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"you ignorant bogworm!" LOL I loved that!:) Also loved the fact that Eliza had the power to reach all the way to where Saresh was for a nice little force choke...or grasp:) I -so- hate that woman!


My heart also skipped a beat along with Eliza's when she first saw Theron...*sigh* I am a hopeless romantic where he is concerned, Scourge or no Scourge. This was a great chapter, and I have no idea what you mean by "lengthy"....I got to the end and went "wait! what!..." I want -more-!:) It's ok if you want to make the next chapter twice as long..*wink* *wink*


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I'm with FireFox: Couldn't stop reading until I had no choice, adn shouted NOOOOOO! when I got to the end. And way to stick it to Saresh, Eliza!! Don't worry, I checked my crystal ball: Saresh's time will come soon. :jawa_evil:

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I'm with FireFox: Couldn't stop reading until I had no choice, adn shouted NOOOOOO! when I got to the end. And way to stick it to Saresh, Eliza!! Don't worry, I checked my crystal ball: Saresh's time will come soon. :jawa_evil:

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The bogworm line was pretty awesome, I had a good chuckle out of that one :D I'm glad to see Theron back in the picture again, I look forward to see what unfolds there. I hope Vowrawn doesn't get dizzy...in that I imagine he'll get dumped so fast his head will spin lol.


Seeing everyone together at dinner was a nice nod to those of us who wanted to see a dinner scene with Ravage too.


Enjoyed the chapter very much, and I really am anticipating what will happen on Ziost and of course more Saresh torture or even death is welcome. Nothing makes me happier than watching that *****suffer. Fun times ahead. :)


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I see you got a little bit of dinner action in and it was nice to see everyone interact. I liked the bet between Eliza and Ravage about the sex of Me'ghan and Quinn's baby.


It is always nice to see Saresh put off her feed, I do hate that woman.


Well, Theron is back in the picture and Marr is going to send Scourge to Ziost? If I read that part right. Reunions are nice but I do wonder what will come of all this.




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"you ignorant bogworm!" LOL I loved that!:) Also loved the fact that Eliza had the power to reach all the way to where Saresh was for a nice little force choke...or grasp:) I -so- hate that woman!


My heart also skipped a beat along with Eliza's when she first saw Theron...*sigh* I am a hopeless romantic where he is concerned, Scourge or no Scourge. This was a great chapter, and I have no idea what you mean by "lengthy"....I got to the end and went "wait! what!..." I want -more-!:) It's ok if you want to make the next chapter twice as long..*wink* *wink*

Lol thanks. As I was writing, originally 'you ignorant toad' sprang to mind but decided to replace it with an insulting sounding creature from the bestiary instead lol.


I'm glad you're happy to see Theron again, I was too! I am each time I run into him in-game too... :o And the next chapter will be equally long'ish as I don't want to spend 3 or more chapters on just the Ziost event yet there are things I didn't want to skip or leave out either.


Thank you. x


I'm with FireFox: Couldn't stop reading until I had no choice, adn shouted NOOOOOO! when I got to the end. And way to stick it to Saresh, Eliza!! Don't worry, I checked my crystal ball: Saresh's time will come soon. :jawa_evil:

Saresh is a nasty piece of work and I'm so thrilled that in-game she's dead... not sure when she'll be in this story but, want to so much lol.


Thanks for the feedback!


The bogworm line was pretty awesome, I had a good chuckle out of that one :D I'm glad to see Theron back in the picture again, I look forward to see what unfolds there. I hope Vowrawn doesn't get dizzy...in that I imagine he'll get dumped so fast his head will spin lol.


Seeing everyone together at dinner was a nice nod to those of us who wanted to see a dinner scene with Ravage too.


Enjoyed the chapter very much, and I really am anticipating what will happen on Ziost and of course more Saresh torture or even death is welcome. Nothing makes me happier than watching that *****suffer. Fun times ahead. :)

I'm glad the bogworm comment entertained people! Yeah, Theron's back... kinda wanna keep him :o but... :D Lol @ the Vowrawn comment, yeah, that might be a thing that needs dealing with post Ziost, come what may.


I had this chapter written already by the time people mentioned wanting to see the dinner take place, big reason why I went ahead with plans as they were rather than revise because I knew this scene was coming up and didn't want to rewrite it cos I liked it this way. :)


Yeah, fu.ck Saresh, right? :D


Thanks for reading ♥


I see you got a little bit of dinner action in and it was nice to see everyone interact. I liked the bet between Eliza and Ravage about the sex of Me'ghan and Quinn's baby.


It is always nice to see Saresh put off her feed, I do hate that woman.


Well, Theron is back in the picture and Marr is going to send Scourge to Ziost? If I read that part right. Reunions are nice but I do wonder what will come of all this.




Lol yep, as I told Luna, this chapter was already written out so rather than revise because people were curious for the dinner with Ravage, I left it as is because I liked this. :)


I'm starting to feel like no one likes Saresh, which is great because, I don't either. :p


Marr is recalling Scourge from his mission yes, but he's quite a ways out and depending on how things turn out on Ziost, may not be back in time? I mean it's not like any of us can predict what'll happen to Ziost...lol.


Thank you for reading and replying! ♥

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A/N; Another somewhat lengthy Chapter, had it ready for a while now but trying to pace myself now as RL circumstances lately haven't provided me the peace and quiet to write as much as I'd like or maintain focus. Please share your thoughts and apologies if it's too long, if there's too much going on or whatnot. Kinda strayed from the typical quest-to-quest progress of Ziost and instead put more emphasis on personal stuff too, hope it's acceptable.




65: Ziost.


There were so many things she wished to tell him, so much she wanted to share about everything she’d been through in the past eight weeks since she’d last seen him and yet silence remained. Eliza felt she’d lost the right to drag him into her life, to lean on him or to even tell him of the fact she was single now and loved him still and it would serve no good purpose. Their conditions hadn’t changed, they still stood on opposites sides and would again once the chaos on Ziost concluded.


“I spoke to Kira a couple of weeks ago… she regrets the way you both parted ways.” Theron tried a change of subject.


Eliza raised a single brow and then shrugged “I’d feel the same way if she wasn’t shamelessly accepting the glory for my achievements and it’s not like I care about my Hero status but I’d expected more of her. I didn’t think she’d become Saresh’s puppet.”


“She didn’t. She threatened to withdraw from active duty unless Saresh issued a rectification, which she did at Satele’s insistence. Just not one as widely published as the news of your defection.”




Theron quietly observed her with a keen eye as she paced the room. Her body language was stiff, her facial expression stoic and her eyes looked in every direction except his.


“Eliza talk to me. You’ve never kept your guard up around me before, not even when we first met. In fact you were quite blunt and honest then… what’s going through your mind?”


“I’m not that girl anymore and certain things are best left unsaid.”


He clasped her wrist when she paced by him once more and drew her in “Have you really changed that much?” Theron gazed into her eyes for the truth and sighed as a single tear trickled down her cheek.


“Eliza what’s wrong?”


“I… I just, I don’t know. I mean, like I said I’ve missed you is all…”


Once more he wrapped her into an embrace and gently caressed his hands along her back in a soothing manner “Then don’t shut me out, don’t force me out of your life again… I accept you don’t feel for me what I feel for you but I’d rather keep you around than to lose you all over again.”


“Theron I…” she started but then swallowed her words and instead reached between them both to retrieve her com device “...you should probably re-enter your com code then, so I can call you once more…” Eliza smiled her tears away.


“And he won’t mind?” Theron asked as he entered his details.


“No he, we… I’ll take care of it.” Eliza shrugged “You know I should head over to New Adasta and check on Kovach, make sure he’s not being over run by mind controlled troops.”


“Probably a good idea…” reluctantly he let her go “but stay in touch and if you’re in any sort of trouble, contact me.”


A faint smile and nod was all he got in return while Eliza rushed back outside and engaged her speeder. She took off, fast before she could change her mind but once she was far enough away she came to a halt again and blew out a deep breath.


One minute, that’s all she needed. Just one minute to allow herself a good, heart aching cry as the tears now flowed down her face freely. As her heart waged brutal war torn between the man who no longer wanted her and whichever feeling she cherished for the one who’d forever be out of reach.


Pushing Theron to the back of her mind had been easier when he hadn’t been around, when she hadn’t been able to speak to him or see him but now that he was here so close once more, all the hurt resurfaced. All the confusion resurfaced and suddenly it was such a near impossible feat to pretend he was nothing more to her than just a friend.


“Just shut it off… push it down. There’s no point loving a man who broke up with you and loving a man you can’t pursue… just push them both away and drown them out, there’s no sense in loving either of them.” she told herself repeatedly and then brushed aside her tears.


Ziost demanded her focus. It needed it, far more than the two men who tore her apart so Eliza took a deep breath and continued on her way to New Adasta where she tracked Kovach down. He never saw her but she could hear him as he engaged in conversation with another.


“I tried to reach you, to tell you this won’t end well.” he argued, busily waving his hands about at the woman he spoke to via holo.


“The time for hand-wringing ended when you shut down the Orbital Defense Command Center, Agent.” Saresh’s grating voice echoed through and Eliza balled a fist while she remained hidden and listened.


“With respect, you haven’t seen what I have on the ground. The power the Emperor holds—”


“I’m aware Agent. Now if you have a report on Sith Intelligence or the SIS, we can talk but you will not tell me how to fight a war.”


Saresh vanished from sight and Kovach cussed to himself “Damn this is bad.”


“That’s one way of putting it.” Eliza sneered while she approached him.


His eyes widened and then he hung his head down in defeat “I take it you heard all of that?”


“Enough of it, and to think Lana holds you in such high esteem. Her rising star, nothing more than a sad little dung worm doing Saresh’s bidding. And what was that about the SIS?”


“I know this looks bad but my main goal right now is to stop Vitiate and it’ll require all of us working together so please, reserve judgment until after he’s been dealt with.” Kovach pleaded.


Eliza scoffed at the nerve of him but for now, he was right “Yeah, fine. I suppose you’re useful for now but this isn’t over Kovach.” she threatened.


Kovach understood her meaning and reprimanded himself for getting caught while he explained the next steps of his plans to her. Before they could make use of the power systems to shock all living beings in New Adasta, the dampeners would have to be disabled first so Eliza set off again to head back into the city.


The task wasn’t easy but she got it done and after battling an unknown creature, she quickly contacted Lana.


“You fought what we call a Monolith, they’re made from Sith alchemy, a sign that Vitiate’s power is growing.” Lana explained.


“I see…” Eliza cast another glance at the dead monstrosity behind her “Lana, about Kovach…”


“Plans over, scrapped.” the very man she was about to speak of interrupted “One of these Monoliths tore through a junction, caused an electrical surge and now the dampeners are shot.”


“And you expect me to believe a single word coming out of your mouth? What are your true intentions here Kovach?” Eliza accused.


“I want all of this to end, despite what you witnessed earlier.”


“What did she witness?” Lana inquired while she followed their conversation “Kovach?”


“Tell her, or I will.” Eliza threatened Kovach and activated her lightsabers.


“Minister Beniko I… I haven’t been entirely honest with you, and I place myself at your mercy… I don’t work for you. I answer to Supreme Chancellor Saresh. I’m sorry.” Kovach confessed with a trembling voice.


“A double Agent I suspect.” Eliza furthered his confession “I overheard Saresh ask him for information on the SIS as well so no doubt he’s been spying on both sides on her behalf.”


“I…” Lana seemed momentarily lost for words but then narrowed her gaze on Kovach “Execute him.”


“Gladly.” with a satisfied smirk and ignoring his final plea, Eliza raised one of her blades and in one fluid motion separated his head from the rest of his body.


Lana let out an exasperated sigh and watched him drop to the ground “Now… his plan may have failed but I have a better plan, though one with a great deal of risk, if you’re interested…”


“I’m listening.”


“War has broken out all over Ziost but the Emperor seems to focus his attention on New Adasta, near you and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. I suspect he’s not yet as strong as he’d like us to believe and he’s worried about what you might do.”


“Which would be great and flattering if I actually felt like there was a single thing I could do…”


“You’ve gotten under his skin Eliza, you always have and it’s an advantage we can use to stop him. You’ll address him, distract all of his pawns and let them chase you into the heart of New Adasta. You must make Vitiate want to kill you, now.”


“Head for the coordinates I’m transmitting to you now, I’ll meet you there.”


The transmission ended and Eliza took a second to gather her bearings while she witnessed the chaos that held New Adasta in its grasp. Ever since joining the Empire and uncovering more about her family, her ancestors, she’d wanted to visit Ziost and see the place her grandfather and father were born. Visit the site where her grandparents had gotten married and where her grandmother was buried but now she was faced with the possibility the planet may soon be destroyed instead should she fail to stop Vitiate.


She activated her earpiece and contacted Theron “Kovach’s plan is a bust… and Kovach is no more. We discovered he was in league with Saresh, spying on both you and Lana…”


“Blasted. Okay.” Theron sounded agitated and pre-occupied “So what’s our next move now?”


“Lana has a plan, not sure on the details but I’ll keep you informed if she doesn’t… just, wanted to let you know.”


“Thank you. How are you holding up?”


“As well as can be. Things are crazy down here, it’s like the whole city has lost its mind.” Eliza sighed while she engaged her speeder to head for Lana’s coordinates.


“Yeah it’s no different where I’m at. Possessed soldiers at every turn.”


“Be careful Theron, if something happened to you…”


“I always am… you be safe too, please.”


Half an hour later she found herself at the top floor within the People’s Tower at Lana’s coordinates where she finally reunited with the blonde Sith.


“You made it, good.” Lana gave a smile as she approached “I hope you don’t mind but given Kovach’s demise, I’ve taken liberty of reaching out to someone we know we can trust…” she established a connection on one of the nearby consoles and Theron’s image appeared.


“I’m in position Lana but this setup isn’t anything like what you described…” he mumbled.


“What you mean is that you can’t figure it out.”


“Oh don’t get all… I’ll figure it out. Just, be ready.” Theron huffed and disconnected the line.


“We’re going to…” Lana started and turned towards Eliza but she stopped when she noticed the latter’s glossy eyes still firmly fixated on the console where Theron’s image had appeared and disappeared.


“You haven’t told him, have you?”


A sniffle came from Eliza’s end and then she gave Lana a dirty glare “Since when do you and I discuss personal matters as though we’re old pals?”


“Will you ever forgive me for what happened on Rishi?” Lana groaned “Look I know what happened between you both on Yavin and the rumor mill within the Empire, it’s vast… and clearly even just seeing him over holo is getting to you.”


“I’m sorry I… no, I haven’t told him. I can’t. I’d be giving him hope and then I’d have to take it away again too because Scourge or no Scourge, Theron’s with the Republic and I’m with the Empire.”


“Have you ever considered he might defect, to be with you? He’d make a wonderful asset…”


“No. I know him and even with Saresh breathing down his neck, the Republic is in his heart. It’s where his few friends are, his difficult and estranged as they might be, his parents… he’s not in a place where defecting is an option and if he did now, it would be for me, not for himself and I can’t be that selfish. It would always stand between us.”


“Anyways,” Eliza recomposed herself “what’s this plan you both seem to be in on?”


“You’re going to make Vitiate angry,” Lana began to explain realizing Eliza would rather not spend another moment dwelling on personal matters “very angry. So angry he’ll focus all his attention on killing you.”


Eliza scoffed “Shouldn’t be too hard…”


“When the time comes, you’ll lead him to an electrostatic weapon stored here in the heart of New Adasta. It was meant to be a last resort against civil uprisings on the planet but Theron’s modifying it to be non-lethal. With the reduced charge, its radius of impact will diminish.”


“I…” Eliza gave her a stunned look as she heard of the superweapon “You know, I’m not even going to ask. Let’s do this.”


Eliza’s image was quickly broadcast across all channels on Ziost, hovering over New Adasta itself as she addressed the Emperor and prayed her words would take root and fester.


“Vitiate!” she called out “I know why you hide behind your little puppets, why you’re so afraid to face me yourself. I know of the prophecy and I promise you, cowardly maneuvering through others won’t save you. I’ll find you and I’ll strike you down, again and this time I’ll make sure it sticks—and we both already know it will.”


Lana terminated the broadcast “I sensed your hatred through those words, let’s hope he did as well and takes the bait.”


“I should go now, there’s still much to be done and I’ve already lingered here for too long.”


“Go. I can handle this.”


“I believe you can. May the Force serve you well…” Lana left her with instructions on how to reach the rooftop where Theron would be awaiting her and then excused herself to go take care of a few other tasks first.


With her earpiece activated once more, Eliza began her ascend through the People’s Tower “I’m on my way to you Theron…”


“I’ll be here, just… kark these controls,” he muttered “Hey Eliza? If you run into my Jedi along the way please… don’t—”


“Theron I’m Sith, not stupid.”


“Of course.” Theron gave a chuckle “Sorry.”


“You just make sure that big weapon of Lana’s been adjusted to zap anyone who’ll come near us.” she muttered while fighting off several possessed guards and knocking them unconcious.


“Working on it.”


“So how’s life been treating you since joining the Empire?”


“Oh alright I suppose. Survived an assassination attempt in my first week and ended up facing off against one of the Dark Council members. I killed him. Now I’m on the Dark Council myself though not because I killed him.”


“That’s… wow, what?”


Eliza smiled at his confusion “I’ll explain when we have more time. Who knows, maybe we can go for a drink if we survive this madness…”


“Would love to. And you and, Scourge… are you Mrs. Big Red now or still, you know…” he asked the one question she’d dreaded above all others.


“Not yet.”


“I see…” Theron let the remainder of his comment linger but then cussed “Oww hell!”


“What’s wrong?”


“Nothing just, loose wiring… I’m almost finished.”


Eliza sighed with relief “Good, because I’m almost there… in fact…” she waited a moment longer and emerged from the elevators “I can see you right now.”


She rushed over and crouched down beside him “Anything I can do?”


“No I’ve got this. Just be prepared to fight like hell if…” further words escaped Theron as he found himself staring into her soft smiling eyes.


In them, he found his own feelings reflected—longing, hope, a wish for more but paired with fear and insecurity over all the obstacles that stood between them. Eliza saw it too and felt her heart race as she leaned closer, letting her feelings guide her and then she kissed him at last, no longer having the strength to deny herself the one thing she’d wanted to do ever since she first saw him again today.


Gentle and hesitant at first as she tried to gauge his reaction but he welcomed the gesture with every fiber of his being, dropping the tools he’d held to instead pull her closer while he deepened the connection. For one pure moment, they were lost entirely to the world around them, to the chaos that held Ziost in its grasp. A fleeting moment where everything felt right and good but it ended too quick when Eliza felt a terrifying presence draw near.


“He’s almost here…” she sighed with a heavy heart and pulled away from Theron “Is the weapon ready?”


“Yeah, come” Theron led her to the center of the rooftop and activated the shield which would protect them from the electric pulse “we just need to wait until they’re good and close…”


“Any last words?” Eliza gave a wry smile while her now sweaty palms rested on the hilts of her blades.


“We don’t need any. You can do this Eliza, I believe in you.”


The elevator doors hissed open next as Master Surro, once more possessed and accompanied by several soldiers and Jedi, stepped out onto the rooftop and slowly made her approach. Theron reached for Eliza’s hand and held it while with the other, he activated the modified superweapon and sent heavy shock blasts across the platform taking the soldiers down one by one.


“I think… we got them?” he frowned and lowered the shield which protected them.


“Wrong.” Master Surro called out, prancing through the heap of unconscious bodies which she effortlessly threw aside “I almost feel insulted—did you truly believe that would stop me?” she snapped the neck of a nearby Jedi and drew closer.


Behind her, the elevator doors pulled open once again and Lana came rushing out but before she even made it within striking distance of Master Surro, the latter had thrown her aside and she fell unconscious after colliding with one of the support beams.


“I will stop you.” Eliza hissed in dangerous tones but before she could attack, Theron had rushed forward at Master Surro himself “No!”


The possessed Jedi laughed and effortlessly lift Theron up before he too was thrown far back and came crashing down against the platform so roughly he lost consciousness as well.


“Now it’s just you and I little one. I made a mistake years ago when I kept you alive, when I thought you could serve me but I won’t make that mistake again.”


“Fight him Master Surro as you did before! Remember your training, remember the code!” Eliza tried in vain and Vitiate laughed her attempt off.




Dark clouds drew up overhead and heavy rain began pelting down against the platform as Vitiate poured all his strength into Master Surro and lunged forward to attacked. Their swords clashed almost in perfect sync with the thunder which blasted through darkened skies and while straining herself against the assault, Eliza began to reach deep within herself to awaken her own darkness and seek its guidance and protection.


“Mm you’ve finally embraced your heritage.” Vitiate commented when he felt her power surge “How did it feel to realize you were born into the same darkness you’ve always fought against?”


“Gratifying.” Eliza sneered and dodged Surro’s blade “To feel like you are where you belong. You’ll understand that soon enough, when I kill you.”


Lightning struck through the sky and mirrored across the platform as Vitiate channeled Surro’s powers in Eliza’s direction “Such sudden confidence but it changes nothing. You’ll die as everyone else has, as your entire lineage died and I’ll rise again stronger than ever before!”


Eliza caught the stream on her blades and pushed back. It tooker greater effort than she’d expected and though the darkness inside of her served her as well as it had in the past, its strength felt diminished in the presence of her biggest adversary and she struggled.


“You will fail Vitiate!” she cried out and lunged forward, ready to strike but Master Surro halted her attempt and threw her back.




“It is you who will fail and perhaps I will keep you alive so you can bear witness to the destruction I’ll inflict upon this planet. So you can suffer through the thousands of deaths, knowing their blood is on your hands!”


Master Surro ripped one of the support beams atop the roof loose from its bolts and hurled it in Eliza’s direction but she dove aside just in time.


There was a harsh truth in his words and they played upon a fear Eliza had carried with her from the moment she’d discovered Vitiate was alive and planning his return—the terrifying thought she’d be to blame for every death which followed now but it fueled her as well and she propelled herself forward.


“No! None shall ever fall victim to you again Vitiate!” Eliza swore and drove both her blades into Master Surro, her strength suddenly revived and once more they battled trading blows.


“I may have failed before but this time I won’t!”


She began beating Master Surro back, fluidly dodging the Jedi’s blades while thrusting her own forward and she soon gained the upper hand. With one final strike, she slid her lightsaber between the woman’s ribs and knocked her out with the hilt of her other sword.


Master Surro fell to the ground injured and defeated though alive still and as Vitiate’s hold withdrew from the woman and her visage returned to normal, Eliza crouched down next to her and checked her eyes.


“Is she…?” Theron croaked behind them and pushed himself up to rush over.


“No, she’ll live…” Eliza inspected the fallen Jedi and felt her stir “and she’s coming to.”


“I saw everything…” Master Surro spoke in agonizing whispers “Every life he took… I took. It’s all I can see anymore… I’m a monster.”


“No no, that’s not true. You’ll be okay.” Theron promised and knelt down at her side, his face overcome with concern and the faintest hint of guilt “I’ll bring you back to Tython where the Jedi can help restore your mind, mend your soul.”


“No you won’t.” Lana came up behind them as well having recovered from her fall “We should keep her here and explore her mind, find out what it was that helped Vitiate form such a connection with her.”


“Hasn’t she been through enough?” Theron shot back “The last thing she needs now is further intrusion into her mind!”


“We need answers Theron! This threat isn’t over yet and we can’t risk the faith of the galaxy just to assuage your guilt!”


Eliza sighed deeply as the bickering seemed to only further antagonize Master Surro who’d curled up and whimpered quietly.


“Enough, both of you.” she came in between.


“Theron, take her to the Jedi and go quick. We cannot risk her falling under his control yet again. The Jedi can protect and save her.”


“Eliza! You cannot—” Lana began but Eliza cut her off.


“Yes I am Lana and do not argue! She’s frail enough as it is, if we subject her to any invasive mind procedures now we’ll likely only destroy whichever strength she has left and leave her utterly defenseless against further possession—she goes with Theron.”


“You’ll doom us all!” Lana spat angrily “I hope you’re happy!” she stalked off back towards the elevators muttering continued objections.


“Thank you…” Theron gave Eliza a wry smile.


Together they helped Master Surro up and Theron supported the Jedi under his arm “I don’t want to leave like this, and we need to talk about… earlier, but I should get her offworld as quick as possible, and contact Saresh to see if I can persuade her to call off her army…”


“It’s okay Theron...” Eliza gently touched her hand to his cheek “Take care of her and get to safety.”


“Eliza I love you.”


“I know.” she softly kissed his cheek and smiled “Go now, before it’s too late.”


With great reluctance, Theron said goodbye to her and hurried towards the elevators with Master Surro, fighting the clock out of fear Vitiate may possess her again at any moment.


Eliza remained behind and reached into her pocket for her com device so she could update Darth Marr but she had trouble maintaining a decent connection.


“Hello? Darth Marr do you read me?” she tried several times but all she could see was his image. The words he spoke never reached her and soon enough, Lana re-appeared claiming to experience similar issues.


“It might be the storm but we should head up to the space station and see if we can reach anyone from there.” she suggested.


“Yeah alright.” Eliza agreed.


They set off to commandeer the nearest shuttle they could find parked in New Adasta and headed quickly for the space station above Ziost but no sooner than they’d landed, a massive surge of power could be felt and the entire structure shook.


Eliza rushed for the observation deck, panicked and she slapped a flat hand against the viewport, her eyes widened as she became witness to the devastation down below on the surface of Ziost. She could feel him, Vitiate, stronger than ever before and the Dark Side which hungered, demanding to be fed and for just a moment Eliza unwittingly delighted in its intoxicating thrall. It felt good, invigorating, empowering but then a completely different feeling took over.


Down below, color drained away from the planet with each life Vitiate took and suddenly the defeat he’d promised she would experience set in. Death lingered all around her now, choking her slowly and assaulting her senses and mind. Every Force user devoured by Vitiate, whether Jedi or Sith, seemed to pass through her and she could taste their deaths. She felt their anguish, their horror and fear, the agony they experienced in the last seconds of their lives.


The experience consumed her and forced her down onto her knees, hot tears now streaming along her cheeks as the dead seemed to punish her for her arrogance and failure. She could feel them all around her now, clouding her mind and clawing at her skin, blinding her sight until she collapsed fully and fell to an all encompassing sense of defeat unlike any she’d ever felt before, an endless dark void.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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I really enjoyed your take on the Ziost events, and especially the more personal interactions with Theron. It's nice to see that after a couple months apart, he still has stong feelings.


The descriptions were well done, I liked how the battle was in time with the thunder and lightning, it made the imagery very exciting. I'm glad that Kira wasn't the sell out we were lead to believe because of Saresh. I hate that woman soooo much.


Theron was good fun, I liked the tension between them, each one holding back a bit, for their respective reasons. I'm glad they managed to get things out in the open, so it'll be interesting to see what happens next. ^^

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Nice take on the Ziost ordeal and Vitiate does like to taunt, bastard. Yes, Eliza has embraced the darkness, let her show you some of what she has learned.


I always felt a bit bad for Kovach, in game. His situation always reminded me a bit of Quinn, stuck between a rock and a hard place, but it made me hate Saresh a bit more, it that is possible.


It was nice to see Kira vindicated, likely a relief to Eliza, and then more hate for Saresh piled on. I do hate that witch so much.


And then the reunion with Theron, each holding back a bit, Eliza more than him, I think, because she doesn't want to commit herself to a relationship that is likely a dead end and she has been through enough with Scourge already. Do we see some clandestine trysts in their future? Looking forward to see where this leads.

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Ziost: Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. It was a fun, but heart breaking, epilogue to Shadow of Revan. I like your re-interpretation of it and how the characters interacted. Eliza has clearly has broken away from being a Jedi, and is starting to be her own person a part from the Jedi, Scourge, and Theron Shan. Always good to see, and the fact that she was able to start doing so in spite of Ziost spiralling down into 200% chaos says a lot about how Eliza has grown as a person through her hardship.


Good work on the chapter :D. Now time for you to rest your brain and celebrate all the writing!

Edited by vadess
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I really enjoyed your take on the Ziost events, and especially the more personal interactions with Theron. It's nice to see that after a couple months apart, he still has stong feelings.


The descriptions were well done, I liked how the battle was in time with the thunder and lightning, it made the imagery very exciting. I'm glad that Kira wasn't the sell out we were lead to believe because of Saresh. I hate that woman soooo much.


Theron was good fun, I liked the tension between them, each one holding back a bit, for their respective reasons. I'm glad they managed to get things out in the open, so it'll be interesting to see what happens next. ^^

I'm happy you liked Ziost. It's a story arc I both love and loathe and I didn't want to spend too much focus on the quest process... glad it balanced out.


Yeah, Kira had to be vindicated and I'd like to think no matter how much she may be pissed off with Eliza or the JK in general for switching sides, she'd never stoop that low.


Theron... both will return home now so we'll have to see what chance they have for a future, if any. :) Thank you for your feedback.



Nice take on the Ziost ordeal and Vitiate does like to taunt, bastard. Yes, Eliza has embraced the darkness, let her show you some of what she has learned.


I always felt a bit bad for Kovach, in game. His situation always reminded me a bit of Quinn, stuck between a rock and a hard place, but it made me hate Saresh a bit more, it that is possible.


It was nice to see Kira vindicated, likely a relief to Eliza, and then more hate for Saresh piled on. I do hate that witch so much.


And then the reunion with Theron, each holding back a bit, Eliza more than him, I think, because she doesn't want to commit herself to a relationship that is likely a dead end and she has been through enough with Scourge already. Do we see some clandestine trysts in their future? Looking forward to see where this leads.

Oh she showed him, it just simply wasn't enough still.


I'm kinda double on the Kovach thing. On one hand he's worse than Quinn in my eyes because loathsome as they both are, Saresh isn't Baras and I'm certain Kovach had a lot more 'choice' in the matter when he decided to work as her spy. On the other hand though especially once you get his post-death letter, I do always feel a little bad. It's obvious his main concern was the safety of the galaxy, of all people involved regardless of sides.


You're not done hating Saresh yet. ;)


Dating Theron right now would be a dead end, impossible. At least establishing a proper relationship would be and just plain unrealistic regardless of what either of them may want or feel. We'll see where they're headed in the future.


Thanks for replying Misha.



Ziost: Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. It was a fun, but heart breaking, epilogue to Shadow of Revan. I like your re-interpretation of it and how the characters interacted. Eliza has clearly has broken away from being a Jedi, and is starting to be her own person a part from the Jedi, Scourge, and Theron Shan. Always good to see, and the fact that she was able to start doing so in spite of Ziost spiralling down into 200% chaos says a lot about how Eliza has grown as a person through her hardship.


Good work on the chapter :D. Now time for you to rest your brain and celebrate all the writing!

Yup, Ziost is always one big mess and I gotta say, it was heartbreaking especially on my first play-through which happened to be on my Jedi Knight lol. Eliza's slowly coming into her own and I think as much as she hates being away from Scourge and dealing with the love-drama, it's probably good for her to be by herself a bit.


I had a good day yesterday and actually wrote two chapters so I'll likely post one either later today or tomorrow, thank you for reading and for your support. :)

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66: Life Goes On.



Dromund Kaas wept for its sister that day, the rain washing down more profoundly than any citizen had ever witnessed it before. Wounded tears for all the fallen, for each soul lost on Ziost and the news travelled quickly. The streets of Kaas City were flooded not only by the rain but by confused and angered Imperials and Sith alike who couldn’t understand why their own Emperor would do such a thing. People who’d lost family and friends that day demanding justice and vengeance.


Elsewhere though, far removed from the city, a shuttle landed and Lana opened up the side doors to pull her passenger out “I could use a hand.” she told Darth Marr.


“I’ve got her.” Darth Marr lift Eliza into his arms and observed her calmly while her head sunk down towards his shoulder.


For hours now, ever since the fall of Ziost, Eliza had been out of it—lost to the world. Her eyes remained open but she was unresponsive. She hadn’t spoken a word, she hadn’t reacted to anyone trying to draw her attention and she hadn’t moved. It had taken the help of another Imperial to carry Eliza towards the shuttle which Lana had then flown back to Dromund Kaas.


“Is it the Emperor, did he get inside her head again?” Me’ghan asked with concern when Darth Marr carried Eliza inside his manor and settled her onto the sofa.


“I don’t think so, I believe I’d sense him if that were the case.”


He turned around to Lana “You did right bringing her here—others should not see one of our own like this and the city is in chaos. Contact the Wrath, find out if he’s reached Imperial space yet.”


“Where’s Quinn?” he asked Me’ghan next.


“With his parents. They had old friends on Ziost, people they once served with, he’s breaking the news to them.”


Ravage, who’d been meeting with Darth Marr when he’d received Lana’s call, sat down on the sofa and waved a hand before Eliza’s eyes to see if she’d follow his movement or not.


“It’s like she’s not really in there.” he observed.


“She’s in shock, trapped inside her own mind.” Darth Marr realized and pulled up a chair at her side before taking Eliza’s hands in his own.


“I’m going to see if I can reach her through the Force. Leave us and make sure we’re not interrupted.”


The room quickly cleared of distractions and Me’ghan posted herself outside the massive wooden double doors as a way of keeping guard while Darth Marr surrendered himself to the dark side of the Force and sought out his apprentice.



He found her, in the deepest and darkest corner of her own mind surrounded by grim and colorless visages of those she loved, those who mattered to her. Darth Marr saw himself, Lord Scourge, Quinn, Me’ghan, four unfamiliar faces and the Agent who’d been with them on Yavin. He also saw two versions of Eliza—one fighting a vision of the Emperor on a constant loop while the other sat a ways away, knelt down and in tears as time after time her loved ones fell all around her meeting their deaths.


“It’s my fault, my fault. All my fault. I failed. I always fail.” she muttered quietly rocking back and forth while she watched herself fight Vitiate and be defeated.


“Eliza.” Darth Marr towered over her but she didn’t respond.


An agonizing scream escaped her as her other self was defeated again and once more those she loved were killed off one by one.


Darth Marr knelt down beside her “Eliza stop. This isn’t real.”


“Yes it is. It’s the truth, the only truth. You’ll die. Everyone dies, they always do. It’s my fault.”


It was as though she looked right through him “You’re not real. You’re there. You’ll die.”


“Eliza!” he said again, louder this time while he trapped her jaw between his thumb and index finger “Look at me! I’m right here, I’m not dead and none of this is real!”


Fiercely red eyes, the only color that seemed to exist in this world of hers, looked up at him from underneath her tear soaked lashes “You’re a lie, a trap. He’s trying to give me false hope.”


Behind them, Theron and Eliza’s grandparents let out a piercing cry as they were robbed of their lives, closely followed by Kira and Doc and then the visage Darth Marr himself.


“See, you’re dead. You always die and I’m always powerless…” Eliza said and her bottom lip quivered “I can’t escape this…”


“Yes you can. Snap out of it Eliza.” he tried but it was no use.


She heard his words but they didn’t ring true, not in the face of everything she witnessed on a constant repeat. The cries of her loved ones, the laughter coming from Vitiate drowning every truth out and keeping her rooted in fear and sorrow.


Everything began to fade away slowly and though Darth Marr tried to hold on, to convince her to break free of her own prison, he lost his grip and was returned to reality.



“I can’t get through to her.” he announced when he let Me’ghan, Lana and Ravage back into the room “She’s stuck in a mental loop where those she loves continuously die at the hands of the Emperor.”


“Let me try.” Ravage said and turned towards Eliza.


“You?” a snort escaped Me’ghan “Please. You’re her least favorite person.”




Ravage sat himself down next to Eliza and pulled her towards him, closing both his arms around her and taking her hands in his own as he focused in a similar fashion Darth Marr had done earlier.



He witnessed the same repetitive scene but rather than pay it a moment’s attention, he strode over towards Eliza who still sat knelt on the ground and grabbed her by the arm. Ravage pulled her up to her feet and turned her around, facing away from constant deaths that plagued her.


“Quite the horror scene you’ve fabricated here for yourself Seraphine.” he commented dryly.


She went to argue but then stopped, as if she didn’t recognize him at all but then she frowned too and for a second stopped crying “You’re… out of place. You don’t belong here…”


“Neither do you but still here we are.”


“No… I do. You don’t. How are you here? I don’t like you. You should go before you die too.” she moved to turn away again but Ravage grabbed her by the shoulders.


“Enough Seraphine. Enough whining and crying or whatever it is you’re doing to yourself right now. You’ve always insisted to me you’re Sith so now prove it. Get over it. Get over this and just snap out of it already.” he shook her roughly as he spat out his words.


“Stop. You’re just another lie. A plague. A nightmare. You’re not real.”


“No?” Ravage gave her a foul smirk “Then how come I can do this?”


He called upon just a fraction of his power and began to channel a wave of Force lightning into Eliza, shocking her as the energy coursed through her veins and caused her body to convulse. A scream escaped her and she collapsed forward into his arms but right before he could catch her, they both vanished from the darkness.



Eliza found herself brought back to reality and gasped. The clear blue returned to her eyes and an angered fluster crept upon her paled cheeks as she turned in Ravage’s embrace and slapped him hard across the face.


“You fu.cking son of a—” she went to hit him again but he caught her wrist.


“I believe you mean ‘thank you’?”


She scoffed and swiftly moved away “Where… Ziost, I was…” Eliza looked around the room and then saw Me’ghan, Lana and Darth Marr “How?”


“Lana flew you back here. You… were in shock, it seems like.” Me’ghan sat herself between Ravage and Eliza “What happened?”


“I…” Eliza took a deep breath while she started to regain color and a sense of self “Vitiate he, he killed everyone and everything and I… every Sith, every Jedi who died it’s like I was connected to all of them. I could feel their deaths, I could hear their screams, feel their brief and yet endless suffering… It was too much, I blacked out.”


She lowered her head into the palms of her hands “I can still feel them… so much death. No one survived did they?”


“No.” Darth Marr shook his head slowly “Save for those at the spaceport and those who were evacuated on time. A couple hundred.”


“I’m sorry… I failed everybody.”


“Oh stop.” Ravage let out an exasperated sigh and got up “Your self pity won’t serve anyone now.”


“Ravage…” Me’ghan warned.


“He’s right.” Eliza admitted “I can’t… I shouldn’t dwell on this now, it won’t help.”


“See, I’m right.” a smug response came from Ravage “We should convene the Council to go over every detail and restore order in Kaas City.”


“Wait. I…” Eliza wasn’t sure what she wanted to say or do but she stepped closer to him nonetheless “I… thank you. For, pulling me out of there… out of, well, I’d say hell comes pretty close.” she gave a weak smile and then ever so lightly kissed his cheek.


“Yeah… uh, anyways, just make sure you…” he fumbled with his words, suddenly feeling out of his comfort zone but then he shifted back into his brusque self “Just get over it soon. The Council will need a full recount of events, without your incessant crying.”


“Right.” Eliza took the comment remarkably well “I should go too,” she started next as Ravage left “I need to freshen up and get a change of clothes, I feel like death’s lingering all around me.”


“We’ll meet in two hours, will that work for you?” Darth Marr asked.


“Yeah, it will and… thank you. I remember you now, showing up. I just, couldn’t…”


She’d hug him too, she felt tempted enough but at the risk of meeting nothing but an ice cold response, she kept herself at bay and smiled at Me’ghan “You’ll let Quinn know I’m good? Oh and Lana… thank you for bringing me home.”


“Did you get in touch with the Wrath?” Darth Marr turned to Lana after waiting for Eliza to leave. He couldn't be sure how she'd react to his return and right now he felt she had enough on her plate already.


“He should be here by nightfall.”






“Ugh that meeting was probably the most depressing one we’ve ever had.” Eliza let out a groan as she followed Vowrawn into his private chambers but before she could even step inside, someone lunged at her from the shadows and she just barely kept her attacker at bay by use of the Force.


“Darius!” Vowrawn scolded and gave his nephew a stern glare “What did I tell you?”


“But uncle she’s—” the little Pureblood protested as he tried to fight through the barrier Eliza kept up.


“A Sith now and a member of the Dark Council.”


“I don’t care!” Darius sneered “I said I would make her pay! I’m Sith, I have to avenge what she did!”


A smile curled up at the corners of Eliza’s mouth and her eyes twinkled with amusement. She’d completely forgotten about Darius and his connection to Vowrawn.


“Sorry. I caught him trying to sneak into my club last night with a few of his friends, to impress them. I’ve kept him here for now until the unrest over Ziost settles down.” Vowrawn explained to Eliza.


“It’s fine.” she dropped her guard when Darius appeared to finally give up “How about I make you a deal?” she asked him next, toying with the idea of half entertaining the kid who seemed so hell bent on revenge.




Eliza bit back a chuckle as she observed his stubborn and fiery attitude, so different from his uncle “When you graduate from the Academy, come seek me out and we’ll have a friendly duel instead. Just to see who’s the better fighter.”


The boy eyed her curiously and took his time considering his options and answer but then came with something far more unexpected “If I win, will you take me on as an apprentice?”


“Uh…” Eliza glanced over at Vowrawn and furrowed her brows “I… you don’t want to follow in your uncle’s footsteps?”


“Bah, no! What he does is boring and stupid. I want to fight! Like you and Darth Marr and the Wrath! I want to be a warrior!”


“I see.” she laughed “But I thought you wanted me dead.”


“Well maybe I don’t, not if you train me to be like you.”


Eliza clacked her tongue “If your uncle doesn’t mind… and if you complete your training at the Academy, without sneaking out… and defeat me in a duel then, sure.”


“Oh I’m fine with it. He’s made it clear he has no interest in my line of work for the Empire.” Vowrawn sighed dramatically but with a smile.


“Your work sucks! I don’t care about logistics and stupid stuff!”


“So you’ve said, a dozen times over. Now go wait outside and I’ll be with you in a moment after I’m done talking to Darth Seraphine.”


Darius rolled his eyes and marched outside, slamming the door just a tad harder than was necessary.


“It’s strange…” Eliza mused “You don’t strike me as the parental type at all.”


“I’m not, and I’m actually his great uncle but I’m also the only one he’s got left. He was three when they brought him here. It’s odd to think it’s already been ten years… he’s spent most his time at boarding school though and now the Academy. As you say, I’m not the parental type.”


“Well, doesn’t look like you’re doing too bad with him.”


Vowrawn nodded and then drew her closer to him. He kissed her lips but the very second he did, he noticed something was off and he didn’t need to guess what “You’re about to put an end to our little get togethers, aren’t you?”


“Mmm yeah.”


She gave him an apologetic smile “I need more. I want more, and not from you, I know that’s not who you are but Ziost… it made me rethink my life and…”


“I enjoy what we do, immensely but I miss just spending all night in bed with someone who loves me. Talking, exchanging small affections, loving each other. Waking up in his arms knowing that everything is right, as it should be. That I’m safe and the best version of me… like I’m whole, you know? Complete. I want that, and need it.”


“I want love… real love.”


“Well then,” Vowrawn leaned in and pressed his lips against her forehead “I hope you find it Eliza.”


“I will miss you though.” he added with a hint of a smirk.


“Oh I’ll still be around, I just won’t be taking my clothes off for you anymore.” she gave a cheeky grin.


“Ewww what!” Darius re-entered Vowrawn’s chambers with his face screwed up in disgust.


Eliza flustered and turned to look away, biting down hard on her bottom lip to prevent from laughing while Vowrawn merely scolded his nephew “That’s what you get for eavesdropping.”


“I have to, you never tell me anything!”


“And now you know why. Out.”


With a huff and sickened look, Darius stomped off again and Eliza finally began to laugh.


“So what will you do now?” Vowrawn asked her when the laughter subsided “Try to reconcile with the Wrath?”


“No… I, damn—I haven’t even spoken to him yet, I should probably inform him about Ziost.” she realized.


“But relationship wise, I think I’m just going to devote to the Empire and myself for a while. Be my own person without all these complications.”


“Oh no don’t you do that. You’ve just started to blossom Eliza, don’t become like Marr.”


“I’m not saying forever, just right now. I need to focus on me and my duty and perhaps over time, everything else will simply fall into place.”


“If you’re certain…” Vowrawn conceded though he wasn’t convinced a future without love and passion was the right path for her “Now, before you leave, there’s one more thing.”




“While you were gone, Trask caught some interlopers on your property and he called Ravage. Two of them died a most brutal death but the one leading them was imprisoned underneath the Citadel. We figured you might like to interrogate him yourself, as he appears to be an old acquaintance of yours.”


“Who is it?” Eliza frowned.


“Fideltin Rusk.”

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Glad to see you're inspired again. :)


I liked the mourning displayed on Dromund Kaas, over the loss of Ziost. It makes sense that there would be people with families there that lost loved ones in the devouring.


And Ravage stepping up to the plate to help Eliza, that was surprising in some ways, but then I guess given the chance to zap her and chide her, was too much for him to resist lol. Like that part very much. Why Ravage, you did a nice. :p


Also the parting of ways was done well, and makes sense with what happened. I can see an experience like Ziost forcing a person to reexamine their priorities in life.


I'm looking forward to the next to see Scourge again (hopefully) and see what Rusk's deal is. ^^

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So happy to see you post. :D I did love the imagery of Dromund Kaas weeping for the loss of her sister planet and of course the people would have been deeply affected as well since relatives had likely lost their lives. A dark time to be sure.


Ravage, of all people, to break Eliza out of her nightmare prison, but it makes sense also. He does not have a horse in this race, he is not emotionally involved and there was always contention between them, it was the right choice. I did like the idea of her nightmare being on a constant loop, making her relive it all, over and over again. Not sure if this was self inflicted or just Vitiate's way of keeping his word to her about keeping her alive to witness the destruction. Perhaps a bit of both.


It was wise for her to break it off with Vowrawn at this point, nothing like what happened on Ziost to make one reconsider their priorities. He used her, she used him, they both know it, but that time has passed and she now needs more purpose in her life. I get it.


Rusk huh? She never cared for him to begin with, what is up with that and what was he up to?


I am both looking forward to and dreading Scourge's return, depending on where you take the story, it should be interesting either way. And I am sure we have not heard the last of Theron although they live in vastly different worlds with vastly different philosophies, I am anxious to see where you take this also, now that he has her holo frequency again.


Totally enjoyable chapter. :D

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To echo Misha's words, this was indeed a "totally enjoyable chapter. You always pull me into that world so completely that for a few minutes I am there, seeing everything that happens as though it was on a movie screen. That is until I reach the end of the chapter and get rudely thrown back out into reality again :D


I thought it was great that Ravage was the one to reach Eliza, and a very logical choice. Making someone angry is a great way to pull them out of whatever other emotion they are trapped in.


I can see why Eliza had to end her relationship with Vowrawn. It was a little bit sad but then the comic relief at the end made it kind of cute. Of course we all knew that it was just temporary and there is no doubt that Vowrawn will survive.


Very curious to see what happens with Scourge when he gets back:)

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Glad to see you're inspired again. :)


I liked the mourning displayed on Dromund Kaas, over the loss of Ziost. It makes sense that there would be people with families there that lost loved ones in the devouring.


And Ravage stepping up to the plate to help Eliza, that was surprising in some ways, but then I guess given the chance to zap her and chide her, was too much for him to resist lol. Like that part very much. Why Ravage, you did a nice. :p


Also the parting of ways was done well, and makes sense with what happened. I can see an experience like Ziost forcing a person to reexamine their priorities in life.


I'm looking forward to the next to see Scourge again (hopefully) and see what Rusk's deal is. ^^

The mourning over Ziost had to happen—I didn't feel right just skipping over it. It was bad enough that the game kinda glosses over the aftermath like "whatever", I couldn't do so in the story. I mean we are talking about the death of an entire planet, an Imperial planet with significant importance to the Empire.


Ravage... yeah, look at him stepping up for a person he 'hates'. It was a good way for him to involve himself in their circle and, it didn't quite shine through as such but he managed to do something Marr could not and that's bound to satisfy him a little. Plus as you say, he got to be a d!ck while still doing a nice so it works out lol.


The time was right to say goodbye to sexy shenanigans with Vowrawn. Between seeing Theron again and having her love for him, and Scourge still, pull at her all over again while witnessing the tragedy on Ziost it just brought her to a point of checking her priorities and realizing what she wants for herself in life.


Rusk is going to be fun. Or not. We'll see. ;)


Thank you for the feedback, glad to see I haven't lost anyone. ♥



So happy to see you post. :D I did love the imagery of Dromund Kaas weeping for the loss of her sister planet and of course the people would have been deeply affected as well since relatives had likely lost their lives. A dark time to be sure.


Ravage, of all people, to break Eliza out of her nightmare prison, but it makes sense also. He does not have a horse in this race, he is not emotionally involved and there was always contention between them, it was the right choice. I did like the idea of her nightmare being on a constant loop, making her relive it all, over and over again. Not sure if this was self inflicted or just Vitiate's way of keeping his word to her about keeping her alive to witness the destruction. Perhaps a bit of both.


It was wise for her to break it off with Vowrawn at this point, nothing like what happened on Ziost to make one reconsider their priorities. He used her, she used him, they both know it, but that time has passed and she now needs more purpose in her life. I get it.


Rusk huh? She never cared for him to begin with, what is up with that and what was he up to?


I am both looking forward to and dreading Scourge's return, depending on where you take the story, it should be interesting either way. And I am sure we have not heard the last of Theron although they live in vastly different worlds with vastly different philosophies, I am anxious to see where you take this also, now that he has her holo frequency again.


Totally enjoyable chapter. :D

Dark times indeed. As I told Luna, I just didn't feel right moving on as though it hadn't happened at all you know? It didn't feel right.


Ravage was a suitable choice. Despite him constantly lurking around, the two of them aren't exactly friends or close. He's probably one of the last people who'd ever show up in the mental prison she was stuck in, someone she'd never imagine there meaning he'd have to be real and had a better chance of shaking her out of it than a loved one did. Especially since he's pretty rough in his way of doing so.


And it's a prison of her own design mostly. Shock over Ziost, the fact she once more failed to defeat Vitiate (which by now is kind of like the third time), it sent her into a shocked/catatonic like state where her biggest fear is being realised on a constant loop - losing all those who matter to her while she remains powerless to defeat her biggest enemy ever, while she continues to fail. I wasn't sure if it would be over the top but with her past as the in-game Jedi Knight it just felt as though the Ziost affair should have a big and somewhat traumatizing impact.


You're 100% right on Vowrawn too. They had their fun but the tragedy of Ziost sobered her up quite a bit and helped her decide it was time to move on and focus on what she truly wants in life.


Rusk will be fine, he's totally just visiting an old friend to make amends...


As for Scourge and Theron... don't think we've seen or heard the last of them yet.


Thanks for the feedback Misha and I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter, that really makes me feel better. :)



To echo Misha's words, this was indeed a "totally enjoyable chapter. You always pull me into that world so completely that for a few minutes I am there, seeing everything that happens as though it was on a movie screen. That is until I reach the end of the chapter and get rudely thrown back out into reality again :D


I thought it was great that Ravage was the one to reach Eliza, and a very logical choice. Making someone angry is a great way to pull them out of whatever other emotion they are trapped in.


I can see why Eliza had to end her relationship with Vowrawn. It was a little bit sad but then the comic relief at the end made it kind of cute. Of course we all knew that it was just temporary and there is no doubt that Vowrawn will survive.


Very curious to see what happens with Scourge when he gets back:)

Yeah sadly I can't make the chapters last indefinitely ;) but I'm grateful for the compliment and glad you enjoyed it so much!


You're right. Ravage was the logical and perfect choice. They don't get along and rather than trying to talk her out of her sadness and misery, he pretty much roughly shook her out of it with some as.shole comments and violence. And it worked.


Vowrawn will get over it. He never had serious intentions relationship wise, the two of them were just some fun and mutual 'using' to scratch an itch and such. They enjoy each others company though so it's not like they'll never hang out again but as Eliza said, she won't be taking her clothes off for him anymore lol.


Thanks for responding Fox, and nice to see you're still reading. ♥

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It seems like the end of Ziost...


Everyone looking to the future. Things SEEM to be settling down. Potential reconciliation, and possibilities.






Look forward to next chapter :D

Oh there's still ends that need to be tied up and figured out. ;)


As for Zakuul... dread it. It may be part of the sequel, should I go down that road and I have various ways of approaching that in mind but kind of hate it too. Big part of me wants to ignore Zakuul ever happens lol. We'll see but we're not there yet.


Thanks for the feedback ♥

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67: Surprise.



“Rusk? Seriously? What was he doing there?” Eliza huffed as she followed Vowrawn marching down the corridors of the prisons underneath the Citadel.


“That’s what we hope you’ll be able to find out.”


She scoffed and quickened her pace with a sense of frustration “I should have squeezed the life out of that worm months ago.”


The doors into the interrogation room flew open and Eliza found Ravage already waiting inside, along with Rusk strapped to a torture display and the Chagrian’s eyes shot daggers her way. She observed the scene and then moved the electrode patches from his arms over to his lethorns instead.


“The lethorns, highly sensitive.” she explained her actions to the other two “Why are you here Rusk? Come to scold me some more for not being Jedi enough?”


He acknowledged her with a foul glare but said nothing.


“What do you know of the others he was with?” she asked Ravage next “And why were you called?”


“Trask knew you were on Ziost so he contacted me, seeing as I’m the one who introduced you to him.” he explained “As for the men he was with, Intelligence identified them as Karsim and Eckerd, black ops. Supposed to be imprisoned on Berrun.”


Immediately, something in the back of Eliza’s mind began to draw on her focus as the names carried some familiarity. She’d heard them before, she just couldn’t place it at first but then it clicked.


“There’s only one woman… well, two, who could have gotten them out of there but mostly one with motive.” she narrowed her eyes on Rusk “Your old buddies huh? The ones who killed women and children? And you dared criticize me, tsk.”


His silence remained and Eliza rolled her eyes “There are other means of making you talk you know? I’ve never really done this before but these two” she indicated at Vowrawn and Ravage “I’m sure they know what to do so it’s up to you really.”


“Oh it’s easy” Ravage showed her to the controls “see this switch here? It’ll amp up the intensity with one being the lowest and five… well, that one would actually silence him permanently so steer clear, at least until you’ve got your answers.”


“And warn me if you do go to five, I’d like to get out of here before then—the stench lingers for days.” Vowrawn added casually and pulled up a chair to make himself comfortable.


“Marr’s not taught you any of this, has he? Although he is a little more old school, prefers using his own powers over machines.” Ravage commented and guided her hand towards the switch “Go ahead, try.”


For a moment Eliza flashed back to her time aboard the Emperor’s fortress when Chaskar had encouraged her to torture Kira in a similar fashion. She hadn’t been able to do it then and made up an excuse to get out of it but Rusk seemed like a far more appealing target. She’d never enjoyed his presence to begin with but she’d accepted his help, it had felt like the right thing to do and as Jedi she pretty much welcomed anybody but with the way they’d parted she’d lost all tolerance for the Chagrian.


“Last chance for answers Rusk.” she declared and when he once more failed to respond, she activated the device.


A low humming sounded through the room as waves of electricity poured into Rusk’s body and he shuddered several times, gritting his teeth against the pain though he fought hard too not to let it show and remained quiet while Eliza turned the device off again.


Ravage leaned sideways against the nearest wall and sighed disappointedly “You might want to try two, or go straight to three. These types are usually well trained to deal with this kind of pain.”


“Just tell us why you’re here Rusk, what were you doing at my mansion? I mean I’ve got a pretty good guess but I’d like to hear it from you.”


“You might as well go straight to five you filthy Sith harlot—I’m not telling you a thing.” Rusk finally snarled and spat down at Eliza’s feet.


The anger she’d felt the day he’d left resurfaced within an instant and Eliza balled her fists.


“I was right about you, about how you’d changed. Falling for that Pureblood manipulator, forsaking your Jedi vows. Disgusting.”


“Yeah, it turns out you were right. I did change, I have changed and I had fallen for Scourge” Eliza admitted while forcing herself to stay calm “but you had no right to bring any of that up then. You were out of line and I should have killed you that day on the ship. I would have had Scourge not stopped me but I’m glad you’re here giving me a second chance to do so now.”


She cranked the intensity up to three and watched as Rusk’s body convulsed violently, slapping back against the table with each surge that coursed through him and though the scene would have been horrifying to her months ago, she secretly enjoyed it now.


“Talk.” Eliza demanded when she powered the device down.




“You know, there are other means.” Vowrawn intervened and came up behind Eliza, placing his hands on her shoulders “Why don’t you try and pick apart his mind, see what he’s hiding.”


“I’ve never really—”


“Just focus. Clear your own mind and focus on his, search the Force for his voice.” he whispered below her ear and massaged her shoulders “Relax and reach out.”


Faint whispers reached her ears as she closed her eyes and surrendered to the darkness that lay just below the surface these days, so easily tapped into and like a wave it carried her straight to the thought process of her captive. Rusk may have remained silent but his thoughts spoke volumes and the truth she’d suspected quickly came to light.


“Mmm Saresh. So she offered your old squad a chance at redemption, a pardon, if they assisted you in assassinating me. Why? She’s never gone this far for a fallen Jedi before.” Eliza mused quietly while she maintained her focus and contact.


Rusk pulled on his restraints as though trying to shake her off but further answers easily revealed themselves.


“Never would have guessed I was this important to her…” Eliza broke out of the trance and smiled “She shouldn’t worry about me spilling Republic secrets, I already have and as for her feeling personally offended, because I was their ‘Hero’... oh well.”


She slowly circled around the table Rusk was strapped to and tutted “I bet you were real eager to take on this assignment, weren’t you?”


“To see you dead? Yes.” he hissed “You betrayed all of us. Kira, Doc, myself. Even that damn droid and every single person in the Republic. Then when Saresh found out Satele had had the nerve to work together with you on Yavin without bringing you in, she called me into her office instead.”


“You’re an affront to the Jedi and the Republic but many still praise your heroism and the only way for Saresh to regain her dignity after being forced to rectify her statement is to bring you to justice, by any means.”


“I see.” Eliza responded calmly “I always knew the bi.tch was dirty but this? Tell me, did you go radio silent during your mission? Because you probably shouldn’t have. I spoke with Saresh while I was on Ziost, she could have told you I wasn’t home and then you wouldn’t be caught now.”


Rusk said nothing but Eliza could still track his mind and his facial expression confirmed it “Oh you didn’t go radio silent… she simply let you walk into a trap or, didn’t care to give you a heads up? That’s unfortunate, for you.”


Ravage stifled a chuckle and though he loathed to admit it, he was quite enjoying this side of her and she handled herself better than he’d expected.


“You got your answers Sith now just kill me.” Rusk grunted with a growing anger and though he’d rather not die, he knew it was inevitable at this point.


“Too easy.”


Vowrawn quirked a brow at her response but sat back down awaiting her next move.


“There’s something else I’d like to try, I’ve been wanting to try for a while now but I’d feel bad subjecting just any random person to it… so the honor is yours now.”


She stripped Rusk of the electrode patched stuck to his body and tightened up his restraints.


“You see, I was always Sith. I was born Sith and actually have these powers that are said to be somewhat unique. I can burn a person alive, I can heat up an object but… I’d like to see if I can heat up just certain body parts as well, without burning my subject instantly.”


“What do you say old friend?”


If his light blue skin allowed for it, Rusk would pale away but instead she simply met his widened eyes “You’re nothing like the young Jedi I once knew… you’re disgusting, vile, wretched!”


“That sounds like a ‘yes’ to me.” she shrugged.


The knowledge of Saresh and Rusk’s words had incensed her beyond measure—every part of her being ached to inflict pain, to unleash her hatred and she had for a while now wondered if she could manage to temper her gift in such a way she could harm a person with it without killing them instantly.


She slid over to Vowrawn and whispered in his ear “If this goes wrong and I pass out, take me to Darth Marr instantly. Don’t tell anyone what happened and make sure Ravage knows I’ll kill him if he spills my secret.”


Vowrawn frowned, he wasn’t entirely aware of the details surrounding her use of power but he nodded regardless “You have my word. Now, show me what you can do, I’ve been dying to find out.”


Intrigued by her speech and the mysterious exchange with Vowrawn, Ravage leaned forward and curiously narrowed his eyes on Eliza and Rusk.


It took but a second for Eliza to tap back into her darkness, to fuel herself and embrace her gift while her mind focused on Rusk. On his organs more precisely and while a darkened haze drew up within the interrogation room, she began to direct the fire which yearned inside of her towards her intended victim.


The effects proved far more useful than the torture device had been and Rusk began screaming out in sheer agony almost instantly. He felt his lungs burn and tighten, depriving him of oxygen while they scorched his insides and his heart began to race with panic and fear. The heat spread out, touching on his stomach and liver and Rusk violently pulled on the straps that held him down, desperate to claw at his own chest in a naive hope of stopping the pain but it wouldn’t.


“That’s…” Ravage stepped over to Vowrawn, never once taking his eyes off the scene unfolding before them “What is she doing?”


“Incinerating him from within, best I can guess.” Vowrawn said with a wide eyed grin “It sounds positively excruciating.”


There was the faintest sound of something popping or snapping and Rusk began to cough up a considerable amount of blood while his chest seemed to cave in on itself, blackened marks now blotching his skin. Eliza was tempted to push further but she also felt the power within herself growing stronger than she was and realized she was about to lose the control she’d clung to so instead she finally let up and took a step back to admire her work.


“Huh, interesting.”


Rusk didn’t hear her anymore. The little life he had left in him concentrated on easing his pain instead while slowly, the rest of his organs began to give out and his heart began to fail him.


“I think I enjoyed this better than using the machine…” she cast a glance over her shoulder at Ravage and Vowrawn and smirked “I guess I’m old school too.”


A small chuckle escaped her but then she began laughing fully, thrilled by the fact she’d taken her gift to a new level and purpose without suffering hefty consequences.


“Delightful.” Vowrawn commented with admiration and a twinkle dancing through his eyes.


Ravage however wasn’t as quick to say anything. A part of him had been more than just pleasantly surprised by her actions and what she could do but there was another part that actually for just a fraction deemed her power to be terrifying and unnatural.


“So…” Eliza stepped closer to Rusk who’d just blown out his last breath and grabbed him by the horns to pull his head back “What happens to him now?”


“That’s what slaves and cleaners are for.” Vowrawn held out a hand to her “Come, let us celebrate your first successful interrogation.”


“Mm nope. I know where that leads to and I already told you, I’m not taking my clothes off for you anymore.” Eliza laughed again.


“What?” he pretended to be offended “Are you telling me none of this turned you on, not even a little? That rush of power, that rising darkness, holding someone’s life in your hands…?”


“Oh it did.” she admitted with ease “But I’m just not going to take it out on you.”


“Are you sure?”




“Really sure?”


She chuckled “Don’t start that again.”


Ravage scoffed at their exchange and shook his head while he turned for the doors “I’ll get a crew in here to clean up. Oh and you’re welcome, once more.”


“For?” Eliza looked in his direction.


He said nothing and instead marched off into the hallways, followed by curious frowns from both Eliza and Vowrawn.


“Well then…” she said after an awkward pause “Thanks for this. I should get going too, Marr asked me to stop by… and he’s either going to be really mad at me for what I just did here or, well perhaps not so mad and proud instead.”


Quickly she said goodbye to Vowrawn and then rushed off for the elevators that would take her back to the main hub within the Citadel and then Darth Marr’s chambers. The guards let her pass and she pushed past the doors, ready to announce her presence when a sudden nearby familiarity in the Force stopped her and caught her off guard.


“Scourge…” she breathed quietly and found herself staring up into his piercing red eyes.


The sensation that washed over her was worse than when she’d been confronted with Theron again and Eliza quickly found herself caught between the urge to run away and the one that pushed her to jump into his arms instead but she chose neither.


“I… you’re back… when?”


“I demanded his return when news of Ziost first reached us, not realizing how fast it would end again too.” Darth Marr explained “I’d hoped he may be able to assist you facing Vitiate.”


“Okay…” was all Eliza managed.


“You smell of burned flesh.” were the first words out of Lord Scourge’s mouth as he observed her calmly.


“Rusk. He needed to die.”


“Naturally.” Lord Scourge responded though he had no idea what she actually meant.


“You’re back.”


“I am.”




“Unless I’m commanded otherwise.”


From behind his desk, Darth Marr observed the pair quietly and though there were things he’d wanted to discuss with the both of them, he chose to let it wait and excused himself—a gesture lost on both Lord Scourge and Eliza who now only had attention for each other.


“Are you well?” she asked, never once taking her eyes off of his.


“Quite. Are you?”


“Ask me again tomorrow.”


“I’ve missed you.” he admitted and a hint of guilt lingered on his face “I shouldn’t have left you.”


“For the Empire, right?”




The wide variety of thoughts racing through her mind now all translated to one simple thing. To three little words she’d refuse to utter, same as she had with Theron and rather than ask for his embrace, Eliza stepped back instead. The high she’d experienced earlier was gone, the joy had left her and once again she imagined herself falling to pieces in his presence.


“I think I will go home and sleep. It’s been a trying forty-eight somewhat hours…”


“Of course.” he nodded.


“Welcome home, Lord Scourge.”

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Great chapter! :D


I really enjoyed the interrogation and the exchanges between Eliza and Rusk. I also enjoyed the torture scene and how it ended up.


I also found it interesting how Vowrawn and Ravage both were contributing to teaching her to torture properly. In the end though, I felt the old school approach was best though. The table to me, actually seems lazy lol.


It's good that should didn't give in to Vowrawn, that charming devil lol. And now Scourge is back. It's nice to see he missed her. I'm curious to see where all this will lead.


Really nice work, had a good time reading and am looking forward to the next.

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Another very well written chapter....as we have come to expect from you, of course:)


One thing that occurred to me after reading the torture scene is that if Theron were there to see it, how horrified he would be. That more than the faction problems they have would be the nail in the coffin. She is definitely not who he thinks she is anymore. Good thing Scourge is back!


Looking forward to the next chapter:)

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Eliza is honing her skills quite admirably, but, it almost seemed that Ravage soaked it all in as data. Unlike Vowrawn, who seemed to revel in her technique, Ravage may see it as a threat of who she is or who she will become. Maybe he is just in a holding pattern right now.


Rusk, the diehard soldier, as much a zealot as M1 but not as entertaining. He was always a non starter for me, and I don't feel any sorrow that he is gone, but the way he went was rather gruesome, not that I'm complaining. On the other hand, had it been Saresh, I might have cheered. Eliza's reaction was nearly psychopathic, which I guess is the Sith way, but I was hoping she would be more pragmatic, like it was just something to be done, not necessarily a moment of glee.


Scourge is home, the reunion was as I expected although I was surprised by his admission that he missed her. She has built her barrier rather high, and not sure if he can scale those walls just yet. And her power may indeed be the breaking point between her and Theron, if they ever get to that point. He may love her, but can he follow her down the path she is on.



I see interesting times ahead. :)

Edited by MishaCantu
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Hmmm... Yeah, the torture is definitely not something to write to Theron about, though I did enjoy reading it. Eliza is really coming to her own as a Sith, isn't she.


And Scourge is back? Kisses of fire, awkward, or cold shoulder? And many more unknown outcomes... Definitely going to be interesting to see their reunion flourish. What I like reading through it all is how Eliza is already standing on her own: She's sticking to her boundaries, no matter how painful it is.


Nice chaper, as always. Looking forward to the next.

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Great chapter! :D


I really enjoyed the interrogation and the exchanges between Eliza and Rusk. I also enjoyed the torture scene and how it ended up.


I also found it interesting how Vowrawn and Ravage both were contributing to teaching her to torture properly. In the end though, I felt the old school approach was best though. The table to me, actually seems lazy lol.


It's good that should didn't give in to Vowrawn, that charming devil lol. And now Scourge is back. It's nice to see he missed her. I'm curious to see where all this will lead.


Really nice work, had a good time reading and am looking forward to the next.

The tables and devices have always seemed lazy and un-fun to me too. I mean why use those when you're a powerful Sith and can do so much better, and enjoy it so much more? And Rusk absolutely had all of it coming, good riddance.


Yep, Scourge is back finally and he has missed her, they've both missed each other but that doesn't really fix anything so we'll see where they go from here.


Thanks for the kind words. ♥


Another very well written chapter....as we have come to expect from you, of course:)


One thing that occurred to me after reading the torture scene is that if Theron were there to see it, how horrified he would be. That more than the faction problems they have would be the nail in the coffin. She is definitely not who he thinks she is anymore. Good thing Scourge is back!


Looking forward to the next chapter:)

Thank you for the sweet words Fox! :)


Yeah, should Theron ever find out what happened, I doubt he'd be very thrilled by it and she's not the woman he once knew anymore, she already told him as much. At the same time though, love blinds and is a powerful emotion so who knows?


Thanks for the feedback.


Eliza is honing her skills quite admirably, but, it almost seemed that Ravage soaked it all in as data. Unlike Vowrawn, who seemed to revel in her technique, Ravage may see it as a threat of who she is or who she will become. Maybe he is just in a holding pattern right now.


Rusk, the diehard soldier, as much a zealot as M1 but not as entertaining. He was always a non starter for me, and I don't feel any sorrow that he is gone, but the way he went was rather gruesome, not that I'm complaining. On the other hand, had it been Saresh, I might have cheered. Eliza's reaction was nearly psychopathic, which I guess is the Sith way, but I was hoping she would be more pragmatic, like it was just something to be done, not necessarily a moment of glee.


Scourge is home, the reunion was as I expected although I was surprised by his admission that he missed her. She has built her barrier rather high, and not sure if he can scale those walls just yet. And her power may indeed be the breaking point between her and Theron, if they ever get to that point. He may love her, but can he follow her down the path she is on.



I see interesting times ahead. :)

Ravage isn't sure what to think anymore when it comes to Eliza but he's keeping a close eye in the mean time.


I have never cared for Rusk. If I could reject him as a companion, gladly because he doesn't matter to me. I don't care for his story or presence. The way she handled him... she could have been more pragmatic and had he been a nobody, she probably would have been but there's old sores where Rusk is concerned that caused emotion to drive her rather than pragmatism.


Scourge has missed her. Relationship stuff aside, they haven't really been separated from each other since the day they met, save for the time where Scourge was kept in a coma by Satele following the events on Makeb. They're both used to being at each other's side always so being separated for over a month has been rough.


Thank you for the lovely feedback. :)


Hmmm... Yeah, the torture is definitely not something to write to Theron about, though I did enjoy reading it. Eliza is really coming to her own as a Sith, isn't she.


And Scourge is back? Kisses of fire, awkward, or cold shoulder? And many more unknown outcomes... Definitely going to be interesting to see their reunion flourish. What I like reading through it all is how Eliza is already standing on her own: She's sticking to her boundaries, no matter how painful it is.


Nice chaper, as always. Looking forward to the next.

The torture would be a bitter pill for Theron but how much of that would get soaked up by blind love, and would he be able to understand it at all? Spies aren't entirely innocent and goody-two-shoes themselves.


Eliza's reaching a point where she's choosing herself more than anything, despite her feelings for certain individuals. She's spent her life bowing down to the Jedi, doing as told, doing as expected and adjusting herself to who others want her to be. More of that will shine through in future chapters I've just finished. :)


Thanks for the feedback! ♥

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68: Difficult Conversations & Tough Requests.



A week had passed since the fall of Ziost and life on Dromund Kaas slowly returned to normal save for a few riots on occasion lead by those who no longer held faith in the Empire’s leadership. Protestors and doomsayers had been arrested swiftly and Mortis had his hands full dealing with the fall out while Darth Marr had gathered his forces, those under Eliza’s command and those with Me’ghan and mapped out new patrols to try and locate the Emperor.


“I’d rather come with you,” Eliza sighed while she stood beside him on the Achlys’ bridge “what use am I here when the threat is out there?”


“You could teach me how to lead an entire fleet?” she tried with an innocent smile.


Darth Marr folded his arms before his chest and though he wore his mask as always, it was easy enough for Eliza to discern the scowl he was giving her.


“Okay fine. But at least give me something to do.”


“Stop by the military academy and recruit anyone good enough to graduate, and keep things in check here. Get familiar with your own department and make preparations for the second patrol shift when I return next month.”


Eliza nodded but still slipped in some protest too “I don’t like the idea of you leaving. I don’t care if that makes me soft or weak but those images, they haven’t left my mind. I’m scared you’ll die, that those I love will all die. I’d rather you stay here.”


Darth Marr placed a hand at her lower back and led her towards the boarding ramp “We will all die at some point Eliza, accept that now so it won’t burden you later on in life and know that we do what we must for the Empire. Don’t let your fears cripple you or stand between you and your duty.”


“Yes well, forgive me if I’d prefer ‘at some point’ to be a long ways away from now.” she gave a slight smile.


He nodded “One may hope.”


They stepped aside to let some soldiers carrying supplies pass and Eliza glanced at Lord Scourge waiting for her outside the loading docks “Does he have any special instructions, are you sending him back out to locate Nathema?”


“No. The safety of our capital and finding Vitiate takes priority now. He’ll remain here, unless that’s a problem for you?”


“Nah. You’re right, our duty comes first.” she briefly touched his arm as a means of saying goodbye “Come back in one piece, please. There’s still plenty for me to learn from you.”


“Hmm. Eliza? Be mindful of what you do and, no more experimenting with your powers in the presence of those you shouldn’t be trusting…” Darth Marr warned and then vanished back inside the Achlys.


“You ready to head back into the city?” Lord Scourge asked as she took a small run to catch up to him.


“I was thinking just outside the city actually. I wanna check on the renovations first.”


“Sure,” he started the engine of his speeder “hop on then.”


The ride to the city wasn’t overly long and though Eliza knew better, she still took a second to enjoy his presence for the duration of their trip. To be close to him again, feel his body heat as she held onto him from behind and rested her cheek against his back. Through all the pain and drama of the past weeks, she’d missed him too.


“It’s, impressive.” Lord Scourge noted when he parked outside the maingate.


“Just wait until we get inside. I mean, it’s probably a mess right now but still… it’s huge.”


She gave him a tour of the grounds first before taking him inside to check out the various rooms and interior, leading him from one wing to the other and at last stopping at the room she’d kept in mind for him.


“I get it if you’d rather have a place of your own and I won’t be offended if you turn it down but… it comes with its own bathroom and an adjacent office and library.”


“My presence would not upset you all over again?” he quirked a ridged brow.


“I’m hoping the worst of that is behind us now… I’m not ready to get involved again, with anyone really but I wouldn’t mind us trying to be friends.”


Without saying a word, Lord Scourge lead her inside the room away from the ears of those working carefully to reconstruct the mansion “Do you no longer love me?”


“Of course I do. I… can’t seem to shut it off no matter how hard I try and I know you’re waiting to see if we’ll make it or not Scourge but…” she let out a deep sigh and sat back against the window sil.


“Look, you hurt me and I know, I’ve hurt you too, I get that and won’t deny it but your reaction after we broke up… pushing me out, pulling me back in, getting so angry over something that meant nothing… the fact you even broke up with me at all, it left a scar. Right now I don’t trust you not to hurt me again and maybe I have no right saying that but it’s how I feel so I’d rather just… pace things, you know.”


He nodded slowly, understanding perfectly well what she meant and he knew his mistakes “I never meant to. I thought I’d be okay but then imagining you with… him, that deviant? I… I’d expected you might seek out Theron but not that you would—”


“You don’t get it Scourge. Vowrawn was, a distraction and adventure, something different and exciting to dull the pain in my heart but I don’t love him in the slightest. I just, I needed something to get away from all the hurt and crying.”


She glanced outside over her shoulder as the rain began to pour down across the city once again “I did see Theron though, he showed up on Ziost.”


“Ah.” he responded calmly “How did that go?”


“Terrible, but at the same time not really? It was unexpected. We talked and I’ve promised him to stay in touch this time… and I kissed him.”


“I see.”


“I love him too Scourge.” Eliza admitted cautiously “It won’t go anywhere, ever but I’m not forcing him out of my life again either and if you’re going to cherish hopes of you and I getting back together, if that’s something you’d still want one day… then you deserve to know this at least which is the only reason I’m telling you now.”


“Thank you” Lord Scourge managed though her confession weighed heavy on him “Can you answer me one thing though?”


“I can try.”


“Say he and I were both available, both within your reach… who would you choose?”


Eliza swallowed hard and pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers “Scourge I… that’s an impossible question right now. I’ve discovered what I want but beyond that? I don’t have an answer, not even within my own mind let alone one I can give you.”


“Does it matter though?” she asked him next “I mean, say the answer is you… am I still the person you want to be with after all this, after the things I’ve just told you?”


For a while, he said nothing but instead inched closer and wrapped both his arms around her as they stood in silent embrace. His hands gently caressed along her shoulders and back and despite all they’d gone through it felt good for him to hold her again.


“I love you Eliza, and I can’t stop it. You’re a part of me and without you I’m just… the empty shell I used to be. So yes, it matters.” Lord Scourge said finally.


She stared up into his eyes and a part of her longed for more than just an embrace but such things would only send the wrong message now and instead she simply smiled “I really am glad you’re back… and the offer stands, once the renovation is completed.”


“I’ll even let you decorate it yourself.” Eliza added with a grin.


“You don’t have to sell me on the idea, you already know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Even as just a friend.”






“So it’s settled then, we’re all moving?” Eliza beamed with joy as she cleaned off the breakfast table the following morning and started dishes “And I promise, you both will have plenty privacy if you need it.”


“I believe you.” Quinn smiled, relieved to finally see some happiness in his niece again “When will the renovations be done?”


“A few more weeks Trask said. I’ve considered helping out, I mean I did help with the rebuild of the Jedi Temple too but according to pretty much everyone else here that’s just not very Sith like. We have slaves and hired workers for those things. You know it’s no wonder it took so long for them to rebuild the Sith Academy if no one’s willing to use their powers.”


“I thought you were getting used to being waited on and having servants?” Me’ghan laughed and set out to help her.


“I am it’s just… I’m impatient too, even more so when I know I could get it done much faster myself.”


“You’re antsy and restless. Are you heading for the Military Academy today like Marr suggested?”


“Yeah I guess I may—” Eliza’s com chimed, interrupting her “Excuse me.” she stepped away as she recognized the frequency.


“Theron?” she answered once she was out of earshot of everyone else.


“Hey, I’m not disturbing you am I?”


“Not at all,” Eliza snuck into Quinn’s office and sat down “how are you? I’ve been meaning to call I just…”


“Yeah, same here. I’ve been wanting to ask but I’m not sure I actually want to know whether… well if that kiss meant anything at all…”


“It means that I love you and care about you Theron but beyond that… who the hell knows? It’s not like we’ve got options.”


“I know, but for what it’s worth… it was nice Eliza and I just wish it wasn’t all we’ll ever have.”


Through the holo feed she could see he was so earnest and genuine in the way he felt and it played on her emotions “Tell me how we could possibly ever work, realistically and I’d consider it but… I don’t think there’s a way.”


“We could disappear. Go back to Rishi or something, get a little home for ourselves just outside of Old City and just hide from the rest of the galaxy. You liked it there right?” he tried with a smile though she could tell by his tone of voice he wasn’t entirely serious.


Still, she indulged the fantasy for just a moment “And do what? Laze on our backsides all day? Grow crops, have a little farm? Oooh or, continue on my pirate legacy. Bet I’ve still got some pull there.”


Theron laughed despite the misery of knowing none of it could ever be “If only things could be that simple right? Look I know we’re in an impossible situation so I won’t ask for it or make you feel bad… I actually didn’t even call to discuss this although we should be.”


“Hmm what is it then?” Eliza put her feet up on the desk and sat back “Are you in some kind of trouble?”


“I’m not but someone else is.” he admitted “Charlie. Lana called her into Intelligence headquarters almost a week ago and we haven’t heard from her since, and Lana won’t answer my calls.”

“Oh Theron… you don’t think she got busted for whatever double spy dealings she’s got going on do you?”


“I can’t be sure but I was hoping you might be able to find out? I wouldn’t ask normally, I know this may put you in a precarious situation but contacting you is about all I could do to stop Jonas from flying to Dromund Kaas himself. He’s worried sick.”


She sat up straight and sighed “I can dig around... but first you’ll have to tell me everything you know about her and her role within the SIS and Intelligence. I won’t judge but if I’m going to look for her I’ll need to be prepared for what I might find.”


Half an hour later she rushed out the door to find Lana at Intelligence headquarters, now armed with everything Jonas and Theron knew of Charlie’s background.


“Eliza. I mean, Darth Seraphine.” Lana smiled politely when Eliza pushed her way past a few underlings to get into her office.


“Eliza’s fine, we’re… familiar, right?”


“Of course. Please, have a seat. What can I do for you?”


With a plan lingering in the back of her mind, Eliza gave her a smile and started “I’m sure you’ve heard I had some intruders on my property a while back, a black ops team sent by Saresh to kill me?”


Lana nodded.


“Well I was thinking I might want my own eyes and ears within the Republic. Someone to keep track of Saresh’s movement and of the SIS’ operations. Someone who can give me a little heads up the next time that bi.tch tries anything, or even if the Republic somehow finds a lead on Vitiate before we do.”


She tilted her head slightly and narrowed her eyes on Lana “Do you happen to have an Agent who’s trained for such a thing? Or perhaps one who’s already infiltrated deep with the Republic or better yet, the SIS?”


A long pause followed while Lana visibly struggled with how to answer Eliza’s request “You’ve caught me at a bad time Eliza. After learning of Kovach’s betrayal and duplicity, I began investigations into all of our active Agents and had quite a few of them arrested. Many who remained undercover and infiltrated after Sith Intelligence fell originally, and who switched sides as a result.”


“One of those agents is Cipher Nine. She’d be perfect for what you’re asking but I suspect her loyalties lie elsewhere now which is why I had her locked up for interrogation.”


“I see.” Eliza kept a smile on her face as Lana confirmed her and Theron’s suspicions “That’s a shame… I mean, training up someone new and getting them in with the Republic would take too long…”


“Unfortunately.” Lana affirmed.


“Would you…” Eliza thought for a second “Is there a chance I might question Nine myself? Verify her loyalties and if she’s jumped ship, see if I can… persuade her to reconsider?”


“It’s, unusual.” Lana hesitated “Are you truly that desperate to get your own spy in? You don’t trust Theron would warn you if Saresh was planning anything, or if they found anything on Vitiate? He, well he loves you.”


“He loved me two months ago as well yet he didn’t include me in what he was up to with that Sixth Line of his, what he’d found on the Emperor and I don’t think he was aware of Saresh’s plans.”


“Besides, his affiliation with me is well known to all of them.”


“Point well taken.” Lana nodded slowly and then began typing away on her datapad.


“As I said, it’s unusual but since it’s you asking, Cipher Nine is in cellblock C-69. I’m signing her over to you which makes her your responsibility from now on, do with her as you will but this is the only favor you’ll ever get out of me Eliza and I do hope after this you’ll finally give me a fair chance and your trust.”


“Lana I no longer hold a grudge over Rishi.” Eliza lied to make herself appear more amicable “But I do appreciate this and won’t forget it. Trust me, if she’s bad news… well I recently learned a few new tricks that I won’t mind using against her.”


Lana transferred Charlie’s records over to Eliza’s datapad “You’ll let me know of your progress?”




“Thank you. And Eliza, if she is a spy, find out who she was working for exactly and what she’s done for them.”


“Lana… I’ll bring you a full report, I promise. You’re doing good work here and if I can contribute in some way, it would be my honor.”


The smile she wore remained firmly fixed on her face but a part of Eliza felt terribly guilty. She couldn’t recall a time where she’d lied this much to another but she also kept on reminding herself of Lana’s betrayal on Rishi and decided in a way, Lana still owed her and Theron and getting Charlie out of Imperial prison would pay off that debt even if she weren’t aware of it.


“I am trying my hardest.” Lana beamed “Darth Marr put a lot of faith in me when he assigned me to this position and I intend to give it my very best.”


“I’m quite certain he’s proud of you.” Eliza ignored the inkling of guilt that tried to eat away at her “I’ll head for C-69 now and see what I can get out of this Cipher Nine… thank you again Lana, I’ll be in touch.”

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