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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any way to prevent chapter XI auto-starting?


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I can't get to my contacts to turn in alliance supply crates. Entering the instance auto-starts chapter 11 which I don't want to play right now.


Anyone found or heard of a fix for it?

Edited by KyaniteD
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Complete it or don't get that far in the chapters. Those are your only options. It's really not that unreasonable as there's legitimately no reason for someone to finish Kaliyo's chapter and decide 'Yeah, I think I'll stop here'. All of my characters besides my Inquisitor, who's running the full story, got through Chapter 9 to get legit Odessen access and then did nothing else, for instance.
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I think that there are legitimately many reasons why someone may not want to complete a chapter just now while being able to access all the content previous to that chapter, I cannot imagine that the intention of BW was to force you into chapter XI by "locking" access to the Alliance chambers content.
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Complete it or don't get that far in the chapters. Those are your only options. It's really not that unreasonable as there's legitimately no reason for someone to finish Kaliyo's chapter and decide 'Yeah, I think I'll stop here'. All of my characters besides my Inquisitor, who's running the full story, got through Chapter 9 to get legit Odessen access and then did nothing else, for instance.


I hope you know how ridiculous that statement is. Just because there is no reason for you that doesn't mean there are no reasons for others. For me, right now, I just want to turn in the crates to advance my rank, get the crystals and upgrade my gear to help my friends in group content. I want to play the story parts when I feel like it and have the time and mindset to enjoy them properly.

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It did that to me yesterday when I did not want to start it. What I did was do the conversations and after it transported me to the start area. I just traveled to contact back and was able to access the alliance area with no problems after that.
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I tried that and it wanted to start the chapter for me. So I quit the convo and it kicked me out of the instance and everytime I tried to go back in. it would start the chapter even after reseting it.
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I tried that and it wanted to start the chapter for me. So I quit the convo and it kicked me out of the instance and everytime I tried to go back in. it would start the chapter even after reseting it.


Yep, exactly.


Tried your method and it worked. :) Didn't spoil too much, so it's all right. Thanks!

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It's really not that unreasonable as there's legitimately no reason for someone to finish Kaliyo's chapter and decide 'Yeah, I think I'll stop here'.

What an absurdly short-sighted view.


There have been bug fixes that come in later on that affect how the chapters play. Things like IA not being able to finish Chapter X, Alliance Alert issues, KotFE combat encounter changes, naked NPCs (:rolleyes:), etc.


Since my Commando is my main, I'm purposefully avoiding starting this chapter until a few patches have passed and I'm less likely to have a buggy experience.


Were you around when SoR was first released? Did you know there was a class-specific conversation between Shae Vizla and the Bounty Hunter PC that was broken upon release? At least, as a flashpoint, one could re-run it once it was fixed.


It's absolutely reasonable for someone to want to delay the next chapter of KoTFE.

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What an absurdly short-sighted view.


Good golly gosh I'm so sorry that I rustled your undies, bro. You realize by your own logic, there were people who were able to finish Chapter 10 on their Agent BEFORE the first hotfix because it wasn't broken on release? :rolleyes:

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It's really not that unreasonable as there's legitimately no reason for someone to finish Kaliyo's chapter and decide 'Yeah, I think I'll stop here'.


This is 100% incorrect. I can tell you at least one good reason why somebody wouldn't want to finish a chapter upon its release. Personally, and this is for Chapter X not Chapter XI (spoilers for Chapter X and the JK class story ahead):



Had I known Kaliyo not acknowledging that she'd met the Jedi Knight during Doc's trip to Hutta was a bug and not an oversight, I would have waited to play Chapter X. My main is a Jedi Knight and I do all story content with them since I'm more attached to their "story" than my other characters. I was actually looking forward to seeing if there would be an interaction with Kaliyo and was extremely disappointed when she acted as if they'd never met, but now that I know it's a bug and not an oversight? I can't go back and experience that scene with my main since I'm already past Chapter X.



I don't think asking Bioware to make it so the Chapter doesn't start until you press play (in this instance at least, don't know if that's the case for Chapter X), regardless of if you're on Odessen or not, is all that unreasonable either. Just because you don't see a reason for it doesn't mean there's "no legitimate reason." There's plenty of reasons for somebody to not want to play through a Chapter right away and it wouldn't affect you at all if they made it possible for people to wait, since you could still start right away if you wanted.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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This is 100% incorrect. I can tell you at least one good reason why somebody wouldn't want to finish a chapter upon its release. Personally, and this is for Chapter X not Chapter XI (spoilers for Chapter X and the JK class story ahead):


But Kaitou Kid, apparently all of the chapters can be done in 15 minutes each without hitting the spacebar or stealthing at all! Surely it's not that much of an inconvenience to do it?!

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But Kaitou Kid, apparently all of the chapters can be done in 15 minutes each without hitting the spacebar or stealthing at all! Surely it's not that much of an inconvenience to do it?!


The length of the chapters has nothing to do with it. I've actually really enjoyed the past couple chapters, but the point I made in that spoiler tag still stands. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for not wanting to start the chapters right away, regardless of if they're 15 minutes or 15 hours. You shouldn't dismiss them entirely simply because you don't share the same opinion or experiences.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Go through the conversation with Theron, travel to Zakuul. Then as soon as you land. Use the "N" follower screen to travel back to the contact you want to talk to. You will then be able to come and go as you please. When you do want to continue chapter XI, just reset the chapter and restart from the beginning.
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