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Any Server other than Harbinger that has healthy levels of PvP


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With the dying of the "pvp" servers where did everyone go for east coast? Harbinger has pops all throughout the day through every bracket of PvP but the player quality is so atrocious its not even worth playing. Shadowlands lowbies pop decent enough but its always 6v6 and never full teams. Middbies don't exist. 65s pop frequent, and ranked is maybe once a week, maybe. If you try to level through PVP it would take forever. I know there was some mention of East Coast people picking a server and running Ranked groups. Its deff not Shadowlands, what about JC or EH? Anyone know?
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With the dying of the "pvp" servers where did everyone go for east coast? Harbinger has pops all throughout the day through every bracket of PvP but the player quality is so atrocious its not even worth playing. Shadowlands lowbies pop decent enough but its always 6v6 and never full teams. Middbies don't exist. 65s pop frequent, and ranked is maybe once a week, maybe. If you try to level through PVP it would take forever. I know there was some mention of East Coast people picking a server and running Ranked groups. Its deff not Shadowlands, what about JC or EH? Anyone know?


I can guarantee you that if you don't like in Harbinger, going anywhere else isn't gonna help much.


In the end, the quality of matches in average, coincides with the numbers of good players in each faction. Go to any smaller server, and the numbers imbalance between Reps and Imps are much more severe, which means:


1. There are even fewer players that PvP regularly

2. The odds of having good players in your team are even lower

3. Most everyone in that PvP server are aware of such facts, and thus, are usually low in morale


Of course, this is talking as the Rep side. You go Imps things will go easier to gain wins, but not necessarily better.

If you're a Rep, then just staying with the highest populated servers are still way better than lower pop. servers.

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I can guarantee you that if you don't like in Harbinger, going anywhere else isn't gonna help much.


In the end, the quality of matches in average, coincides with the numbers of good players in each faction. Go to any smaller server, and the numbers imbalance between Reps and Imps are much more severe, which means:


1. There are even fewer players that PvP regularly

2. The odds of having good players in your team are even lower

3. Most everyone in that PvP server are aware of such facts, and thus, are usually low in morale


Of course, this is talking as the Rep side. You go Imps things will go easier to gain wins, but not necessarily better.

If you're a Rep, then just staying with the highest populated servers are still way better than lower pop. servers.


That is a good point, I didn't really think about it that way. Problem with Harb also is my ping. Its a good 85ms, which may be great for some, but east coast I get 40s, and that big of a jump is noticeable in Melee for sure

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The Ebon Hawk is great, PVP is not dying on this east coast server. I been here since leaving Harbinger due to awful lag and disconnects. I don't have that problem on TEH server.


The community is the best I seen, the chat is a bit more friendly than Harbinger's. I don't know, when I was on Bastion there were tons of whiny malcontents. Harbinger seemed to have to have a large number of very vocal immature childish trolls who lived on fleet and TEH only has one that I can think of that has placed his bridge on fleet. :D


The pubs actually have a strong team with many different PVP guilds who run premades in 65s... So it's not a total impshow here. Though, imps have grown in the past couple months and seem to have more people now. This ebbs and flows back and forth though on this server over months time.


Anyway, either side is fine I'd say I always found more friendly and social players on imp side on TEH, but some people find the more "cautious" crowd of pubs more to their liking.


You can trasnfer one 65 to TEH, and see for yourself, IMO it's the best server on the east coast for it's community, server stability, and frequent 65 pvp pops.

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The Ebon Hawk is great, PVP is not dying on this east coast server. I been here since leaving Harbinger due to awful lag and disconnects. I don't have that problem on TEH server.


The community is the best I seen, the chat is a bit more friendly than Harbinger's. I don't know, when I was on Bastion there were tons of whiny malcontents. Harbinger seemed to have to have a large number of very vocal immature childish trolls who lived on fleet and TEH only has one that I can think of that has placed his bridge on fleet. :D


The pubs actually have a strong team with many different PVP guilds who run premades in 65s... So it's not a total impshow here. Though, imps have grown in the past couple months and seem to have more people now. This ebbs and flows back and forth though on this server over months time.


Anyway, either side is fine I'd say I always found more friendly and social players on imp side on TEH, but some people find the more "cautious" crowd of pubs more to their liking.


You can trasnfer one 65 to TEH, and see for yourself, IMO it's the best server on the east coast for it's community, server stability, and frequent 65 pvp pops.


I made a post on EH forums asking about the state of the server and I mostly got back is that EH is not the place to PvP anymore. Queue times outside of 65's are almost non existent. I made a lowbie toon and logged in last night at around 9pm EST and waited 30 min for a pop and when it did it was the same 6v6 nonsense Shadowlands has. I'm wondering if Harbinger is the last ditch effort for PvP.

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I made a post on EH forums asking about the state of the server and I mostly got back is that EH is not the place to PvP anymore. Queue times outside of 65's are almost non existent. I made a lowbie toon and logged in last night at around 9pm EST and waited 30 min for a pop and when it did it was the same 6v6 nonsense Shadowlands has. I'm wondering if Harbinger is the last ditch effort for PvP.


I play mostly rep side on Harbinger, and the queue's pop fairly fast, both in lowbies and in 65's

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I made a post on EH forums asking about the state of the server and I mostly got back is that EH is not the place to PvP anymore. Queue times outside of 65's are almost non existent. I made a lowbie toon and logged in last night at around 9pm EST and waited 30 min for a pop and when it did it was the same 6v6 nonsense Shadowlands has. I'm wondering if Harbinger is the last ditch effort for PvP.


I am going to be honest here, it's not a matter of "PVP dying", it's the fact no one enjoys lowbies or mids now... Especially mids.


Now, maybe when I say "nobody", that's not 100% accurate, but I know of ZERO hardcore pvpers that want to queue up for lowbies or mids...


It's just better to PVP at 65s, where you can min/max your gears and everyone at least has the same number of abilities and utilities.


The other tiers for PVP are utter garbage now.


If you judge a server now by how frequent lowbies pop, then imo you are doing it wrong. But it's your game, and your option to play how and where you want.


If you want a healthy non-stop pvp queue for 65s, TEH has served that purpose for me. If someone says otherwise, fine.


I play there daily, have for the last 6+ months, and it has not died at all in fact we have more people now than we did when I first came to the server.


Good luck in finding a server with a healthy pop of lowbies for PVP.

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I am going to be honest here, it's not a matter of "PVP dying", it's the fact no one enjoys lowbies or mids now... Especially mids.


Now, maybe when I say "nobody", that's not 100% accurate, but I know of ZERO hardcore pvpers that want to queue up for lowbies or mids...


It's just better to PVP at 65s, where you can min/max your gears and everyone at least has the same number of abilities and utilities.


The other tiers for PVP are utter garbage now.


If you judge a server now by how frequent lowbies pop, then imo you are doing it wrong. But it's your game, and your option to play how and where you want.


If you want a healthy non-stop pvp queue for 65s, TEH has served that purpose for me. If someone says otherwise, fine.


I play there daily, have for the last 6+ months, and it has not died at all in fact we have more people now than we did when I first came to the server.


Good luck in finding a server with a healthy pop of lowbies for PVP.

have you even tried lowbies?? You can run around on an Op slamming people for 10k+ with overload shot :p

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have you even tried lowbies?? You can run around on an Op slamming people for 10k+ with overload shot :p


Yeah I did, did quite a bit of mids too. They are awful. I get 60 tokens and use them now to avoid as much lowbie pvp as possible if I want to make an alt. :p

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I am going to be honest here, it's not a matter of "PVP dying", it's the fact no one enjoys lowbies or mids now... Especially mids. .


this is true. I stopped PVPing while leveling when I hit the mid bracket. and I didn't start back up until I was 60. mids is really really brutal for the lower levels. it's huge in lowbie too, but even the highest level lowbie doesn't have a huge arsenal at his disposal. hugely imperfect system. but given how fast you level in this game, there aren't a lot of options to fix it.

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I don't really judge a server based on mids. That stuff is generally pretty awful. Just power level to 50, then go run operations and get to 65 in a few hours.


I play on Harb and now Ebon Hawk. I think that EH is a smaller community than Harb, but it is definitely big enough, and far less toxic. Generally just better people on EH. So, you can spend your time with a boatload of jerks, or with a good number of cool people.


I live on the west coast, and my Harb ping is typically around 50ms. My EH ping is 120 - 150. Definitely a difference, but it's tolerable.

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PVP is dying cos of sorcs and heals, exacerbated by people running premades to deal with sorcs and heals, forcing PUGs to run as more madness sorcs. Ugly, vicious cycle.


As a longtime PVP'er on many servers you actually nailed it in that brief description.


Harbinger is the 'Defacto' SWTOR experience for PVE/GSF/PVP/FP's/Tacticals/Group Heroic/GTN economy. But sadly many of us don't have good pings there.


Here's my take on the 3 other Light-Standard population servers for PVP:


Shadowlands: Used to be casual but with the migration of POT5 is probably the most difficult servers to pug on.


Jedi Covenant: This is the classic PVE geared pug team versus the (tee hee hee) farming premade.


Ebon Hawk: A much less serious PVP server but the population feels larger than the other two meaning you don't see the same people on your team or opposing team. Probably the largest republic population of the three servers.

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That is a good point, I didn't really think about it that way. Problem with Harb also is my ping. Its a good 85ms, which may be great for some, but east coast I get 40s, and that big of a jump is noticeable in Melee for sure
This, in particular, concerns me. I lose just about every click-war due to my 85ms ping.
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As a longtime PVP'er on many servers you actually nailed it in that brief description

I'm just going to start assuming everyone that keeps complaining about sorcs and premades on here are just bads.


Jedi Covenant: This is the classic PVE geared pug team versus the (tee hee hee) farming premade.

Considering this is my server, and I seem to be the only one who hasn't had any problems with premades, I'm going to have to disagree with you there.

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I'm just going to start assuming everyone that keeps complaining about sorcs and premades on here are just bads.
Don't need a premade to cross-heal. Do need a premade to stop cross-healers. Or at least players who don't have their heads so far up their ***** that they can't put down the aoe and dot spam long enough to mez and focus fire.
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I am going to be honest here, it's not a matter of "PVP dying", it's the fact no one enjoys lowbies or mids now... Especially mids.


Now, maybe when I say "nobody", that's not 100% accurate, but I know of ZERO hardcore pvpers that want to queue up for lowbies or mids...


It's just better to PVP at 65s, where you can min/max your gears and everyone at least has the same number of abilities and utilities.


The other tiers for PVP are utter garbage now.


If you judge a server now by how frequent lowbies pop, then imo you are doing it wrong. But it's your game, and your option to play how and where you want.


If you want a healthy non-stop pvp queue for 65s, TEH has served that purpose for me. If someone says otherwise, fine.


I play there daily, have for the last 6+ months, and it has not died at all in fact we have more people now than we did when I first came to the server.


Good luck in finding a server with a healthy pop of lowbies for PVP.




I see your point but thats not exactly what I meant. Not sure why the hostility. Some of us like to level players strictly through PVP alone. Which is fine. Most of my toons are 65, but I wouldn't be transferring my entire 16 65's. I would be rolling new toons. I was just pointing out that its not possible currently on the servers i've tried. Harbinger of course being the exception. With that being said, I agree most people aren't doing lowbies anymore, but there are still alot of lowbie/midbie options. Players may get 2 or 3 65's then think "hey why not roll a sorc heal" and in order to fully gear them out when they hit 65 in ranked gear, like myself and hundreds of others enjoy, its not currently possible with mids and lowbies being dead. I will try EH, and JC again with 65s. Heck even shadowlands has 65s pop constantly, but its ranked thats dead. And despite what everyone wants to say, there are still ALOT of players who do ranked, its not dead yet. Yet being the key word. My whole point of this topic was to figure out where everyone is going, so we can get a ranked scene together. Because on EVERY server there are still guilds wanting to do ranked, but just don't have competition.

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Don't need a premade to cross-heal. Do need a premade to stop cross-healers. Or at least players who don't have their heads so far up their ***** that they can't put down the aoe and dot spam long enough to mez and focus fire.


I find the whole premade argument ********. Premades RUN pvp not RUIN it. If youre not in a pre-made who's fault is that? Almost in ANY pvp oriented game, team work and friends are encouraged if not required. If you want to run solo wzs all day long, of course its going to get frustrating. I don't believe thats what the purpose of WZs is. TEAM based gameplay. If you have a premade, more power to you. IMO its the bads that they face rolled all the time solo that have started this "premade ruins PvP". Its the exact opposite IMO. 90% of the best PvP moments in my life have come from premade vs premade. Intensity is up, youre paying attention to everything, its exihiliarting, and why I love PVP. Never in my SWTOR experience have I solo'd (which I do frequently) and come away saying "wow that was super amazing and beats my premade experiences"

Edited by Acaelus-Thorne
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I find the whole premade argument ********. Premades RUN pvp not RUIN it. If youre not in a pre-made who's fault is that? Almost in ANY pvp oriented game, team work and friends are encouraged if not required. If you want to run solo wzs all day long, of course its going to get frustrating. I don't believe thats what the purpose of WZs is. TEAM based gameplay. If you have a premade, more power to you. IMO its the bads that they face rolled all the time solo that have started this "premade ruins PvP". Its the exact opposite IMO. 90% of the best PvP moments in my life have come from premade vs premade. Intensity is up, youre paying attention to everything, its exihiliarting, and why I love PVP. Never in my SWTOR experience have I solo'd (which I do frequently) and come away saying "wow that was super amazing and beats my premade experiences"


We already have so many threads in regards to this issue, so just to sum it up.... there's always a difference between morality as an individual, and morality as a society. Some times the thing we do, which may seem harmless as an individual, might actually be harmful as a collective, and vice versa. Making premades is one of those.


Now, despite the heated debates and accusations, most people don't really demonize premades. Everyone's played a few games with their friends. Most likely its usually a bunch of friends in it together to finish daily PvP requirements quickly. I'm one of the more fiery critical ones about premades because I've been to games where the whole premade thing became such a serious problem that entire PvP fell apart and became abandoned, but I don't think SWTOR is in such a danger right now.


But the point would be such things do happen in the long run. SWTOR's been on for 5 years, and its certainly not a young game anymore. Things do start to take a toll, and usually the first signs of problems show up in low-pop. servers and non-peak times. Its usually an indication that the PvP population has been waning so much, that the odds of solo players meeting premades go higher and higher, and when we factor in the general imbalance between Imp and Rep population numbers, things can get dangerous really fast once its over the "threshold".


It is at that moment, something that seemed as harmless as premades, can actually start accelerate the process of negative feedback loop, where the Rep player, the solo player, the sucky and average player, or whomever that's at the short end of the stick, start to notice that for some reason they're meeting premade competition more and more in WZs. People naturally get discouraged, and this ultimately leads to more people quitting PvP as a whole.. and this vicious cycle.


In the end the devs cannot account for every possible problem, and almost always it takes a community effort to keep things healthy and fun for everyone -- even the solos, even the sucky ones -- lest PvP has a tendency to go into this nasty death spiral where it continuously bleeds off people.


Keeping casual queues casual to the core -- as in, enforced random team formation, is a means to delay Armageddon from happening, so to speak. :) Some may question if players and guilds have a responsibility to do something about it, and if it isn't a job the devs should be doing. Why should people even care?


Me, I believe everyone who loves PvP has an obligation to keep things going clean and healthy as long as possible.

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I'm just going to start assuming everyone that keeps complaining about sorcs and premades on here are just bads.



Considering this is my server, and I seem to be the only one who hasn't had any problems with premades, I'm going to have to disagree with you there.


to be fair, if you roll pub on JC, I don't care how "great" you are, you're going to feel like every game is against imp premades with a very rare good premade of pubs.


but if you pug it imp side, the distribution isn't so bad b/c the good premades aren't ALWAYS on the other side. I'm not talking about getting carried so much as...just general disorganization on one side as opposed to the other. harby's even worse though.


i feel kinda bad when ezoh or w/e solo queues pub. but then he rages on everyone and I don't feel so bad for him anymore. :p

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