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Why is Ashara so popular? She makes no sense.

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Umm....what's your issue with Holiday? I'm struggling to see what makes her (it) vile.


For me its the vapid "teeheehee oh Tharan your such a virile man!" ickiness personality Tharan Cedrax programmed her with... blech


I hope I get a chance to either shoot her out an airlock, cut her down, or get rid of her in some way. She's as vile as Kaliyo, Skadge and Holiday all rolled into one.


Id like to feed her to Khem. Nice force user snack for him, no more hypocritical whining twit yapping at me like my neighbors mangy chiahuahua, win win :D

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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For me its the vapid "teeheehee oh Tharan your such a virile man!" ickiness personality Tharan Cedrax programmed her with... blech


But that's how you're supposed to react, isn't it? Tharan's kind of a pathetic boy-man who needs a vapid bimbo fawning over him to be happy (even if that vapid bimbo is kind of a genius). Holiday is a mirror to Tharan's character flaws.

Edited by MasterSpatula
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Ignoring you being an *** for no reason, it's obviously not my opinion. I don't like her either, I said she was popular because so many people were requesting that she return along with Nadia, Kira, and Jaesa, who are fan favourites.


The only logical reason I can see why she is in that sentence is because she is a romance option like the others.


I personally don't hate her character as much as whoever wrote that companion dialog or the SI dialog in general.

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That isn't possible. It defeats the entire purpose of being Sith. The dark side abilities feed off the negative emotions of anger and hate, a Light Side Sith should be incapable of using them and he/she shouldn't want to. That power always corrupts, Revan is a perfect example of this.

Have you started KotFE already?


As for the original question, different people are fans of different species. Not only did we get the option to play Togruta very late, but out of the 42 original companions, only 2 were from that species. One was a republic soldier who was so bland and so shoe-horned in that even after more than 4 years I still don't have a clue what he ever did on my ship in the fist place... and the other one is Ashara. Sometimes you just win by lack of competition.

Edited by trueKieran
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Have you started KotFE already?


As for the original question, different people are fans of different species. Not only did we get the option to play Togruta very late, but out of the 42 original companions, only 2 were from the species. One was a republic soldier who was so bland and so shoe-horned in that even after more than 4 years I still don't have a clue what he ever did on my ship in the fist place... and the other one is Ashara. Sometimes you just win by lack of competition.

Rusk is a Chagrian, not a Togruta.

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See? He made such an impression that I didn't even remember his species correctly.


Actually just off the top of my head I remember that senators love him and his fellow troops hate him. He gets the job done against impossible odds, but casualties are usually so high that nobody wants to work with him.


If anything, he's the perfect dps comp for a DS-leaning guardian that's nearly indestructible. :D

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I'm with Luna and Tamyn, I'd gladly space the bish.


I always try to let her Force-ghost grandpa kill her, but then she's like, "Oh you don't really mean that!" and forces herself onto my crew. :mad:


Same with Jaesa.



Sith Warrior: Master, I'll kill her for you.

Baras: Okay!

Sith Warrior: Die, Jaesa!

Jaesa: Oh, you're so wise! You're just trying to teach me that the Jedi are corrupt!

Sith Warrior: No, I really want to kill you.

Jaesa: Let me be your apprentice now!

Baras: I'm impressed that you got her to be your new apprentice!

Sith Warrior: *facepalm*


Edited by Tamyn
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I was about to post that I hate her nasally voice and her high-and-mighty attitude. Glad to see I'm not alone. "Don't make me go againtht my teachingth!" She acts like I'm a light-sided Sith even when I'm dark. She keeps talking about how we're "changing the Empire from within" and I'm thinking, "I never said I was doing that!"


Oh she drives me batsh*t crazy carrying on as she does. I'm going to totally make her go against her teachings...I do it with every enemy we kill. I play mostly dark side characters so she's really annoying to me. Even on my light side male...he was so disgusted with her, he started flirting with Theron in front of her lol.


I agree, I never felt like I was changing the Empire, nor was I wanting to change it...except for who was in charge...and that would be the PC ;D



I'm with Luna and Tamyn, I'd gladly space the bish.
Woots! *high five* Space 'er!!


Umm....what's your issue with Holiday? I'm struggling to see what makes her (it) vile.


My issues with Holiday are two fold...One, I can't stand the tone of her voice and the 'dollish' way she talks. It makes me roll my eyes so hard I'm in danger of spraining them. Two...There was only one remotely interesting male in the JC storyline (before Theron) and that was Cedrax, who I wanted to romance with my JC (Iresso is dull as dirt, I had to keep checking for a pulse.) And of course it didn't pan out, because of that trampy twit of a hologram...but Cedrax turned out to be even worse than Iresso. Can't stand Cedrax's voice either...so it was just as well. Thank the maker for Theron Shan! :D


Seriously, I just hate the way Holiday is presented ( I get why guys like her) the voice, the baby talk...yuck.



For me its the vapid "teeheehee oh Tharan your such a virile man!" ickiness personality Tharan Cedrax programmed her with... blech


Id like to feed her to Khem. Nice force user snack for him, no more hypocritical whining twit yapping at me like my neighbors mangy chiahuahua, win win :D


Xia, my forum sister! *high five* She gets it. That's exactly why I hate on the holobimbo. Clingy, yucky voice, and baby talk all over Cedrax. Eww. I suppose in the long run I was better off, Cedrax sucks. I'll never play another JC ever again lol.


Yep, I'd try that too if I could, only I worry that I'd give Khem cavities and an upset stomach from that thing. Nothing worse than a hypocritical whiny twit.

Edited by Lunafox
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My issues with Holiday are two fold...One, I can't stand the tone of her voice and the 'dollish' way she talks. It makes me roll my eyes so hard I'm in danger of spraining them. Two...There was only one remotely interesting male in the JC storyline (before Theron) and that was Cedrax, who I wanted to romance with my JC (Iresso is dull as dirt, I had to keep checking for a pulse.) And of course it didn't pan out, because of that trampy twit of a hologram...but Cedrax turned out to be even worse than Iresso. Can't stand Cedrax's voice either...so it was just as well. Thank the maker for Theron Shan! :D


Seriously, I just hate the way Holiday is presented ( I get why guys like her) the voice, the baby talk...yuck.


That's exactly why I hate on the holobimbo. Clingy, yucky voice, and baby talk all over Cedrax. Eww.


Wow, that's exactly the journey my Consular went on. Tried to romance Tharan Cedrax, hated Holiday's voice, mannerisms, and possessiveness, found Iresso devoid of personality and unappealing (my JC's voice acting is so flat she needs a guy with some attitude, not a sycophant), then ended up with Theron Shan. Theron's the only thing that convinced me to finish my Consular story line at last.

Edited by Tamyn
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I actually quite like Ashara, though she doesn't fit well with pure DS SI.


I typically run a just dark side of neutral (usually keeps me around Dark 1). In other words, pragmatic individual who doesn't have patience for the stupidity for most Sith, (which considering the SI backstory, makes perfect sense) but won't show mercy for the sake of mercy, you got to get something out of it.


For example, on Belsavis, freeing the prisoners and taking down Ruger, I choose LS both times, because the rebel leaders are just the smarter choice, and letting someone live in exchange for money is a lot more useful than just killing him for no reason.


Under this kind of scenario, Ashara works very well.



Honestly, every class has their "weird" companions depending on your alignment. Skadge for LS hunter, Corso for DS Smugger, Kaliyo period etc. When the comp is against your alignment, they become crafters or ship ornaments, and that's the end of it.

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Wow, that's exactly the journey my Consular went on. Tried to romance Tharan Cedrax, hated Holiday's voice, mannerisms, and possessiveness, found Iresso devoid of personality and unappealing (my JC's voice acting is so flat she needs a guy with some attitude, not a sycophant), then ended up with Theron Shan. Theron's the only thing that convinced me to finish my Consular story line at last.


Yeah, the female JC...her voice actor...she was lacking a pulse too. Maybe why they thought she'd be a good match for Iresso lol. I have to say that any man who gets told by his hologram who he can date and what he can do, isn't worth my time. And if memory serves she was even acting up like a little baby about it, by taking it out on the ship's systems or something. It's been a while, but if there was no plot armor for that holobimbo, I'd have erased her and made certain there was no back up. Ooops. Sorry Cedrax...you might actually have to talk to a real girl now. :D


Theron was my incentive too. It was a thoroughly horrid experience playing the female JC, as I said, never again.

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There are some more options to play an inquistor than beeing a dark-side-monster killing everything in its way. Me, for example, I play my assasine as a wise leader of the sith-empire. He is a bit like Darh Marr, pragmatically trying to raise the power of the empire and defend it against any threat. Therefor, Ashara is the best companion to play with. I took her up to 10.000 before 4.0. The plans, we discuss, were to renew the empire, make it more powerful than ever.
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I've gotta be honest I don't really understand why Ashara is written the way she is. She has no reason to join a DS Sith Lord. I mean, what's the point of even becoming a Sith apprentice if you refuse to go against Jedi teachings? And why would she keep insisting she is a Jedi when she helps murder Republic soldiers and Jedi on every planet you land on? What's weird is that she has dialogue specifically for Dark Side Inquisitors, but still sees them as some kind of Lightside Sith. She told me that she knew I was a man of peace. What possible event could ever have given her that idea?


Unlike LS Jaesa, I didn't really feel her "Let's change the Empire from within" plan was set up properly at all. She's easily the most confusing character in the game for me. I might actually like her if I had felt her actions made any sense to me.


Although one thing I don't understand from the OP is in what way is Kira the default face for her race? Humans have the most customization in the whole game for both PCs an NPCS, don't they?

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I'm not crazy about the way Ashara is written either. Let's be honest...the character is a moron. Only a moron could somehow think she's still a Jedi and adhering to the light side of the force while having defected to the Sith Empire and killed other Jedi and countless Republic soldiers in the service of Sith Lord, who is potentially full on dark side and a member of the Dark Council. Nearly everything that tumbles out of her mouth about the Jedi or force alignment makes zero sense.


The Sith Inquisitor's story is also somewhat weaker than the Warrior's in that the SI never gets to fully engineer a complete dark side fall for his new apprentice. To be fair though, I get the impression it was planned for future chapters but ended up being left unfinished when class stories were cut.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Makes no sense to me either. She is a vile disgusting creature that I want to strangle with her own lekku. ...


Those aren't Lekku. Only Twi'lek have Lekku. It's sort of part of their name even Twi'- LEKku. It's a Twi'lek word.

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I have to admit, when I got her I didn't exactly pick the best option so all I did was zap her. (That part was on me)


In the end I blackmailed her into joining me with the threat of the ghost. When she got on board I demanded she obey my commands and she just refused. I didn't know who seemed like the bigger idiot, her for staying or the me for letting her.

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Those aren't Lekku. Only Twi'lek have Lekku. It's sort of part of their name even Twi'- LEKku. It's a Twi'lek word.



Well, it was late and I forget the word for the downwards part of the tendrils that are against the chest...Upper horns are montrels yes? What would the lowers be called? Anyways thank you for pointing that out, if you know what the proper word is, I'd be happy to know it. :)

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So, she's perfect for the SI? :D


True, the Palps Expy isn't exactly the brightest bulb either. The Warrior ironically is more cunning. The Inquisitor far more often than the Warrior tries to solve problems with brute force, and when the Inquisitor does scheme, the scheme originated with other people. (like Zash)

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I've gotta be honest I don't really understand why Ashara is written the way she is. She has no reason to join a DS Sith Lord. I mean, what's the point of even becoming a Sith apprentice if you refuse to go against Jedi teachings?


Do you remember Ashara's "recruitment/enticement" mission dialog? It was one of the few things that looked good in SI story, a nice "if only you could see the power of the dark side"-type dialog where you turn her ideas against her and ultimately bait her into joining you. It SHOULDVE stayed that way. It looked good and proper Sith-like.


Then immediately afterwards it takes a flying leap to idiotic zone when she has a tantrum on board SI's ship and makes a 180-degree turn saying she will never be a Sith and blah blah whiiiiiiiiine. My Wrath would have decapitated her on the spot! Im at a loss of words how absolutely STUPID the whole thing was. She is some kind of walking Gainax ending.


Even if we allow her the somewhat realistic "hold up a second, what am I doing?!" moment, what makes me blow even MORE steam through my ears is how SI's dialog with her afterwards is completely railroaded to support her confused ideas. The options frequently are like:

- Yes, you're right

- no, you're right

- I don't know, you might be right

So rather than continue corrupting her to the dark side, the SI is PERFECTLY FINE with her being the confused tool she is and for SOME REASON the writer thought that every single SI in existence actually wants to undermine the empire from within.


Whoever brain donator wrote SI story should be restricted to writing background stories for cereal box toys.

Edited by Karkais
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Do you remember Ashara's "recruitment/enticement" mission dialog? It was one of the few things that looked good in SI story, a nice "if only you could see the power of the dark side"-type dialog where you turn her ideas against her and ultimately bait her into joining you. It SHOULDVE stayed that way. It looked good and proper Sith-like.


Then immediately afterwards it takes a flying leap to idiotic zone when she has a tantrum on board SI's ship and makes a 180-degree turn saying she will never be a Sith and blah blah whiiiiiiiiine. My Wrath would have decapitated her on the spot! Im at a loss of words how absolutely STUPID the whole thing was. She is some kind of walking Gainax ending.


Even if we allow her the somewhat realistic "hold up a second, what am I doing?!" moment, what makes me blow even MORE steam through my ears is how SI's dialog with her afterwards is completely railroaded to support her confused ideas. The options frequently are like:

- Yes, you're right

- no, you're right

- I don't know, you might be right

So rather than continue corrupting her to the dark side, the SI is PERFECTLY FINE with her being the confused tool she is and for SOME REASON the writer thought that every single SI in existence actually wants to undermine the empire from within.


Whoever brain donator wrote SI story should be restricted to writing background stories for cereal box toys.

Don't think that one's on the writer actually. Pretty sure it's because BW removed the option to kill off certain companions during beta since a lot of players pitched a fit about losing them permanently. I doubt Ashara was originally intended to live past that point if your character wasn't on-board with her trying to be an Empire-aligned Grey Jedi rather than a Sith.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Don't think that one's on the writer actually. Pretty sure it's because BW removed the option to kill off certain companions during beta since a lot of players pitched a fit about losing them permanently. I doubt Ashara was originally intended to live past that point if your character wasn't on-board with her trying to be an Empire-aligned Grey Jedi rather than a Sith.


Thats quite an assumption. I would love to hear a dev confirm this.

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