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Why is Ashara so popular? She makes no sense.

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The only reason people like her is because she's a female Togruta. But her face isn't even unique. Like Kira Carsen, she has the generic female face for her race. Back when I played the Inquisitor story, she reminded me of Strong from Fallout 4, in that nothing she does makes any sense at all. She says she's a Jedi, yet she has no problem cutting down hundreds of Jedi alongside Nox. Then she rejects the way of the Sith, yet recites their code alongside the Jedi one while she's cutting down Republic and Jedi forces.


Point being, it's clear they were trying to have a grey Jedi-like companion, but it really makes no sense. The whole point of the Grey Jedi was that they didn't take sides, Ashara is clearly siding with the Sith no matter what she say. There should've at least been an option to fully turn her to the dark side, her hypocrisy is both odd and annoying.

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Did you know some of us play the Inquisitor light side?


Shocking, I know.



Because she's Ashoka Tanon if you take away all of Ashoka's development and charm?


LMAO. Ahsoka, a good character. Funniest thing I've read this week.

Edited by Djiini
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Blech. They're perfect for each other then, Light Side Sith don't make sense either.


Yeah, a Force User who uses their powers while fueling them with passion/emotion but isn't a colossal dick. Truly this is the outer bounds of what is possible to imagine.

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Did you know some of us play the Inquisitor light side?


Shocking, I know.





LMAO. Ahsoka, a good character. Funniest thing I've read this week.


I never said Ashoka was a good character, just that she was better then Ashara. Then again, Ashara doesn't really set the bar high...

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Yeah, a Force User who uses their powers while fueling them with passion/emotion but isn't a colossal dick. Truly this is the outer bounds of what is possible to imagine.


That isn't possible. It defeats the entire purpose of being Sith. The dark side abilities feed off the negative emotions of anger and hate, a Light Side Sith should be incapable of using them and he/she shouldn't want to. That power always corrupts, Revan is a perfect example of this.

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Is Ashara popular? I feel like I've seen a lot more shade thrown her way than praise.


I like her because my main Inq. is neutral, so the idea of her making a splinter, heretical group of Jedi that are allies of / loyal to the Sith, while Occlus himself is trying to make the Sith less frothing-at-the-mouth-psycho Dark Side, works out nicely.


We've already got Jaessa as a fallen Jedi you can corrupt completely, I kind of like the concept of Ashara as one who has been corrupted, but doesn't really realize it - someone who thinks she's still on the 'good' side even though she's just the Inq.'s pawn.

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That isn't possible. It defeats the entire purpose of being Sith. The dark side abilities feed off the negative emotions of anger and hate, a Light Side Sith should be incapable of using them and he/she shouldn't want to. That power always corrupts, Revan is a perfect example of this.


I guess he just has a higher force point cost for all his dark side powers then. :cool:

Edited by Djiini
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Ahsoka decapitating four people at the same time.


On a kids show.


Your arguments are invalid. :rolleyes:

Yeah, once she got past her "Skyguy" phase (*shudder*) she became one of the best parts of that show - it really was a nice character arc when all was said and done.

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Why is Ashara so popular? She makes no sense.


Ashara's fan base is comprised of 50% lame character lovers and 50% tentacle fetishists, but there is a significant amount of crossover between the two.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I dunno, I was under the impression that she wasn't one of the more popular lady loves. I mean, she is a beautiful, exotic looking romanceable female, so she has some measure of popularity, but I don't think she's one of the "fan favorites". She is rather cute and sweet though and she kinda grew on me playing a LS Sith. :)


All anecdotal, of course, but check out the threads with people clamoring for their favorite companions back in KotFE. Ashara may not be unpopular, but she doesn't hold a candle to the likes of Jaesa and Kira. Heck, I think Quinn is better loved than her (probably by a different crowd, granted).

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I dunno, I was under the impression that she wasn't one of the more popular lady loves. I mean, she is a beautiful, exotic looking romanceable female, so she has some measure of popularity, but I don't think she's one of the "fan favorites". She is rather cute and sweet though and she kinda grew on me playing a LS Sith. :).


I think the issue many people have is that being gray, she's going to be in conflict with the player at least half the time if they play straight LS or DS.

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Shes all the annoying things you hate about Teenage Anakin/Luke with bööbs added on to make all the guys forget about the first part:


Why is she popular? Uhm, *****. Duh.


Shes a whiney hypocritical twit.


I call her Asharakin.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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