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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I wonder at his point who the "game is dead" faction is trying to convince, us, or themselves? If the game is so dead why are you even here? Shouldn't you be in a more a live games forums?

Its simple, if you dont want to play theres the door, for those of us that do, enough already.

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I wonder at his point who the "game is dead" faction is trying to convince, us, or themselves? If the game is so dead why are you even here? Shouldn't you be in a more a live games forums?

Its simple, if you dont want to play theres the door, for those of us that do, enough already.


You need to read better. The game is dead in the sense of there is nowhere else to run for refuge. We have reached the end of the rope. The server Harbringer is NOT dead yet. It has started its decent and has gone drasticly downhill in the past 4-6 weeks, but it is not dead. What this thread is about is the fact that the game has died, and we are down to 1 last server worth playing on and now where do we go when it dies. That's what this is all about.


You need to read a little before you go off on a full meltdown and then on top of it screaming at me to leave this game. I made it very clear. I like this game, but when the que times get to the point that have already reached ON 4 OTHER SERVERS I PLAYED ON BEFORE HARBRINGER then I am gone and gone forever unless they institute server to server ques or form a mega server.


Plain and simple. Read a little before you go off on a full meltdown mode.

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You need to read better. The game is dead in the sense of there is nowhere else to run for refuge. We have reached the end of the rope. The server Harbringer is NOT dead yet. It has started its decent and has gone drasticly downhill in the past 4-6 weeks, but it is not dead. What this thread is about is the fact that the game has died, and we are down to 1 last server worth playing on and now where do we go when it dies. That's what this is all about.


You need to read a little before you go off on a full meltdown and then on top of it screaming at me to leave this game. I made it very clear. I like this game, but when the que times get to the point that have already reached ON 4 OTHER SERVERS I PLAYED ON BEFORE HARBRINGER then I am gone and gone forever unless they institute server to server ques or form a mega server.


Plain and simple. Read a little before you go off on a full meltdown mode.


What's this "WE"?


YOU have reached the end of YOUR rope. YOU have no where else to go for refuge.


The server I play on is not dead, there are people on all the time and it hits standard server load every night I'm on.


4-6 weeks is not the end of the world for a game that has lasted over 5 years and has additional content in production at present (whether it's content any one player, myself includes, gives a damn about -- they're recording voice acting for Season 2 of KotFE).


If the game was dead, you would not be able to log into the game to see how "bad" it is on your server, and the forum you've been posting on (about how the game is "dead") for years now would likely not be up and running for you to post on.


Perhaps you should look up "dead" in that dictionary you love to spam copy-paste definitions from.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You need to read better. The game is dead in the sense of there is nowhere else to run for refuge. We have reached the end of the rope. The server Harbringer is NOT dead yet. It has started its decent and has gone drasticly downhill in the past 4-6 weeks, but it is not dead. What this thread is about is the fact that the game has died, and we are down to 1 last server worth playing on and now where do we go when it dies. That's what this is all about.


You need to read a little before you go off on a full meltdown and then on top of it screaming at me to leave this game. I made it very clear. I like this game, but when the que times get to the point that have already reached ON 4 OTHER SERVERS I PLAYED ON BEFORE HARBRINGER then I am gone and gone forever unless they institute server to server ques or form a mega server.


Plain and simple. Read a little before you go off on a full meltdown mode.


Then stop being provocative with the click-bait title and change the title of the thread AND all your rhetoric in this thread to reflect your revised claim here.

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Then stop being provocative with the click-bait title and change the title of the thread AND all your rhetoric in this thread to reflect your revised claim here.


Title is exactly what I said and meant. Why should it change?

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Then stop being provocative with the click-bait title and change the title of the thread AND all your rhetoric in this thread to reflect your revised claim here.


He doesn't change his claim here, however -- he continues to claim that because his queue times are too long for his tastes, the entire game is "dead".

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I'm not the one who is judging the health of the game by PvP queue pops. For what I do, the game is as healthy as ever. There's people in my guild chat, when I decide to PvP I can usually get a match or two in a reasonable time, and the times I've looked to do an Op or event operations boss, I've found one.


I'm not much of a player of shooters; every so often I'll make a fool of myself in TF2, but that's about it

You completely dodged my post with irrelevant stuff.


Nope, and here's why. The fantasy is trying to claim that this is a fantasy.




Because hitting links is hard, here's the opening post, emphasis mine.

You found a thread made by one player this week. Wow overwhelming. :rolleyes:

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You completely dodged my post with irrelevant stuff.



You found a thread made by one player this week. Wow overwhelming. :rolleyes:


I don't follow - you said "no u" (which is a blinding argument) and then implied that there were no toxic PvP'ers, which plenty of other people have posted counterexamples of, over several years of gaming experience; in multiple games.


My position is that, overall, the game is surviving; but that SWTOR's PvP subgame is withering away, likely due to the perception that PvP is full of "Do you even PvP, bro" dudebros. (Whether that's a reality or not doesn't matter, since that's the perception.) I'm also seeing evidence that the SWTOR ops subgame is withering, because of a similar perception of elitism; leading to less players, leading to less observed ROI on Ops. (At least PvP is getting some additional content shortly; we're not seeing new ops in this expansion cycle).


I'll be sad if Ops go away, I'm just now dipping my toes in that space, and having fun - the couple of times I've done Ops-sized content, it has been refreshingly free of "do you even X" dudebros, and even when I've been at fault for errors, I've gotten constructive criticism.

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You found a thread made by one player this week. Wow overwhelming. :rolleyes:


And never mind all the people who said "this guy's self-proclaimed behavior matches the sorts of things I've seen in PvP both in SWTOR and elsewhere?" Or all the people who've pointed out the same issues in these threads, or elsewhere, just during the recent brouhaha?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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And never mind all the people who said "this guy's self-proclaimed behavior matches the sorts of things I've seen in PvP both in SWTOR and elsewhere?" Or all the people who've pointed out the same issues in these threads, or elsewhere, just during the recent brouhaha?


Mmmm yeah I've run into social rejects and *** hats in various forms of game play but don't develop gross generalizations from it. I don't develop anxiety or ego issues over the behavior of other people video games so can't really relate though.

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Stopped reading at this part when your imagination replaced reality


For context:


The go play Battlefront if you want SW-themed PvP that isn't dead.

no u

The small fraction of toxic PvP players gravely injured PvP in SWTOR; so, yes, that game is (mostly) dead.

Will this personal fantasy meme ever die? :rolleyes:


I was a little confrontational in my directive to go play Battlefront, I suppose. But "No u" is not a very convincing argument for anything.


The second part; well, that's the perception/stereotype of PvP in most games. Which has been amply reinforced in the threads I'm participating in.

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For context:




I was a little confrontational in my directive to go play Battlefront, I suppose. But "No u" is not a very convincing argument for anything.


The second part; well, that's the perception/stereotype of PvP in most games. Which has been amply reinforced in the threads I'm participating in.


Yeah, but that what PVP is. Of course the atmosphere is more aggressive towards other players. That's what PVP is. Aggression towards other players.


I don't think PVP players are astonished when a PVE player accuses a PVP player of being aggressive towards other players. Just like I don't think people like you who don't like PVP because it is too rough and aggressive for you carebears. PVE only people are carebears. So what?

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Yeah, but that what PVP is. Of course the atmosphere is more aggressive towards other players. That's what PVP is. Aggression towards other players.


I don't think PVP players are astonished when a PVE player accuses a PVP player of being aggressive towards other players. Just like I don't think people like you who don't like PVP because it is too rough and aggressive for you carebears. PVE only people are carebears. So what?


Aggression comes with the territory, but aggression to guys in your own team? That's douchebaggery.

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I don't like it either. But it is the nature of the beast. So I just deal with it and keep pressing on.


^ This. It's the way of the internet.


People still do PUG Ops and FPs despite having sputtering, brain dead, control freaks occasionally in the group to flip out on everyone for no good reason. There's no difference with PVP, other than personal preferences.

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You need to read better. The game is dead in the sense of there is nowhere else to run for refuge. We have reached the end of the rope. The server Harbringer is NOT dead yet. It has started its decent and has gone drasticly downhill in the past 4-6 weeks, but it is not dead. What this thread is about is the fact that the game has died, and we are down to 1 last server worth playing on and now where do we go when it dies. That's what this is all about.


You need to read a little before you go off on a full meltdown and then on top of it screaming at me to leave this game. I made it very clear. I like this game, but when the que times get to the point that have already reached ON 4 OTHER SERVERS I PLAYED ON BEFORE HARBRINGER then I am gone and gone forever unless they institute server to server ques or form a mega server.


Plain and simple. Read a little before you go off on a full meltdown mode.


Or you need to realize this wasnt directly solely at you out of the many threads and suggestions people post regarding this on a regular basis... and that was hardly a meltdown, lol


As i have said to others you are taking a VERY narrow view on the matter looking at the last 30-60 days out of context. Is it slower, yes, but why?


The answer is quite simple, lack of real content in this game versus a wealth of newly released over hyped games that people are trying. That doesn't mean anything about the general health of this game which by all accounts is actually quite strong regardless of population and profitable.


So again... you cant just look at a limited time frame that suits your view without context and draw any viable or logical conclusion from that data. Its a big picture thing, you need to look passed your own nose and what appears to be obvious cause its really rarely is that simple.

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^ This. It's the way of the internet.


People still do PUG Ops and FPs despite having sputtering, brain dead, control freaks occasionally in the group to flip out on everyone for no good reason. There's no difference with PVP, other than personal preferences.


Do they now? BW doesn't seem to think they need to cater to Ops folks at all this cycle - no news ops since SoR, and a promise of no new ops for the length of Season 1. PvP is at least getting a new map and new game type.


The only thing Ops got was a refactor of the onlder ops so their difficulty was "revelant" to the new endgame.


Likewise no new Flashpoints; only a refactor of the old ones.


Both of which are more than GSF got, admittedly

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Do they now? BW doesn't seem to think they need to cater to Ops folks at all this cycle - no news ops since SoR, and a promise of no new ops for the length of Season 1. PvP is at least getting a new map and new game type.


The only thing Ops got was a refactor of the onlder ops so their difficulty was "revelant" to the new endgame.


Likewise no new Flashpoints; only a refactor of the old ones.


Both of which are more than GSF got, admittedly


Maybe this is a language misunderstanding. It's like you're not even reading the posts on the screen before replying.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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You need to read better. The game is dead in the sense of there is nowhere else to run for refuge. We have reached the end of the rope. The server Harbringer is NOT dead yet. It has started its decent and has gone drasticly downhill in the past 4-6 weeks, but it is not dead. What this thread is about is the fact that the game has died, and we are down to 1 last server worth playing on and now where do we go when it dies. That's what this is all about.


I can complete my conquest goal with only PvP (or GSF if preferred) in one night on Shadowlands. I agree 8:30 am server time that probably can't be done, but pretty much any PvE based MMO that would be true. I don't see any difference in que pops now vs. 2013, 2014 or 2015. And even better, we get new PvP maps in April.


This should honestly be a positive thread. We made it through years of content drought in PvP without much of a change in que pops.

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Yeah, you strike me as someone who tries to steer clear of aggression.


Lol. You just wont stop will you?


I don't step away from aggression. Just the opposite. You said when people ON THE SAME TEAM start being aggressive towards each other. You need to stop what you are doing. Not only does it make you look pathetic, but it is a dishonest way of trying to debate someone. You keep trying to make me say something I did not say. STOP!

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Lol. You just wont stop will you?


I don't step away from aggression. Just the opposite. You said when people ON THE SAME TEAM start being aggressive towards each other. You need to stop what you are doing. Not only does it make you look pathetic, but it is a dishonest way of trying to debate someone. You keep trying to make me say something I did not say. STOP!


So far, it looks more like people responding to the words you put in your posts, and you trying to say you didn't say the things that are in the words in your posts.

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