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10 Good
  1. Its sad to see that the pvp servers population is reducing. I play on the Jung Ma server, you can play a hours on this server without seeing an the population of the fleet or odeesen going over 10 players. On the best hours you can have betwinn 30 to 40 players online on each faction. There is no Hard mode Flashpoint pop, there is no ranked War zone pop, and honestly, there is almost no descent regular war zone pop, that you can play with both teams full with 8 players. I honestly hope BioWare make something about, cause im an 3 years subsciption player and im taking out my 6 months subscription. If it is an server merge, or an guild transfer, i dont care. I just want to lose all the investments me and my guild buddys made on our team.
  2. Its sad to see that the pvp servers population is reducing. I play on the Jung Ma server, you can play a hours on this server without seeing an the population of the fleet or odeesen going over 10 players. On the best hours you can have betwinn 30 to 40 players online on each faction. There is no Hard mode Flashpoint pop, there is no ranked War zone pop, and honestly, there is almost no descent regular war zone pop, that you can play with both teams full with 8 players. I honestly hope BioWare make something about, cause im an 3 years subsciption player and im taking out my 6 months subscription. If it is an server merge, or an guild transfer, i dont care. I just want to lose all the investments me and my guild buddys made on our team.
  3. I reverse engineered 2 Defiant MK-26 implants (216 gear tier) to get Exarch MK-26 implants shemactic (220 gear tier), but the shemactic that i discovered are the same as the defiant implants with same statts and tier, and it costs the matts of an 220 crafted item. When will this be fixed? I spended some matterials on those reversed implants, i dont want them to be a waste. :mad:
  4. dougkreuscher


    Its realy sad to see that BioWare is not taking any action about this guy. I went in several WZ with this jerk on my team., it is painfull seeing him doing nothing and complaining. There are lots of gamers paying to have fun with this game, having some guys like this one, and also the lack of atitude from BioWare, is not fun at all. Realy makes me think going on with this game.
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