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Are ops/raids outdated?


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Darn right. I want them to get gear in story mode, then get better in hard mode, and then finally challenge themselves in NiM and get those wings, dread enhanced rancors, and TITAN-6 containment vehicles! That's exactly what I want.


QFT and this is exactly how the system is designed and works well. I mean I could see an issue if it was all level 65 content and you had to be level 65 to do it but with level 50+ bolster for SM it works well ... how well the boslter works is debateable as I can't say I've tried to run it with a bunch of 50's in standard level appropriate gear but the point is it's in the system and it's working.


Now if people are actually finding SM too difficult ( anyone feel free to admit to this or direct me threads stating so ) then I could see a case for making a tactical style version with really under leveled gear drops ( won't happen as the resources to develop the tanking mechanics into non tanking mechanics aren't going to be used for the small benefit it would bring ) even though I feel it would be worse for the game over all by giving people a means of avoiding the raiding and possibly finding something they will enjoy ( I absolutely refused to raid when I first started this game as an anti MMO player and now I've done the lions share of raid content ) and keep them playing long term as they progress.


What I don't see one reason for is making an "easy nightmare mode" ... it makes no sense. The only way this would be fair is if they removed all vanity rewards from it and only offered up gear suitable to it's level which would be level 50 gear ( useless ). I know slowpoke won't like this though because truly it's the drops he wants, not the ability to run the content.

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Sorry I once enjoyed most of the ops, but right now it just feels quite boring to gather 8 ppl to do these old ones. Especially when you need to wait for certain classes(tank mostly) and stop when some others took a break/left it. Modern gamers prefer quicker content that doesn't require much time to gather a group. Sure Bioware didn't release new ops, but I think current ops style also require some work. Like removing the tank-dps-heal trio from all the ops or make all classes be able to do all three roles and reduce the size of ops group.


Have you ever considered that the reason you are bored with the old operations is because they are old, and as a result you have done them so many times that you can no longer motivate yourself to do them the way that you used to be able to when they were new.


How about old daily areas (the Black Hold, Section X and etc.)? Do you have as much fun doing them now as you did when they were new?


What about KotFE? How many times have you done the first 11 chapters? If you have done them more than once, then did you have as much fun doing them 2nd, 5th, or 10th time as you did the first time? If you are like the people that I talk to you probably didn't.


So, with all of that said, do you also think that BiowWare should change the way that they develop solo mission because they are boring?


The whole idea of trying to eliminate or change a game type because you no longer enjoy doing the old content seem silly to me, and I hope that he people at BioWare are smart enough to know that they should not listen to you.

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What I don't see one reason for is making an "easy nightmare mode" ... it makes no sense. The only way this would be fair is if they removed all vanity rewards from it and only offered up gear suitable to it's level which would be level 50 gear ( useless ). I know slowpoke won't like this though because truly it's the drops he wants, not the ability to run the content.


Because even at their prime, there were too few people running them so Bioware stopped to develop new NIM mode ops. The players who are interested in NIM isn't even enough for convince Bioware to continue this route. What is going to happen and what is happening to the OLD NIM ops, which doesn't provide better gear compare to most of the HM ops?


You people failed to see this and trying to let this ops stay dead.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Even at the prime of NIM ops, TFB, SNV, DF and DP, which they were fresh and new, providing the top best gears in the game, there were only a few elite guilds were able to do it due to the difficulty. It directly caused Bioware to give up on new NIM ops for Rav and ToS.


Right now there are the differences:

It got really old, even NIM DP was released more than 20 months ago.

Overall population had decreased(2.0 was the best era).

Many raiders left due to no new raid content for a long while.

These ops no longer provide the best PVE gears alone, even easy ops like EV HM could drop 224 gears.


Each of these are disadvantages, even if there are a few "new players" trying to get into it. How many people are running NIM ops compare to 2.0 cycle? Even 2.0 NIM raiders weren't enough to let Bioware continue. And some people are saying it should still stay so hard that keep most of the people from it, when we got no new content?

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Because even at their prime, there were too few people running them so Bioware stopped to develop new NIM mode ops. The players who are interested in NIM isn't even enough for convince Bioware to continue this route. What is going to happen and what is happening to the OLD NIM ops, which doesn't provide better gear compare to most of the HM ops?


You people failed to see this and trying to let this ops stay dead.


Of course it has to be everyone else FAILING TO SEE IT, couldnt possibly be the fact that is is a self serving, bad idea that no one else agrees with. Where is that guy with the denial definition when you need him...

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Of course it has to be everyone else FAILING TO SEE IT, couldnt possibly be the fact that is is a self serving, bad idea that no one else agrees with. Where is that guy with the denial definition when you need him...


What self-serving?

This is what the best MMO, WOW chose to do.

This was what SWTOR chose to do before it couldn't provide new content.

In 3.0 we saw there were more ppl doing NIM due to the 5 levels advantage.


These are all fact.

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If people want to do nightmare "git gud". To me what you are saying equates to me wanting tier 1 pvp ranked awrds when I'm not good enough. Perhaps if they expand the tier 1 to the top 30% then its more inclusive. While that statement is true its also insulting to the top players who have learned to PVP at high a level. The top end game playplay is designed for test the top end players "tarding down" to make it inclusive is just plain stuipid.
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If people want to do nightmare "git gud". To me what you are saying equates to me wanting tier 1 pvp ranked awrds when I'm not good enough. Perhaps if they expand the tier 1 to the top 30% then its more inclusive. While that statement is true its also insulting to the top players who have learned to PVP at high a level. The top end game playplay is designed for test the top end players "tarding down" to make it inclusive is just plain stuipid.

It was designed for top and end players, but when these players got done, they either move on or get bored if there is no new content. This, is different than PVP. PVE relies on new content much more than PVP. And what do we do with these ops? leave them there which nobody will touch? There were already too few people who could do NIM in 2.0, Bioware gave up on the NIM route. With those raiders left, the content is pretty much left for dead.


It's just like MC and BWL once was the top raid content of WOW, is it still the top raid content? What would happen if Blizzard still keep them at that difficulty?

Edited by Slowpokeking
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are u people like retarded or something? why are u even answering to any of slowpokes posts? dude cant form a single sentence that doesn't contradict what he said in an earlier post of his. Just ignore him already. Don't Feed the troll, or the noob in this case.
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Because even at their prime, there were too few people running them so Bioware stopped to develop new NIM mode ops. The players who are interested in NIM isn't even enough for convince Bioware to continue this route. What is going to happen and what is happening to the OLD NIM ops, which doesn't provide better gear compare to most of the HM ops?


You people failed to see this and trying to let this ops stay dead.


NIM has nothing to do with tactical operations.

NiM is challenging because it's NiM, who cares if 0 people in the entire game pug NIM, they'll be doing SM instead.


If YOU want to do NiM but can't pug then join a guild and get some friends ... your content in this thread implies you will find that challenging though.

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What self-serving?

In 3.0 we saw there were more ppl doing NIM due to the 5 levels advantage.

These are all fact.


That wasn't NiM, it just had the title NiM and Bioware made an error in not removing the vanity drops when it got down levelled.


Easy solution though ( not really, just try to prove a point in regards to slowpoke ) - give you your down levelled NiM AND a high levelled NiM except give the downleveled NiM level appropriate gear ( so 50 and 55 ) and remove all vanity drops since they wouldn't be deserved. Then leave the current level NiM as is with the best gear and the most rare vanity drops - you get to do your mechanics easy this way. :)

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NIM has nothing to do with tactical operations.

NiM is challenging because it's NiM, who cares if 0 people in the entire game pug NIM, they'll be doing SM instead.


If YOU want to do NiM but can't pug then join a guild and get some friends ... your content in this thread implies you will find that challenging though.


But Bioware cares when too few people were doing NIM, they even stopped to make NIM ops because of this. Now are you saying that after these ops got old, raiders got bored or moved on, overall population had decreased and you could get top tier gear from EV HM, the tiny number of NIM raiders didn't continue to decrease?


Even among the guilds during 2.0 cycle, the best SWTOR era and when those ops were new, few could do NIM, thus caused Bioware to stop making NIM content, understand it.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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That wasn't NiM, it just had the title NiM and Bioware made an error in not removing the vanity drops when it got down levelled.


Easy solution though ( not really, just try to prove a point in regards to slowpoke ) - give you your down levelled NiM AND a high levelled NiM except give the downleveled NiM level appropriate gear ( so 50 and 55 ) and remove all vanity drops since they wouldn't be deserved. Then leave the current level NiM as is with the best gear and the most rare vanity drops - you get to do your mechanics easy this way. :)

So why didn't Bioware continue to make more "REAL" NIM ops?


A content is worthless if too few people were doing it.

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But Bioware cares when too few people were doing NIM, they even stopped to make NIM ops because of this. Now are you saying that after these ops got old, raiders got bored or moved on, overall population had decreased and you could get top tier gear from EV HM, the tiny number of NIM raiders didn't continue to decrease?


Even among the guilds during 2.0 cycle, the best SWTOR era and when those ops were new, few could do NIM, thus caused Bioware to stop making NIM content, understand it.


They cared enough to move them to max level again, seems you're wrong ... as always.


So why didn't Bioware continue to make more "REAL" NIM ops?


A content is worthless if too few people were doing it.


Love how you skipped the compromise part I put forward, proves you're nothing but looking for a greed of change.


Anyway let's face facts.


Just about every single poster in this thread disagrees with you. By majority people don't want what you want so you won't get what you want.

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They cared enough to move them to max level again, seems you're wrong ... as always.


Love how you skipped the compromise part I put forward, proves you're nothing but looking for a greed of change.


Anyway let's face facts.


Just about every single poster in this thread disagrees with you. By majority people don't want what you want so you won't get what you want.

Yeah, without making new ones for 20 months, they even discontinued this trend, understand the problem here.


I'm not against NIM in 2.0 cycle, just don't think they should always stick there even after the target group is gone.

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Yeah, without making new ones for 20 months, they even discontinued this trend, understand the problem here.


I'm not against NIM in 2.0 cycle, just don't think they should always stick there even after the target group is gone.


The problem is no new ops ... that is all. Everything else you posted is self serving greed for your own personal gratification and inability to get vanity items you can't get any other way due to lack of skill.

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