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Your most hilarious baddie rants or moments in a WZ


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Regardless of his rant.. Which is pretty funny... His tactic in the first round is viable if you get out of mid and help..

You do know that holding both nodes or even preventing them capping one is better than box orbs?

Being in a premade does not give you the right to dictate the game or strategy.. Maybe watch the map and if you see some of your guys or even one head there and your node is safe.. Get out of mid and help.. Unless your team is so bad and can't hold 2 nodes or prevent them capping one.. In which case he was probably right on how bad you were,


Thanks, Icy, for the backhanded insult. lol Do recall that at the beginning I said, "Please don't ninja theirs until round 2" And then his rant started. No one was "dictating" anything to anyone. It was a polite request. If he hadn't been such an unwarranted jacka** from the very start...I would have helped him.


For the record, you're preaching to the choir here on AHG strategies. The entire point of my post was that this person insulted us extensively for no other reason than being grouped and then demanded that we help HIM when he needed help. Moreover, our premade only consisted of 3 of us. No idea if the other four were grouped or not (the angry player almost certainly wasn't). 3 good players certainly can't be expected to carry 5 bad ones if the other team is halfway decent.

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Thanks, Icy, for the backhanded insult. lol Do recall that at the beginning I said, "Please don't ninja theirs until round 2" And then his rant started. No one was "dictating" anything to anyone. It was a polite request. If he hadn't been such an unwarranted jacka** from the very start...I would have helped him.


For the record, you're preaching to the choir here on AHG strategies. The entire point of my post was that this person insulted us extensively for no other reason than being grouped and then demanded that we help HIM when he needed help. Moreover, our premade only consisted of 3 of us. No idea if the other four were grouped or not (the angry player almost certainly wasn't). 3 good players certainly can't be expected to carry 5 bad ones if the other team is halfway decent.


Sorry wasn't meant to be an insult..

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Was in the voidstar where a sniper on our team perched on the wall between the second pair of doors. An absolutely useless jugg on the other team spent the rest of the WZ howling in gen chat about how it was an exploit because he couldn't be reached, and how he was going to report the sniper. It was so comical and so bad that even his team started using gen chat to tell him to shut up.
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Classic baddie comment at the end of the match after they've been ranting the whole time and have a mediocre score and you call them on it..

"I've got the highest ranked gear, I think I know what I'm doing"... And then put you on ignore haha


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Was in the voidstar where a sniper on our team perched on the wall between the second pair of doors. An absolutely useless jugg on the other team spent the rest of the WZ howling in gen chat about how it was an exploit because he couldn't be reached, and how he was going to report the sniper. It was so comical and so bad that even his team started using gen chat to tell him to shut up.


And that kids is why using rage spec on a Jugg in PVP is so much fun

Obliterate: 10m gap closer and one of the most used abilities due to granting Decimate

That allows you to leap to snipers up on platforms, even in cover.

Or wait till they aren't entrenched and use Force Push.


mmmmm yum... snipers hiding up perches.. Look out I'm coming for you.. :p

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I was in a Voidstar on my conc op and I got a lucky run on capping the doors, so we completed that round in less than 3 minutes. If it matters, I hit every door. (I told you I was lucky.) On the second round the rest of my team dropped right so I went left and stealth guarded the door. The other team was trying to zerg right so they never attacked "my door" in force, so I only got 1 or 2 kills from it. (I called all inc but it wasn't terribly necessary.) We won the match, but I immediately got called out in ops chat for "just sitting there and getting carried to a win." The poor guy was so angry that I only did around 150k DPS in the entire match and a minor amount of healing.


I had more than double the objective points of the next closest person, but obviously objective points and a won match mean nothing compared to DPS numbers. I guess I shouldn't have spent so much time capping doors and guarding!

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And that kids is why using rage spec on a Jugg in PVP is so much fun

Obliterate: 10m gap closer and one of the most used abilities due to granting Decimate

That allows you to leap to snipers up on platforms, even in cover.

Or wait till they aren't entrenched and use Force Push.


mmmmm yum... snipers hiding up perches.. Look out I'm coming for you.. :p

Lol exactly. Or Diversion. Or, idk, the ranged on the other team could just melt the sniper. That's why his lunatic promises to report us were so great. My response (because you can't not respond in gen chat to something this crazy) was along the lines of "so you're reporting a sniper...for being in cover?"

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