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I don't understand the credit cap on premium members.


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there will always be threads like this. The thing is, there will always be people on both sides of the fence. I believe that many of the restrictions are unnecessary though. I believe the cap is one of them when most of the stuff that you can buy off the gtn is way over the cap.


I am not a fan of the way the escrow is currently working. Rather than a one time only increase, it should be a permanent increase at 50k, 150k, and 600k intervals. They will just increase the cap every time you use one of these escrows.


I also think they should be adding weekly sub passes in game. This would be a win win situation for everyone. The only thing they won't get is cartel coins.




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I think you misunderstood me.

We do in many ways control also the PURCHASE price.


Becuse the economy IS what it is I would be silly to put an item 50, 60 70 80% lower then the one above, those that do "play the GTN" have some ruels, and undercutting too much is wrong.


It's really not wrong at all, it depends on the circumstances.

If you list something for 10 million and I know I bought mine for 100K and I've seen them sell for 1-2 million I'll generally list for 1-2 million ... the amount of hate mail I've got about this is quite funny actually ... "why the hell are you undercutting me by so much, are you insane!" yada ya.

I've no time to let other people set the pricing for me, I know what sells for what and in the end I want to sell ... I have no time to wait the weeks or what not required for someone to come along willing to pay that 10 million ( or however much we've gradually dropped the price down ). I prefer to make my 1-2 million so I can get the next one I've got on hand up. ;)


Point being ... there are no set rules to the GTN - play it how you want to play it. You'll either fail or succeed.



My issue is that becuse the ballance between realisic prices for f2p and pref are too much in the favor of the subscriber, pref players and f2p can't afford the unlocks they need.

Once they subm they don't need them...so subbing don't solbve it for them.


So if an ulock was PRICED in a region where the customer group was able to pay, I thin alot would be improved in regards to ecconomy.

After why even try to sell an unlock at a price higher then any pref can afford........why in the sands of Jakku wouls a sub pay for an update he don't need.


BECUSE this over pricing we as player are running the ecconomy


The concept is flawed is why this occurs. People pay CC and expect credits for the CC ... if you compare the best CC to credit ratio items you can get then buying unlocks and selling them for 350K or less doesn't make them worth buying. BW can't drop the CC price because then they risk letting people "semi sub" by buying unlocks much cheaper than subbing itself costs.


It's a flawed system which removing the credit cap would help remedy because people could then start asking any price they want for unlocks knowing people can afford them ... more people will buy unlocks for this reason increasing supply and so pricing will quickly reach a stable "market fair" price.

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It's really not wrong at all, it depends on the circumstances.

If you list something for 10 million and I know I bought mine for 100K and I've seen them sell for 1-2 million I'll generally list for 1-2 million ... the amount of hate mail I've got about this is quite funny actually ... "why the hell are you undercutting me by so much, are you insane!" yada ya.

I've no time to let other people set the pricing for me, I know what sells for what and in the end I want to sell ... I have no time to wait the weeks or what not required for someone to come along willing to pay that 10 million ( or however much we've gradually dropped the price down ). I prefer to make my 1-2 million so I can get the next one I've got on hand up. ;)


Point being ... there are no set rules to the GTN - play it how you want to play it. You'll either fail or succeed.



The concept is flawed is why this occurs. People pay CC and expect credits for the CC ... if you compare the best CC to credit ratio items you can get then buying unlocks and selling them for 350K or less doesn't make them worth buying. BW can't drop the CC price because then they risk letting people "semi sub" by buying unlocks much cheaper than subbing itself costs.


It's a flawed system which removing the credit cap would help remedy because people could then start asking any price they want for unlocks knowing people can afford them ... more people will buy unlocks for this reason increasing supply and so pricing will quickly reach a stable "market fair" price.


I don't want the cap removed, but in all fairness I do thingk the caps on the two groups are way too low.


I see nothing wrong what so ever with the current ecconomy on my server, Progenitor, that f2ps have 1, million cap, asd pref have 3 milloon, I just threw numbers out there, bsically raise both cps, maybe double them, adn I am sure 90% is solved

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After why even try to sell an unlock at a price higher then any pref can afford........why in the sands of Jakku wouls a sub pay for an update he don't need.


Zeroing in on this right now.


A subscriber looking to drop sub is going to buy the artifact unlocks etc. Those unlocks are not generally going to sell under or at the pref player's credit cap for good reason.


Artifact unlock costs 2700 CC from the CM, which, may as well say roughly 20-27$ for the unlock depending on what CC packs you bought. They can definitely sell for 3mil~. That's fairly reasonable because if you make roughly 1mil an hour, if someone has a 10$ an hour job the CC took them about 2 and 1/2 hours of work to 'earn'.


The only people currently likely to buy this for credits are subscribers who have dropped sub and have the credits on alts and can trade a friend who they trust and is a subscriber, or a subscriber who is preparing to drop subscription. That is not players 'ruining' the economy. It's players asking for fair payment for their 'work' for getting the CC.


I would not sell something that cost me 2k CC+ for 350k. That's asking me to sell an item that is worth 20$+ for not even 30min of doing heroics/farming. It's not overpricing for me to sell an item like this for so much.


The 'overpricing' isn't what ruins the economy in this case. It's that the people who dropped sub and would otherwise buy the item cannot afford to buy it at a fair rate from the subscribers.


For everything else it's how much people are willing to pay for an item that came from CM is what dictates how much it will sell for. Patience will see you getting the items/unlocks at a decent price in most cases.


When I needed unlocks after I went pref I was generally able to contact the sellers via in game mail and get them to let me chain trade them credits from alts, or trade items of 'equal value' to get what I wanted. Barter is alive and well in SWTOR. A subscriber who doesn't need the unlocks but knows there's someone waiting to buy - that is the person who will buy these unlocks.




Would I support a credit cap raise or credit cap purchase? Yes, I think I would. Removal seems like a bad idea but... I can see benefits too even though people even here say they'd drop sub in a heartbeat.


It's not the credit cap that keeps me subscribed. I love the game so I support it by subscribing. I want unlimited access to everything, so I subscribe for that as well. Credit cap isn't the only reason to subscribe - there are a lot of other limitations they could keep in place to encourage people to subscribe that are not so limiting on economy and still allow players to get a 'taste' of what P2P players get without making the game so restricting.


I'm on the fence with the credit cap too. It'd be nice if they allowed either purchases to up your credit cap for pref players, but with everyone that says 'I'd drop sub if they removed this!' it makes it pretty clear it'd be a Bad Idea for them to sell an unlock that lifted the cap too high or removed it....


However, it'd be good if the cap were either raised enough to allow more unlocks to sell on GTN, or they sold a few credit cap unlocks that allow raising it for a bit of money but don't raise it more than a few mil. The cap being raised would = more from CM being sold for on GTN and a bigger profit for them through the one time unlocks, or weekly passes that are normally sold well out of range for F2P/Pref players.


I don't want the cap removed, but in all fairness I do think the caps on the two groups are way too low.


I see nothing wrong what so ever with the current economy on my server, Progenitor, that f2ps have 1, million cap, asd pref have 3 million, I just threw numbers out there, basically raise both cps, maybe double them, and I am sure 90% is solved

I think if there were direct buy unlocks on the site for the cap, or CM unlocks to make them that high, it'd make sense. For the initial unlock it'd probably still be something they'd need to bypass the credit cap by using a subscribing friend to get the unlocks, or direct buy - but if it were there, it'd sell easily.


F2P... I honestly see not much reason to lift theirs beyond 250k unless they luck out and a sub decides to buy them the credit cap unlock to mail to them. Unlike pref they have not invested anything into the game and I'm not as interested in their credit cap issues. Instead of a credit cap raise, maybe give them sprint and mounts a little earlier etc. It's the QoL and basic things for getting through the first 3 chapters that are likely to be better to improve the game for them and get them interested in staying in game. Not raising a credit cap.


Other than cosmetics and a few unlocks that are not needed for subscribers, the CM is pretty tame and doesn't have 'pay to win' written all over it in this game.

Edited by Manathayria
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Translation: I want to keep playing the game without restrictions but I don't want to pay for it.
Yep! It is that simple!

I am sub for about 2.5 years (6 month recurred). And I plan to cancel my sub when it's paid-time will go. (I don't like KotFE. I don't want to pay for it anymore.) I have enough CC (from sub rewards) to buy all account-wide unlocks I need.


And it seems credit cap makes my life a lot easier: no more credit grind to buy some expensive cool stuff from GTN!!!

Just some story, some RP-time - live like a poor, simple and happy: "A Man Can Have Anything If He's Willing to Sacrifice Everything."

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I don't often agree with bran, but in this case, he is spot on the money.


I would unsub in a heartbeat if the credit cap went away. I'm very wealthy in the game, I could afford to buy unlocks and anything else I needed for the rest of the life of the game, if I could just avoid the credit cap.


So, um... Hey, lets get rid of the credit cap! :D


Did agreeing with Bran make you feel like you needed a shower I know it did me :) but yeah F2P for this game anyway is more like a trial game, pretty much everything that's restricted is bells and whistles type of things. You don't need any of those things to play, you want those things you want the bells and whistles then get a sub.

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What exactly do you -need- in game that costs more than 300k?


You dont -need- fancy CM armor, weapons, mounts, pets, and titles, you -want- them.


Mods/barrels/hilts/relics/implants/earpieces? You can get all of those from.. I know this is a huge shock, and a terrible terrible hardship... playing the game.


There are these vendors sprinkled throughout the game that sell these things. Some for credits, most for comm crystals, which you get for... playing the game!


Oooooh I get it, you want those really expensive end game mods that crafters learned by REing OPs mods! That unless your doing Nightmare Mode OPs, you dont even -really- need, again, you just -want- them...


Purple gear? You can play just fine in blues. Hide helmet, vanity unlock. Unify colors, another vanity unlock. Titles? Same.


You might -want- a Ferarri, but a Ford Festiva will get you to where you need to go just the same.


Again, want vs need. If you -want- something, pony up and pay for it.


Oh thats right, you dont want to pay.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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What exactly do you -need- in game that costs more than 300k?


You dont -need- fancy CM armor, weapons, mounts, pets, and titles, you -want- them.


Mods/barrels/hilts/relics/implants/earpieces? You can get all of those from.. I know this is a huge shock, and a terrible terrible hardship... playing the game.


There are these vendors sprinkled throughout the game that sell these things. Some for credits, most for comm crystals, which you get for... playing the game!


Oooooh I get it, you want those really expensive end game mods that crafters learned by REing OPs mods! That unless your doing Nightmare Mode OPs, you dont even -really- need, again, you just -want- them...


Purple gear? You can play just fine in blues. Hide helmet, vanity unlock. Unify colors, another vanity unlock. Titles? Same.


You might -want- a Ferarri, but a Ford Festiva will get you to where you need to go just the same.


Again, want vs need. If you -want- something, pony up and pay for it.


Oh thats right, you dont want to pay.

See... this is why I'm torn on 'yes up the cap' and 'it's not needed, why should they up the cap?'


Other than passes I never 'needed' anything as a pref player that I couldn't just get through playing the game. Oh, I wanted CM armor etc - but did I really need it? Nope.


Credit cap I can get around by getting my subscribing friends to hold credits in a private guild, or passing credits over to them from the multitude of alts I made and bought slots for when I was a subscriber.


Credit cap can be bypassed to get most things on GTN if you have paying friends.


I knew when I was going to drop subscription too - so buying all the account unlocks prior to was not a big deal for me.


I know I could sell more off GTN to other players if there wasn't a cap but... the ones that are determined will bypass the cap via friends anyway so is it needed?


This is why I am on the fence about it. Nice to see it lifted/given an unlock to increase credit cap/etc... but not 'needed'.

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Did agreeing with Bran make you feel like you needed a shower I know it did me :) but yeah F2P for this game anyway is more like a trial game, pretty much everything that's restricted is bells and whistles type of things. You don't need any of those things to play, you want those things you want the bells and whistles then get a sub.
"Bells and whistles" you say? Really??? :eek:

Free access to Operations, FP, WZ, GSF, KotFE content - is it all "bells and whistles"???

If it is true then "I have a bad feeling about" SWTOR future. It's a really bad if all end-game content for subscribers is just "bells and whistles". (Yoda voice) No future I can see.

Edited by RangerPCW
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"Bells and whistles" you say? Really??? :eek:

Free access to Operations, FP, WZ, GSF, KotFE content - is it all "bells and whistles"???

If it is true then "I have a bad feeling about" SWTOR future. It's a really bad if all end-game content for subscribers is just "bells and whistles". (Yoda voice) No future I can see.


Yeah it is bells and whistles as you don't NEED ANY of those to level the base 1-50 game and you get a few FP's, WZ's and GSF's as a F2P the only problem is no operations what so ever without a pass, but then again those who are 'serious' about raids or MMO's in general are going to have a sub.


So yeah I stand by what I said they are bells and whistles in terms of the base game.

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"Bells and whistles" you say? Really??? :eek:

Free access to Operations, FP, WZ, GSF, KotFE content - is it all "bells and whistles"???

The entire game is "bells and whistles." It's just a game.


A person cannot reasonably complain about the value of something they get for free, so whatever a Preferred player gets is more than enough.

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The entire game is "bells and whistles." It's just a game.


A person cannot reasonably complain about the value of something they get for free, so whatever a Preferred player gets is more than enough.


However a preferred player at one time was a sub. I'm not asking for the preferred player to get new content, but the preferred player should at least retain what he bought already. The reason to sub should be primarily to get new content, not to avoid getting bombarded from restrictions. Yes, they should still have some restrictions, but they shouldn't have things taken away, such as the credit cap. They know that they content they create is mediocre at best, and its sad the incentive to sub is to stay away from restrictions instead of getting actual content.

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However a preferred player at one time was a sub.

Or they spent as little as $5. They're not spending any more (or at least they don't have to; if they are spending close to $15 a month on CC after going Preferred, they have no one to blame for their foolishness but themselves).


In any event, all of this is academic. They have no incentive whatsoever to ease the Preferred restrictions, so they will never do so.


I'm not asking for the preferred player to get new content, but the preferred player should at least retain what he bought already.

They do. Former subs keep access to RotHC, SOR and whatever KotFE was up to when the went Preferred. Sounds like a good deal to me. Pay a 1-time $15, get all of RotHC, all of SOR, KotFE chapters 1 to whatever, 500 CC, link a security key to the account and keep getting that 100 CC even after going Preferred.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Do people even bother reading past the title? I am a sub and I plan on purchasing CC to get the various unlocks. Something as paltry as a cred cap isn't going to keep me paying $15 a month while I might not get to play for weeks at a time. I guess you guys can have fun foaming at the mouth because I brought up what is apparently still a hot-button topic. I mean, TBH, they are actually LOSING business from me if the stuff I can buy as preferred makes it such a hassle to play.


I think the fact that only subs can post here mean you guys just have a sever case of incestuous amplification. So much for rational discussion.

Regardless of the features they offer for premium, they're losing your business anyway because you're choosing not to subscribe. There's no financial reason why they should give you something for nothing. It's like saying I've bought cokes all my life, why do I have to pay for an occasional one if I decide to cut back? No one would buy anymore, that's why people are replying. Giving away features for free is a death spiral for the game.

Edited by Ybini
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They know that they content they create is mediocre at best, and its sad the incentive to sub is to stay away from restrictions instead of getting actual content.
It's not working that way. Not for everyone, not for me. In fact, I don't like new content (KotFE) that why I will unsub. There is no way to hold me subbed with restrictions. I will sub again when (and if) EA/BW make some new content that I will be want to play.
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Or they spent as little as $5. They're not spending any more (or at least they don't have to; if they are spending close to $15 a month on CC after going Preferred, they have no one to blame for their foolishness but themselves).



Really? Sorry, but many people unsub for many reasons, I'm sure a few of them stopped for legitimate reasons in there personal life. See? you think anyone who isn't a sub is garbage and beneath you just because they stopped paying for whatever reason at the moment.


Don't you always go on about how if they don't like the game then they should just leave? I guess if you don't like the games direction its all your fault and your own mistakes, however if you unsub you're a fool.


They do. Former subs keep access to RotHC, SOR and whatever KotFE was up to when the went Preferred. Sounds like a good deal to me. Pay a 1-time $15, get all of RotHC, all of SOR, KotFE chapters 1 to whatever, 500 CC, link a security key to the account and keep getting that 100 CC even after going Preferred.


They also lose most of there hard earned credits, ability to go in ops, and ability to do more than 5 warzones without a pass. I'm not saying a pref should get the ability to do new ops or new warzones, but they should be able to retain the current benefits of the old ones.

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The entire game is "bells and whistles." It's just a game.


A person cannot reasonably complain about the value of something they get for free, so whatever a Preferred player gets is more than enough.


I think you misunderstood the issue here.


All of the above is available, BUT becuse a cap in credits pref and f2p acn't buy the items, mostly unlocks that SUBS do NOT NEED, becuse since subs don't need them nobody should have them so greed plays in and the subs buying unlocks then price them too high, basically ONLY to rub it in.


Actually this cost more loss of players and possible future subscribers then any cut in pvp or no extra content in game.


After all why should a f2p subscribe to then acces what he don't longer need?


Is greed and mean rubbing it in, and ONLY THAT.

The few times I have bought unlocks I either use them my self ( before I got sub ) or I sell them withing the range of the buyers cap, I don't sell a f2p an item to a million, he will never ever have any posibility to ever get that amount in way shape or form, so to him it RUBBED in by seeing the prices.



If you have poor people getting a dollar a day for food and you are a great humitarian offering then a meal at 50 dollar, then you ARE AN A**HOLE!, and that is basically the thing with SOME prices on GTN, there is NO reason to have ANY unlock priced more then 450K, EVER. Anything more then that IS ONLY GREED, ns ment to RUB it in.


Now luckily I can afford beig sub, so I get by, but 50% ? are not, and they leave the gme giving becuse of the GREED from subs.


My first server ( I tranferred as soon as I could) I started out f2p, I think my credit cap was 350K

On that server THEN ( I know it varies) the price for artifact Character.............again something NO SUB ever need, was priced at a milimun 1.5 million.


SO THAT prooves that ONLY GREED is the reason, why f2p and pref are suffering and being in all apects " denied" unlocks

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What exactly do you -need- in game that costs more than 300k?


You dont -need- fancy CM armor, weapons, mounts, pets, and titles, you -want- them.


Mods/barrels/hilts/relics/implants/earpieces? You can get all of those from.. I know this is a huge shock, and a terrible terrible hardship... playing the game.


There are these vendors sprinkled throughout the game that sell these things. Some for credits, most for comm crystals, which you get for... playing the game!


Oooooh I get it, you want those really expensive end game mods that crafters learned by REing OPs mods! That unless your doing Nightmare Mode OPs, you dont even -really- need, again, you just -want- them...


Purple gear? You can play just fine in blues. Hide helmet, vanity unlock. Unify colors, another vanity unlock. Titles? Same.


You might -want- a Ferarri, but a Ford Festiva will get you to where you need to go just the same.


Again, want vs need. If you -want- something, pony up and pay for it.


Oh thats right, you dont want to pay.


On the other hand, it's a game, so "need" is a bit of a messy concept. We don't "need" to play at all, so I'm not sure "need" comes into it at all.

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Do people even bother reading past the title? I am a sub and I plan on purchasing CC to get the various unlocks. Something as paltry as a cred cap isn't going to keep me paying $15 a month while I might not get to play for weeks at a time. I guess you guys can have fun foaming at the mouth because I brought up what is apparently still a hot-button topic. I mean, TBH, they are actually LOSING business from me if the stuff I can buy as preferred makes it such a hassle to play.


I think the fact that only subs can post here mean you guys just have a sever case of incestuous amplification. So much for rational discussion.


The only one foaming at the mouth it seems is you. Not one repy was negative, they just answered your question.

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I think you misunderstood the issue here.


All of the above is available, BUT becuse a cap in credits pref and f2p acn't buy the items, mostly unlocks that SUBS do NOT NEED, becuse since subs don't need them nobody should have them so greed plays in and the subs buying unlocks then price them too high, basically ONLY to rub it in.


Actually this cost more loss of players and possible future subscribers then any cut in pvp or no extra content in game.


After all why should a f2p subscribe to then acces what he don't longer need?


Is greed and mean rubbing it in, and ONLY THAT.

The few times I have bought unlocks I either use them my self ( before I got sub ) or I sell them withing the range of the buyers cap, I don't sell a f2p an item to a million, he will never ever have any posibility to ever get that amount in way shape or form, so to him it RUBBED in by seeing the prices.



If you have poor people getting a dollar a day for food and you are a great humitarian offering then a meal at 50 dollar, then you ARE AN A**HOLE!, and that is basically the thing with SOME prices on GTN, there is NO reason to have ANY unlock priced more then 450K, EVER. Anything more then that IS ONLY GREED, ns ment to RUB it in.


Now luckily I can afford beig sub, so I get by, but 50% ? are not, and they leave the gme giving becuse of the GREED from subs.


My first server ( I tranferred as soon as I could) I started out f2p, I think my credit cap was 350K

On that server THEN ( I know it varies) the price for artifact Character.............again something NO SUB ever need, was priced at a milimun 1.5 million.


SO THAT prooves that ONLY GREED is the reason, why f2p and pref are suffering and being in all apects " denied" unlocks

I doubt most subs know what the cap limit is for any other tier. Likely they look at the gtn for the "going price" and set it around that value.

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I doubt most subs know what the cap limit is for any other tier. Likely they look at the gtn for the "going price" and set it around that value.

Yea, I don't know what the cap limit is :p

Or they're making their price based on the value of the Cartel Coins, and what other similarly CC priced items are going for.


Credit Escrow Transfer: 600K is 240 Cartel Coins.


Credit Escrow Transfer: 150K is 80 Cartel Coins


Credit Escrow Transfer: 50K is 40 Cartel Coins


Unfortunately I can't see what the price is on the GTN because no one has any for sale on JC(or that bug is back where items aren't showing up in GTN search).

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What exactly do you -need- in game that costs more than 300k?


You dont -need- fancy CM armor, weapons, mounts, pets, and titles, you -want- them.


Mods/barrels/hilts/relics/implants/earpieces? You can get all of those from.. I know this is a huge shock, and a terrible terrible hardship... playing the game.


There are these vendors sprinkled throughout the game that sell these things. Some for credits, most for comm crystals, which you get for... playing the game!


Oooooh I get it, you want those really expensive end game mods that crafters learned by REing OPs mods! That unless your doing Nightmare Mode OPs, you dont even -really- need, again, you just -want- them...


Purple gear? You can play just fine in blues. Hide helmet, vanity unlock. Unify colors, another vanity unlock. Titles? Same.


You might -want- a Ferarri, but a Ford Festiva will get you to where you need to go just the same.


Again, want vs need. If you -want- something, pony up and pay for it.


Oh thats right, you dont want to pay.


I don't need anything, that's why it's not a consideration for me unsubbing. It is, however, something that is confusing to me from an economic standpoint.

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I think you misunderstood the issue here.

No, I do not.


All of the above is available, BUT becuse a cap in credits pref and f2p acn't buy the items, mostly unlocks that SUBS do NOT NEED, becuse since subs don't need them nobody should have them so greed plays in and the subs buying unlocks then price them too high, basically ONLY to rub it in.

So what? If the seller prices an item beyond the means of potential buyers, it won't sell. Then the seller will either re-list or remain stubborn and the item will continue to not sell. Either way, so what?


Actually this cost more loss of players and possible future subscribers then any cut in pvp or no extra content in game.


After all why should a f2p subscribe to then acces what he don't longer need?

After all, why should a player subscribe if they could get what they wanted without subscribing?


If you have poor people getting a dollar a day for food and you are a great humitarian offering then a meal at 50 dollar, then you ARE AN A**HOLE!, and that is basically the thing with SOME prices on GTN, there is NO reason to have ANY unlock priced more then 450K, EVER. Anything more then that IS ONLY GREED, ns ment to RUB it in.

This game is a complete and total luxury. Your analogy is as inapt as possible, and then some.


Now luckily I can afford beig sub, so I get by, but 50% ? are not, and they leave the gme giving becuse of the GREED from subs.

Anyone with the wherewithal to play the game can subscribe if they choose. Skip 3 Starbucks drinks a month and the fee is paid. In any event, playing computer games is not a basic human right.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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