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How did they inherited Valkorians power?


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Well more or less that is not his real body so how did his children inherited his powers at a certain extent? We all know their strong very strong one of them is beast and when I mean beats I mean one that is not gonna slow down in its assault until you give a killing blow.

The other one is well also very strong granted in her duel she was outmatched by her mother. Now of course they might have inherited their mother as she is scary strong also she killed several Zaakul knights when we first meet her and has impressive force showings especially force jump but in the end her children mainly Arcann seem stronger so how could he inherited his father?

Or he did not and it was his mother and spartan training?

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Probably the same way the Children of the Emperor became so powerful and Scourge stopped ageing: Vitiate deliberately invested a portion of his power in them when he was at full strength, augmenting the natural abilities they inherited from their biological parents. Not that the hereditary nature of Force sensitivity/power makes that much sense to begin with, so this may not explain much. :p
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