “My spy saw you enter his home, that goes beyond business.”


“Does it? Perhaps we just needed to get away from curious eyes and ears, to discuss some very volatile intelligence.”


Eliza relaxed herself and fixed a soft smile upon her face “And do you really wish to incur Marr’s wrath by exposing our secret, which is mostly his secret? It’s your funeral of course but I don’t think that would be wise.”


His free hand balled into a fist and he slammed it against the door behind her. He should have realized she’d have an answer to this too, she always did and she was right. The last thing he wanted now was to openly declare war on Marr by spilling his secret or openly attacking Eliza. He’d so much hoped that, for once, he’d have the upper hand, but she didn’t appear likely to bow down to his threats any time soon.


“This isn’t over yet.” Ravage warned instead keeping his eyes on her for just a second longer but then he finally pulled away.


Eliza stepped aside and Ravage brushed past her as he stormed out of her chambers, slamming the door in his wake. Once she was certain he was gone, she let out a deep sigh and tried hard to still her heart, believing the threat to be over for now but reminding herself to never underestimate him again.

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Mmm, Ravage. That was a fun moment between them I really enjoyed that. Poor Ravage, he really wanted to gain the upper hand. He needs to try harder :D


I also enjoyed Eliza's jealousy, she did have it coming, all things considered. I do have the impression that Darth Giggles, I mean Erin wants to get her hooks into Scourge for more than 'in the name of science' lol. :D We women, can always tell, can't we? ;D


I'm looking forward to the date with Scourge, I'm curious to see how that will go.


I think Lana appreciated the honesty and hopefully, their relationship will improve, I'm glad Eliza told her the truth about things.


Lovely chapter, I'm looking forward to the next. ^^

Edited by Lunafox
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This situation... "She’d made use of the time to face her heartbreak—to deal with overwhelming emotions and accept that no matter how much she loved him, Theron could never be hers. " still gives me cause for concern, and it also makes me feel her pain. Apparently Scourge was able to sense her sorrow, although he didn't know for sure who it was for at the time. But I'm sure he will figure that out after spending a bit more time with Eliza. But other than that worry I really am looking forward to seeing what their date is like:) I think Scourge has the right idea going forward. Sometimes a little time seems to fix things.


I also enjoyed Eliza's conversation with Ravage, and I believe she has tripped up his plans quite nicely. She has definitely become a stronger, wiser woman.



Looking forward to the next chapter!:)

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