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Authentic New Player Experience


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That was both interesting and painful to watch, mostly due to his buddy's woefully inadequate instructions. The streamer definitely didn't play the tutorial, but it was interesting to see what he succeeded in figuring out intuitively. He successfully understood:


  1. There are three nodes that must be captured, and you have to go to them.
  2. The 2 key replenishes his shields.
  3. The 3 key makes him evade missiles.
  4. You can target an enemy and lock a missile on them.


It took him a long time to figure out that last one, but he actually got off a missile shot that the lock wasn't broken on (which surely would have confused him). The shot didn't land, but he seemed to realize why it didn't.


I actually think that with about ten minutes of instruction from someone who isn't high that he would pick up the basics pretty quickly. His pal who ditched out of the match because it was too hard wasn't really all that helpful.


If the developers had been smart at the birth of GSF they would have made a better, more fluid tutorial that was unskippable... or at the very least is made blatantly obvious so people don't miss that one exists. Letting people queue into their first match with no clue what anything on the interface means or how to perform rudimentary tasks was a bad idea.


A few minutes spent with that guy showing him how things work would drastically improve his experience playing GSF.



Edited by caederon
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I cringed when he didn't take the hyperspace beacon spawn.


"I wonder if anyone tells me not to que again...well, then again, the GSF community is so small that it would be pretty self-detrimental to say that"


He's got a point

Edited by Lavaar
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Took forever to load it (couldn't turn video quality down) but just got through with it. My comments:


Of the people in that match I know 5: Bludoh, Red-Eye, Altgeld, and Vonvalor, all of whom are pretty good. I also counted the number of times I killed the guy streaming, and that was three.


It's interesting to see how you fly from someone else's perspective too.


Now, the guy went into the match with inadequate advice (it wasn't bad, but the friend giving him advice wasn't giving him enough information was the problem). But he did have a basic idea of what he was supposed to do: same as PvP, capture the objective points and hold them.


So let's see what he did and what he learned by intuition:


1. Spacebar. For a long time he was flying holding boost down, not letting it recharge. He seemed to figure this out on his own, but still didn't see the purple bar to keep track of how much it had recharged. He didn't know that W and S adjust your speed as well.


2. Weapons. He wasn't holding down the gun. GSF plays more like an FPS than an MMO, in many respects. I came into GSF out of Star Wars Battlefront 2, which it's partially modelled off of. However as a PvP'er he didn't seem to know much of the differences.


3. Evade. He figured out in the end that it was based on engine power.


4. Quick charge shields. He figured out what these were for, but ultimately he was stuck with a really bad component for that ship without upgrades.


5. Rangefinding. He kept tab targeting, rather than pressing "e" to target what he was aiming at. I never actually tab target in GSF, I find it pretty much useless. Again, learned from PvP. Furthermore he didn't know the range weapons and missiles were useful at, although he did eventually figure out how to lock and fire a missile.


6. Capture points. Again, he went into GSF with a concept of what to do in this gamemode, but he didn't know how to actually do it. Unlike PvP where you click the objective, in GSF it's proximity based.


7. Weapon swap and targeting telemetry. He never used these, largely because he didn't know how. Having HLC instead of rapid fire may have improved his experience if he had known.


"I wonder if anyone tells me not to que again...well, then again, the GSF community is so small that it would be pretty self-detrimental to say that"


He DOES have a point. If I were to ever see anyone say that to a new/bad player I would immediately start arguing with whomever said that and probably whisper the player(s) who were told not to queue and apologize as well.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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This video is very hard to watch for many reason


1 this goofball hitting a bunch of illegal drugs before flying


2 blatant disregard for engine conservation and targetting


3 eudoxia proving why the clarion is a bad ship to use especially in a denon domination game. I saw him fighting off the satellite like a noob and he would have clinched the game with a rampart TBH

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This video is very hard to watch for many reason


1 this goofball hitting a bunch of illegal drugs before flying


2 blatant disregard for engine conservation and targetting


3 eudoxia proving why the clarion is a bad ship to use especially in a denon domination game. I saw him fighting off the satellite like a noob and he would have clinched the game with a rampart TBH


A few points:


1. We wanted a game, not a blowout.


2. Our team had people in bombers, I expected them to capture/hold the sats.


3. I like flying strikes.


4. Quit trying to intentionally derail this thread.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Well u sure didn't get a blowout bc you were meagre an instant from losing. If 1 or 2 things went wrong at the end u would have lost. Picking a bad ship is one thing if it's fun for u but don't Piss in my ears while it's raining. U can play objectives in any ship and u would have done better. If u can't handle a critique then you shouldn't post videos of yourself failing to fly properly TBH
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