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Future Story Speculations and Hopes


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If Ashara comes back please let me actually TURN her like Jaesea, or if I can't KILL her. Her supposed corruption in the story is a farce an I couldn't even begin to use her for the simple fact of how annoying she was.


Yeah, even when you chose the dark side option to get her to join your group it made little difference in how she acted which didn't make much sense.

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The way i see the story:

you wake up in your capital city ( Coruscant or Dromund Kaas) in a medical facility, and someone tells you that you were in a coma for a few months because of a rakata device you took on your ship without having any clue about its purposes. Everything you think you experienced, including Zakuul,the Alliance, Valkorion and his family are just a bad dream or a possible future.Everyone you've seen dying ( including Darth Marr) are alive and well. Ziost was never destroyed and there are no records of the Revanites disbanding or even being attacked by someone - after all they are just batsh*t crazy lunatics, nothing more.

the rakata device was taken from your ship either by the Jedi Council or Dark Council and is studied in a secret laboratory - at this point the device is no longer your problem.

your ship is exactly where you left it, in a hangar at the spaceport, and your crew members are waiting for you at your stronghold.

happy ending.

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The way i see the story:

you wake up in your capital city ( Coruscant or Dromund Kaas) in a medical facility, and someone tells you that you were in a coma for a few months because of a rakata device you took on your ship without having any clue about its purposes. Everything you think you experienced, including Zakuul,the Alliance, Valkorion and his family are just a bad dream or a possible future.Everyone you've seen dying ( including Darth Marr) are alive and well. Ziost was never destroyed and there are no records of the Revanites disbanding or even being attacked by someone - after all they are just batsh*t crazy lunatics, nothing more.

the rakata device was taken from your ship either by the Jedi Council or Dark Council and is studied in a secret laboratory - at this point the device is no longer your problem.

your ship is exactly where you left it, in a hangar at the spaceport, and your crew members are waiting for you at your stronghold.

happy ending.


Lol yeah I don't think they'd ever dare do that to us. I like the idea a little bit especially if Darth Marr was suddenly alive again and stuff but yeah no.


The whole wrapping up a complicated story by having the main character 'wake up from a coma and bad dream' it's, weak and kind of a let down in the end. :p

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Lol yeah I don't think they'd ever dare do that to us. I like the idea a little bit especially if Darth Marr was suddenly alive again and stuff but yeah no.


The whole wrapping up a complicated story by having the main character 'wake up from a coma and bad dream' it's, weak and kind of a let down in the end. :p


I can see this as a dramatic dream sequence. Though it would be too obvious, like the one in the SI story.

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I'd like to know what's become of Lord Praven.


This. So very much.


Ahem, anyway.


The only story speculation I feel comfortable about making is that at some point Arcann is going to do something that will push Vaylin over the edge and she's going to turn on him. Whether that means that she tries to join forces with the Outlander or strikes off on her own, I don't know; but it'll be interesting to see which way she jumps.


And regarding Quinn; I think it might be interesting (for those of us who don't want to kill him on sight) if after he's joined up with the Alliance, he's given the option to betray you and he doesn't do it. It would be a nice bit of character development for him.

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