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Petition for Guild Masters to transfer servers & reactivate guild ship/bank


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Dear Bioware


I am a founding player who has remained active and subbed since launch and Guild Master of my guild currently standing at 482 members. I am sure that I am not alone when I say I sincerely doubt that I will be able to fill my guild to the 1000 player capacity when the cap increases in April. This is due to my Server Tomb Of Freedon Nadd being sparsely populated. As I compose this there are 35 people on fleet! and 9 people on Odessen just incase your thoughts are that everyone is hanging out there.


On TOFN you can wait 45mins for a gsf pop! War Zones can be a 10 min wait. It spoils the immersion and the atmosphere of the game. I am finding it increasingly harder to run my guild due to officers who have played since launch now only logging to raid and no other players in the guild wanting to take on any responsibilities. I have been informed that some of them are waiting for their 6month sub to expire which they refuse to renew unless new content comes and i'm shocked as they are passionate players who I never thought I would hear say this. We are trying our best to inject some fun into the game and have even collaborated with a guild on Imperial side to have 2v2 and 1v1 pvp Tournaments, we have also collaborated to earn pve achievements such as Revan 16 man Hardmode.


One of the solutions we see that can inject some life into the guild is to transfer to a more populated server.


I feel that it is unjust for our guild or any guild who choose to do this to have to pay again to unlock a guild bank and ship that they have already paid out for.


I propose it would be a better idea for Bioware to offer guild masters the ability to server transfer create a guild on the server they transfer to and then allow them to open a ticket requesting their guild ship and guild bank to be unlocked. I remember being transferred from Kai Kan to Tomb of Freedon Nadd and you gave me my guild bank so what would be different this time?


I patiently look forward to hearing from you on this matter. If there are any other Guild Master in the same predicament as me I urge you to sign my petition.


Kind Regards



Outbreak ToFN EU

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Dear Bioware,


I am a founding player who has remained active and subbed since launch and Guild Master of my guild, present on both factions.



I created a ticked about this a few days ago. Here is the response I got:


I appreciate personally the trials of running a guild, as I have one myself and I spend more time dealing with people there than in the real world sometimes! While I understand the difficulties of getting an ops together and forming an active guild, it is not possible unfortunately for me to grant a refund on your current guild unlocks.


I would say that SERVER POPULATIONS ARE AT THEIR HIGHEST FOR THREE YEARS NOW, and a lot of original players and new players are coming to the game due to the latest expansion and the new Star Wars movie. I SEE VERY HIGH POPULATIONS ON ALL SERVERS FROM HERE so it does depend on your time of day that you play.


Here is my answer to the gentleman, which I add to this petition:



Thanks for your answear, Dave



Although that did not solve our problem, I do understand that it's a game limitation.

However, I do have a complain on your answer. I have tried other servers, and the game is indeed populous and alive, but JUNG MA is in decay and almost empty.

I personally play for over 15 hours on some days, and we NEVER have more than 50 people on both fleets for several months now (right now thare 9 people on the Republic Fleet)!

Flashpoints can rarely be done with Group Finder, only with a guild premade, and it takes hours to get an ops group running, usually be getting people from 2 or 3 guilds to work together.

We couldn't have any Ranked Warzones Matches on the last season.

Regular warzones still pop for 65, and those are the only thing that still work on the server (if you don't count the long waits for a pop).

For sub-65 warzones we have to cheat to get a pop. That only comes if we form an ops group, invite random people on that level branch and queue before they know what is going on. That usually involving using /who to invite everyone who is on-line, making people angry, and ending with 3x3 matches (regular matches, not the arenas).

GSF are an extremely rare pop, and most of us didn't get one of those for some months now. (We might start using the invite spam cheat to get those pop when they are on the Conquest).

On the conquests, my guild (Republic Elite Squadron) has won several of them and we have the 13th highest score on the server history (http://swtorconquest.com/servers/2/guilds). We have achieved that with 3 members doing more than 80% of our score on most conquests, which I believe is not the intent for the conquest system. From the 12 guilds with scores higher than ours, 8 left the server already.

Most of the guilds that are still on Jung Ma are farming conquests, and every week a big guild decides to swich servers and leave their unlocks behind.


That caused many of our veteran members to leave the game, and the new members, that we bring to the game with our social media channels, get frustrated and don't stay for more than a few weeks.


The game is doing great, but Jung Ma and other non-PVE servers are almost dead and that's hurting the game's reputation and preventing many people from having more fun.


Thanks for your time, and I hope you guys come up with a guild transfer or merge the smaller servers soon.




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Its sad to see that the pvp servers population is reducing.

I play on the Jung Ma server, you can play a hours on this server without seeing an the population of the fleet or odeesen going over 10 players. On the best hours you can have betwinn 30 to 40 players online on each faction.

There is no Hard mode Flashpoint pop, there is no ranked War zone pop, and honestly, there is almost no descent regular war zone pop, that you can play with both teams full with 8 players.

I honestly hope BioWare make something about, cause im an 3 years subsciption player and im taking out my 6 months subscription. If it is an server merge, or an guild transfer, i dont care. I just want to lose all the investments me and my guild buddys made on our team.

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Bioware have at this point obviously neither the skill nor the intention to do anything. I've been watching the German PvP server go markedly, i.e., "worse than before", downhill over the past year, and anyone with half a brain could see that it's a journey to nowhere. A guildmate called support and was told hogwash about fluctuations.


Maybe BW expect players to go to the PvP servers with the upcoming PvE/PvP flags (as if that will ever go live, seeing how they aren't even able to produce a game format that's one player hitting mobs repeatedly), but that raises the question why? So they can't play with other people? So they can pay 500 times as much (that's not hyperbole!) for items on the market as on PvE servers? Yeah right.


And yet here we are with BW giving the finger to those who swallowed their need for a better or at least more community and sat out their gross mismanagement in the vain hope of better times.


Here's something for the marketing team: I'm only playing the game anymore out of sheer peer pressure, even though it frequently makes me physically sick (again, not hyperbole) to think that I throw money and time at those incompetent *****s.

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