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Anyone noticed how simmilar both the Warrior and Scourge's stories are?


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I was thinking back to the Revan book and I noticed that both the Warrior's and Scourge's stories had similar story beats.

  • Both were exceptional academy students of Noble blood
  • Both were personally sought out by Vitiate
  • Both serve a Dark Council member
  • That Council member is much more of a strategist than a warrior
  • Both work with a snarky slave and a gruff Soldier
  • Both are sent to kill traitors (The Warrior unknowingly)
  • Both are offered an alliance from another Dark Council member
  • Both have a betrayal take place
  • Both served a Council member that was attempting to overthrow the Emperor


My memory of the book is foggy. Is there anything I'm missing or have mis-remembered?

Edited by Codedrago
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Sadly not read any of the books though I'm increasingly intrigued by them after hearing several things, your post included. What's the exact title to put on my wishlist?


The comparisons are interesting though definitely, I guess that's the life of the Wrath.

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Sadly not read any of the books though I'm increasingly intrigued by them after hearing several things, your post included. What's the exact title to put on my wishlist?


The comparisons are interesting though definitely, I guess that's the life of the Wrath.



It's basically telling of where Revan went after KOTOR and how he ended up in the Malestorm prison.

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Point of contention, I don't think Vitiate personally sought out the SW. Wasn't it the Hand that recruits you in part to rescue the trapped Vitiate?


They say that Vitiate chose you, but then again, they might of just been trying to cater to your ego slightly.

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They say that Vitiate chose you, but then again, they might of just been trying to cater to your ego slightly.

Well he did kind of confirmed it in KOTFE when he said you where always more then his wrath and in Shadow of Revan when he said he will spare you for last actually addressing the wrath basically he likes him.

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The personal relationship with Vitiate is why the SW will always be my favourite,
Also mine. While the SW stats quite infantile, the further the story gets the more comlex, driven and personal motivated it gets. i would even say, it is way more personal than the Jedi Knight story.
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Also mine. While the SW stats quite infantile, the further the story gets the more comlex, driven and personal motivated it gets. i would even say, it is way more personal than the Jedi Knight story.


Yeah, out of all the classes, the Warrior seems to have the most personal story. Especially during KOFTE (I'd include the agent, but that really depends on how you play them)

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